A Cul-De-Sac/Neighborhood RP! [Inactive]

"Go ahead and take a seat, please excuse my... habit, and thanks for the compliment," Blythe grinned at Julia before motioning for her to sit on the grass with her.

"I actually need to know where the grocery store is and any large mall with a lot of people populating it," Blythe told her, their refrigerator was empty because they just moved in today and she knew that if she didn't get any shopping done sooner or later, she wouldn't want to do it at all.

Julia sat down and made herself comfortable, but it was really in vain because she hopped right back up, the zeal to help and knowing exactly where the mall was filling her with an excited energy, "Oh! We have a mall, and its a really good size for our little town, it has classic shops, and some knew ones, and a really good smoothie place, and the grocery store is around that area too, its kinda all clumped together," She had a motion with her hands to show a clump, "But very convenient." She wore a bright smile as she shut herself up, not wanting to talk anyone's ear off.
Nick looked at Ryan and the back to Kendrick "Well to be honest with you for this little neighborhood we party a lot especially at my big house down the street." Nick looked away "um my parents are gone a lot so I kinda have the house to my self a lot so I throw a lot of parties. And of course there is the mall and all the stores and restaurants downtown and stuff. There is not that much to do here but we make it work. I think your going to like it here dude its a pretty chill place."
The Josic's had moved in the day before with an easy transition from bustling city to suburban community. In fact, it proved to be much more relaxing and safe. However, Noella's parents had to leave really early the next morning, and because of this, Noella had gotten up early to see them off then figured she might as well stay up and start unpacking the rest of the furniture and search for her laptop to start the day off with music and singing.

As she sang and unpacked, Noella eventually took a break after seeing the sun had risen, and opens the window to let in the crisp air as she made breakfast and, of course, sang.
(@Jon_14 ...if you're wondering why i'm not posting it's because i can't post without Muffin and she'll be gone for a week or more.)
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Nicoli was walking along the sidewalk when he noticed a vacant house not so vacant anymore the windows were open and a talented voice was coming from inside, "The block got bigger and with more musical talent, rad!" The shaggy haired blonde teen made his way over to the house and onto the lawn walking right up to the open window, enticing smells riffled its way into his nose, leaning both elbows on the window edge, Nicoli called with a friendly voice and smile,

"Heeelloooo! Welcome to the neighborhood!" @Prima Fauna 
Oh and also @Karma200 sorry forgot to tag in in my upper post with Julia :3
Blythe looked a bit startled by her sudden movements and quick words but she blinked before drinking the rest of her beer and standing up, stretching her arms out she looked over at her mom.

"I'll be back alright?" Blythe told her as she knew her motorcycle keys were in her pocket like always, she never went anywhere without them even if she didn't need them.

"So, you feel comfortable riding a motorcycle?" Blythe asked Julia with a raised eyebrow, Blythe LOVES her motorcycle but if her new neighbor was uncomfortable they could find a different way of transportation.
Julia rubbed her hand over her hair opps! I did not mean to startle her! Deep blue eyes got an excited look in them, "How cool! I mean...of course I don't mind, not at all." She kept her face in a friendly smile trying to mask a bit of her zeal she had ridden a motorcycle before and loved it, but of course no one could know about that. @Karma200
Noella smiled as she danced in the kitchen with the small pot of breakfast pudding and into the living room to the window.

"Hello! Come on in. The door is unlocked." She smiled out the window and then returned to singing and the kitchen. Aside from breakfast pudding, she had also prepared biscuits, fish, and gravy with a side of spiced apples and broccoli.

"What can I do you for, honey?" Noella says happily while getting plates made up for her and the stranger.

Blythe grinned at Julia's excitement before going over to her motorcycle and taking the helmet that lay on the handle of it, handing it to Julia Blythe got onto the motorcycle and started the engine before looking over at Julia with a raised eyebrow.

"Do you know how to put it on correctly?" Blythe asked her, even though it would be dangerous without a helmet Blythe could just go buy a second one later on if she got Julia's navigation help.

Nicoli got a large grin on his face, "Awesome free food, I like this newbie." He did not hesitate to go in, he was a guy that went with the flow of things and free food sounded amazing right now. His head moved around the house as he made his way into to kitchen, "You got a really nice place here." He admired even if it was not all put together yet, taking off his guitar he set it aside before making himself at home in a kitchen chair, "Oh nothing you have do for me, just wanted to welcome you to the block, this house used to vacant a couple days ago." Nicoli let our a laugh.

Julia followed after the girl a bit of a excited pip in her step she eagerly took the helmet putting it on perfectly and buckling it underneath the chin. "I got it!" She exclaimed before coming up near the bike before swinging her leg up before pulling the rest of her body onto the motorbike, she seemed to know lot about what she was doing. @Karma200 
@Prima Fauna
Noella hummed, set the table, then walked over to the table to turn down the music.

"Thank you on both accounts. I recently moved from the city. This is definitely an improvement." Noella sat a plate in front Nicoli and smiled.

"I'm Noella. What is your name, honey?" Noella took her plate and got ready to sit down then remembered the honey and got up to retrieve it.

"Oh, and I hope you like tofu. The pudding is tofu." She smiles quietly and sits down with the honey and two glasses of almond milk and looks at the guitar while eating.

Chris sighed heavily and turned off the television. he sat, contemplating what he should do next. he knew they needed some food for dinner, and a couple other little things that his busy parents wouldn't be able to pick up. he grabbed the shopping list off the wall and his mothers credit card and slipped his shoes on at the door. he opened the closet to grab his jacket, and the stench of booze and vomit overwhelmed him immediately. He grabbed bailey's jacket and threw it down the stairs towards the washing machine. 'that's disgusting' he mumbled under his breath. Opening the door, he pulled his hood up around his head and looked around. The neighborhood seemed really busy today.

Baily woke when she heard the door slam shut. She sat up, rubbed her eyes and sighed. her headache was gone, thanks to the advil, and her nausea subsided by gravol. She walked downstairs, finding a ginger ale in the fridge, and sat on the couch slowly sipping at it. She flipped through the channels, not really paying attention, waiting for her brother to come home from wherever he went. she grabbed her phone that was sitting beside her and sent him a quick text.

where are you?

he replied quickly.

going to the store
Nicoli watched the girl now known as Noella move around the kitchen and turned down the music, he sat up more as the food arrived at the table, "Really? I always thought the city would be great, more business there, I could walk along all the playing Goo." He pointed at the guitar, "Wow, thanks a lot! This all looks fantastic you really know how to cook." He took a big bite of fish, chewing he swallowed before speaking again, "My name is Nicoli, some people call me Nickel though, as a nickname." He laughed waving her concerns off, "I'll eat anything and with this good of a cooking how could I not?" He took a bit of the warm biscuit.
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Noella smiles and shakes her hand.

"It had its perks. I used to go to a music school there. The main courses were music and art, but they also taught the necessary classes as well so they could teach art as a main focus. However, it was very dangerous. And if you didn't make above 45,000 a year, you'd likely get stuck in the bad neighborhoods." Noella takes a bite out of the biscuits after swiping them through the gravy.

"Thank you, honey. And I love that name. The nickname works well too." Noella took a sip from her cup.

"So, what are some interesting points about this suburban place?" She wipes her mouth with a napkin and picks up her fork an knife.
Nicoli listened to Noella explain the ways of city life to him his gray orbs widened and he nearly hack out a piece of his food swallowing he blank, "45,000! Wow never-mind then." Nicoli went back to eating, "Thanks, I like your name too, " Nicoli was interested about the music school but decided to answer the newcomers questions first, "Well you got the block here, people are really nice, there are parties a lot at Nick's house, he is popular, there is the park, then if you go down the road you get to the community center, the pool, and the mall along with shops and grocery stores." He listened off, "Its a bit small but peaceful place just what your looking for right?"
//Ok, so I'm going to act like my last post never happened, since I had forgotten to tag the person that I wanted to start something with XD//

As soon as Drake was about to get in the car, his phone vibrated in his pocket. Grumbling to himself, he looked at the text that had just come, only to realize that it was from his parents. It was something about having to go to the grocery store to get some food, because they wanted to make something for the new neighbors. Damn it, why do I have to be the one to go? They have a car too! Drake went back to his house to grab his wallet, then trudged back to his car.

The entire drive to the store consisted of Drake speeding past every other car and him flipping people off whenever they would honk at him. Once he finally got there, he wasted no time and got everything that was on the list. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw one of his neighbors. What was his name, Chris or something? (@beautifulbee) Huh. Small world.

Chris lazily walked around the grocery store, wandering down isles until he saw something he liked or wanted. slowly but surely the cart filled with items. mostly junk that he would devour in a day or so, maybe he would even share with Bailey. He grabbed a case of gingerale off the shelf and put it into the bottom of the cart. Again he strolled until he got to the meat, he picked up a chicken and threw it in the cart. As he turned around he caught eyes with someone, Drake, he thought. he nodded, a slight hello, and walked towards the check out tills. (@Indestructible Ink)

Bailey sighed and stood up. She drew back the curtains to reveal a bright, sunny day and a busy neighborhood. Grabbing the leash off of the hook she walked into the backyard where her dog spent the day. She quickly attached the leash to his collar and started towards the sidewalk. She decided the park would be a good place to go.
Noah was listening to a sonata with his Ipod, when he and his mother pulled into the neighborhood. Noah, while tapping his toe to the beat of the music, looked outside his window at the passing environment and homes. The cul-de-sac seemed clean and friendly. Other people were already socializing with each other. They soon pulled up into the driveway of their house. "Well, we are finally here." Noah's mother says as she gets out of the car. Noah takes his ear buds out. "Let's start unpacking the car." she says as Noah nods his head and walks over to the cars trunk. His mother insert the key and opens the trunk and begins taking out a few boxes and suitcases. After a few trips in and out of the house, Noah finally takes out his last two items, his cello and laptop. Slinging the cello case of his shoulder and picking up the laptop, Noah makes his way into the house in which his mother was already in. He looked to the side to see some of the neighbors socializing.
Noella listened carefully for anything that might stand out in her mind, but just heard the makings of a regular small suburb. She smiled and nodded.

"Of course. Peaceful is the best kind of town. I may have to visit the park and community center at some point today. And parties? Those aren't usually my idea of how to spend a night." Noella chuckles and finishes off her fish and biscuits then drinks.

The alarm on her phone went off and Evalynn reached into the front of her shirt to retrieve it and turn it off.

"Ah.. The morning has passed quickly and I still have so much to do." Noella looks at the unpacked boxes and smiles at Nicoli.

"There is still some extra food, so if you are still hungry, go ahead and get more. If you don't mind, I am going to start unpacking the kitchen here while we talk, ok? Oh, and if at any point you need to leave, let me know and I will pack you a to-go pack for home." Noella smiled and turned to unpack a box of dishes and set them away in cabinets.

"So, tell me about yourself?" Noella said as she reached up to put some bigger bowls on the top shelf, having to half climb the counters.

Nicoli had swiped the last peice of biscuit in gravy waiting a reply, "Ah, me neither, I only got the parties to promote my shows, people think magic tricks are way cooler when drunk, but we are not wild, there is a good vibe here." Nicoli informed wiping his mouth off then listening his eyebrows shooting up at the promise of more food, and even some when he left!

"That is really kind, I'll take you up on the offer," Nicoli laughed getting himself a bit more of everything. His eyes skimmed all the boxes, "I could help if you would like? Its the very least I can do." The sixteen year old gave a large smile and waited to know the answer, he really did want to help out there were alot of boxes! He held back a laugh at the rather funny sight of Noella scalling the counter tops,

"Oh me? Well, I am not all that much to talk about, but I have this thing were I am sort of self employed kinda, I go around the park strumming and doing magic tricks trying to make a few important dollars, but really I like the looks on peoples faces when they are enjoying it, the most." Nicoli bit into a peice of fish, "Especially the kiddies." He added finishing up his other helping quickly. And rinsing his plate off in the sink before setting it down.

"Okay, what can I do?" He asked rolling up his the sleeves of his gray shirt that read "let it be."

@Prima Fauna
Noella smiled and gave a lighthearted chuckle as she came down off the counter.

"You said you were self employed? Hm.. That sounds like a promising gig. I'd love to see the kids faces when they watched. Sadly, not many children want to sit through an entire Opera play." Evalynn smiles and gets back on the floor to turn and look at Nicoli.

"Alright, you help me, and I will pay you for it. I've got a lot to get placed if I ever want to get this done. Granted, it is a lot, but with the extra help I could be done by the end of the day. I will do..." Noella sighs and counts with her fingers and in her head. "...20 bucks for each box you help me unpack." Noella smiles and sits on the counter top as she waits for him to respond. She had money to spend and knew she was alright on food so the extra money she had wasn't important, but knew it would be for someone with a career like this.

James was driving from his old house. It was only a few hours from his old apartment to his new house. The back of his pick up was a few of the boxes that were being moved from his old home. He began to think about everything he did. The championship game. His mind went back to the last few seconds of the game.

He dropped back from the shotgun, he began to look for his man. No one was open, He began to move around. He saw someone but he was a bad idea because of number 66 who could block him. He was only 10 yards away. He rushed and got into the end zone. They won. He flashed back

He pulled up to his house. On the way he tired making the most noise that he possibly. Honking the horn, screeching the tires and peeling off. He wanted his neighbors to notice him. He pulled into the driveway, and got out. His father followed him. He was in the cab with him. "Think they noticed." "Son I think they did more then just notice." James got out and began to grab some boxes and bring them inside the house.

Inside it was spacious."Dang dad, nice big house."
"Yeah, I need a big room from my equipment." "Sure dad." He went outside and with the back of his truck empty, he backed into the driveway and opened the hood and began to check the engine. The sun beating down he took off his shirt and put it on the hood, and continued to work on his truck.
Scarlett lightly tugged at the grey beanie on her head, pulling it slightly lower as she walked down the sidewalk. Stuffing her hands into her pockets, she pulled out her cellphone, along with a pair of earphones. Her steps slowly came to a stop as she struggled to unravel the earphones, which had pulled themselves into a tight knot. Biting her bottom lip frustratingly, her green eyes focused on the white strings. It took a few minutes before she was able to untangle them, and once she did a loud sigh escaped her lips. Popping the earbuds into her ears, she began listening to her music, tucking her phone back into her pocket. Rolling Stone by The Weeknd began playing loudly in her ears as she made her way back down the path.

It didn't take a genius to notice the amount of moving trucks that had been coming in and out of the neighborhood for the last few days. "Great, like we need more people here." Scar scoffed to herself, seeing another truck pull up and park in front of one of the houses across the street. Coming to a stop, she closed in on a metal light post, resting her shoulder against it as she took in the view. In all honesty, she wasn't very fond of the neighborhood, though after a year of living there with her adoptive parents, she had come to accept it as a temporary home until she turned eighteen. Still, she hadn't made many friends, not that it was much of a care to her. In fact, she preferred to be left alone - friendships weren't her forte. Or rather, people weren't. Stifling a yawn, her fingers moved up to push a stray hair from her face as she continued to look over the new neighbors.
As soon as Julia was on and Blythe was sure that she had a good grip on her, Blythe sped out of the driveway and down the street and knew that her mom wasn't going to argue about the whole 'no helmet' thing.

"So which way?" Blythe asked as she stopped the car right at the end of the street, waiting for the directions before she chose which way to to go.


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