A Cul-De-Sac/Neighborhood RP! [Inactive]

Nicoli listened before shaking his head slightly, "I don't think alot of people appreciate opera, but I like it and plays," he spoke before adding, "Its is a nice gig, but not a real job I still am required to go to highschool." Not that he minded education was important, yet without it, he could work more on his gig.

A mouth fell open in shock as he heard the price for each box that means with five boxes that would be 100 dallors! As much as he wanted to blurt yes, he closed his eyes shaking his head no a wondering shocked look on his expression as he stepped a bit closer to the counter Noella was sitting on, "But...I...that is so much for just a ole box, are you? I mean you dont have too, 5 bucks will do."

Julia hung onto Blythe as they rode, her blood pumping as the wind pressed against them, "Okay once you get to this street just think of it as a one of those zig zags, you turn left then turn right, then left one more time and you will hit downtown, the strip for groceies are your very first left at the light, the mall is two lights down also on the left." Julia pipped this al up over the rumble of the moter.

@Prima Fauna @Karma200
Noella nods and looks at the floor as her feet kick.

"Well, I have some very valuable items in these boxes. Besides, there are a lot of boxes around here. 15 for each box." Noella smiles and looks up at him.

"Honey, I could go on all day. I wouldn't dare pay such a small amount like that for such valuable help."
"Alright, here we go," Blythe enjoyed the feeling of the quick wind coming at her and ho strong the blast was, riding motorcycles always had her feel a bit of freedom whenever she rode; another good reason for a motorcycle is that during traffic you can easily ride in-between the cars and get to your destination.

"So how many others are there that are... under 18?" Blythe asked Julia curiously, she liked to know what type of people she dealt with because she's seen some crazy neighbors and would rather be prepared for something... weird.

Nicoli watched Noella think as he bit the inside of his lip, his eyes went over towards the boxes curiously valuable stuff like expensive? That made him a little more nervous not that he was clumsy or anything, he started prepping himself to be extra careful, the new neighbor did lower the price, but still.... and than she said she could haggle all day and would not go as low as he offered. He could not help, but smile laughing a bit, "Alright, alright how about ten each then, sound okay?" He decided a half way compromise would do the trick.

Julia let out a little laugh as they speed in between cars it was really exhilarating as if they did not have to follow the rules or law almost of course it was not like that but still. " Oh boy there are tons! And a lot of new residents I have yet to meet, but as a ratio only like one guy I know that is above eighteen is Finn Wright." She informed hoping her answer was good enough.

@Prima Fauna and @Karma200
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James was still working on his truck. But there wasn't really anything that needed to fix really. He grabbed his shirt and got up from working on his truck. He decided to go out and check out the town he saw earlier. He turned left out of his drive way.

He got onto the highway and began driving around checking out the town. He got out and walked to the mall. He checked out some stores drove back home. He put his stuff away and put his room together. He walked back to the garage and looked at it. Boxes and boxes. "Something tells me I am going to be working on this for a long, long time."
Noella smiled and waited for a response as he walked towards a box.

"Ten a box.... Alright. You've got yourself a deal." Noella hops down from the counter and smiles.

"Each box you unpack, in the corner over there by the table. When you are done, I will count them and give you the money, ok?" Noella smiles and begins going around to different boxes and cutting the tape so they'd be prepped to put away. She then picks up one box and sets it on a counter and begins going through and organizing the contents to put in the kitchen.

"Now, what kind of music do you listen too?" Noella brings the box to the floor and puts away the items in a cabinet below the counter.

Nicoli grinned happily as his offer was gladly taken, "Deals, a deal gotcha." He said nodding to Noella watching her cut the tap away, he peeked into another box seeing it was some kitchen things. Setting it on the counter, he began to unwrap the glasses and set them up neatly in a cabinet. He worked with careful but happy movements while answering Noella back,

"I listen to about anything, you name it. All generes, all generatioons, now I don't like every song out there, but my ipod is full," he laughed lightly, "If I had something close to a favorite, it would have to be the Beatles." He went on to say, "I also keep up to date on any songs that can be played on guitar which is quite a lot really." with another laugh he looked over at his kind hostess, "Listen to me blabing heh, what about you got a favorite or close favorite?" He asked still places glasses neatly into the cupboard.

@Prima Fauna
Ryan smiles, "A teacher? That's cool. " she chuckles, She smiles " Well, There parties. The mall, Pool and some others". Ryan checks her phone For the time and puts it back in her back pocket, "Well. I gotta go " she says with a smile and they exchange numbers and she starts to walk to the store again, Once she reaches it and she grabs a cart and looks for the things on the list. She grabs her phone and decides to text Kendrick *Hey* she puts it in her back pocket and waits for him to text back, While waiting in the to check out.

James's dad walks out and says. "James go and meet some of the new neighbors. I got this." "you sure dad." He nodded. "alright... I won't be gone long." James put down the box in his hand. He placed it on the wooden work table in the garage.

He walked over to someone's house (Nicoli). He knocked on the door. His voice rang out. "Hey anyone in here.... we just moved to the neighborhood.... I am guessing you did too.... Anyone in here."

Scarlett tapped her fingertips against her arm to Elastic Heart by Sia as it began to blare in her ears. Her bright green eyes watched as others across the street socialized, teenagers she hadn't met and would have preferred not to. With a roll of her eyes, she pulled herself away from the view and looked around for something interesting to do, though she knew better than to expect anything even somewhat interesting to be going on in the neighborhood. It was your typical suburban cul-de-sac: boring, bland, and cookie cutter. Every family had the perfect life, with their 2.5 children, successful careers and problem free days. Scar knew better than to fall for the act. No one was happy all the time, it was impossible. The simple thought of being around the girls her age that lived nearby repulsed her.

Scar walked back to the front of her house, making her way over to her car which was parked out on thedriveway, and sitting in the front seat. Quickly she pulled the earphones from her ears and turned on the car, plugging her phone to the speakers. She began blaring her music, the car door remaining open as she sat on the driver's seat, one foot still sticking out the door and planted on the cement. She had nowhere to go.
Nicoli looked over at Noella breifly before turning and poking his head out the window swishing it to the side to see another male, "Oh man, do I really have that big of a mouth?" The shaggy haired blond felt his ears heat up a bit, but a friendly smile came to his lips, "Hello friend, this is not actually my house but Noella's, I just showed up and decided to stay and help unpack, but anyways hey, what can I call you newbie?"

As he chattered his voice was friendly and he leaned on his elbows out the window, he glanced back at Noella hoping she did not mind this, she was very friendly and welcoming herself to invite him in like she did, feed him, and pay him for helping her unpack.

While walking and noticing everyone talking among the new neighbors John felt a bit bored. Then hearing some music playing John followed it to find that it was coming from a car. "Wonder what Scar is doing sitting in her car?" John thought as he walked towards her. "HEY SCARLETT!" John shouted to the top of his lungs when he got closer to her to make sure she can hear him over the music.

The music was loud, but it was exactly how Scar liked it. This way, she would be able to drown out the rest of the world. Unfortunately for her, some people didn't catch the hint, like John. He was one of her neighbors, and she saw him coming towards her, shouting her name. Letting out an obvious sigh, she reached over and lowered the music, turning her gaze back to the boy. "What do you want? And I already told you, don't call me that. It's Scar." She said flatly, looking up at him before she tugged at the beanie on her head.

"Okay Scar," John said though he emphasized her name to let her know he got the point. "I was wondering why you were just sitting out here listing to music by yourself." John knew that Scar was pretty snarky but he decides to attempt to socialize with her since others seemed to not talk to her a lot. "Also the neighbors might start complaining about you blasting music out here loudly."

"I could care less what the neighbors complain about. Believe me, it's not like it would be a first, anyway." Scar said with a laugh, before turning off the car. Stuffing the keys into her back pocket, she stepped out and slammed the door shut, leaning against it and facing John. "If you really want to know, John, I'm out here listening to music by myself because, like everywhere else in this city, there's nothing to do here." She said with a fake smile, before gesturing to the area around them and continuing to speak. "Unless, of course, you want to walk a dog or hang out with the annoying people that live in this neighborhood."

"Guess your right about that......" John voice trailed off after she finished ranting as he seemed to be more annoyed at her. All he did was try and talk with her and she seemed to snap. Unintentionally he was giving off an annoyed look towards her before speaking again. "Maybe you're in the wrong mindset for finding something interesting to do Scar."

With a raise of the eyebrow, Scar met John's eyes. "... And? What's that supposed to mean?" She asked. Noticing the look on his face, a small smirk pulled at the corner of her lips. It amused her to see the boy already growing irritated at her response. Maybe it will teach him not to bug me next time, she thought to herself. Although she did find it entertaining to talk to him, simply because she had nothing to do before. However, she'd rather go mute than ever admit that to anyone. It's true, she was complicated, but that was how she'd taught herself to be. The more complex you were, the less others would approach you.

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Kendrick walked into the front door of his new home. He took a deep breath and stared at a large mirror in the hallway.

"KENNY!" Emma shouted as she jumped on Kendrick's back. "She was cute!" Emma teased ruffling Kendrick's hair.

"Shut up, Em," Kendrick said annoyed. He wriggled her off of his back and walked upstairs to find a room. He walked down the hall past a bathroom and there it was. His room. It was perfect. Two windows. Open closet. King sized bed frame.

"Do you like it?" Emma asked leaning against the door frame. Kendrick tried to hide his smile but it was impossible. "I think it's you..." she added taking a step further.

"It's perfect. Thanks, Emma," Kendrick said walking over to give her a hug. Just as he let go of their embrace he felt his phone buzz. He looked down hoping it was his ex girlfriend. He still liked her and was hoping she maybe still liked him too. It was from the new girl.

Hey. What are you up to? Kendrick responded to the text he got from Ryan.

Once Ryan finally got to check out, She got a text from Kendrick, She smiled. He was cute *Nothing much, just getting ready for my get together that usaully turn into a house party* she hits send and started to walk home, Once she got home, she put the groceries up and floped on her bed and turned on her TV and watched some of her favorite Tv shows "Pretty little liars " and munched on some goodies, While waiting for Kendrick to text back

A house party? Sounds like fun. Can my sister and I go? he texted back and walked back outside to where his parents were unloading the truck.

Kendrick went and started taking boxes out of the back of the uHaul truck and placing it on the lawn.
Emma came out of the house and joined the rest of her family as well. She began to sing the song Royals and dancing around.

"You look like a weirdo," Kendrick said as he lifted a box over his head.

"And you look like you're trying to show off," Emma said flitting over to the boxes.
"Well for one you never look for things in a positive light," John replied to Scar,"You're always shutting yourself away from others,and whenever anyone talks to you they just get snarked away." After that rant he paused before continuing. John was hoping she wouldn't flip on him,but he figured she'd probably would. "Short point you never find something interesting,because you never actually take the time to appreciate what you have."

Ryan smiled at the thought of Kendrick wanting to come to her party, *Sure.. If you want to * she quickly replied and walked down stairs to find her grandma packed and ready to go "Honey! Could get my bags to the car please? She smiled and grabbed her grandmas heavy bags and walked to the car "What do you have in here?" She laughed and through them into the truck, While her grandma got in the drivers seat "Make sure you don't trash the house, and make sure you dont have a large house party.. and no alcohol please" "Yes grandma .. I love you have a nice trip!" She sing songs and watches her grandma drive away. Ryan grabs her phone and dials Johns number "Hey! Invite anyone you want to my party! And bring snacks if you can!" She ends it and walks over to Kendricks house "Hey kendrick! Can I talk to you sister please?" She says and walks to the uhaul carrying some boxes, to help then out and waited for him to reply or her.

@Ariannnde @Jon_14 
James looked a little surprised when he said what he said. "James. James manning.... We just moved into that house over there." He pointed to his house. "You wouldn't happen to know if the high school has a good football team, would you?... Oh, sorry how rude of me, what's your name?"

Scar allowed him to talk, but once he finished, she scoffed. "First of all, I don't get why you care. It's none of your business how I look at things, alright? Quit talking like you know a thing about me, cause you don't." She stood up straight, crossing her arms over her chest. Sure, everything he said was true, she could admit that. But she wasn't going to just stand there and let him talk to her like he was some sort of psychiatrist. "There's nothing worth appreciating, John." She rolled her eyes, turning her gaze to the street.

Nicoli watched his expression of surprise curiously before his lips spread into a smile, "Nice to have you on the block James." He took a short pause to locate his house before nodding his head, "Yeah, our football is pretty awesome, the coach is always looking for new meat, ha, but don't let that scare you off, he is really a big teddy," Laughing a bit more the blond male shook his head, "Naw, my mistake, I should have said my name first but its Nicoli." He look back at noella giving her a smile, "If you wanted to make a few bucks, six hands are better then four," He rubbed the back of his neck looking to Noella, "Is that okay?"

@Prima Fauna 
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