A Camp To Get Along (A Vampire & Werewolf Roleplay)(Sign Up)

Okay thanks working on Skelly now. 
Name: (First and last preferably.) Fey Lacene

Werewolf/Vampire: (One or the other, not both.) Vampire

Looks Age: (Must be between 15-20)16

Actual Age: (This age is older than your looks by a lot. Keep it between 60-130) 75

Gender: (Only female or male! Trust me once someone tried to have both...)female

Special Ability: (Vampires all have one making them different from others. What can yours do?) She can control shadows to conceal her or others.

Birthday: (Year not necessary but month and day are.) December 24th

Personality: (How does your character act and behave in every day life?) She's kind of shy and nice. She's usually honest about everything, or trys to be. She usually keeps to herself, but when she makes friends she's a good shoulder to cry on.

Background: (How was your life before and after you changed? What happened to make your maker change you? Any important details in your history?) She lived with her parents and all was happy, but then her father was killed in a freak boating accident and mother committed suicide. Afterwards she lived with her Aunts who hated her, and her life was miserable until she met Stan, a mysterious guy who swept her off her feet. He promised a life of never growing old, beauty forever, and love. She accepted and changed, but he soon grew tired of her and left her 20 years into her new life.

Likes: (What does your character love?) reading, meeting new people, trees

Dislikes: (What does your character hate?) Nothing really

Name Of Your Maker: (Who made you into a vampire?) Stan Freemary

Appearance: (Use links. Can be a real person or anime.)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/vamp.jpg.12f8e358f18951246779967a5d234658.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4422" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/vamp.jpg.12f8e358f18951246779967a5d234658.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other: (Anything extra to add in.) Since her father drowned, she never learned to swim. 
Also er....Rabbit. Read the rules~! ^^



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Renee said:
Okay thanks working on Skelly now. 
Name: (First and last preferably.) Fey Lacene
Werewolf/Vampire: (One or the other, not both.) Vampire

Looks Age: (Must be between 15-20)16

Actual Age: (This age is older than your looks by a lot. Keep it between 60-130) 75

Gender: (Only female or male! Trust me once someone tried to have both...)female

Special Ability: (Vampires all have one making them different from others. What can yours do?) She can control shadows to conceal her or others.

Birthday: (Year not necessary but month and day are.) December 24th

Personality: (How does your character act and behave in every day life?) She's kind of shy and nice. She's usually honest about everything, or trys to be. She usually keeps to herself, but when she makes friends she's a good shoulder to cry on.

Background: (How was your life before and after you changed? What happened to make your maker change you? Any important details in your history?) She lived with her parents and all was happy, but then her father was killed in a freak boating accident and mother committed suicide. Afterwards she lived with her Aunts who hated her, and her life was miserable until she met Stan, a mysterious guy who swept her off her feet. He promised a life of never growing old, beauty forever, and love. She accepted and changed, but he soon grew tired of her and left her 20 years into her new life.

Likes: (What does your character love?) reading, meeting new people, trees

Dislikes: (What does your character hate?) Nothing really

Name Of Your Maker: (Who made you into a vampire?) Stan Freemary

Appearance: (Use links. Can be a real person or anime.)View attachment 19774

Other: (Anything extra to add in.) Since her father drowned, she never learned to swim.
Accepted ill place you then you can start~~
Name: Coyoty Anné Mathis

Werewolf/Vampire: (I has special clearance to do this) Both

Looks Age: 15

Actual Age: just turned sixty

Gender: How about... No I'm kidding, Female

Level of Control: Two used to be ten, she was incredibly strong for a wolf but a vampire changed all that.

Changed/Born: Born a warewolf changed into a vampire

Special Ability: Playing with the weather and reading minds, (she does not partake in doing the feeding thing on purpose it just kinda.... Happens.)

Birthday: 3. Marz

Personality: Coyoty is quiet and shy, her life and the tortures she was out through caused most of her personality rendered to nothing but fear and fright, she has almost never smiled for real but does not ever cry for real either. Almost everything scares her. She jumpes at the slightest sound of anyone and hates to be around large groups of people. The remind her of institute life. She is also incredibly rash and when scared gets quite violent apologising for anyone who is hurt while she was being violent.

Background: Coyoty was never really free even as a werewolf. She as housed in an institute where tests were done on her and experiments were done to her. She was raised up strong and well for her werewolf side until her greedy father wanted something more to work with. So, he paid a vampire to bite her, almost dying from this she was converted successfully and it was seemed that she would be strong but later on her maker was killed. She being weak to begun with did not fair well with a red vampire's blood in her veins. She was forced to live as a vampire though because she did not die. Her heart only beats slowly now, her breathing is almost gone and she is often sickly. It was made clear no double life was food for any species and she was casted out into the night.

Likes: RAIN! And sweets, she loves sweets

Dislikes: her father and the vampire whom willingly changed her

Name Of Your Maker: She has no idea. He did not tell her his name.

Appearance: Are you ready for this? Human; well closest to human this is how she looks when neither a vampire or a wolf, {Link} this is how she looks as a vampire and her wolf form (can barely sustain this unless incredibly angry) {Link} and her wolf side (smaller due to the fact she was converted into a vampire) {Link}

CoyotyZephyrWolf said:
Name: Coyoty Anné Mathis
Werewolf/Vampire: (I has special clearance to do this) Both

Looks Age: 15

Actual Age: just turned sixty

Gender: How about... No I'm kidding, Female

Level of Control: Two used to be ten, she was incredibly strong for a wolf but a vampire changed all that.

Changed/Born: Born a warewolf changed into a vampire

Special Ability: Playing with the weather and reading minds, (she does not partake in doing the feeding thing on purpose it just kinda.... Happens.)

Birthday: 3. Marz

Personality: Coyoty is quiet and shy, her life and the tortures she was out through caused most of her personality rendered to nothing but fear and fright, she has almost never smiled for real but does not ever cry for real either. Almost everything scares her. She jumpes at the slightest sound of anyone and hates to be around large groups of people. The remind her of institute life. She is also incredibly rash and when scared gets quite violent apologising for anyone who is hurt while she was being violent.

Background: Coyoty was never really free even as a werewolf. She as housed in an institute where tests were done on her and experiments were done to her. She was raised up strong and well for her werewolf side until her greedy father wanted something more to work with. So, he paid a vampire to bite her, almost dying from this she was converted successfully and it was seemed that she would be strong but later on her maker was killed. She being weak to begun with did not fair well with a red vampire's blood in her veins. She was forced to live as a vampire though because she did not die. Her heart only beats slowly now, her breathing is almost gone and she is often sickly. It was made clear no double life was food for any species and she was casted out into the night.

Likes: RAIN! And sweets, she loves sweets

Dislikes: her father and the vampire whom willingly changed her

Name Of Your Maker: She has no idea. He did not tell her his name.

Appearance: Are you ready for this? Human; well closest to human this is how she looks when neither a vampire or a wolf, {Link} this is how she looks as a vampire and her wolf form (can barely sustain this unless incredibly angry) {Link} and her wolf side (smaller due to the fact she was converted into a vampire) {Link}

Accepted, I'll count her as a female vampire as far as placement :3
{@Marie Rain Alright I thought you would, don't tell her that though she might get kinda pissed off.}
Name: Ashton Grey

Werewolf/Vampire: Vampire

Looks Age: 16-17

Actual Age: 89

Gender: Female

Rabbit Special Ability: Can slightly alter her appearance (of course this power is limited, she can only change one or two things at a time--ex. eye color, hair color, nose shape, etc.)

Birthday: Ironically, Nov. 25

Personality: She is usually stressed out for whatever reason and is easily angered. Unlike most vampires, she doesn't find it easy to hold a grudge. She doesn't wish to be angry all of the time but at her young age, she doesn't have as much control as she'd like.

Background: Ashton- or Ash-- was always a very kind person, always wanting the best for everyone. She got good grades and never had an enemy. On her graduation day, as she was walking home, she got a call from her best friend. She needed something from Ash's house. She wasn't heading there for the night, wanting to crash at her intelligent and handsome boyfriend's house. It couldn't hurt her to stop by though. So when she couldn't find what her best friend was asking for, she turned to leave. There was her best friend. And so was a girl she competed with in Scholar Bowl for many years. To say the least, she always won. But the girl always told Ashton she would win in the end. That was confirmed.

Likes: Drawing (it keeps her anger at bay) and being alone.

Dislikes: big crowds of people, competition

Name Of Your Maker: Now unknown


Other: If she's upset, don't comfort her. It only makes her more upset. And she hates that.

Name: Andrew Greene

Werewolf/Vampire: Werewolf

Age: 18-19

Gender: Male

Level of Control: 8 (not for bragging purposes, he's just a sweetheart xD )

Changed/Born? Born

Birthday: Feb. 19th

Personality: Andrew was always laid back. He was born as a werewolf so he learned how to control himself. He loved playing with other people, hardly coming off as the aggressive type. He just always enjoyed creating emotions--good emotions for other people.

Background: Andrew was always bullied when he was younger for being kind to people. He didn't show any aggressiveness so he was considered the runt or the weakling of the pack. He tried to stay out of people's way but they didn't understand. His dad was a werewolf, but out of anger, he killed his wife--Andrew's mother-- and was given the death sentence. Andrew didn't want to end up like that so he learned how to control his emotions fairly well.

Likes: Collecting things (not like a hoarder, don't worry)

Dislikes: Annoying, buff werewolves


Other: If he offers you something, accept it. It will hurt him if you don't.
[QUOTE="Death Note]Name: Ashton Grey
Werewolf/Vampire: Vampire

Looks Age: 16-17

Actual Age: 89

Gender: Female

Rabbit Special Ability: Can slightly alter her appearance (of course this power is limited, she can only change one or two things at a time--ex. eye color, hair color, nose shape, etc.)

Birthday: Ironically, Nov. 25

Personality: She is usually stressed out for whatever reason and is easily angered. Unlike most vampires, she doesn't find it easy to hold a grudge. She doesn't wish to be angry all of the time but at her young age, she doesn't have as much control as she'd like.

Background: Ashton- or Ash-- was always a very kind person, always wanting the best for everyone. She got good grades and never had an enemy. On her graduation day, as she was walking home, she got a call from her best friend. She needed something from Ash's house. She wasn't heading there for the night, wanting to crash at her intelligent and handsome boyfriend's house. It couldn't hurt her to stop by though. So when she couldn't find what her best friend was asking for, she turned to leave. There was her best friend. And so was a girl she competed with in Scholar Bowl for many years. To say the least, she always won. But the girl always told Ashton she would win in the end. That was confirmed.

Likes: Drawing (it keeps her anger at bay) and being alone.

Dislikes: big crowds of people, competition

Name Of Your Maker: Now unknown


Other: If she's upset, don't comfort her. It only makes her more upset. And she hates that.

Name: Andrew Greene

Werewolf/Vampire: Werewolf

Age: 18-19

Gender: Male

Level of Control: 8 (not for bragging purposes, he's just a sweetheart xD )

Changed/Born? Born

Birthday: Feb. 19th

Personality: Andrew was always laid back. He was born as a werewolf so he learned how to control himself. He loved playing with other people, hardly coming off as the aggressive type. He just always enjoyed creating emotions--good emotions for other people.

Background: Andrew was always bullied when he was younger for being kind to people. He didn't show any aggressiveness so he was considered the runt or the weakling of the pack. He tried to stay out of people's way but they didn't understand. His dad was a werewolf, but out of anger, he killed his wife--Andrew's mother-- and was given the death sentence. Andrew didn't want to end up like that so he learned how to control his emotions fairly well.

Likes: Collecting things (not like a hoarder, don't worry)

Dislikes: Annoying, buff werewolves


Other: If he offers you something, accept it. It will hurt him if you don't.


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