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Fantasy A College For Mages

[QUOTE="Okashi Yuki]Room for one more?

Sure thing! Make sure you read up on the magic info under the overview tab and ask questions if you have any! Glad to have you with us.
AAndroidD said:
Sure thing! Make sure you read up on the magic info under the overview tab and ask questions if you have any! Glad to have you with us.
Okay! May I just ask what is happening in the story thus far? I am going to read a few of the recent post, but I require a bit of context. Thanks
AAndroidD said:
Overall not much has occured. Students arriving first day, new recruit teachers as well. All were called together for a feast and now first years who were not so prudent as to get rooms before are getting them worked out now.
Important posts to note are the headmaster's introductory speech Detailed - A College For Mages

And apart from that becoming acquainted with recent posts regarding what is currently going on in the RP, whether you wish to play a teacher or student.
I'd like to play a the role as a student, for the idea in mind wouldn't be suited for a teacher. :) and thanks for the info!
I've been apprehensive about continuing since none of the student players have posted...

I'll check in on them personally when I get more time unfortunately I've recently gotten a bit bogged down because I've had to cover extra shifts at work...

Failing that, I'll see what I can do about pushing things along and possibly pushing to recruit new members to take their places. I know there are some people who were here early on who have just... dropped off entirely. As in I have been unable to find or contact them so they are assumed gone from the RP.

Apologies for not being able to do more, and act more quickly.
I'm still here, though there's not much I can do IC myself.

Me too... Sorry for not being active on this RP; I've been pretty busy with upcoming graduation stuff.
Well it's @AAndroidD who hasn't made any posts for us to go off of. The RP is almost dead and there is so much potential for it. No one can post anything because we are all in a stasis

Life has been busy. I felt very apprehensive about going on with so few student characters responding additionally, but seeing no response as of yet I'm simply going to count those that haven't responded out of the RP for now. If they return I will do my best to accomodate it, but for right now things need to push ahead with who we do have.

I apologise for the holdups, and as you read this I am writing have written a post to progress things, clearly you all wish to continue in this and I feel terrible for holding you up on these fronts. Perhaps I got too caught up in not wanting to leave people behind.

@Javax @Tetro @Dhuum @shadowz1995 you 4 are the only ones I consider "active" at this stage.

Also shouting out to @Okashi Yuki @Windows98 to check on them as they are the only ones to have had any contact with me or this RP in the past two weeks outside of the prior mentioned 4.

I'll try and push forward the story a bit, get things going to a point where I can actually have things progressed well and leave things in the players hands to self sustain for a short while, and then go generate a new interest check to try and recruit some new players to fill the gaps. At the point where I go out to recruit new players I will be enforcing a player limit to ensure that the RP doesn't get overloaded. I feel that that issue near the beginning forced people into small groups of interaction and subtly excluded some other players by that fact alone, though the exact amount I'm going to limit it to I'm unsure of. I would feel far more confident managing a smaller group on the order of 6-8 players (not including myself) as opposed the close to 10 we had originally recruited before the RP grew more inactive.

I'm also playing with the idea of making a transfer to a new thread entirely in order to give me more control over the tabs and general information and recruitment, but I'll leave that for later if I do that in order to keep current action working properly.
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AAndroidD said:
Life has been busy. I felt very apprehensive about going on with so few student characters responding additionally, but seeing no response as of yet I'm simply going to count those that haven't responded out of the RP for now. If they return I will do my best to accomodate it, but for right now things need to push ahead with who we do have.
I apologise for the holdups, and as you read this I am writing a post to progress things, clearly you all wish to continue in this and I feel terrible for holding you up on these fronts. Perhaps I got too caught up in not wanting to leave people behind.

@Javax @Tetro @Dhuum @shadowz1995 you 4 are the only ones I consider "active" at this stage.

Also shouting out to @Okashi Yuki @Windows98 to check on them as they are the only ones to have had any contact with me or this RP in the past two weeks outside of the prior mentioned 4.

I'll try and push forward the story a bit, get things going to a point where I can actually have things progressed well and leave things in the players hands to self sustain for a short while, and then go generate a new interest check to try and recruit some new players to fill the gaps. At the point where I go out to recruit new players I will be enforcing a player limit to ensure that the RP doesn't get overloaded. I feel that that issue near the beginning forced people into small groups of interaction and subtly excluded some other players by that fact alone, though the exact amount I'm going to limit it to I'm unsure of. I would feel far more confident managing a smaller group on the order of 6-8 players (not including myself) as opposed the close to 10 we had originally recruited before the RP grew more inactive.

I'm also playing with the idea of making a transfer to a new thread entirely in order to give me more control over the tabs and general information and recruitment, but I'll leave that for later if I do that in order to keep current action working properly.
Hey do what you gotta do mate. I surpsingly stick around even after an RP dies just in case
Just a reminder that OOC queries should go here, not in the main. @shadowz1995 especially, you've done this a few times.

To answer your query though, wandering is fine, but keep in mind that as is you may need to wait on teacher characters at the moment. You can always write some introductions to the new day, or about the process of getting acquainted and settling in the night before - keep in mind that the time skip here only denotes the end point of where your posts should be, not necessarily the start.
AAndroidD said:
Life has been busy. I felt very apprehensive about going on with so few student characters responding additionally, but seeing no response as of yet I'm simply going to count those that haven't responded out of the RP for now. If they return I will do my best to accomodate it, but for right now things need to push ahead with who we do have.
I apologise for the holdups, and as you read this I am writing have written a post to progress things, clearly you all wish to continue in this and I feel terrible for holding you up on these fronts. Perhaps I got too caught up in not wanting to leave people behind.

@Javax @Tetro @Dhuum @shadowz1995 you 4 are the only ones I consider "active" at this stage.

Also shouting out to @Okashi Yuki @Windows98 to check on them as they are the only ones to have had any contact with me or this RP in the past two weeks outside of the prior mentioned 4.

I'll try and push forward the story a bit, get things going to a point where I can actually have things progressed well and leave things in the players hands to self sustain for a short while, and then go generate a new interest check to try and recruit some new players to fill the gaps. At the point where I go out to recruit new players I will be enforcing a player limit to ensure that the RP doesn't get overloaded. I feel that that issue near the beginning forced people into small groups of interaction and subtly excluded some other players by that fact alone, though the exact amount I'm going to limit it to I'm unsure of. I would feel far more confident managing a smaller group on the order of 6-8 players (not including myself) as opposed the close to 10 we had originally recruited before the RP grew more inactive.

I'm also playing with the idea of making a transfer to a new thread entirely in order to give me more control over the tabs and general information and recruitment, but I'll leave that for later if I do that in order to keep current action working properly.
Still here, just not postinf. I have no computer access. Forgot to tel you. I can probably post Monday maybe.

I've been really busy lately. .-. I'm sorry. I've been trying to keep up in other thing that are going on. Once those are outta the way, I'll post.
[QUOTE="Linwe Lossehelin]Is this still accepting..?

Yes! It is. Due to a recent... disappearance? of other players, we've hit a speedbump when it comes to activity but we are in fact actively hoping to have more players to breathe life into this thing so it can actually get going. Now that it actually IS going, momentum is best kept with new entrants like you!

Feel free to draft up a character sheet in the character creation tab, and read up on the information on magic and history in the overview tab! I look forward to checking out what you have to offer!
@Linwe Lossehelin Seems good!

There's a few small things I'd like you to clarify however before you get going:

Age: Even if your character doesn't know, please at least include a rough estimate so we know where her age aligns with the world's history and for her own biology. In this RP, elves do not age but their immune system gradually deteriorates with age so being older will make her more disease prone, and additionally it helps place her amongst the time period of magic's emergence in the world. Magic emerged a bit over 3000 years ago (History of Magic). The elves' immune systems mean most die before the age of 8000. This means it is possible that Linwe may have been born before magic existed in the world. I'd say rounding her age to the nearest thousand would be adequate so we know where she lies in history and in her disease susceptibility. Given her clan had a system established for magic users, I think it would make good sense for her to be around 2000-ish, but it's up to you

Personality: The part where it says her age makes making friends difficult kind of glosses over the fact that other elves live for extremely long periods too. Might be good to put something in to cover that? Even if she came from a different group of elves that leaves no reason for her not to be able to socialise with elves in other groups, as currently presented.

Apart from those two changes, you should be all good.

Oh yes, and for reference, the college was founded about 1500 years ago. I've been busy with uni lately so haven't been able to take time aside to write up the College's history, so I'm telling you here so it can help you choose your age more appropriately.
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Much oblidged! And don't worry about taking your time! We're all a little busy, I think. ^-^

Hopefully I can get that adjusted today!

I will say about the making friends thing: I figured if elves are immortal they wouldn't reproduce nearly as often as humans do so there would be a lot of people her age just floating around? Elves might be immortal but it doesn't mean there are a lot that live long if other things can kill them, right? Including the disease thing.. I'll probably make her older than the beginning of magic, because I think that would be cool, and the disease bit is neat. I'll have to really take a look at it. And read more indepth the history of magic.

Sorry for any inconvenience.. u_u
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