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Fantasy A College For Mages

Sophia was ecstatic at being a pupil in the place she had always dreamed of going. Even as a child, she had always found that places of learning suited her best. That is why even though she was about to be served food that she had once in her youth never even dreamed of seeing, she instead had her nose stuck in a book that she had brought with her to this new environment. It was quite the interesting tome. It described magical energy manipulation and its relation to the world's laws of physics. "Fascinating." Sophia muttered to no one but herself, completely forgetting a promise that she had made to her father before her arrival at the college. Although Lord Bancroft was pleased with his daughter's studiousness and therefore did not have to worry about some ruffian charming her into eloping while she was without chaperone, he worried over her lack of will to socialize with others in matters that did not pertain to academics. In fact, Sophia was currently so enraptured that her enchantment by the book's contents were only interrupted by the booming voice of a woman. An orc she noted.

How different.

Sophia had not seen many orcs in her short 19 years of existence before and certainly never one who was placed in such a position of authority over her. "Nazgah Arduk..." The words whispered out of her mouth on their on accord. When the female orc was finished with her speech, Sophia found herself as fascinated by her new headmaster as she was the book that she was previously reading. Trying to go back to reading afterwards, Sohpia found the task more difficult to concentrate on than it was now than before. Oh well, at least there was food now. She chewed absentmindedly on some random food item as she recalled the promise she made to her father. "Oh yeah." Sophia murmured as an afterthought. "Now's a good a time as any." She supposed as she turned to a person next to her to begin introductions. "Hello, my name is Sophia Bancroft. May I ask yours?"
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Kattz said:
Sophia was ecstatic at being a pupil in the place she had always dreamed of going. Even as a child, she had always found that places of learning suited her best. That is why even though she was about to be served food that she had once in her youth never even dreamed of seeing, she instead had her nose stuck in a book that she had brought with her to this new environment. It was quite the interesting tome. It described magical energy manipulation and its relation to the world's laws of physics. "Fascinating." Sophia muttered to no one but herself, completely forgetting a promise that she had made to her father before her arrival at the college. Although Lord Bancroft was pleased with his daughter's studiousness and therefore did not have to worry about some ruffian charming her into eloping while she was without chaperone, he worried over her lack of will to socialize with others in matters that did not pertain to academics. In fact, Sophia was currently so enraptured that her enchantment by the book's contents were only interrupted by the booming voice of a woman. An orc she noted.
How different.

Sophia had not seen many orcs in her short 19 years of existence before and certainly never one who was placed in such a position of authority over her. "Nazgah Arduk..." The words whispered out of her mouth on their on accord. When the female orc was finished with her speech, Sophia found herself as fascinated by her new headmaster as she was the book that she was previously reading. Trying to go back to reading afterwards, Sohpia found the task more difficult to concentrate on than it was now than before. Oh well, at least there was food now. She chewed absentmindedly on some random food item as she recalled the promise she made to her father. "Oh yeah." Sophia murmured as an afterthought. "Now's a good a time as any." She supposed as she turned to a person next to her to begin introductions. "Hello, my name is Sophia Bancroft. May I ask yours?"
The blood mage was in the middle of thought and food when a young student next to him piped up and introduced herself. It was strange to him because she had been completely silent and pretty engrossed in her studying. Ether probably wouldn't have introduced himself anyway because he literally knew no one. But this seemed like a good place to start if nothing else. You can learn an incredible amount of things just from interacting with others. "Mesa. Ether Mesa. I'm a specialist in wizardy and nature magic. I'm also duo major in anatomy and hematology. How about you Miss Bancroft?" He asked her politely. His ruby eyes showing nothing besides a friendly demeanor.
Miss Bancroft. He had not referred to her as Lady so Sophia assumed that she was far enough away from home that she wouldn't be noticed as higher class by others. Since she was an adopted heiress rather than one by birth, she assumed that she would not be fussed over by them either. Excellent. One had a higher probability of achieving success and learning new information when they weren't being coddled like some ignorant doe. "Two magical and two non-magical majors? Quite the course load Mister Mesa. I am double majoring in non-magics myself as a matter of fact, physics and calculus. As for my magical major, I only really had an interest in wizardry when looking at what subjects were being offered. Energy manipulation is a bit of an interest of mine." She said the last part while tapping to her copy of "Magical Energy Manipulation and its Relation to the Laws of the World". A bit of a mouthful, but an accurate title if anything else. Now that they had gotten the topic of their majors out of the way. Sophia searched for something else to say to avoid the conversation turning awkward. She had made a promise to her father that she would at least try to socialize with her peers after all. "So what interests you about wizardry?"
Kattz said:
Miss Bancroft. He had not referred to her as Lady so Sophia assumed that she was far enough away from home that she wouldn't be noticed as higher class by others. Since she was an adopted heiress rather than one by birth, she assumed that she would not be fussed over by them either. Excellent. One had a higher probability of achieving success and learning new information when they weren't being coddled like some ignorant doe. "Two magical and two non-magical majors? Quite the course load Mister Mesa. I am double majoring in non-magics myself as a matter of fact, physics and calculus. As for my magical major, I only really had an interest in wizardry when looking at what subjects were being offered. Energy manipulation is a bit of an interest of mine." She said the last part while tapping to her copy of "Magical Energy Manipulation and its Relation to the Laws of the World". A bit of a mouthful, but an accurate title if anything else. Now that they had gotten the topic of their majors out of the way. Sophia searched for something else to say to avoid the conversation turning awkward. She had made a promise to her father that she would at least try to socialize with her peers after all. "So what interests you about wizardry?"
The way this young lady used her words certainly hinted towards the fact that she was someone of higher class. Though it didn't really matter to Ether. She could reveal that she was some type of princess later on and it would still not faze him. They came to this college together as first years and HERE they were equals. If he were to arrive at her doorstep or something of that nature then yes he would treat her how is custom but for now.... "I'm a blood mage Miss Bancroft. I combine the natural aspect of blood magic by manipulating the life spirit energies within myself and others if they have open wounds. I can heal myself or allies. It's quite versatile though it is a frowned upon practice much like necromancy. I combine that with wizardy, understanding the human body to the smallest detail, how blood moves throughout and what could do what kind of damage would altering blood flow to certain areas would cause. I'm greatly simplifying it but I'm sure you get what I'm talking about."

The young man gave a pause before continuing just in case she had any questions and to make sure she was still with him. "As for why, it's because my parents were prodigal doctors. Both of them studied medicine for years but they mixed in medicine with their magic. My father was a wizard and my mother was a nature mage. I inherited both of their abilities and its why I am learning wizardy." The blood mage smiled at the noble warmly and gave her a nod that was a "go ahead" for her to tell her side.
"So you mixed lineage as well as your family's medical background allows you potentially greater power then if you were to come from one side or the other. How fascinating." Sophia tilted her head to the side as a thought passed through her mind, her curly brown locks falling over her shoulder at the motion. "Although I do see the risks of studying and practicing blood magic and can therefore see why many would view it to be as taboo as necromancy, surely the benefits outweigh said risks." She said matter-of-factly. Sophia wasn't usually one for consoling words to strangers so she spoke in a practical manner based on her current knowledge of the subject at hand. "Healers are highly valued even during times outside of plague and war. Healing through necromancy can have adverse affects such as potentially becoming tainted or undead or even becoming some form of slave to the necromancer who healed you. To my knowledge, healing through use of blood magic does nothing of the sort."

Sophia took a sip of the drink in front of her to delay speaking again. She wondered what information she should give away in response to his story. Saying that she simply enjoyed magic and the study of it seemed too vague and shallow while lying about her intentions or embellishing the truth just was out of the question. There was always stating a single goal rather her life's plan. "I want to try and discover a way to utilize great amounts of energy without constant use of magical ability to keep it going." The words were tumbling out of her mouth before Sophia had the idea fully formed. "That way, people without an aptitude for magic or the wealth to pay for it would be able to share the same benefits as the rest of us. How I would go about completing such a task? Well, I suppose that is why I am here Mister Mesa." Sophia smiled at the man as she search for another conversation topic, slightly panicking when she realized that she couldn't think of anything. Then, off the top of her head, she recalled his interest in the magical manipulation of life energies. Somewhat awkwardly after realizing how much of a lull in the conversation had grown over her social ineptitude, she asked, "Would you like to study life spirit energies with me sometime? I am quite interested in all forms of energy and their affects on forms of energy different from themselves."

Kattz said:
"So you mixed lineage as well as your family's medical background allows you potentially greater power then if you were to come from one side or the other. How fascinating." Sophia tilted her head to the side as a thought passed through her mind, her curly brown locks falling over her shoulder at the motion. "Although I do see the risks of studying and practicing blood magic and can therefore see why many would view it to be as taboo as necromancy, surely the benefits outweigh said risks." She said matter-of-factly. Sophia wasn't usually one for consoling words to strangers so she spoke in a practical manner based on her current knowledge of the subject at hand. "Healers are highly valued even during times outside of plague and war. Healing through necromancy can have adverse affects such as potentially becoming tainted or undead or even becoming some form of slave to the necromancer who healed you. To my knowledge, healing through use of blood magic does nothing of the sort."
Sophia took a sip of the drink in front of her to delay speaking again. She wondered what information she should give away in response to his story. Saying that she simply enjoyed magic and the study of it seemed too vague and shallow while lying about her intentions or embellishing the truth just was out of the question. There was always stating a single goal rather her life's plan. "I want to try and discover a way to utilize great amounts of energy without constant use of magical ability to keep it going." The words were tumbling out of her mouth before Sophia had the idea fully formed. "That way, people without an aptitude for magic or the wealth to pay for it would be able to share the same benefits as the rest of us. How I would go about completing such a task? Well, I suppose that is why I am here Mister Mesa." Sophia smiled at the man as she search for another conversation topic, slightly panicking when she realized that she couldn't think of anything. Then, off the top of her head, she recalled his interest in the magical manipulation of life energies. Somewhat awkwardly after realizing how much of a lull in the conversation had grown over her social ineptitude, she asked, "Would you like to study life spirit energies with me sometime? I am quite interested in all forms of energy and their affects on forms of energy different from themselves."

"It sounds like your a magical researcher or scientist. Similar to what I do by combining magic and anatomy. Only on a larger scale and a different subject. But what you've got in mind sounds like some revolutionary ideas. Something that will quite literally change the world. So by all means, I would love to study with you and learn with you. I'd be proud to be the study partner of someone who influenced the world
shadowz1995 said:
"It sounds like your a magical researcher or scientist. Similar to what I do by combining magic and anatomy. Only on a larger scale and a different subject. But what you've got in mind sounds like some revolutionary ideas. Something that will quite literally change the world. So by all means, I would love to study with you and learn with you. I'd be proud to be the study partner of someone who influenced the world
(Sorry I was busy when I posted that)
As much as Nazgah wished to address the new teachers, her attention was taken by soon arriving other professors. Introducing herself more personally would have to wait, it seemed. As people continued stuffing themselves, a slow trickle of students out of the hall ended up leaving only those first years with no rooms yet assigned to return to. Even the other professors left the students in the hall, but in wake of their leave an elderly woman entered, waving sweetly towards the students. Nazgah nodded towards the woman, then turned to address Krotus and Dhal'um.

"She's here to handle the first years' room assignments. I'll be taking you two to my office - along with Morund - to introduce you to the functions of the college. No doubt you have merit to teach but with classes starting so soon I'll need to cover how we run this college and why you've waited so long to even receive any information."

Morund stood himself, stretching his stubby arms and patting his widened gut with a small laugh, "This intro for the instructors always gets a surprise. Or at least it did me, and many others' heads in. Not ev'ry single one though. Guess it depends how experienced they are in teachin'? It's usually the ones fresh into teaching at all that get the least surprise. 'Pends on how much they know 'bout the teachin' process I 'spose."

Nazgah had no more to say in the presence of students, so motioned for them to follow her as she left, walking along hallways to the office she had priorly mentioned.

For the elderly woman, now left alone, attention in the hall was almost exclusively drawn to her. She smiled sweetly, her greying hair a comforting soft silver colour tied into a bun. Her wrinkled face had well creased laugh lines, and sagged eyelids that still seemed to ooze simple joy. Her height stuck out - though not stockily built like dwarves, her height rivalled them for certain, sitting far below the sight lines of most of the human or elven students thanks to a considerable crook in her back, forcing her to lean forward and support herself on a simple white wooden cane. There was no way she could be any younger than eighty.

"Well dearies," she began, seemingly inspecting the large crowd of students, both seated and stood alike, "I'm sure you're in need of some warm beds. I'll get you your rooms sorted out when you're ready. Just come to me and I'll organise something for you."

She produced a small wooden board, an ink well, and a quill which she carried towards the raised stage area. Instead of going up it though, she simply used the raised ground as a tabletop to prepare writing. Again, she held that look of inspection to the crowd. Almost as if judging them - though her elderly innocence made it hard to believe on appearances alone that she had anything negative to hold against any of them.

@callmenox @9forgotten @Yesman @Neuton @Javax @Moolock @DerekMess @Tetro @shadowz1995 @Dhuum @Kattz

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AAndroidD said:
As much as Nazgah wished to address the new teachers, her attention was taken by soon arriving other professors. Introducing herself more personally would have to wait, it seemed. As people continued stuffing themselves, a slow trickle of students out of the hall ended up leaving only those first years with no rooms yet assigned to return to. Even the other professors left the students in the hall, but in wake of their leave an elderly woman entered, waving sweetly towards the students. Nazgah nodded towards the woman, then turned to address Krotus and Dhal'um.
"She's here to handle the first years' room assignments. I'll be taking you two to my office - along with Morund - to introduce you to the functions of the college. No doubt you have merit to teach but with classes starting so soon I'll need to cover how we run this college and why you've waited so long to even receive any information."

Morund stood himself, stretching his stubby arms and patting his widened gut with a small laugh, "This intro for the instructors always gets a surprise. Or at least it did me, and many others' heads in. Not ev'ry single one though. Guess it depends how experienced they are in teachin'? It's usually the ones fresh into teaching at all that get the least surprise. 'Pends on how much they know 'bout the teachin' process I 'spose."

Nazgah had no more to say in the presence of students, so motioned for them to follow her as she left, walking along hallways to the office she had priorly mentioned.

For the elderly woman, now left alone, attention in the hall was almost exclusively drawn to her. She smiled sweetly, her greying hair a comforting soft silver colour tied into a bun. Her wrinkled face had well creased laugh lines, and sagged eyelids that still seemed to ooze simple joy. Her height stuck out - though not stockily built like dwarves, her height rivalled them for certain, sitting far below the sight lines of most of the human or elven students thanks to a considerable crook in her back, forcing her to lean forward and support herself on a simple white wooden cane. There was no way she could be any younger than eighty.

"Well dearies," she began, seemingly inspecting the large crowd of students, both seated and stood alike, "I'm sure you're in need of some warm beds. I'll get you your rooms sorted out when you're ready. Just come to me and I'll organise something for you."

She produced a small wooden board, an ink well, and a quill which she carried towards the raised stage area. Instead of going up it though, she simply used the raised ground as a tabletop to prepare writing. Again, she held that look of inspection to the crowd. Almost as if judging them - though her elderly innocence made it hard to believe on appearances alone that she had anything negative to hold against any of them.

@callmenox @9forgotten @Yesman @Neuton @Javax @Moolock @DerekMess @Tetro @shadowz1995 @Dhuum @Kattz
The great feast came to a conclusion and Ether had already made an acquaintance and a possible studying partner. A damn genius at that. Not to mention her looks did not leave him wishing for someone else. That was probably just his male testosterone speaking but he would rather have a smart beauty then a smart regular girl. Even if the smart pretty ones tended to be crazier. He had a little crazy in him as well so it works out. As the commotion died down, an old crone had made her way into the hall and it was explained that she was the one who was going to assign the first years to their dorms and Ether couldn't help but feel an extraordinary amount of doubt from having the anciano decide where they are going to live for the rest of their time here.

The blood mage looked towards both of his flanks and saw that the feeling was not just him. Multiple students felt that way it seemed. It wasn't unmerited but the blood mage knew better than to just judge someone on appearance alone. Being of a profession that not everybody may agree with taught him that many years ago. So Ether decided to be the first sacrifice to a potentially horrible headache. He strode up to the old lady and spoke in a clear tone, just in case she had some sort of hearing problem, "I'm Ether Mesa, whenever you are ready ma'am just let me know and I can give you any information you need." He meant his words but they were more directed to gauging this crone's capacity to understand others then to simply want his dorm out of exasperation or something of the like.

Mesa kept a medically trained eye very closely on the elderly woman for a multitude of reasons. Her health was an obvious issue. If she just dropped at the brush of a feather that would be problamatic. He watched for any signs of listlessness that was a clear indicator for being senile or at least a little lost in the head. It didn't seem that way for now. Hell, it even looked like her eyes were sharp as his despite their age difference.
Krotus waited patiently for the feast to conclude. He was actually despising everyone slowly, not enjoying how social the entire thing was. He could only handle things like this for about half an hour before he needed to be alone, or teaching. Finally, Nazgah spoke to Krotus and the man with the raven. He was at least a bit glad he didn't have to socialize or be around socializing anymore. He stood with Morund and listened to the dwarf mention a surprise. "Nothing surprises me. But if it's interesting enough then I guess it is something to look forward to." He replied, following after the headmaster. At this point he just wanted to teach. Something that didn't involving dealing with people like this. Krotus never got like this so easily, but somehow the entire situation got to him on a level he wasn't too familiar with.

Dal was impressed. The headmaster had every bit of the feel of power about her as any mage...

The feast was soon over, and Dal had not eaten much since he never does. A bit of bread here, and mostly sweets thereafter.

He heard that he was to attend the private introduction to teaching with the headmaster shortly, and he wad on bit of an edge. Dal knew that this whole matter was taking on a bitter undertone, and was only hoping he would be able to show his teaching prowess soon.

He was sure that the children would absolutely love it.
Charles was nearly half asleep when the feast ended. His stomach felt like it was about to pop like a balloon at just the slightest movement. Then again, he always had a small stomach. As Nazgah left, a question was tugging at the back of his mind. Why the Headmaster an Orc, of all races. They don't have any magical properties as far as he knew. He heard the voice of an elderly woman. The Only words he heard was Warm Bed. Getting to the college wasn't easy, it was actually kind of expensive.

It had started when he first left town. He had to buy a horse. Since his mother had no money, he had to do it himself. It was quicker and he bought the cheapest one available, but even the cheapest took some weight out of his pockets. Since the distance was long, he had to buy food - for himself and the horse. But when he got to the market, they were fresh out of food. But they gave him an offer. 'If you want food, go hunt some meat for us, I'll pay.' All they had given Charles was a rusty dagger that would probably break if you tried to cut butter with it. After hours of hunting in the forest, he had killed a large boar. Dragging it back was another challenge, as the wild life did not object to taking free food. As he arrived at the market, he was paid and those cheats told him the food costs the amount of money they gave him. Of course he still bought the food. He saddled up and left for the college. On the way there, he had to deal with all sorts of danger. Wolves, Bandits, Bears, the works. He came out unscathed, but he couldn't say the same for the horse. It was killed by a pack of wolves not even a quarter done with the journey, as long with the food that he had in a large satchel that was also tied to the horse. So he had no food, no fast way of transportation, and no map. Great. The only thing he could do now is survive and try to follow the path as best as he could. He eventually made it, of course. [because making a CS for this character if he didn't survive the trip would TOTALLY make sense.]

Overall and interesting day. But to the warm bed. That's what he wanted. He approached the old woman, standing behind a person named Ether. That was a name he never heard before, it didn't roll off his tongue the way he wanted it too. He whispered it to himself a couple of times. He felt he was going to interact with him sooner or later, so he might as well learn his name. He waited for Ether to be done.

(Fingers hurt now.)
Ariawyn Styr

Health: 100%

  • Tag Idek man

    With again, idek

    Mentioned w/e nerds

    Location Dining Hall Personal Dorm
Aria made sure to keep her portions small, so she didn't stuff her face with the delicacies placed on their tables like the rest of the orientation attendees. She had considered herself finished long before the others' chatter and eating began dwindling, and soon enough the amount of people in the room decreased as well. To pass the time, the sorceress opted to subtly play with the shadows created by her personal cup. She willed it to expand outwards slightly then retract it back in towards his natural spot, then let the edges dance lightly in a rhythmic way. Sometimes she was "pull" a piece of shadow away from its natural area and created a shape with it, much like a charcoal drawing or such. This was her only form of entertainment as she awaited the end of the rather boring orientation and feast.

After what seemed like forever, the headmaster got up and motioned the other teachers and staff members to follow as she left the dining hall, leaving the only other staff member in the room to deal with the first years: an elderly woman that seem so frail that she could have a heart attack just by someone looking at her the wrong way. The shadow mage vaguely remembered the old woman; she was in charge of room assignments and the like, and she was the one she had spoken to not long before the school had opened for its next set of students. She was the one whom she negotiated with to have her room prepared for her almost immediately, though with a bit of "persuasion", of course...

Finding the situation unnecessary for her, Ariawyn broke off from the rest of the first years and maneuvered her way back through the halls and returned to her dorm. She closed the door behind her and locked it. She had specifically asked for no roommates, but the elderly woman would no doubt forget about that specification, or she would at least assign her a roommate just to spite the dark sorceress. It was possible; she always seemed to have the type of luck where she was stuck with some sort of imbecile or hindrance. She just hoped that no one came knocking on her door after being assigned to room with her...

The woman laughed, quickly responding the to freshly introduced Ether, "Of course I'm ready, I did invite all you students to come to me to sort this out right? ah- maybe I haven't properly introduced the process. I'm not used to spelling things out all the time."

She took a short step towards Ether pulling a mischievous grin, "We are a prestigious college after all, most students are proactive enough to approach and seize what they want for themselves rather than waiting, but it's nice to see some manners nowadays. Even if what you're saying is just a way of gauging how senile I am."

The way she spoke was more than perceptive or experienced. It was as if she personally knew that not students in general, but Ether particularly asked in order to test her. It didn't help that on those words she took her sagged eyes and pointed them directly at him.

"So," she continued, cheery tone restored in full, "I should at least introduce myself. I'm Anna. Don't like being called with my last name, makes me feel old. I manage student services at the college," taking a brief moment to pause, she added a joke, "And don't worry, they have a replacement for me picked out already. So you aren't alarmed, I'm a sorceror. Was born with the ability to read minds - only recent thoughts though. It's a bit inconsistent and I can't stop it. A bit of a hassle really - ah, but I've had plenty of time to get used to it. That out of the way, do be specific in your requests if you don't want your subconcious making some choices for you. Then again, I won't do anything I know you wouldn't want. For everyone, I'll just need your names at the least for registration, along with if you would prefer an individual room or any preferred room partners."


Upon arrival in her office, Nazgah took a seat at a large desk, messily piled with books. The walls, too, were lined with shelves filled with books. Morund took one of four seats arranged opposite her head position. The office seemed more like a library than anything else. The orc motioned for Dhal'um and Krotus to take seats before she began talking - though she didn't wait for them to sit.

"You are likely aware that we are a college prided not only on our academics, but on our progressiveness. Ordinarily, any College worth its' salt would never dare to teach without appropriate adherence to a curriculum and ensuring teachers are well informed of it beforehand. We are different. Why? Because we seek out experts in every area we can. We do not restrict them by curriculum, even if we do step in to align their courses to the level of the students. Every teacher is also a student to their own expertise. Noone is ever done learning. That is the philosophy that gave us the very prestige that brought you here. Your goal should be to engage the students who see the worth in what you teach. Nurture their curiosity. Bring them to the level of expertise you are at now, eventually and if they stay alongside to learn for long enough. And by then you will be far more learned in the area, and have yet more to teach them. Semper excelsius."

Done with her long, well worn speech, she looked at them with a smile of comraderie, "I'm sorry to have brought you out here just to say all that. But... I have some personal things to deal with regarding you two. Krotus, taking over the teaching of Sorcery as you know is an immense responsibility. I daresay the largest in the college. Whilst I expect nothing less from you, I want to ensure that you will make efforts to aid those students who come to you, wishing to hone their abilities and learn their sorcery to the fullest. But also, as with Sorcery's extreme variability, do not feel obliged as the expert in the area to cover every student who does so. If you are acquainted with one who could provide better assistance, do not hesitate to refer them. Do whatever is in the student's best interest towards the goal they seek. And Dhal'um, your responsibility in tactics and stealth application will see many students coming to you for specific desires in learning them. Be careful to be specific about teaching that and do not intermingle other subjects too strongly. These are things you may have already intended, but I wish to be certain in your actions. That said, you've heard enough of an old woman like me going on - do you have anything you wish to say, or any questions further?"
Upon entering the office, Krotus took his seat and listened to the orc. He cracked a tiny smirk once she was done speaking. Was it love? Probably not. But he enjoyed her intelligence greatly. He lost the smirk very fast before speaking. "I take my teaches of sorcery very seriously. Each of my students will get only the best. Although I can assure you, I am not the best in the world, I've met her, but I am the best one at this college to teach sorcery. All I have to ask is what the boundaries are. I don't want my students to do anything with their powers that would break the rules." He sat casually back in his chair as he asked the question. He didn't want to have one of his students use their sorcery in a way that would disturb the orc. The last thing anyone would want to deal with was an angry orc. "I believe in letting my students openly explore their sorcery. That's why I ask. If I must though, I can enforce boundaries." He added. Krotus was going to have a lot of fun here, he could tell. The headmaster was an orc, a religious zealot was his co-worker, and a girl with a sorcery similar to his was in his class. He was going to have a grand time.
Dal was aware of the responsibilities which he had as part of the teaching staff of the college, and the headmaster's speech had only confirmed that he would have a freedom of teaching in the exact way he had intended.

He was starting to see that this sorcery teacher was indeed a man of experience, Nyxal knows when the last time was when he had met such a person.

Nodding his head in compliance, Dal said to the headmaster : "Do not worry madam. My students will have no boundaries in my class, and I will provide them with every bit of information I have gathered through my life, lengthy as it has been. My faith does not mean I am close-minded, only that I always strive towards learning myself. All questions the students have will always be answered in full, I am well known for my straightforwardness in situations as these."

Deception starts with a truth, Dal said to himself. Only now, for the first time ever, I have to be truthful altogether. This will be an interesting ordeal.
((Apologies for the long wait. Hopefully this should throw things back into action, even if the chronology feels a little bit rushed))

"The only boundaries I must enforce are that you refrain from causing or enabling damage to the grounds, building, and people. That includes cosmetic and psychological damage, where appropriate. Apart from that, I put my trust in you to allow people's abilities to flourish to their greatest potential."

"That said, I should also let you know that lessons are not scheduled until tomorrow afternoon. Morning tomorrow is your chance to make sure those lessons are filled - you're free to set up anywhere outside within our grounds to 'advertise' your teaching to students, but the central courtyard will get the most attention. And it's set up for you in advance."

Nazgah had finished what she had to say, and gave her regards to the two new recruits as she saw them out of her office.

Their address complete, Morund was now in charge, taking the lead towards staff living quarters whilst spieling long windedly about the history of the college, even if mostly uninteresting facts the dwarf took pride in his words as he rattled off dates of construction, some now-insignificant architects who had designed the wings. It was easy to tell that even if he had not intended it, his words were just filler for the short journey before Dhal'um and Krotus could take time to themselves to plan lessons or simply rest.


For the students, rooms were assigned quickly. As various students shuffled forward, requesting rooms together, spaces filled and words flew drowning out much to the old woman trying her hardest to keep up with the tired students seeking their refuge. Ultimately, she passed off keys one by one to each, all bronze and engraved with a relevant number. As requested, Aria received individual space, whilst the less particular Charles and Ether had been roomed together. All sent their ways, little was left but to rest and wait for the morning to come.


The sun. Even for those windows that faced the west, the light could not be avoided entirely, though enviously graced with not having it poured generously into the room like a rich man's wine. For the start of autumn, the brightness still felt heavy and lazy in the air, unwilling yet to give up the grasp of Summer. Likewise, the schedule given to the first day was forgiving of the conditions, though not out of foresight.

Stumbling veteran students, mostly later years, were sparingly found on the grounds - the majority of those out and about stumbling and shielding themselves from the morning sun. Unauthorised celebrations no doubt, it didn't take an expert to tell the symptoms were of a hangover - especially in the humans. No lessons were scheduled until after noon, leaving the morning in its entirety as a free ground of first years.

Freedom of learning at the college granted a unique opportunity, however, for teachers to pitch their classes to students or give open entry lectures. As opposed to the enrolment system at other academia, students could freely drop in and out of subjects - the penalty being only the knowledge they ignored or missed by doing so. It was at each lecturer's discretion to closely watch over every student and ensure that they were at the level required - and allow them to learn from them according to what they deemed necessary to know beforehand.

Morund, as much as he liked to show off and be sociable, was more engaged in personal work. In the open air, he worked a forge in the rear yards of the college - outside a building that echoed its appearance to that of a barracks. Whilst he would engage with any students coming his way and encourage their attention, he wasn't going out of his way to draw attention to his work - After years in his position he knew wizardry was mostly taken in by bookworms who sparingly chose to show up in the mornings. In addition, he knew the entire morning had plenty of time, and he could take his chance to draw in students in a few hours instead. For now, his mind was taken up by the resolve to craft sheets of steel into wearable plate.

The central courtyard drew the attention of the more niche topics that relied on interest or to simply draw a mage into a previously unexplored area, where a circular design allowed wedges around the outside act as makeshift lecture halls, seats prepared in anticipation of several professors showing off and teaching the basics to inspire students.
AAndroidD said:
((Apologies for the long wait. Hopefully this should throw things back into action, even if the chronology feels a little bit rushed))
"The only boundaries I must enforce are that you refrain from causing or enabling damage to the grounds, building, and people. That includes cosmetic and psychological damage, where appropriate. Apart from that, I put my trust in you to allow people's abilities to flourish to their greatest potential."

"That said, I should also let you know that lessons are not scheduled until tomorrow afternoon. Morning tomorrow is your chance to make sure those lessons are filled - you're free to set up anywhere outside within our grounds to 'advertise' your teaching to students, but the central courtyard will get the most attention. And it's set up for you in advance."

Nazgah had finished what she had to say, and gave her regards to the two new recruits as she saw them out of her office.

Their address complete, Morund was now in charge, taking the lead towards staff living quarters whilst spieling long windedly about the history of the college, even if mostly uninteresting facts the dwarf took pride in his words as he rattled off dates of construction, some now-insignificant architects who had designed the wings. It was easy to tell that even if he had not intended it, his words were just filler for the short journey before Dhal'um and Krotus could take time to themselves to plan lessons or simply rest.


For the students, rooms were assigned quickly. As various students shuffled forward, requesting rooms together, spaces filled and words flew drowning out much to the old woman trying her hardest to keep up with the tired students seeking their refuge. Ultimately, she passed off keys one by one to each, all bronze and engraved with a relevant number. As requested, Aria received individual space, whilst the less particular Charles and Ether had been roomed together. All sent their ways, little was left but to rest and wait for the morning to come.


The sun. Even for those windows that faced the west, the light could not be avoided entirely, though enviously graced with not having it poured generously into the room like a rich man's wine. For the start of autumn, the brightness still felt heavy and lazy in the air, unwilling yet to give up the grasp of Summer. Likewise, the schedule given to the first day was forgiving of the conditions, though not out of foresight.

Stumbling veteran students, mostly later years, were sparingly found on the grounds - the majority of those out and about stumbling and shielding themselves from the morning sun. Unauthorised celebrations no doubt, it didn't take an expert to tell the symptoms were of a hangover - especially in the humans. No lessons were scheduled until after noon, leaving the morning in its entirety as a free ground of first years.

Freedom of learning at the college granted a unique opportunity, however, for teachers to pitch their classes to students or give open entry lectures. As opposed to the enrolment system at other academia, students could freely drop in and out of subjects - the penalty being only the knowledge they ignored or missed by doing so. It was at each lecturer's discretion to closely watch over every student and ensure that they were at the level required - and allow them to learn from them according to what they deemed necessary to know beforehand.

Morund, as much as he liked to show off and be sociable, was more engaged in personal work. In the open air, he worked a forge in the rear yards of the college - outside a building that echoed its appearance to that of a barracks. Whilst he would engage with any students coming his way and encourage their attention, he wasn't going out of his way to draw attention to his work - After years in his position he knew wizardry was mostly taken in by bookworms who sparingly chose to show up in the mornings. In addition, he knew the entire morning had plenty of time, and he could take his chance to draw in students in a few hours instead. For now, his mind was taken up by the resolve to craft sheets of steel into wearable plate.

The central courtyard drew the attention of the more niche topics that relied on interest or to simply draw a mage into a previously unexplored area, where a circular design allowed wedges around the outside act as makeshift lecture halls, seats prepared in anticipation of several professors showing off and teaching the basics to inspire students.
(OK so...where can ether go? Just have him wander I suppose?)
Krotus found the boundaries to be agreeable enough. If all he couldn't do was destroy people and things then he would be just fine. As he left the orc's office he got a feeling of dread when he looked at Morund. 'He's going to give us a-' Krotus was cut off when Morund began going on about the college and it's history. 'Yup...' He internally groaned. As much as he tolerated the dwarf, everything today piled on and he didn't want to hear about the college. At the end of it he abruptly went into his room, closing the door with a loud bang. The door cracked slightly as it was now crammed into the door frame. He had closed it so hard that it was stuck there, acting almost as a wall more than a door. He exhaled deeply, finally relaxing. "That dwarf is going to be the end of me." He mumbled to himself.

While in his room he made sure to plan out how he would go about his class. Sorcery wasn't some broad general thing, so he couldn't start teaching basics or simple principles. He would have to get personal and specific. That means an entire class room full of students might be a bit troublesome, so perhaps only handfuls at a time would work better. He could teach history lessons on Sorcery though, maybe even name some figures, although not popular still very relevant. He went to bed early, exhausted from all the interaction he's had with people so far.
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Dal followed the dwarf as he exited the orc principal's office, and went on about the history of the school. It wasn't all too exciting, but Dal still listened in hopes that it could maybe one day be useful, he always did that. The fact that he had to give a public lecture about his teachings made him thoughtful on the subject of how he was going to teach the students and in which order. So I have to keep Nyxal out of this - okay. It will not be a problem, since stealth is something anyone can apply to a situation. Tactics is always just a mental game of psychological prowess between the parties.

Entering his quarters at the college he sat down and thought about the day that passed. Rhea flew beside him and perched on an open window. Meeting the staff, getting into an argument, feeling like the black sheep again...it was all too familiar. Yet, now he is a new person and will deal with this accordingly. He gathered the darkness around him, and enveloped himself in it for the second time that day, allowing his mind to slip into meditative state and let go of his troubles for the time being. This will be an interesting journey my lord, I only hope that I will be strong enough to deal with everyone. And so he drifted away...
Krotus rose from his bed, having another night without sleep. He made himself presentable before going out to the central courtyard. He took one of the spots and simply waited, thinking of what he could do to get students to attend his class. Sorcery wasn't really something he could show off since each person's was unique, to an extent. He pondered to himself for a bit before hatching an idea. He made shadows rise up and morphed one of them to look exactly like him. If there were any students or other people walking by, he would simply make a clone of that person as well. His plan was to catch people's attention and answer any questions they may have about his ability to do such a thing. He knew though that most of the newer students might not be up before midday so he would have to wait for a while. Simply for the fun of it, he made clones of each person he has seen so far. The headmaster, the dwarf, the man with his bird, the elf girl who shared similar powers, and the elf boy with ice powers.

(Lets get RPing people)
As Dal woke he felt a certain tension pulling at him from an unknown direction. It was as he had to make his heart beat to come to life completely. He had sensed this before. It meant someone was manifesting him in some way, shape or form. Sorcery was at use here. Rhea watched him from the window sill, and as Dal rose from his bed the bird flew towards him and rested on his shoulder. He needed to find the source of this power. He moved towards the window that overlooked the courtyard of the college and through it he saw the sorcerer conjuring shadow figures...and amongst them one of him. As the first wave of rage passed he realised that today was the day he was supposed to show the pupils what his class was about, so Krotus was probably doing the same.

Dal rushed towards the courtyard in the shape of a shadow and took the place of the mirror image of him, keeping his shadowy form so the professor would not recognize the difference, although he would still sense the power. Either way it was to sort of pay him back for the rough wake up call.

No students were present at the time and Dal wanted to have a bit of fun. He planned to have Rhea keep his attention and while she flew about, he would pull at the professor's robes from the other side, hopefully making him jump.

Ariawyn Styr

Health: 100%

  • Tag @Tetro

    With No one

    Mentioned Krotus

    Location Personal Dorm Central Courtyard
The sorceress fell asleep at some point during the night upon return to her dorm. It was a nice slumber, one of darkness alone as no dreams or nightmares plagued her sleep. It was a good change of pace from her usual troubled nights. And the night was even better since no one else arrived, which indicated that Ariawyn would have the dorm to herself.

She awoke fairly early in the morning, the sun's rays clawing their way up the horizon as the ball of flame climbed up the sky. Fortunately, her window faced south, so she wouldn't be disturbed by direct dawn or dusk rays. Still, the brightness of the sun was enough to draw her from her slumber. The dark mage's eyes fluttered open slowly. She sat up and stretched, popping various joints within her body.

The female wasn't entirely sure what she could do for the morning, given that classes wouldn't begin until later, so she opted for exploring the campus further. After she dressed herself back in her clothing, she flipped the hood up over her head, sheathed her daggers, and left her dorm, though not without locking it first.

Aria made her way down to the courtyard and watched the few people bustle about. It was then that she noticed that there was magic at play in the vicinity. Not only could she feel dark arts being used, but she noticed that some people were having a literal shadow follow them around, then it dissipated then changed into a different person. Already knowing who was behind it, she watched as the clones shifted between various people, from complete strangers to people she's seen before. At some point, it settled on her, and she felt an odd feeling overcome her. It was always weird to see oneself, though it wasn't the first time it's occurred to her. Still, it was odd all the same.

Javax said:
Ariawyn Styr

Health: 100%

  • Tag @Tetro

    With No one

    Mentioned Krotus

    Location Personal Dorm Central Courtyard
The sorceress fell asleep at some point during the night upon return to her dorm. It was a nice slumber, one of darkness alone as no dreams or nightmares plagued her sleep. It was a good change of pace from her usual troubled nights. And the night was even better since no one else arrived, which indicated that Ariawyn would have the dorm to herself.

She awoke fairly early in the morning, the sun's rays clawing their way up the horizon as the ball of flame climbed up the sky. Fortunately, her window faced south, so she wouldn't be disturbed by direct dawn or dusk rays. Still, the brightness of the sun was enough to draw her from her slumber. The dark mage's eyes fluttered open slowly. She sat up and stretched, popping various joints within her body.

The female wasn't entirely sure what she could do for the morning, given that classes wouldn't begin until later, so she opted for exploring the campus further. After she dressed herself back in her clothing, she flipped the hood up over her head, sheathed her daggers, and left her dorm, though not without locking it first.

Aria made her way down to the courtyard and watched the few people bustle about. It was then that she noticed that there was magic at play in the vicinity. Not only could she feel dark arts being used, but she noticed that some people were having a literal shadow follow them around, then it dissipated then changed into a different person. Already knowing who was behind it, she watched as the clones shifted between various people, from complete strangers to people she's seen before. At some point, it settled on her, and she felt an odd feeling overcome her. It was always weird to see oneself, though it wasn't the first time it's occurred to her. Still, it was odd all the same.

A long, contagious yawn left the hemomancer's mouth as he awoke in the dawn. He had gotten a very good night's sleep last night. It was probably due to the fact that it had been weeks since he had actually slept in a bed. All the time, he and his sister had been sleeping on the cold earth, underneath trees or in caves. Wherever they could find some shelter in nature is where they would bunker down and rest for the night. Ether had forgotten the feeling of a soft bed with a pillow of feathers. It took some time for the drowsiness to leave blood mage's body but once it did, Ether was up and moving throughout his room actively, but silently. He did not want to awaken his new roommate after all.

Mesa went through the classic morning rituals, brushing his teeth, combing his hair (sort of), and washing the remaining weariness from his face. He grabbed his clothing and draped his cloak over his shoulders. The scarlet cloak that matched the crimson of his irises. His mother had made it for him from scratch. One for him and one for his little sister. Ever since their death's, he never went anywhere without it. He quietly left the humble abode and locked the door behind him before setting out for the courtyard. It wasn't long after he entered it that he felt magic at work in the air. It was to be expected in his mind. He WAS at a college for mages after all. Thought the magic that was weaving through the air felt like it was coming from one source and that admittedly piqued his interest. Ether began to search for the source and found himself upon a fully cloaked shadow mage. These types were never the social types so Ether decided that greetings were probably irrelevant to her, "Do you know where this is coming from? I feel like someone is trying to play a joke..." He commented as he came to a stop next to her. It took a moment of analyzing but he eventually realized that random people in the crowd shifted into other people, seemingly at random. Someone was definitely playing some kind of game right now.
Ariawyn Styr

Health: 100%

  • Tag @shadowz1995 | @Tetro

    With Ether

    Mentioned Krotus

    Location Central Courtyard
Aria watched as the shadows' appearances shifted from person to person, intriguing and entertaining her since the morning was so uneventful and boring. In her peripheral vision, she noticed a student heading in her direction. The elf tilted her head slightly at the male that approached her, but otherwise kept her thoughts to herself. He seemed confused at Krotus' display of sorcery, and she lightly chuckled. The older male was such a show-off.

The male inquired what was going on, so he confirmed her suspicions that he noticed the dark magic at play. "
One of the teachers," she responded simply, keeping her gaze trained on the shadows in slight interest. Some students were finally beginning to notice and jumped in fear and surprise as they saw themselves or saw doubles of their friends. It was all rather amusing. "The sorcery teacher is rather proud of his abilities," Ariawyn mused.


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