A Camp To Get Along (A Vampire & Werewolf Roleplay)(Sign Up)

Jazzylegs said:
Name: Thomas Thornhill
Werewolf/Vampire: Vampire

Looks Age: 18 (even though he was only fifteen when turned)

Actual Age: 35

Gender: Male

Special Ability: Controls fire

Birthday: august 3

Personality: He doesn’t care what anyone thinks. He can be a bit clingy and a bit of a jerk.

Background: I lived a pretty boring life actually. Honestly turning into a vampire was the coolest thing ever happening to me. Thanks, Cous

Likes: smoking, drinking, Stealing, everything that’s sinfull.

Dislikes: overly good people.

Name Of Your Maker: Gregory Thornhill (Cousin)


The actual age has to be older than that, atleast 60
Name: Ayra Jonseon

Werewolf/Vampire: Vampire

Looks Age: 16

Actual Age: 100

Gender: Male

Special Ability: Bloodbending

Birthday: December 12

Personality: Ayra is quite sweet and happy-go-lucky, normally. He can turn twisted and mean if you hurt him, he is also sort of a crybaby. He has a bit of a temper which is set off by simple things like breaking his heart or denying his gifts. A word of advice never, ever deny his baked goods. Unless you want your blood ripped out of your body.


Ayra's normal life was basic he was the son of a man of noble blood. He lived the privileged life and then he came. It was a October night and the Jonseon family as holding their annual masquerade ball. Ayra met the young vampire Rafael Venus as he played the piano in the tune of Mozart. Ayra put on his best smile and walked up to the man. His hopes of charming the man was thwarted when the man turned his own charms on him.

Ayra and Rafael soon fell in love with one another and one night, Ayra asked him to change him into a vampire. The pain was excruciating but worth it, he and Rafeal spent many happy years together. Until one night vampire hunters invaded their place and killed Rafeal with a stake to the heart. In tears and horrified he ran as fast as he could and as far as he could. Until he found an old mansion and he lived there until he was ordered to camp.

Likes: Men, Candy, Blood, Baking, playing the piano.

Dislikes: Sugar free stuff, Vegetables, Sour things.

Name Of Your Maker: Rafael Venus (Former Lover)

Appearance: http://i873.photobucket.com/albums/ab296/iSugarRush/Vampire Anime/bth_942402.jpg

Other: He is Homosexual and wears a locket around his neck with Rafael's picture in it.
Name: Piper Haroldson

Werewolf/Vampire: Werewolf

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Level of Control: 4

Changed/Born? Changed

Birthday: 9/23

Personality: Piper thinks she's a bit too mature for her own good. She is an intelligent young woman, but is generally very snappy and bossy. She hates when things don't go her own way and is incredibly whiny to the point where you might want to give her a good strangling. If you try to reason with her during one of her tantrums she'll wolf out on you and you could possibly leave with a broken bone or two. She thinks that she is one of the smartest people around and treats most others like they are absolute buffoons. (She's a bit of a b*tch, but I want her to be one so that she'll develop over the course of the RP.)

Biography: Piper was a spoiled little child with her parents giving her everything she wanted. One day however, when she threw one of her tantrums her parents sort of snapped. They couldn't take how she acted any more and grounded her. This extremely upset Piper and she couldn't believe the nerve of her parents! She guessed that a thirteen year old throwing a tantrum wasn't very good, but she had her own reasons!

While in her dungeon for the course of her grounding she read several books that she had never read before. She liked all the books, but the ones about supernatural creatures were her favorites. Particularly the werewolves. She realized that she really wanted to be one and live out one of the stories. She could be top dog and everyone would follow what she said, because they were afraid of her! She knew that there was a werewolf at her school, but she wasn't sure how she'd get him to run her, but then it came to her. She'd seduce him. She knew this werewolf was poor so he'd love the great abundance of wealth that she and her parents had. He fell of for her almost instantly and one night he turned her into a werewolf. There was great pain involved, but Piper decided that it was worth it!

Likes: When people do what she says, desserts, paranormal romance novels, collectible Plushes

Dislikes: When people don't do what she says, heights, idiots, spicy food

Appearance: http://media.photobucket.com/user/r...orm20wallpapers20480x6402014.jpg.html?filtershttp://media.photobucket.com/user/rengie14/media/anime girl with red hair/Pretty20anime20girls20in20uniform20wallpapers20480x6402014.jpg.html?filters[term]=Anime girl with red hair&filters[primary]=images&filters[secondary]=videos&sort=1&o=13

Other: Piper is 5'0" and hates it if you make fun of her height.
Nico said:
Name: Ayra Jonseon
Werewolf/Vampire: Vampire

Looks Age: 16

Actual Age: 100

Gender: Male

Special Ability: Bloodbending

Birthday: December 12

Personality: Ayra is quite sweet and happy-go-lucky, normally. He can turn twisted and mean if you hurt him, he is also sort of a crybaby. He has a bit of a temper which is set off by simple things like breaking his heart or denying his gifts. A word of advice never, ever deny his baked goods. Unless you want your blood ripped out of your body.


Ayra's normal life was basic he was the son of a man of noble blood. He lived the privileged life and then he came. It was a October night and the Jonseon family as holding their annual masquerade ball. Ayra met the young vampire Rafael Venus as he played the piano in the tune of Mozart. Ayra put on his best smile and walked up to the man. His hopes of charming the man was thwarted when the man turned his own charms on him.

Ayra and Rafael soon fell in love with one another and one night, Ayra asked him to change him into a vampire. The pain was excruciating but worth it, he and Rafeal spent many happy years together. Until one night vampire hunters invaded their place and killed Rafeal with a stake to the heart. In tears and horrified he ran as fast as he could and as far as he could. Until he found an old mansion and he lived there until he was ordered to camp.

Likes: Men, Candy, Blood, Baking, playing the piano.

Dislikes: Sugar free stuff, Vegetables, Sour things.

Name Of Your Maker: Rafael Venus (Former Lover)

Appearance: http://i873.photobucket.com/albums/ab296/iSugarRush/Vampire Anime/bth_942402.jpg

Other: He is Homosexual and wears a locket around his neck with Rafael's picture in it.
Accepted but your link does not work 

[/URL]http://media.photobucket.com/user/rengie14/media/anime girl with red hair/Pretty20anime20girls20in20uniform20wallpapers20480x6402014.jpg.html?filters[term]=Anime girl with red hair&filters[primary]=images&filters[secondary]=videos&sort=1&o=13

Other: Piper is 5'0" and hates it if you make fun of her height.

By the way that's a picture of Ib right? :3
[QUOTE="Toastey Leoplurodon]Uh, I have no idea who Ib is, but sure!

She's a character from an awesome video game :3
Nico said:
http://media.photobucket.com/user/iSugarRush/media/Vampire Anime/942402.jpg.html?filtershttp://media.photobucket.com/user/iSugarRush/media/Vampire Anime/942402.jpg.html?filters[term]=Anime vampire boy&filters[primary]=images&filters[secondary]=videos&sort=1&o=21
Try this one.
Better, we are starting 

paipai900 said:
I could make another character if we need another. :)
Jazzylegs said:
We are starting 

NotKasey said:
Name: (First and last preferably.) Leina Fawn
Werewolf/Vampire: (One or the other, not both.) Werewolf

Age: (Must be between 15-20) 19

Gender: (Only female or male! Trust me once someone tried to have both...) Female

Level of Control: (How well can you control your inner beast? Level from 1-10) 8

Changed/Born? (Are you a born werewolf or a changed werewolf?) Born

Birthday: (Year not necessary but month and day are.) October 7

Personality: (How does your character act and behave in every day life?) Feisty, tough, hot-headed, not shy

Background: (What happened in your past that made you who you are? How are you a werewolf? Any important details in your history?) Leina's parents were both werewolves and they gave birth to both Leina and her little brother Sean. Leina always hated being a werewolf, and disliked her cruel parents. One day her parents sent her to a camp to get rid of her.

Likes: (What does your character love?) BBQ ((Yum c: )), being outdoors, adventures, painting, singing ((I'm just naming random stuff lol))

Dislikes: (What does your character hate?) Sitting around not doing anything, annoying people

Appearance: (Use links. Can be a real person or anime.) Long jet black hair, golden tan skin, golden amber eyes with streaks of green in them.

Other: (Anything extra to add in.) She loves to sing. Find out more about her after you gain her friendship! c:
killerlung said:
Yeah I won't I just wanted to add a bit of depth, I added the silver to help make sure he isn't too overpowered...So when does this start?
We are starting 

Shianne said:
Name: Angel Blood
Werewolf/Vampire: Vampire

Looks Age: 17

Actual Age: 92

Gender: Female

Special Ability: Control Emotions

Birthday: April 30

Personality: Angel is a very outgoing girl. She loves to talk and make new friends

Background: When I was younger, I loved to play in the park at night. One night a vampire attacked me. There I lay, bleeding in the park, when a vampire came to my rescue. I barely had any blood and I was barely alive. She changed me only seconds before my body gave in. She taught me how to live as a civilized vampire and still takes care of me to this day.

Likes: Music, Animals, Movies

Dislikes: Bugs, rich *******

Name Of Your Maker: Elisa Waters


Other: N/A
Sock said:
(Rabbit.)Name: (First and last preferably.) Paige Jones
Werewolf/Vampire: (One or the other, not both.) Werewolf

Age: (Must be between 15-20) 18

Gender: (Only female or male! Trust me once someone tried to have both...) Male

Level of Control: (How well can you control your inner beast? Level from 1-10) 6(He can control it to a point, if angered he'll change, and on the full moon once he changes he can control bits and pieces of things, but its usually his beast running him.)

Changed/Born? (Are you a born werewolf or a changed werewolf?) Born

Birthday: (Year not necessary but month and day are.) July 4th

Personality: (How does your character act and behave in every day life?) Paige is sarcastic. He can come off as a douche at times and hates vampires. He isn't afraid to show his hate towards them and usually sticks to werewolves. Hes lovable and nice to be around when hes in a good mood, but he has a horrible temper. Hes also rather clingy, he doesn't let someone go easily when he falls for them. Hes also extremely loyal. He has a jealous side that comes out.. a lot. He is rather self centered when it comes to what he wants and can become pissed when not receiving what he wants.

Background: (What happened in your past that made you who you are? How are you a werewolf? Any important details in your history?) Paige was born into a family of werewolves; and in their eyes he was the weak one. The one who couldn't control himself perfectly, who lashed out and attacked people. He was like the disappointment. He wasn't spoken about, or to for that matter. When going out, the family left Paige at home. His father wanted him to train; so that's what he did. He trained and trained and trained and gained his muscle mass, and his anger issues. As soon as he left for college he was taken to the camp; and was not all that happy about it.

Likes: (What does your character love?) Men, Women, Werewolves, Candy, Pizza, Video Games, Working Out, Training, Flirting, Lacrosse, Meat.

Dislikes: (What does your character hate?) Vampires, Football, Baseball, Hockey, Veggies, Cats, Chickflicks, Boring movies, Being bored, Milk.

Appearance: (Use links. Can be a real person or anime.) http://i39.tinypic.com/dhcsq9.jpg http://i43.tinypic.com/avt2k6.jpg http://i44.tinypic.com/xc1a15.jpg

Other: (Anything extra to add in.) Hes bisexual.
We are starting
((Am I too late?))

((Did you want Rabbit or Bunny. I can't remember. LOL))

Name: Gabriel X. Erebos

Name Meanings: Erebos means 'Darkness', his middle name is Xavier, and Gabriel means 'God is my Strength.'

Werewolf/Vampire: Vampire

Looks Age: Turned at Seventeen years of age.

Actual Age: Seventy-six. He's old right!?

Gender: Male

Special Ability: Spiritual Possession, which is when you can control another body with your mind.

Birthday: February 17

Personality: He is a rather typical vampire. With the love of blood and the hatred for were-wolves. Closed off and mysterious, and a real hottie. But, in other way he is actually interesting. Having the unique power he has, it make his thirst for blood for powerful. You see, when he controls the body, he is able to feel what the body feels, their fear and amazement. He can also feel their blood flow throw they body, if they have any. And because of this curse, he keeps his distance and usually closed off. He doesn't like when people try to figure him out, because it is hard, and hates when you try to be his friend. And if you do this, he will just roll his eyes at you and walk away. He hates this idea, because he is afraid he will loose his control.

Background: To be honest, he doesn't remember much of his live before he became a monster. But, after that, he remembers most everything. He developed he pretty good memory after turning, it is one of his pros.

But if you were to ask him about his history, he wouldn't tell you much, being that he is usually closed off. But he does tell you the pain he went through turning. How his maker lingered over him, smiling and laughing. And how after that, Gabriel was the strongest he ever was, and that he hunted down his maker, and killed him.

Gabriel would also tell you that he once killed a human, using his power, and loosing control.

But, that is mostly all he would tell you. And if you want to learn more, you have to get past his closed doors and broken heart.

Likes: Secretly, he loves music. Besides blood, music is another thing he survives on. He also likes the color black, the moon, and running at night through the trees and be able to hunt as much as he wants. And he loves being Mysterious, he thinks it's fun.

Dislikes: Just like I said before, he hates someone trying to figure him out and try to help him, and be his friend. He also hates brightness, the one that hurts your eyes. And he hates were-wolves. But what vampire doesn't?

Name Of Your Maker: All Gabriel knows is that his first name was Jase. His maker had found Gabriel late at night, and have bitten him, sending the venom through his blood and turning him. And later on, Gabriel had killed him. "Good-bye Jase. And thank-you." Were the last words Gabriel said to his maker.

Appearance: ((Just links? OK then...)) My Vampire.

Other: He's bad-ass and loves playing hard to get. His has blood red eye, usually covered by his favorite sun-glasses, as seen in his 'Looks' photo.
RadioActive said:
((Am I too late?))
((Did you want Rabbit or Bunny. I can't remember. LOL))

Name: Gabriel X. Erebos

Name Meanings: Erebos means 'Darkness', his middle name is Xavier, and Gabriel means 'God is my Strength.'

Werewolf/Vampire: Vampire

Looks Age: Turned at Seventeen years of age.

Actual Age: Seventy-six. He's old right!?

Gender: Male

Special Ability: Spiritual Possession, which is when you can control another body with your mind.

Birthday: February 17

Personality: He is a rather typical vampire. With the love of blood and the hatred for were-wolves. Closed off and mysterious, and a real hottie. But, in other way he is actually interesting. Having the unique power he has, it make his thirst for blood for powerful. You see, when he controls the body, he is able to feel what the body feels, their fear and amazement. He can also feel their blood flow throw they body, if they have any. And because of this curse, he keeps his distance and usually closed off. He doesn't like when people try to figure him out, because it is hard, and hates when you try to be his friend. And if you do this, he will just roll his eyes at you and walk away. He hates this idea, because he is afraid he will loose his control.

Background: To be honest, he doesn't remember much of his live before he became a monster. But, after that, he remembers most everything. He developed he pretty good memory after turning, it is one of his pros.

But if you were to ask him about his history, he wouldn't tell you much, being that he is usually closed off. But he does tell you the pain he went through turning. How his maker lingered over him, smiling and laughing. And how after that, Gabriel was the strongest he ever was, and that he hunted down his maker, and killed him.

Gabriel would also tell you that he once killed a human, using his power, and loosing control.

But, that is mostly all he would tell you. And if you want to learn more, you have to get past his closed doors and broken heart.

Likes: Secretly, he loves music. Besides blood, it is one thing he survives on. He also likes the color black, the moon, and running at night through the trees and be able to hunt as much as he wants. And he loves being Mysterious, he thinks it's fun.

Dislikes: Just like I said before, he hates someone trying to figure him out and try to help him, and be his friend. He also hates brightness, the one that hurts your eyes. And he hates were-wolves. But what vampire doesn't?

Name Of Your Maker: All Gabriel knows is that his first name was Jase. His maker had found Gabriel late at night, and have bitten him, sending the venom through his blood and turning him. And later on, Gabriel had killed him. "Good-bye Jase. And thank-you." Were the last words Gabriel said to his maker.

Appearance: ((Just links? OK then...)) My Vampire.

Other: He's bad-ass and loves playing hard to get. His has blood red eye, usually covered by his favorite sun-glasses, as seen in his 'Looks' photo.
Accepted and we just started
Im on my phone atm. Please give me a good 2 hours to take the computer from my mom, read ALL the charaxter profiles and post.
This looks fun!

I'm still having trouble deciding if I want an aggressive character or a more cool-headed, collected character...

I'll post my application sheet later when I decide, probably 45 mins-2 hours from now??
[QUOTE="Bagel Meister]This looks fun!
I'm still having trouble deciding if I want an aggressive character or a more cool-headed, collected character...

I'll post my application sheet later when I decide, probably 45 mins-2 hours from now??

Okay good luck with thinking
Jazzylegs said:
Hey, I still can't post links...I don't understand why?
I do have the pictures in my character gallery

Jazzylegs said:
Hey, I still can't post links...I don't understand why?
I do have the pictures in my character gallery
good trick is to remove the http:// part and the link will work :)

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