A Camp To Get Along (A Vampire & Werewolf Roleplay)(Sign Up)


(( Sorry if I posted this really late- internet was unavailable for a couple of hours. I might join in the roleplay tomorrow because it's already kinda late for me.))


Name: Damien Rainer

Werewolf/Vampire: Werewolf

Age: 17 years old

Gender: Male

Level of Control: 6

Changed/Born? Born

Birthday: March 27

Personality: He is quite a hot-head, short-tempered guy. Make fun of him and he'll beat you up for sure. He is often found in fights, and starts them often. He'll tease and people weaker than him, although he'll try to amuse himself by challenging stronger opponents or opponents with equal strength. He tends to underestimate people and can get badly hurt by doing so. He judges people very easily. He hates vampires, like all typical werewolves do. He isn't really truly evil (which his parents think is a

disgrace), and he has a bit of a soft side.

Background: He was born from two werewolf parents, who lived away from civilization, in a deep forest. When he was born, he was quite weak and would get beat up easily by forest animals. When he grew older, he became sort of a bully, trying to hide his weak past. He would train his physical strength. His parents sent him off to this camp for him in efforts to try and make Damien stronger.

Likes: Fights, hoodies/jackets (no really- he hates when he rips them while turning into a wolf- which is why he's got extras :P ), a secret appreciation for nature (he would explore the forest when he was little).

Dislikes: Following most rules, vampires (he thinks they're all a bunch of weaklings), racial slurs towards werewolves (he's quite the hypocrite).

Appearance: http://31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lqxo0k78Gu1qerfvxo1_500.jpg (His two markings under his yellow and red eyes are natural as he was born as a werewolf). ((Yes I know it's a picture of a pokemon gijinka UvU; ;) )

Other: (Anything extra to add in.) Nothing at the moment 6w9.
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[QUOTE="Marie Rain]Accepted

Agh... Made a slight mistake with the age there; got it mixed up with the vampire app sheet. ^^;

What I meant was:

"Age: 17"

That's his actual age, since its a bit different for werewolves than from vampires. UvU;; I'll edit that real quick.

[QUOTE="Bagel Meister]Agh... Made a slight mistake with the age there; got it mixed up with the vampire app sheet. ^^;
What I meant was:

"Age: 17"

That's his actual age, since its a bit different for werewolves than from vampires. UvU;; I'll edit that real quick.

Okay start responding whenever you like
Name: Zakai Kaokie

Werewolf/Vampire: Vampire

Looks Age: 20

Actual Age: 126

Gender: Male

Special Ability: He has this uncanny ability to cause you to tel lthe truth simply by making eye contact, he can also mind manipulate you to believe you are in danger, in pain, anything he thinks of but he cannot cause you to do anything besides the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Birthday: 3. August

Personality: Zakai comes off as a loving player of a boy, he is incredibly shy though and gets off on his good looks to get him out of situations. He hates being put on the spot, he is a jokester and though he is shy it is often hard for him to actually be shjy since in the past people have crowded around him.

Background: Perfect, before Zakai was changed his life was just fine. He hunted the creatures he was and more importiantly did his job well. A katana blade and himself were all he had. On a hunt though he let his guard down and before too long he was bitten by one of the most powerful vampires of the time. He however has the hunters assosiations gratitide (though kicked from it for being what he is) for killign said vampire. Now Zakai cannot remember what his life was like as a human, he has absolutlely no memories what so ever he cannot even remember what his mother was like or how his siblings used to play around with him. All he knows is that he was changed and he doesn't like it. Though he does not go around denying it he only feeds when absolutely necessary.

Likes: Dark nights, candle light, books, his katana blade Cold, how he loves the cold

Dislikes: mostly daytime, the smell of a humans blood no matter how far away he may be and sticky heat

Name Of Your Maker: Zephyrus Mentone

Appearance: {Link}

Other: Hates to be left alone. He likes being around SOMEONE otherwise he scares himself, like being in the quietest room. His heart also does not beat (Not sure if this is normal for your vampires but it is usually for my aristocrats and higher.) Breathing also is not required


Name: Aayame Mathis

Werewolf/Vampire: Warewolf

Age: 15

Gender: Female (Why someone would try both I have no idea but I dun judge)

Level of Control: 3 (not very well she often collapses due to not feeding)

Changed/Born? Born

Birthday: 2. November

Personality: Aayame is very sadistic for one who starves herself. She enjoys blood shed torture and mind manipulation. However through this she is a very shy sickly girl, she does NOT and has not made someone she can call a friend because alias she always tortures them to death. She lost almost every sense of what herself truly was and developed a spitfire front that causes her to appear to be mean but deep down inside she is a kind heated person.

Background: Aayame was born as a werewolf, her mother having passed away shortly after her birth did not help her psyche any. She was mostly abandoned after this and not raised to believe that what she was was okay and in any fact got hunted due to the fact that rumors went around her town that a vampire had fallen in love with her, soon she developed a strong sense of selflessness and vowed to never let anyone break through to her inner self. She was majorly treated bad after these events, people bullied her and before too long she developed this strong need to torture a person because for whatever happened as a child she became twisted enough to love the screams of shrieking terror, in order to sleep.

Likes: TORTURE and meat. She also likes apples, wierd, not those red ones but the green ones.

Dislikes: Being reminded she has no friends and torturing someone is illegal.

Appearance: {Link}

Other: Usually collapses due to not feeding properly. She loves meat though.... maybe that is just the wolf in her.
CoyotyZephyrWolf said:
Name: Zakai Kaokie
Werewolf/Vampire: Vampire

Looks Age: 20

Actual Age: 126

Gender: Male

Special Ability: He has this uncanny ability to cause you to tel lthe truth simply by making eye contact, he can also mind manipulate you to believe you are in danger, in pain, anything he thinks of but he cannot cause you to do anything besides the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Birthday: 3. August

Personality: Zakai comes off as a loving player of a boy, he is incredibly shy though and gets off on his good looks to get him out of situations. He hates being put on the spot, he is a jokester and though he is shy it is often hard for him to actually be shjy since in the past people have crowded around him.

Background: Perfect, before Zakai was changed his life was just fine. He hunted the creatures he was and more importiantly did his job well. A katana blade and himself were all he had. On a hunt though he let his guard down and before too long he was bitten by one of the most powerful vampires of the time. He however has the hunters assosiations gratitide (though kicked from it for being what he is) for killign said vampire. Now Zakai cannot remember what his life was like as a human, he has absolutlely no memories what so ever he cannot even remember what his mother was like or how his siblings used to play around with him. All he knows is that he was changed and he doesn't like it. Though he does not go around denying it he only feeds when absolutely necessary.

Likes: Dark nights, candle light, books, his katana blade Cold, how he loves the cold

Dislikes: mostly daytime, the smell of a humans blood no matter how far away he may be and sticky heat

Name Of Your Maker: Zephyrus Mentone

Appearance: {Link}

Other: Hates to be left alone. He likes being around SOMEONE otherwise he scares himself, like being in the quietest room. His heart also does not beat (Not sure if this is normal for your vampires but it is usually for my aristocrats and higher.) Breathing also is not required


Name: Aayame Mathis

Werewolf/Vampire: Warewolf

Age: 15

Gender: Female (Why someone would try both I have no idea but I dun judge)

Level of Control: 3 (not very well she often collapses due to not feeding)

Changed/Born? Born

Birthday: 2. November

Personality: Aayame is very sadistic for one who starves herself. She enjoys blood shed torture and mind manipulation. However through this she is a very shy sickly girl, she does NOT and has not made someone she can call a friend because alias she always tortures them to death. She lost almost every sense of what herself truly was and developed a spitfire front that causes her to appear to be mean but deep down inside she is a kind heated person.

Background: Aayame was born as a werewolf, her mother having passed away shortly after her birth did not help her psyche any. She was mostly abandoned after this and not raised to believe that what she was was okay and in any fact got hunted due to the fact that rumors went around her town that a vampire had fallen in love with her, soon she developed a strong sense of selflessness and vowed to never let anyone break through to her inner self. She was majorly treated bad after these events, people bullied her and before too long she developed this strong need to torture a person because for whatever happened as a child she became twisted enough to love the screams of shrieking terror, in order to sleep.

Likes: TORTURE and meat. She also likes apples, wierd, not those red ones but the green ones.

Dislikes: Being reminded she has no friends and torturing someone is illegal.

Appearance: {Link}

Other: Usually collapses due to not feeding properly. She loves meat though.... maybe that is just the wolf in her.
Accepted, I'll place you then you can start

Name:Alexis Mercedes

Werewolf/Vampire: Vampire

Looks Age: 20

Actual Age: 70

Gender: Female

Special Ability: Telekenetic

Birthday: December 30th

Personality: Lexi is very down to earth but has a temper. Once she opens up to you she can be a good ali or your worst enemy. She's a sweetheart but puts up a tough barrier and tries to hide behind her sarcasticness/rudeness.

Background: Lexi was changed by an older vampire who hated wolves. Growing up as a vampire she heard lots of stories about wolves killing her parents/innocent people. After awhile she found out that her maker had actually killed her parents...after that (Rabbit) She was never the same.She killed him and then decided to go off in search of answers. She still has a hard time trusting people and doesn't particulary like wolves...but she's trying to open up.

Likes: blood, candy, water, and music

Dislikes: egotistical people (Although she is very egotistical herself)

Name Of Your Maker: He always called himself "The chosen one) His real name was Nick

Appearance: (I guess I have to put one later?)
[QUOTE="~*~Lita~*~]:::::VAMPIRE SKELLY:::::
Name:Alexis Mercedes

Werewolf/Vampire: Vampire

Looks Age: 20

Actual Age: 70

Gender: Female

Special Ability: Telekenetic

Birthday: December 30th

Personality: Lexi is very down to earth but has a temper. Once she opens up to you she can be a good ali or your worst enemy. She's a sweetheart but puts up a tough barrier and tries to hide behind her sarcasticness/rudeness.

Background: Lexi was changed by an older vampire who hated wolves. Growing up as a vampire she heard lots of stories about wolves killing her parents/innocent people. After awhile she found out that her maker had actually killed her parents...after that (Rabbit) She was never the same.She killed him and then decided to go off in search of answers. She still has a hard time trusting people and doesn't particulary like wolves...but she's trying to open up.

Likes: blood, candy, water, and music

Dislikes: egotistical people (Although she is very egotistical herself)

Name Of Your Maker: He always called himself "The chosen one) His real name was Nick

Appearance: (I guess I have to put one later?)

Accepted start after I place you
Name: Ardetha Van Flettermaus

Werewolf/Vampire: werewolf

Age: 18

Gender: female

Level of Control: 7

Changed/Born? changed

Birthday: oct. 30th

Personality: around others she is fairly quiet and contempt and knows her manners. but on the inside she feels the need to be more headstrong and courageous always wanting to speak her mind. so soemtimes she has random outbursts but will usually act like your normal well behaved girl.

Background: ardetha grew up in a small village outside of her town in germany, she had a loving mother and hard working father, and one very stubborn younger brother. they were in the poor part of their village so hunting for food was all they could to do since it was to expensive at the market, but she was a born hunter. she was energetic and happy but knew what to say and what not to say, it was important to her mother for a girl to have good manners. there had lately been sighting of wolves in the community and livestock going missing so they had to stop hunting for days at a time to be safe. finally when food was getting scarce ardetha knew she had to go out and get food for her family, so grabbing her bow and hunting knife she headed out. catching afew rabbits she made her way back home only to see her front door hanging by a single hinge. she dropped the food and ran in, the first thing she saw was blood, and lots of it and everything was tossed around and broken. there on the ground was her father, mostly dismembered. she found her mother in the corner of her room with her brother laying next to her..both dead. she cried out in sorrow and pain at the scene in front of her. then she heard growling, the wolf jumed her not waiting for a response, it bit at her and tore away flesh, she still had her knife and she drew it into the wolves neck until she knew she had cut its throat out. days past at the change slowly took her, she frightened villagers and had to leave her once calm, lovely home..

Likes: food, warmth fires, night time walks and reading

Dislikes: the winter, in a sense she has a dee rooted fear and hate for wolves but she has met afew that have been accepted

Appearance:(her in half form and full wolf form (not actual size lol)




Other: she doesnt like to be alone so if she grows close to you she becomes attached, but will protect you at all costs, skilled hunter and she likes rabbits..mmm yum..rabbit
[QUOTE="Ardetha~Nacht]Name: Ardetha Van Flettermaus
Werewolf/Vampire: werewolf

Age: 18

Gender: female

Level of Control: 7

Changed/Born? changed

Birthday: oct. 30th

Personality: around others she is fairly quiet and contempt and knows her manners. but on the inside she feels the need to be more headstrong and courageous always wanting to speak her mind. so soemtimes she has random outbursts but will usually act like your normal well behaved girl.

Background: ardetha grew up in a small village outside of her town in germany, she had a loving mother and hard working father, and one very stubborn younger brother. they were in the poor part of their village so hunting for food was all they could to do since it was to expensive at the market, but she was a born hunter. she was energetic and happy but knew what to say and what not to say, it was important to her mother for a girl to have good manners. there had lately been sighting of wolves in the community and livestock going missing so they had to stop hunting for days at a time to be safe. finally when food was getting scarce ardetha knew she had to go out and get food for her family, so grabbing her bow and hunting knife she headed out. catching afew rabbits she made her way back home only to see her front door hanging by a single hinge. she dropped the food and ran in, the first thing she saw was blood, and lots of it and everything was tossed around and broken. there on the ground was her father, mostly dismembered. she found her mother in the corner of her room with her brother laying next to her..both dead. she cried out in sorrow and pain at the scene in front of her. then she heard growling, the wolf jumed her not waiting for a response, it bit at her and tore away flesh, she still had her knife and she drew it into the wolves neck until she knew she had cut its throat out. days past at the change slowly took her, she frightened villagers and had to leave her once calm, lovely home..

Likes: food, warmth fires, night time walks and reading

Dislikes: the winter, in a sense she has a dee rooted fear and hate for wolves but she has met afew that have been accepted

Appearance:(her in half form and full wolf form (not actual size lol)




Other: she doesnt like to be alone so if she grows close to you she becomes attached, but will protect you at all costs, skilled hunter and she likes rabbits..mmm yum..rabbit

Accepted ill place you then you can start
Name: Caterina "Cat" Johnson

Werewolf/Vampire: Vampire

Looks Age: About 16, though was changed at around 17

Actual Age: 60

Gender: Female

Special Ability: Cat can control fire. She can raise the temperatures in an object or an area, or start flame by using a chemical reaction from her own body if the general occupation is not to humid or moist. This also causes her to have an incredible healing factor.

Birthday: June 6th

Personality: Cat is your typical "rebel without a cause" kind of girl, save for the fact that she actually DOES have a cause. She's a natural born troublemaker who uses her charm and wit to get past most situations, and when they don't work, she has "other" (less desirable) methods. She's cool, collected, and as icy as they come. She would much rather spend a day soley in the company of her conduit then around anybody else. Her intelligence, however, leads to a wider range of interaction. Car is probably one of the smartest people you will ever meet, and she usually doesn't use that aspect of her brain for "good". She is strong-willed, idependent, and actually a caring person when you move past her many harsher layers. She does have a short temper, and though is skilled at hiding it, is prone to the occaisonal burst of anger. Elliot is a leader and a fighter to the core, a person who seems to never faze on the outside. Very few would be able to guess what emotions are ACTUALLY going through her head opposed to the ones she displays. She also cannot stand figures of authority above her and is a fearsome opponent. When in battle, she taunts and belittles her opponents, savoring mental, emotional, and pysical blows sent from her end of the fight. While against a serious enemy, she is merciless and provides no restraint what-so-ever. Cat is an apparently unstopable force who prefers to attack with speed and precision as to take down opponents who are much larger and stronger then she is. Do not think for a second that her small size indicates weakness, as her mind and body will be one of the strongests that you have or will ever encounter. To top that, she has a very twisted and dark sense of humor, commonley saying that you cannot spell "slaughter" without "laughter". She does not believe in killing without reason, which is why you won't see her just ripping apart random humans for blood or fun. In fact, she prefers to NOT kill humans (saying that they usually do not prove to be much of a challenge), though welcomes a good battle with any person of any race.

Background: Cat never really knew her parents. She was taken from them at a very young age, due to a reason she knows not, and sent to live throughout the many homes fostercare provided. But for a girl who had a tendency to play with matches and sport a snarky, bad attitude, you can only imagine how well that went for her. By the age of 12, she had made up her mind about no longer desiring any companionship or interaction with any other person. She disregarded all morals and took on questionable philosophies. In fact, she made it a game to create the msot original ways to get kicked out of a new home. It was only when she was 14 that she decided she was completely bored with the situation. She just.....left. For about three ore years, Cat lived on the streets, creating intricate scams and quick transactions to gain money from the idiots of the world. But, after some time, she found herself getting into the darker sides of the crime industry. She never got caught, of course, starting fires or commiting fruad, but she was constantly having to move around. It was while she was in New York City did she encounter a man with a proposition. She made a deal. This involved her providing only her body to be worked on to create what this man called "artificial strength" to work for an independent sector for this private foundation. What it actually was was secret investigations into creating false vampires out of living beings. This.....didn't end very well. She got sick. She was in constant pain. But there was no way to leave the program without risking her own life at the loss of the medications they now made the consumption of to be required in order for her to survive. Yet, the young girl pulled through. She was sent into a field test with several other people, tracking down a person who was believed to be a REAL vampire. Throughout the whole thing, they had no idea what they were going for. She was just there to begin with out of curiosity and a desire for money. Little did they know that the target was an incredibly skilled being who was leading them into a trap. All the others were slaughtered. She was the last one alive, though nearly dying. The vampire offered her death to be quick, and you know what she did? Cat laughed and told him to make it hurt as much as he wanted, she would welcome the pain. Much to his surprise, the vamprie only smiled and inquired as to whether or not she feared death. Cat said she respected it, but chose not to fear the innevetable. He liked her. He admired her human spunk, as to say. So he took her up on her word and provided the most painful thing he could.....transformation. It was all a game to him. Now a young fledgling, excited Cat welcomed this "afterlife". However, she only stayed with the one who caled himself Alexander for another year before he simply disappeared. She's been on a killing spree ever since, for 51 years, decisivley going after particularly nasty vampires.

Likes: Slaughter, literature, classical music, jazz, firearms, blades, winning, a challenge, theatricality, poetry, nighttime, a good ole' hunt, competition, and others who can pose a decent intellectual conversation.

Dislikes: Annoying people, loosing, being bested, boredom, being bothered, when somebody touches her or her things, when she is critisized for her gender/height/age, when people do not take her seriously, when she is forced to loose her temper, and being around morons.

Name Of Your Maker: Alexander Valentine

Appearance: http://photo.1p5.ru/images/photo_1p5_ru/uzt2jp/rfrhff-photo_1p5_ru-.jpg

Other: Ehhhhh, nope.
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I concur, and BTW here are my two councilors I can play


Name: Sabrina "Sabre" Lafleoure

Werewolf/Vampire: Vampire

Looks Age: She appears to be 20

Actual Age: 601 (Was once Joan of Arc) (Changed her name immediately following her execution)

Gender: Female

Special Ability: Blood Manipulation, Sabre, formerly Joan of Arc can wield her own blood, or else the blood of her foes as weapons or pretty much whatever. However in order to manipulate the blood contained within the bodies of enemies she first needs to cut the person with her own blood.

Birthday: Jan 6, 1412

Personality: Sabrina is notably cold, having little time for weakness and little interest in romance despite her great beauty, and numerous suitors. She took up the art of the sword a long time ago, and is still to this day a warrior at heart. Which is at odds with her new role as peace keeper, she is often found to be strict, but her power can more than back it up. Her loneliness has somewhat gotten the better of her and she is now trying to make friends, however she cannot distinguish the difference between fellow soldiers and friends and as such she has had problems with this regard.

Background: Sabrina Lafleoure was once known by a different name, that being the historically famous Joan of Arc. Having led the French forces to victory against unwinnable odds under a king whom fell from grace. She was used as part of a political grab for power, the Duke of Bedford using the king's belief in her as an open participation in witchcraft. Claiming that Joan was a witch, and explaining to the people that witchcraft was the only way a woman could (be a warrior & more importantly) beat the odds of the decisive battle against the British. Joan was put up on trial before the Cardinal Winchester and the Bishop Cauchon. She claimed that it was god who led her on her path toward victory, but the court condemned her of heresy and witchcraft. In truth she had been turned before the battle by none other than the Cardinal himself. Her victory had been caused by her inadvertent use of her power, causing the men with open wounds to die as she called out to the blood within them. Joan never hungered for blood as she strictly adhered to the bible, and used her faith to carry her threw the battle. But in the aftermath, in her cell she killed another prisoner and feaster for the first time, finding she could control the man's blood flow, and forge weapons from what blood remained. On the day of her execution, she was burned at the stake. Her pain was real but in the aftermath, she was revived by the blood of her master. The cardinal himself, visited her as the fire subsided, he told her he had searched to find a woman as remarkable as her, and that was why he cursed her and condemned her after she led her people to victory. Joan responded by using the cardinals dripping blood to kill him, and proceeded to feed from her master until he was dry. After that day she renounced her faith, her country, and her name. She became a major figure in the vampire hierarchy and now serves as the strong arm of the European families. She has a reputation to solve any problem the families may be having, through any means necessary.

Likes: War, swords, blades, pastries, cooking,

Dislikes: wolves, male pigs, France, people in general

Name Of Your Maker: Cardinal Winchester.

Appearance: (Use links. Can be a real person or anime.)always has a sword at her hip, wears the camp counselor uniform of a t-shirt and bloomers. Has the sword around her waist


Other: (Anything extra to add in.)


Name: Jeremiah James

Werewolf/Vampire: Werewolf

Age: 25 (152 actual years)

Gender: male

Level of Control: perfect 10

Changed/Born? (Are you a born werewolf or a changed werewolf?)

Birthday: March 7

Personality: Jeremiah is fun and easy going, he is an avid bird & cloud watcher, and occasionally starts mischief for a laugh. He likes the premise of the classic 'summer camp' and even made uniforms for everyone on campus to wear as a result of his love for 'camp'. Deep down however is a man whom survived the civil war and is insanely powerful as a result.

Background: Jeremiah James (or JJ) was a young farm hand in Southern Carolina when war came to America. He worked closely with free slaves and had even been whipped himself for providing bread to those who weren't. That is why it filled his heart with sadness when his father forced the man to enlist and join the Confederacy as a result of his acts of good will to those incarcerated. Jeremiah accepted his role with a heavy heart (not wishing to shame his family further by deserting) and at the battle of Gettysburg the young man's troop was attacked and he was captured by union guerilla fighters in the brush. As the only hostage, (his fellow soldiers were slaughtered),he was tortured for days, not for information but rather sport before his eyes were cut by a knife and he was left for in the very same battlefield that killed 40,000 (actually more) soldiers. But while his eyes were cut and he could not see, a man approached, his body sitting on the outskirts of the battlefield and the woods Jeremiah thought it a wolf about to descend upon his corpse. Instead he was greeted with the words of a man, a man who talked with refinement despite coming from the wilds of the woods. This man sat and conversed with Jeremiah, before asking him a question, a question that would ultimately change his life. "So if you could live, longer, but had to shed your humanity, had to become a beast. What would you do with a life like that?" the man asked Jeremiah in the stillness of the clearing. Blood soaked the field before them and the smell of death still clinged to the air when Jeremiah gave his response, "I would become the beast of burden, lifting men on my shoulders to see them smile, tending towards fields, and helping my fellow man. I'd work towards tomorrow that's what!" he shouted in a moment of clarity. Tears and blood leaking from his eyes that were cut and ragged from his torture, his shout pierced the silence of the field, the buzzing of flies was no more. And in this moment of hopelessness, the man crouched down and viciously bit Jeremiah on the neck. Jeremiah past out as the man walked away. Only to awaken later finding his wounds healed, opening his eyes on a new world and a new chance at life. He took this opportunity to provide for his family, and eventually when the beast took him he fled, eventually finding the elders of the wolf. He found over the next 100 years that he aged much slower than the others, having been no more than 16 at the time of the war. He was now in his 20's. He became an elder, rather reluctantly as he never takes his duties seriously. And pledged to make the world a better place, starting with the camp. During the meeting of bats and wolves he made his stance known when he proposed the idea of a camp rather jokingly. But when it gained serious attention he was all for it, loving the pop culture image of campers. He set to making the uniforms as soon as the meeting was done as a sign of his support.

Likes: Nature, friends, life in general, hunting, farming, squirrels

Dislikes: People opposed to living peacefully, people who hate camp, war



Without the bandages, and with stbble more so than weird stylized beard....

Other: (Anything extra to add in.)
[QUOTE="Doctor Disharmony]I can change it, if you want.
But I agree. A fire fight would be so incredibly epic :o

I guess it's fine, I'll add the character

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