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Fandom ~ A Certain Scientific School ~ R.O.S.E Academy ~

Landon smiled outside, but he forgot how to breath for a second hearing Anna worry about him. "I'll be fine. I promise. Just keep focusing and get down." Landon smiled for a couple more second before he turned his head. When he did his expression became serious. Landon hated seeing innocents but in harms way and was in no way going to stand by. Landon began focusing there were two things he could think of. Stop them which may get him in a bit of trouble, or prevent damage. He decided on a third approach protect Anna and act before something happened to her. "Why am I thinking about her. I should be focusing on protecting everyone here." Landon thought worrying.
Rachel stood in her own little corner, as always, away from everyone else. She watched the spar closely, distracted from the combatants by the impressive display of the forces involved. Lots of kinetic manipulation, and quite impressive. Rachel noticed the signature each ability left, she observed the sequences and movements each combatant made, staring like some kind of zombie, almost to unnatural degree. Anyone looking at her now would be left wondering what was so interesting about the fight that would leave a person staring so intensely at the event. She almost wanted to try something, perhaps disrupt a some kind of movement and see what would happen, but Rachel had more common sense to know that would just be stupid on her part.

She snapped herself back to reality for a moment, scanning her surroundings, for any other interesting thing to look at, or something play around with.
Elizabeth turned. Her eye's following the combat, although she was close enough to feel the impacts, she was far enough away to feel safe. Slipping her hand into her duffle bag she slipped backward into the crowd. How was there this much power within the academy. "Why did I come here, how can I stand up to this." her mind reeled with questions.
Fiodor watched the fight , but he didnt pay to much attention to it instead he walked around waiting for something normal to happen , even if he had to fight he would surrender because he didnt want to use his powers in nothing , the truth behind this is the fact that he can control a bit of the reality and making thing a bit not normal and as his lives has always been normal and he like to be that way using his powers is an offense for himself considering him normal or atleast more normal than others.
Eni reluctantly put away his potato and grumbled something about humorless nindingers and pizzacrackers. "Glad that someone else thinks the same way." He said after his mutterings. "Smoke...sure why not?" He said as he pulled out a box containing regular cigarettes. As he did so a green box fell out of his pocket and he quickly scrambled to shove it back in. "Don't mind that, here, have some." He said, handing him a cigarette. "So...wanna help me crash this tourney?" He said after a few moments. @peppycat
"...5 bucks says that the tourney gets ruined within the hour." Eni says nonchalantly as continued to bask in solar energy. Idly, his mind wandered off to sunflowers that produced sunlight and men in blue tights flying around, "So what can you do?" He asked as he pulled out a smoke from the green box that oddly looked like it had some sort of dried plant within. "Borrowing this." He said as he snatched the lighter and lit the smoke that was already in his mouth before returning the lighter. "Ahhh...that's the stuff..." He mumbled out as he took a long drag. @peppycat
Jansen caught up with the rest of the group, stumbling to a stop nearby two people. He'd grunt, shaking his head. "Dammit. Mustn't zone out like that.. I would've missed everything." Jansen then would briefly survey his surroundings, noticing the tournament and such. He'd frown, assuming he had missed something important.
Anna looked at him. "You don't need to protect me...I can take care of myself..." she said softly, doubting her own words. "Really, I'm fine..." she kept pushing the water into the girls lungs, her hands curled into fists to do so.
Landon facing away from Anna heard what she said. He decided not to respond and expend precious focus and minutes on calculating. While he couldn't comprehend their ability, he could comprehend them. They were visible. And one was moving. Up, he focused on the nurse. She would continue the upward motion, until he lost focus, or she exceeded his half mile range.

"It seems you mistake me, I do not breathe Oxygen."

The nurse stated in a rather flat and blunt tone, the wings suddenly making a rather loud train engine sound while emitting a bright white glow.

Six large beams of destructive light were suddenly sent the girls way , the air around the beams visually distorting from the mere heat radiated from it.

She'd then motion her hand lightly as multiple spears manifested in the air and launched themselves toward Landon himself , beads of light trailing them.

Though not entirely visible a very very thin grin plastered the Nurse's idle face , and within it held the slightest hint of enjoyment at the prospect of combat.

Miss Harimama nodded lightly in response , she knew what the Nurse could do and wasn't at all concerned for her well being.

She was one of the marvel's of engineering in the School , a perfected FIVE_OVER_MODULE that was capable of mimicking the powers of the Level 5's and any other Esper within a 200Km range.

Course she came at a cost...by that She mean't she could more than likely purchase a small island nation with the amount of money they used to make just one body for the Jormungandra Project.

@Bills352 @HonestlySurviving
London thought quickly abandoning his focus he only had one option MOVE jumping back he grabbed Anna's arm bringing her with him. He focused on maintaining his own speed and direction sadly by grabbing Anna's arm he had thrown himself off. It changed his direction ever so slightly to up. "oops." Landon's expression became serious. "Anna, I need you to not freak out. Can you form a sphere of water around us while still allowing us to breath?" Landon asked her as they kept moving up.
Noticing that Tatsu didn't get a yes or no to using her ability, she decided to anyway. The ball of telekinetic energy gradually got bigger and bigger until it extended from Tatsu's body as an 360 degrees explosion which grew at a rapid rate dragging in nearby objects. "I would highly recommend running at this stage I can't stop this attack even if I wanted too." Tatsu said before cracking her neck slightly, if this nurse didn't steal her ability Tatsu wouldn't have had to resort to using this ability. Her attack reached maximum power causing the explosion to slow down and quickly shrink into a glowing sphere finally the main part of her ability, not the explosion but the after shock. The shockwave from the implosion could be felt throughout the whole field, however luckily Tatsu managed to keep her attack to a small-ish area fitting only a few people including herself and the nurse inside.
"No..." Eni said. "This is just some weird Egyptian shit I got from a store, it's delicious. Why would I smoke weed? I'm not yet getting into a street fight." He said nonchalantly as he took another drag." He exhaled and stretched his arms upwards. "Welp, I think I am the only level nope here...I mean level zero. It'll be fun smashing people's faces with a cattle prod if they offend me." He said. @peppycat
Anna yelped in shock as he grabbed her, pulling her out of the way of an attack. "Yes..." she softly answered his question, forming the circle of water around them. She watched him, unsure of what exactly he was planning on doing.
Landon abandoned the use of his ability on them switching over to the sphere of water. The water had surface tension, he could maintain that. The ball was as hard as diamond, and was about as likely to break. "Brace yourself." As the sphere lands it leaves a small crater, Landon let's go of the sphere. Breathing heavily Landon Smiles at Anna.
Anna was staring, her eyes huge. "H-how...?" She managed, her heart racing a million miles per hour. She shakily tried to rise, knowing that she had to continue the fight.
Landon grabs her hand, "There's no point we've already lost." Ge glared at Jormungandra "What the hell is she, multiple abilities, and no need to breath?" He slammed his fist into the ground. His eye's grew wide. He shouldn't be this exhausted, looking down at himself he realizes he wasn't fast enough. The shock must have prevented him from noticing, bit there in his lower left side, his black shirt was wet. "Damn." Breathing slowly he attempts to stand without worrying Anna.
Jansen wanted to see more of the tournament, forcefully ignoring his mild fear of big crowds, moving closer toward the tournament to get a better view. Eventually stopping by the 'second row' spectators, his height making it easier to see through the collection of onlookers. Quizzically watching the fight ensue, studying both sides abilities with a neutral look, knowing his turn would come up at any given time after these people. Jansen frowned, remembering a scenario that happened in his younger days. This was going to be the third time he's ever used his powers in public.
Anna looked down and her eyes widened. She pushed him back down to lay down, forming a bubble of water over the gash to stay the bleeding and keep all his blood inside of him. It would still hurt, but he wouldn't be bleeding out. She looked around for someone who could help, but other than the nurse, didn't see anyone who would be able to.
Eni watched the tournament go on and sighed when he saw one of the combatants bleed. "Welp, guess I win that bet, not even a full hour." He said to himself before pocketing his potato. He stood up, stretched and strode over to the bleeding boy. "Alright, street urchin coming through." He announced as he made his way while reaching into his pockets and pulling out a roll of bandages. "Could you remove the water so I can put stuff on him please?" @HonestlySurviving @The 7th Bard
Landon allowed Anna to treat him and shut his eyes. There wasn't much he could do. He was bleeding out from what he could tell, It wasn't terrible. The pain wasn't beyond bearable ... maybe that's just shock. As far as he could tell, There wasn't much pain. Opening his eyes he smiles at Anna. "You don't have to." Hearing Eni scream a about street urchins made him look. ... does he always walk around with bandages?
Anna slowly removed the bubble of water, watching the boy warily. She moved out of the way, half so he would have room and half because she was a little scared. She took a deep breath, and looked around, unsure if she was supposed to keep attacking the nurse.
A small smile crossed Martins face. So far all attacks launched from the nurse seemed to come from the metal flower. Now then if He could get close enough to touch... He shot a look at Landon and quickly approached, "I need you to help me." He said in a concerned tone.

The Nurse flew high in the air as the Six large Angelic wings seemed to vibrate lightly , making a light strumming sound similar to a Guitar.

Dr Harimama was simply jotting down notes on her Clipboard rapidly , humming as her eyes shifted slightly to observe the Psionic Explosian.

Once again Jormungandra rapidly spoke as the flower let out a metallic whistling , shielding herself by utilizing a Telekinetic Bunker that soaked up the majority of the blast heading towards her , though she was slightly singed.

Her eyes looked at the small group below , her Blank Mesmerizing pink eyes oddly enough seemed to go straight through the soul.​
Rachel went to take a seat at the at the nearest available spot, only to move to get a better vantage point to watch the display of powers and skill. It didn't take too long as a massive wave of unfamiliar energy manifested. It only drew her attention towards the display more, captivating the girl once again. "What is that?" she mumbled to herself perhaps a bit to loud. It felt like psychic energy, but she was unfamiliar with that kind of stuff.

What was more interesting, is that the Nurse almost simply shrugged the attack off, like it was nothing. She drew a smile, Rachel liked this type of spar. Most she saw were relatively one sided, this one boasted an opponent that was much stronger than usual.

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