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Fantasy A College For Mages

AAndroidD said:
Yes. Basic summary: staff have had seated first years at predetermined seats at circular tables, our current 7 PC students are all at or coming to the same table by these prechosen seats. Food ain't out yet.
Congrats bruh :b
Hey I have some more free time now. Does anyone mind giving me a quick synopsis of what's going on in the rp right now?
Kattz said:
Hey I have some more free time now. Does anyone mind giving me a quick synopsis of what's going on in the rp right now?
Starting out, students were arriving, getting themselves rooms assigned and unpacking their things or exploring and getting familiar with the college grounds and halls.

First day dinner and student address is currently going on, where all the students have been herded into a dining hall. First years are all seated in assigned seats by staff for now. Not necessarily enforced to stay though? Students were only directed there by staff so nothing is stopping them from getting up to chat to other students or getting familiar with the teachers at the front. Headmaster is not here yet, for some reason delayed. I'll actually be introducing the headmaster soonish - my schedule's just gotten a bit busier but some people haven't showed up to post yet so I'll give it til Friday for the headmaster to make a show - til then IC is the excruciating hungry wait and awkward undirected social interaction.
@Dhuum @Tetro

Yo Dhuum in your reply...

I think you misunderstood what retro said about the 4 schools thing. Never have I mentioned how many schools there are in the world, I believe tetro was instead referring to the 4 schools of magic as in the 4 types - faith nature wizardry and sorcery. Tetro can you confirm?
Basically yeah, there are some kinds of magic that he might be physically incapable of toying with (same goes for everyone else). But yeah it was a reference to Faith, Nature, Wizardry, and Sorcery. How he has basically dealt with every single type in his travels before coming to the college.

ya fuckin' burrito

But ye. Good to hear from ya. <3 I've been meaning to reply to NS but ehhhhhh... Motivation is difficult to pick up. And you haven't been posting, nerd. >~>
Javax said:
ya fuckin' burrito

But ye. Good to hear from ya. <3 I've been meaning to reply to NS but ehhhhhh... Motivation is difficult to pick up. And you haven't been posting, nerd. >~>
I've been reading and I dont feel like anything has happened enough for it warrant a post from me.
AAndroidD said:
@Dhuum @Tetro
Yo Dhuum in your reply...

I think you misunderstood what retro said about the 4 schools thing. Never have I mentioned how many schools there are in the world, I believe tetro was instead referring to the 4 schools of magic as in the 4 types - faith nature wizardry and sorcery. Tetro can you confirm?
Ah yeah I see. Sorry sometimes I just slip...nevermind though. Dal basically hasnt felt the need for any other type of magic...
I'll be doing some devoted checking up on people who outright haven't said anything in a while. As for @shadowz1995 you can slide into this RP like a pickpocket that is not me sliding their hand into your pocket to not steal your wallet (throw a character sheet at me and we'll go from there. Make sure to read the info on the overview page).
Tetro said:
Basically yeah, there are some kinds of magic that he might be physically incapable of toying with (same goes for everyone else). But yeah it was a reference to Faith, Nature, Wizardry, and Sorcery. How he has basically dealt with every single type in his travels before coming to the college.
On that point Tetro, I'm curious as to what particular ability in sorcery your character has, as that is something one doesn't get the opportunity to just pursue - it's an innate ability that can be honed. Given he was teaching Sorcery it was kind of a given he'd have personal experience with that to be qualified for the position but it's something I look forward to seeing fleshed out IC.
Done a post to try and cover everything towards me so far.

For 2000+ year old-ish elves (Yes @Tetro being born near the start of magic places Krotus around that age, and in fact on the side closer to 3000) They sure don't act like it. On an elven scale being practically immortal (2034 is about 19 appearancewise from @Dhuum 's character sheet and I'm going to use that... - I should write up some race info now that I think about it. Expect that soon lol) I suppose magic's been a recent development for most older ones. Of course that idea of lessened timescale and poorly kept records leads to exact time of magic emergence to be unsure. So, going by that, It's understandable. I'll make sure to put info on the lifespans - but as is compared to their actual ages of Dhal'um and Krotus, Morund is actually quite a bit older. Once I put the race info it should be much clearer. I'll also give all elves a chance to tweak their ages once that info is up, if they feel it would be more appropriate. I would say Dwarves and Orcs too, but between the two races I'm the only character...

There shouldn't be too much need to tweak ages though, I'm going to take a sort of different approach and have maturity not scale to human maturity for the races. It makes more sense and I think provides more dynamics to the races as well - and with the current accepted character's ages and appearance kept in mind.

At the point it gets to friday, upon posting the headmaster's announcement and speech, I will contact any and all RPers who previously signed up, have posted in the IC, but have not posted in regards to the dinner or in the OOC to confirm if they are still a part of the RP or just on some sort of extended leave.
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...I went to bed; sorry. >~> Not sleeping for four days straight reks u

I understand. But you oughta just bust in a post anyway and be like "ether is he're mutha fuckas and i'm ready to spill blood, whether it's yours or mine" then do an epic hair flip swoosh thing. Just be fab, Burrito.
Anyways, guys, I'm planning on making a post sometime today. Just to make sure this keeps moving, kinda, and to hopefully get some interaction going (much to my character's displeasure, but whatever; she'll live). So ye. I'll see what I can do.
Javax said:
...I went to bed; sorry. >~> Not sleeping for four days straight reks u

I understand. But you oughta just bust in a post anyway and be like "ether is he're mutha fuckas and i'm ready to spill blood, whether it's yours or mine" then do an epic hair flip swoosh thing. Just be fab, Burrito.
already went ahead and gave him the greenlight to post a CS
Javax said:
...I was actually talking about another RP. xD Sorry~
Ah, that explains the confusion. Whilst its nice to see good conversation going on I am gonna have to ask that the OOC here does remain as that for the RP here. Just for the sake of making things a little simpler for others to understand and keeping things 'on-topic'

not gonna completely rule out talking about other stuff of course but on this point it seemed like the forum was being used as a one on one chatroom :P

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