A Cul-De-Sac/Neighborhood RP! [Inactive]

"Yeah, well I am planning on joining the team. What about you . you look like you would make a good running back." He laughed at him call in the coach a teddy bear. "If he is anything like my old coach, then He will be happy to see a championship in those halls." He began to back away. "Alright well I got some things to do. It was nice talking with you. I got a few thing to do." James walked to his house, and began putting his stuff away.

Nicoli listened to James planning to join the team, that would be good for there players especially since some people gradulated last year. "Oh yeah! The coach will be really happy no doubt at all! Our school will shine with victory." Nicoli prounced with enthusiasm before James back away needing to go, "Okay! See you later man!" Nicoli pulled his head back into the kitchen but still watched James go into his house. He was flattered about the comment, and heck he could make a pretty good running back....but, such things like after school sports were not in his mindset or reach, he had to focus on his gig, he had to keep making those few important dollars. And with that he started unpacking again, "What a nice fellow, guess he will be on the football team." He commented smiling at Noella. @Prima Fauna
"Trust me you never know what you have until its gone." John said it with a touch of sadness on his part as his gaze also left her. It wasn't that he was hurt by her its just that he had some memories coming to him. Feeling his phone vibrate and after reading it he sees its a text from his friend Ryan. "Party huh?" John thought. "Well I have to take off now I'll see you later Scar." John left with a wave of his hand and these last words for Scar. "If you want you can join me at Ryan's house for a party." Then took off for his house.

(Sorry. I caught a stomach bug of sorts. 3: Not been... commenting or posting on much. >_<)

Noella smiles and packs up the rest of the boxes in her general area and looks to Nicoli and watches James leave, but not before giving a good bye.

"Sorry I didn't talk much. I got lost in thought. Yea. He may." Noella sighs and looks back at Nicoli as she goes to another box nearby.

"How many have you unpacked, honey?"
Nicoli waved the apology off, "Its fine, thoughts do that to ya, you know?" Putting a few bowls and plates away, he set the box down in the corner it was empty as could be, "Three so far, is all this stuff for the kitchen or another room?" He asked curiously he bit his tongue against the inquisitive wonder of what she had been thinking of? It was funny how he wondered of others and their thoughts, but that was just Nicoli always interested.

((dont worry about it Prim! I hope you feel better, being sick suxs! *hug* :3))

@Prima Fauna
Noella smiles and begins setting up the decorative pieces, setting each thing up symmetrically.

"Yea. Uhm, there should be a label on them, but I think those three go in the living room and... a few over here go into the dining room through the door down there at the other end of the kitchen." Noella hums as she sings and looks around at the house, happy that it will be put together when her parents get home."

"I was just thinking about how much I am going to miss my old school. Some of the friends I had back home were really interesting people. One was a kid from a science college nearby. She was a blast. She had herself what she called, "Drunk Science Parties"." Noella walks over to the boxes near Nicoli and begins carrying the boxes to their designated area.

"How about I take you there some time. It would be a day trip, but I think you'd really like the school. And, it would be on me." Noella winks and continues sorting.
Kendrick saw Ryan come over and grab some boxes.

"Uh, thanks," he said walking a box inside. Once he was in there he spotted Emma who was coming down the stairs. "Uh, that girl we met earlier...Ryan, she wants to talk to you," Kendrick said shrugging his shoulders.

"Huh, I wonder why she wants to talk to me?" Emma asked going out the door. She shielded her eyes from the sun and spotted Ryan.

"Hey, Ryan." she said walking over to her.

Nicoli tilted his head looking over the box again before spotting the label, "Oh, hah here we go living room!" He was surprised his curiosity was answered and had a little empathy for missing home, being a bit homesick, he followed Noella as she talked, her stories were just as enticing as her humming singing, "Whoa hah! I bet that was some party~" In his mind was mixing drinks in test tubes like chemicals, that was probbaly less than accurate, but a entertaining thought. Nicoli nearly tripped over his own steps, he gripped tighter on the box as he wobbled finally stilling. His face screamed surprised as he slowly set it down and looked up at Noella,

"Your joking right?" He let a smile cross his face it was unsure and confused, "if not, I gee, I don't know really what to say," he rubbed the side of his neck adverting his gray eyes, slowly he turned back springs of blonde locks moving lightly with his head tilt, "I guess thank you, yould be a good start." His voice spoke true of his graditude. @Prima Fauna
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"Mhm... You see, the object of the science is to drink as much as you thought you could handle and experiment. They've made some pretty amazing discoveries. Until the morning, however, when they'd see their discovery was just a cat with bells taped to it." She smiles and shakes her head.

"No. I'm not kidding. When we take a break from this, let me hear you play something. If you are good enough, I can get a teacher of mine to give you some tips, maybe give you a leg up on this career of yours and get you some new listeners, hm?" Noella smirks and turns to Nicoli with a smile. She moves his hair out of his face and nods.

"It is no problem. I'm always down to helping a fellow musician, hm?" She smiles and goes back to packing.
Nicoli's eyes opened up with wonder and amusment as Noella explained said science drunk parties, his shoulders shook as laughter lifted easily out of him, the picture in his mind was even more amusming then his previous thought, "Hah, hah! Poor kitty," he grinned before he looked back over at Noella listen to her, his mind stilling with clouds of overwhelming yet beautiful shock as the female in front of him just piled more onto the promised day trip. Wha-ohh! She is serious! I can't even believe this!

A light sigh went from his lips as she brushed the hair off his forhead, he could only peer up at her in absolute pleasure finally able to give a short nod and a soft, "Yeah." He bent opening the box and started putting this away again his mind a buzzing mess. As he worked his mind went through song after song he could play, which he was best at should he play? Or still learning? Nicoli soon finished that box and went to put it in the pile grabbing a smaller one, more decor, "You have cool stuff, what do you listen to your opera on?" He asked curiously not seeing any cds yet maybe an ipod?
Noella smiles and wonders what he might be thinking about it all. She knows a lot of people aren't shown the kindness they deserve and her parents always taught her to look for those people. Look for the ones that are happy trying to find their own way into doing something they love and help them at any cost. Noella was lucky with her upbringing, but she was aware that most people didn't have the chances she did.

"Yea, poor kitty. We've collected a lot of things over the years and places we have traveled. We listen to music on that over there in the corner. It is called a Gramophone. All the records on the floor is what let us use it. Here. Let me show you." Evalynn puts her box down and walks over to the gramophone and removes the current record. She takes out a record she thought he might like and carefully puts it on the nib in the center. She winds it up and then moves the needle over to the record and music begins playing out of the horn.

"This has been in my family for centuries. We get it cleaned and tuned every few years to keep it in tip top shape."

Nicoli once again halted his unpacking to watch Noella curiously, as she talked about how she listened to music and how she had all kinds. Nicoli watched her point out the record player or sorts calling it a gramophone, he moved towards it too, squating down to observe it with a curious eyes, he did not touch but he exiamed the peice of musical equipment, the gramophone began to hum alive with non other then the beatles themselves on of their ealier albums of course, but Nicoli knew the song all too well.

"Whaoh! Noella, this is amazing!" He flung his hands in the air which knocked him off balance and onto his butt laughing a bit, he started to shuffled through the other records and hummed with the song that was playing, he looked like the picture of a kid in a candy store. Soon stopped though, noticing he got distracted, Nicoli got back up, and went back to unpacking some things and to his delight finding more records, "Hey Noella? Do you live here by yourself?" He asked curoiusly not knowing her age, but knowing she was older then himself.

@Prima Fauna I just love your siggy ^.^
With a deep choke, a bright orange camaro thundered to life, and Artemis finally took a moment to relax. He had spent the two days he had lived in this neighborhood trying to convert his camaro from a carburator system to a fuel injection one, and now he was just letting the brand new fluids run through the brand new filters he added while he upgraded the car.

Satisified at the quality of his engine setup, he shut the car off, and whistled for his dog as he headed back into his house, seeking a shower and a meal. A rather hefty english bulldog trotted on inside after him, and instantly asleep on the couch. Artemis hit the shower, and left the house dressed in black jeans and a body-fitting t-shirt.

Once again, the massive 454 engine in the camaro destroyed the relative silence of the neighborhood as Artemis roared down the streets towards the mall, looking to get a meal. Metal music blasted from a high-end stereo as he sped down the road, weaving between people and generally showing off.

He made it after some time, and got the last table at the crowded food court with some chinese food. His bright purple earbuds pumped metal music into his head and isolated him from the rest of the world while he ate.
"Your sister's coming over to see the house." Markell's mother told him; they had finished moving in about four days ago and now everyone wanted to come see. Sadly, the first of the visitors was the one he wanted to see the least.

"Alright." His neutral response. He really wasn't looking forward to this. but what could he do...well he could just leave the house. He had never been too keen on moving and, thus far, showed it by never leaving the house. They had moved into the heart of a huge, beautiful neighborhood and he refused to explored it. He had glued himself to his games, laptop and whatnot. Though he quickly grew bored and desired entertainment of some sort. This, in addition to the unwanted visitation of his sister, had finally given him the motivation to head out into the bright new area.

He thundered down the stairs after dressing himself. "I'm going out!" He called to his mother in the living room. After the expected response of 'To where?' he replied, "To explore." And with that, he threw open the front door and closed it forcefully behind himself as he left his new home to take a walk.
Charlotte adjusted the guitar on her lap to a more comfortable position before strumming lightly, attempting to play a G chord, but sounding more like an E. She sighed and shook her head and moved her hand up the neck an inch and strummed again, this time seemed a bit better. A knock sounded from outside her bedroom door followed by her mothers voice. " Charlie, are you in there? " She asked opening the door to peek in. Charlotte rolled her eyes and bit back a sarcastic remark. " Yes. " She eventually answered quietly and strummed again.

Her mother, Samantha, frowned and moved into the room and sat on the edge of Charlotte's bed. Her hands tangled together in her lap and her mother licked her lips several times, a habit of when she's nervous. Charlotte frowned and narrowed her eyes. " What? " She asked suspiciously, propping the guitar up against the wall beside her bed.

Her mother coughed into her fist and licked her lips a couple more times before answering. " Well, your father and I are worried about you, " She paused, her eyes darting to Charlotte's wrists. Charlotte shifted uncomfortably and pulled the sleeves of her sweater down past her hands, clenching them into fists. " You never leave your room, you never have friends over and you never go out anymore." Samantha continued.

Charlotte scowled and crossed her arms across her chest defensively. " So? " She snapped.

Samantha returned her daughter's scowl. " So, you need to get out, make friends! You can't hide in your room all the time! " She exclaimed her voice raising, but not yet yelling. She pushed herself off the bed and stood by the bedroom door, her hand on the knob, as if she was holding the door open for Charlotte.

" What makes you think I want to go out? Maybe I'm happy here in my bedroom. Maybe I'm happy alone! " Charlotte countered matching her mother's tone.

Her mother snorted and tapped her foot against the ground impatiently. " Charlotte, go! " She snapped throwing her hands in the air dramatically.

Charlotte winced at the use of her real name, a sign that her mother truly was serious. " Fine, but I hope I get mugged out there and it'll be your fault! " Charlotte jumped off her bed and stomped out of her room and to the front door. She slipped her shoes on and marched through the front door muttering curses under her breath. Halfway down the driveway she heard the door slam behind her causing Charlotte to scowl again.

" Go make friends. Just be yourself and people will like you. " She mimicked her mother while kicking a stone done the road, shoving her hands in her pockets. " Yeah, that worked so great in Chicago, mother! " She spat turning back to the house her voice raising. Charlotte was aware of the fact that she probably looked like a crazy person but she was past the point of caring. Once again turning her back on her house she felt her anger fade somewhat. She knew she wasn't really upset with her mother but with everything that's happened within the last year, but that didn't mean she wanted to try to make friends.
Having one friend might be nice. A quiet voice whispered in the back of her mind. Charlotte sighed in defeat. " Fine, I'll try to make one friend, but if this doesn't work then no more trying. " She whispered to herself. " Now where to find a friend.. "

Charlotte glanced around and noticed a boy who looked about her age across the street. She noticed him a couple times around school and he lived somewhat near her.
Might as well. With a sigh she started towards him. Don't be awkward. Be nice. Stop scowling. The voice chastised her. Charlotte took a deep breath and shook her head, wishing for once that she was one of those people who could just walk up and start having a conversation with someone effortlessly, but she wasn't. Just do it, you coward.

When Charlotte was only a couple of feet away from the boy she called out a simple " Hey! " and bit her lip nervously.


( Sorry, it's kind of long, I got carried away.
xD )
John was on his way to his house after chatting with Scar to get some things for Ryan's party. Hearing someone call to him John turned to see a girl standing behind him. She looked nervous to be talking to him. "Hey there,"John said to her,"I don't seem to know you are you new here?"

(@october_rain )
Ari rose from her sprawled position on the couch and yawned. She suddenly recoiled back from the stench of her breath. Ari rushed to the bathroom, brushed her teeth, and went back downstairs to eat. Her eyes caught the note attached to the refrigerator door.

Had to leave early for the job. Vernona's in charge.

"Of course she is." Ari rolled her eyes.

P.S Heard about new neighbors. Get out a little. That means you, Ari.

Ari scoffed.

"Hey Nona!" She shouted.

"What!" Came a faint voice from upstairs.

"Father dearest wants us to go meet some new neighbors!"

Vernona came down the stairs and into the kitchen, already dressed in a light green sundress and a tan cardigan.

"What the hell? It's 11 o'clock and you're already dressed?"

"Ari, 11 o'clock isn't early. Now go take a shower and get dressed. I think you need to see some sunlight."

"Yeah, whatever." Ari went upstairs and took a long hot shower, then pulled on a Paramore band t-shirt and grey sweats. She threw her messenger bag over her shoulder and headed back into the kitchen to see Vernona putting breakfast on the table. Ari licked her lips and pushed her hair back from her face. After both girls finished eating, they headed out to their old red Tahoe. Vernona got into the SUV and started it. Ari knocked on the window and waited for it to roll down.

"You gonna open the door?"

"I want you to stay here and make friends. I'm going to the store."

"Are you serious?"

Vernona rolled up the window, waved to Ari, then drove off. Ari glared as the car drove off. She glanced up and down the street, looking for anyone to cure her boredom. She saw John and another girl speaking and decided to hang with them.

"Hey guys!" Ari called out as she briskly walked towards them.

(@Jon_14 )

(@october_rain )
Charlotte rocked back on her heels. " Hi. '' She repeated quietly, surprised that the boy even answered. Charlotte thought about the boys question for a minute. After being here for a month, are you still technically 'new'? Finally she answered, " More or less. " Taking a step closer she shoved her hands in her sweater pockets. " I'm Charlie. " She introduced herself after a moments hesitation. " Your name is Jake, right? " She asked curiously her head tilting slightly to the left.

Charlotte turned her head towards the sound of a girls voice calling, unsure of whether or not it was to them or not. When it was clear that the girl was most definitely referring to her and the boy she frowned slightly and chewed on the inside of her cheek.
No. No. No. One person, I said I would talk to one person! She could feel the panic welling up in her chest and she turned her face away from the two and took a couple of calming breaths before turning back to the girl. " Hello. " She greeted her politely, nodding her head slightly.

( @Saturn )

( @Jon_14 )
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Ari let out a big breath as she reached the two.

"Hey John, can you believe my sister left me here and went to the store? She better be buying me that new Paramore album."

When Ari actually took a good look at the girl standing next to him, she realized that it was a new face.

"Oh wow, haven't seen you around here before. My name's Ari. What's yours?"




Vernona pushed her cart down the aisles, humming to herself quietly and reading off the shopping list. She suddenly felt a vibration in her bag and took out her phone.



"Hey dad. Yeah, everything's fine. Just went to the store real quick."


"No, I left Ari to hang out in the neighborhood. Meet some new people like you said."


"She'll be fine."




"No, I'm not upset. It's just that I have a recital this weekend and I wanted you to come, but it's fine. Your job is more important than my performance."


"Yeah. Love you too. Bye."

Vernona hung up and sighed. It would be the third recital her father had missed. After a while, Vernona pulled herself together and continued shopping, remembering that she probably had an upset sister waiting at home.
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