A Camp To Get Along (A Vampire & Werewolf Roleplay)(Sign Up)

Marie Rain

Two Thousand Club



Throughout the years, vampires and werewolves have never been able to get along with each other. This has caused many problems among the two groups of nightly creatures. There have been issues with territory, food supplies, and many other things as well. Because of these problems the leaders of both groups decided we need something to help everyone interact and get along better.

As the leaders of the groups threw around ideas on how to be civil with each other they both came to an agreement. The agreement was to create a camp, much like a summer camp! This camp would be seperate from the annoying humans that would get in the way of progress. It would be fenced in as well to keep the creatures from going crazy and attacking outside of the camp. In this camp everyone would do normal camp things to get to know one another, also to find so common ground. This is the trial year to test how civil we can be around each other. Have fun at camp this year...


Cabin 1: Alan Evans, Alex Evans, Paige Jones

Cabin 2: Kaine Adamson, Thomas Thornhill, Damien Rainer

Cabin 3: Ayra Jonseon, Gabriel X. Erebos (one werewolf/ Male)

Cabin 4: Zakai Kaokie (two werewolves/ Male)

Cabin 5: Angel Blood, Maudie Johannes, Alexis Mercedes

Cabin 6: Leina Fawn, Luna Howell, Caterina "Cat" Johnson

Cabin 7: Piper Haroldson, Fey Lacene, Coyoty Anné Mathis

Cabin 8: Aayame Mathis, Ardetha Van Flettermaus, Ashton Grey

{I will place people as they join}



Girls: TAKEN

Boys: 3 available


Girls: TAKEN



1. Romance is allowed but don't go over board with it. Meaning no sex.

2. Try not to make one liners, it doesn't give the others a lot to work with when responding to you.

3. Don't write in first person. It's confusing to everyone because of most everyone writing in third person.

4. Be literate! Make sure everything is properly punctuated and capitalized.

5. No godmod, obviously.

6. Do not have the same special ability as others when creating a vampire, try to make them different.

7. A vampires age as far as looks and actual are completely different. The younger the vampire has been a vampire the more they lack power. But also do not make them like 30000000 years old.

8. VAMPIRES DO NOT SPARKLE!!! I can not emphasize this enough =.=

9. The vampires are blood thirsty but don't kill people's characters without permission from that person. Same goes for werewolves, no eating others without permission.

10. Werewolves change into a half wolf then go full wolf. It's not by choice usually unless the werewolf is really angry!

11. If you read this put rabbit in your character somewhere.

11. Be nice to everyone~!


Name: (First and last preferably.)

Werewolf/Vampire: (One or the other, not both.)

Looks Age: (Must be between 15-20)

Actual Age: (This age is older than your looks by a lot. Keep it between 60-130)

Gender: (Only female or male! Trust me once someone tried to have both...)

Special Ability: (Vampires all have one making them different from others. What can yours do?)

Birthday: (Year not necessary but month and day are.)

Personality: (How does your character act and behave in every day life?)

Background: (How was your life before and after you changed? What happened to make your maker change you? Any important details in your history?)

Likes: (What does your character love?)

Dislikes: (What does your character hate?)

Name Of Your Maker: (Who made you into a vampire?)

Appearance: (Use links. Can be a real person or anime.)

Other: (Anything extra to add in.)


Name: (First and last preferably.)

Werewolf/Vampire: (One or the other, not both.)

Age: (Must be between 15-20)

Gender: (Only female or male! Trust me once someone tried to have both...)

Level of Control: (How well can you control your inner beast? Level from 1-10)

Changed/Born? (Are you a born werewolf or a changed werewolf?)

Birthday: (Year not necessary but month and day are.)

Personality: (How does your character act and behave in every day life?)

Background: (What happened in your past that made you who you are? How are you a werewolf? Any important details in your history?)

Likes: (What does your character love?)

Dislikes: (What does your character hate?)

Appearance: (Use links. Can be a real person or anime.)

Other: (Anything extra to add in.) 
Name: Alan Evans

Human/Vampire: Vampire

Looks Age: 17

Actual Age: 72

Gender: Male

Special Ability: He can control his voice to sound like anyone he has ever met.

Birthday: April 11th

Personality: Alan is very mischievous and cunning. He and his brother will play pranks on people and tease them. Over the years he has enjoyed toying with humans just for the joy of seeing them react from it.

Background: Alan grew up always having his brother around him. They used to have fun pranking the people in the town they lived in. Alan was the first of the two to be changed by Vincent. He had been tricked into following Vincent who promised to show him something cool. Alan, being gullible, followed after him. Of course, he was changed into a vampire and made to follow after what Vincent told him, since he was the one who changed Alan. After Alex found out he told Vincent to change him so his brother wouldn't be alone for eternity. Alan felt a bit guilty about this but eventually they moved on and split from Vincent for a good couple of decades. They were told that there was a good place for them to have fun so decided to go there.

Likes: Piano, blood, pranks, scaring people, humans, and being active.

Dislikes: Uptight people, being normal, Vincent, people food, and the sun.

Name Of Your Maker: Vincent Hunter

Appearance: http://24.media.tumblr.com/c32d59fee23a3b99dc9d12bd82abc35c/tumblr_mm35rpRp9y1s5m0t5o1_500.png

(He's the one of the right)

Other: Plays the piano

Name: Alex Evans

Human/Vampire: Vampire

Looks Age: 17

Actual Age: 72

Gender: Male

Special Ability: The ability to control as well as see a human's dreams, also some weaker vampires and werewolves. If he gets pissed off enough he can force people into sleep and torment them.

Birthday: April 11th

Personality: Alex is a bit more serious at times than his brother. He does love playing pranks but he enjoys other things just as much. With more detailed pranks, Alex is usually the one to come up with them.

Background: Alex always enjoyed tagging along with his twin from a young age. Together they would pull of brilliant pranks on the townspeople. After Alan had been tricked into being changed Alex found out. At first he was scared then soon started to worry about Alan being taken away and being alone. Alex approached Vincent and begged him to change him into a vampire as well so he could protect his brother. Alex protected his brother from most of the more violent things Vincent made them do to his enemies. Eventually they parted from Vincent and Alan found out about the camp. He thought it seemed safe and relaxing for once so the two decided it would be good to go there.

Likes: Blood, violin, helping his twin brother, humans, and reading.

Dislikes: Peppy people, Vincent, people food, the sun, and stereotypes.

Name Of Your Maker: Vincent Hunter

Appearance: http://24.media.tumblr.com/c32d59fee23a3b99dc9d12bd82abc35c/tumblr_mm35rpRp9y1s5m0t5o1_500.png

(He's the one on the left)

Other: Plays the violin
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Name: Angel Blood

Werewolf/Vampire: Vampire

Looks Age: 17

Actual Age: 92

Gender: Female

Special Ability: Control Emotions

Birthday: April 30

Personality: Angel is a very outgoing girl. She loves to talk and make new friends

Background: When I was younger, I loved to play in the park at night. One night a vampire attacked me. There I lay, bleeding in the park, when a vampire came to my rescue. I barely had any blood and I was barely alive. She changed me only seconds before my body gave in. She taught me how to live as a civilized vampire and still takes care of me to this day.

Likes: Music, Animals, Movies

Dislikes: Bugs, rich *******

Name Of Your Maker: Elisa Waters


Other: N/A
(Rabbit.)Name: (First and last preferably.) Paige Jones

Werewolf/Vampire: (One or the other, not both.) Werewolf

Age: (Must be between 15-20) 18

Gender: (Only female or male! Trust me once someone tried to have both...) Male

Level of Control: (How well can you control your inner beast? Level from 1-10) 6(He can control it to a point, if angered he'll change, and on the full moon once he changes he can control bits and pieces of things, but its usually his beast running him.)

Changed/Born? (Are you a born werewolf or a changed werewolf?) Born

Birthday: (Year not necessary but month and day are.) July 4th

Personality: (How does your character act and behave in every day life?) Paige is sarcastic. He can come off as a douche at times and hates vampires. He isn't afraid to show his hate towards them and usually sticks to werewolves. Hes lovable and nice to be around when hes in a good mood, but he has a horrible temper. Hes also rather clingy, he doesn't let someone go easily when he falls for them. Hes also extremely loyal. He has a jealous side that comes out.. a lot. He is rather self centered when it comes to what he wants and can become pissed when not receiving what he wants.

Background: (What happened in your past that made you who you are? How are you a werewolf? Any important details in your history?) Paige was born into a family of werewolves; and in their eyes he was the weak one. The one who couldn't control himself perfectly, who lashed out and attacked people. He was like the disappointment. He wasn't spoken about, or to for that matter. When going out, the family left Paige at home. His father wanted him to train; so that's what he did. He trained and trained and trained and gained his muscle mass, and his anger issues. As soon as he left for college he was taken to the camp; and was not all that happy about it.

Likes: (What does your character love?) Men, Women, Werewolves, Candy, Pizza, Video Games, Working Out, Training, Flirting, Lacrosse, Meat.

Dislikes: (What does your character hate?) Vampires, Football, Baseball, Hockey, Veggies, Cats, Chickflicks, Boring movies, Being bored, Milk.

Appearance: (Use links. Can be a real person or anime.) http://i39.tinypic.com/dhcsq9.jpg http://i43.tinypic.com/avt2k6.jpg http://i44.tinypic.com/xc1a15.jpg

Other: (Anything extra to add in.) Hes bisexual.
Sock said:
(Rabbit.)Name: (First and last preferably.) Paige Jones
Werewolf/Vampire: (One or the other, not both.) Werewolf

Age: (Must be between 15-20) 18

Gender: (Only female or male! Trust me once someone tried to have both...) Male

Level of Control: (How well can you control your inner beast? Level from 1-10) 6(He can control it to a point, if angered he'll change, and on the full moon once he changes he can control bits and pieces of things, but its usually his beast running him.)

Changed/Born? (Are you a born werewolf or a changed werewolf?) Born

Birthday: (Year not necessary but month and day are.) July 4th

Personality: (How does your character act and behave in every day life?) Paige is sarcastic. He can come off as a douche at times and hates vampires. He isn't afraid to show his hate towards them and usually sticks to werewolves. Hes lovable and nice to be around when hes in a good mood, but he has a horrible temper. Hes also rather clingy, he doesn't let someone go easily when he falls for them. Hes also extremely loyal. He has a jealous side that comes out.. a lot. He is rather self centered when it comes to what he wants and can become pissed when not receiving what he wants.

Background: (What happened in your past that made you who you are? How are you a werewolf? Any important details in your history?) Paige was born into a family of werewolves; and in their eyes he was the weak one. The one who couldn't control himself perfectly, who lashed out and attacked people. He was like the disappointment. He wasn't spoken about, or to for that matter. When going out, the family left Paige at home. His father wanted him to train; so that's what he did. He trained and trained and trained and gained his muscle mass, and his anger issues. As soon as he left for college he was taken to the camp; and was not all that happy about it.

Likes: (What does your character love?) Men, Women, Werewolves, Candy, Pizza, Video Games, Working Out, Training, Flirting, Lacrosse, Meat.

Dislikes: (What does your character hate?) Vampires, Football, Baseball, Hockey, Veggies, Cats, Chickflicks, Boring movies, Being bored, Milk.

Appearance: (Use links. Can be a real person or anime.) http://i39.tinypic.com/dhcsq9.jpg http://i43.tinypic.com/avt2k6.jpg http://i44.tinypic.com/xc1a15.jpg

Other: (Anything extra to add in.) Hes bisexual.
Accepted :3
Name: Maudie Johannes

Werewolf/Vampire: Werewolf

Age: 18 turning 19

Gender: female

Level of Control: 7. She has full control over it as long as she has control over her emotions. During a full moon it’s bound to happen.

Changed/Born? Changed

Birthday: August 22

Personality: Maudie considers herself to be her best friend. She believes she can manage everything on her own. If possible she’ll try to tell you how to live your life. She’s honest and curious.

Background: Maudie was attacked by an unknown werewolf five years ago on a camping trip with her family. Her brother didn’t survive the attack. Her father was sure it where normal wolves and he still does since Maudie never told him about how she changed after that night. The week after the attack she ran way. Her parent eventually found her but she convinced them to leave her, promising she’ll live with her aunt from that point. She did, but after she attacked her aunt she had to leave once again.

Likes: Being alone. Reading. being right. Honest people. people who share the same thoughts with her.

Dislikes: Every person that isn’t human, let’s be honest we are all monsters. Clingy people. Complains from others.

Appearance: rpnation.com/index.php?showcase/maudie-johannes.379/

Other: Doesn’t have a particular hate for vampires. she just sees them as she sees herself. Monsters but cursed. However she can’t understand vampires that have chosen to become one.
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Jazzylegs said:
Name: Maudie Johannes
Werewolf/Vampire: Werewolf

Age: 18 turning 19

Gender: female

Level of Control: 7. She has full control over it as long as she has control over her emotions. During a full moon it’s bound to happen.

Changed/Born? Changed

Birthday: August 22

Personality: Maudie considers herself to be her best friend. She believes she can manage everything on her own. If possible she’ll try to tell you how to live your life. She’s honest and curious.

Background: Maudie was attacked by an unknown werewolf five years ago on a camping trip with her family. Her brother didn’t survive the attack. Her father was sure it where normal wolves and he still does since Maudie never told him about how she changed after that night. The week after the attack she ran way. Her parent eventually found her but she convinced them to leave her, promising she’ll live with her aunt from that point. She did, but after she attacked her aunt she had to leave once again.

Likes: Being alone. Reading. being right. Honest people. people who share the same thoughts with her.

Dislikes: Every person that isn’t human, let’s be honest we are all monsters. Clingy people. Complains from others.

Appearance: ( will paste later)

Other: Doesn’t have a particular hate for vampires. she just sees them as she sees herself. Monsters but cursed. However she can’t understand vampires that have chosen to become one.
Accepted but make sure to post that appearance later~
If I understood correctly I have to be a member for 1 day before I can post a link:tongue:

But just for now...it's also my avatar:poto:
NotKasey said:
Can you be human? Or do you have to be either a vamp or werewolf?
You have to be either vampire or a werewolf. Humans are banned because I did that before on another site and it came out with a character like twilight =.= Not to mention humans would be to weak for the camp and instantly eaten :3 

Jazzylegs said:
If I understood correctly I have to be a member for 1 day before I can post a link:tongue:
But just for now...it's also my avatar:poto:
Okay so just post it tomorrow when you get the chance~
Name: (First and last preferably.) Leina Fawn

Werewolf/Vampire: (One or the other, not both.) Werewolf

Age: (Must be between 15-20) 19

Gender: (Only female or male! Trust me once someone tried to have both...) Female

Level of Control: (How well can you control your inner beast? Level from 1-10) 8

Changed/Born? (Are you a born werewolf or a changed werewolf?) Born

Birthday: (Year not necessary but month and day are.) October 7

Personality: (How does your character act and behave in every day life?) Feisty, tough, hot-headed, not shy

Background: (What happened in your past that made you who you are? How are you a werewolf? Any important details in your history?) Leina's parents were both werewolves and they gave birth to both Leina and her little brother Sean. Leina always hated being a werewolf, and disliked her cruel parents. One day her parents sent her to a camp to get rid of her.

Likes: (What does your character love?) BBQ ((Yum c: )), being outdoors, adventures, painting, singing ((I'm just naming random stuff lol))

Dislikes: (What does your character hate?) Sitting around not doing anything, annoying people

Appearance: (Use links. Can be a real person or anime.) Long jet black hair, golden tan skin, golden amber eyes with streaks of green in them.

Other: (Anything extra to add in.) She loves to sing. Find out more about her after you gain her friendship! c:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/animerpp.jpg.3442235bc925364d168401310e575c60.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4220" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/animerpp.jpg.3442235bc925364d168401310e575c60.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • animerpp.jpg
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NotKasey said:
Name: (First and last preferably.) Leina Fawn
Werewolf/Vampire: (One or the other, not both.) Werewolf

Age: (Must be between 15-20) 19

Gender: (Only female or male! Trust me once someone tried to have both...) Female

Level of Control: (How well can you control your inner beast? Level from 1-10) 8

Changed/Born? (Are you a born werewolf or a changed werewolf?) Born

Birthday: (Year not necessary but month and day are.) October 7

Personality: (How does your character act and behave in every day life?) Feisty, tough, hot-headed, not shy

Background: (What happened in your past that made you who you are? How are you a werewolf? Any important details in your history?) Leina's parents were both werewolves and they gave birth to both Leina and her little brother Sean. Leina always hated being a werewolf, and disliked her cruel parents. One day her parents sent her to a camp to get rid of her.

Likes: (What does your character love?) BBQ ((Yum c: )), being outdoors, adventures, painting, singing ((I'm just naming random stuff lol))

Dislikes: (What does your character hate?) Sitting around not doing anything, annoying people

Appearance: (Use links. Can be a real person or anime.) Long jet black hair, golden tan skin, golden amber eyes with streaks of green in them.

Other: (Anything extra to add in.) She loves to sing. Find out more about her after you gain her friendship! c:
Accepted! Spread this around to people who you think might like it so we can start sooner!

Name: Luna Howell

Werewolf/Vampire: Werewolf

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Level of Control: 4

Changed/Born? Born

Birthday: June 13

Personality: Luna is an outgoing and spontaneous young woman who loves to have fun. She's a little hot headed and tends to rush into things without thinking, but with her amazing luck, Luna almost always gets out of trouble. A little shy around men, Luna easily warms up to people and is very friendly once you break the ice. Somewhat of a hopeless romantic, Luna often dreams about her Prince Charming and how he's going to come into her life and lead her along a magical adventure.

Background: Luna grew up in a pack of werewolves, her parents were the Delta wolves so she was at a pretty high level in the ranking. One day a group of human hunters came across the pack and shot everyone dead with silver bullets, the only reason why Luna had survived was because she was hiding with her mother deep inside the den. When one of the hunters came inside, Luna's mother transformed and lunged at the human, only to be shot dead. Luna swiftly ran out and hid from the humans. Luna still went to school and hung out with humans, she now has quite the phobia of blood and likes her meat well done.

Likes: Romantic gestures, cooking, playing sports, and sunflowers.

Dislikes: Blood, immense pain, guns, and overly sweet things.

Appearance: http://www.theanimegallery.com/data/thumbs/790px/0132/tAG_132649.jpg

Other: She loves the water and a good way to know when she's going to turn is that she gets cranky, has really bad cramps, and all the other symptoms of PMS, we like to call it Pre Moon Syndrome. RABBIT!!
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paipai900 said:
Name: Luna Howell

Werewolf/Vampire: Werewolf

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Level of Control: 4

Changed/Born? Born

Birthday: June 13

Personality: Luna is an outgoing and spontaneous young woman who loves to have fun. She's a little hot headed and tends to rush into things without thinking, but with her amazing luck, Luna almost always gets out of trouble. A little shy around men, Luna easily warms up to people and is very friendly once you break the ice. Somewhat of a hopeless romantic, Luna often dreams about her Prince Charming and how he's going to come into her life and lead her along a magical adventure.

Background: Luna grew up in a pack of werewolves, her parents were the Delta wolves so she was at a pretty high level in the ranking. One day a group of human hunters came across the pack and shot everyone dead with silver bullets, the only reason why Luna had survived was because she was hiding with her mother deep inside the den. When one of the hunters came inside, Luna's mother transformed and lunged at the human, only to be shot dead. Luna swiftly ran out and hid from the humans. Luna still went to school and hung out with humans, she now has quite the phobia of blood and likes her meat well done.

Likes: Romantic gestures, cooking, playing sports, and sunflowers.

Dislikes: Blood, immense pain, guns, and overly sweet things.

Appearance: http://www.theanimegallery.com/data/thumbs/790px/0132/tAG_132649.jpg

Other: She loves the water and a good way to know when she's going to turn is that she gets cranky, has really bad cramps, and all the other symptoms of PMS, we like to call it Pre Moon Syndrome.

Name: Kaine (no last originally) Adamson

Werewolf/Vampire: Werewolf

Age: Is Ancient however appears 20 (not trying to make a god character, merely trying to add drama/depth)

Gender: Male

Level of Control: Around a 9 (can control transformations after a long life, however he is impulsive and as such has a tendency to turn)

Changed/Born? Changed

Birthday: Was born before modern calendars existed however it is estimated to be around February 5th

Personality: Kaine is a pessimist, he has lived a long life and as such finds life tedious in general. He is impulsive and can be aggressive if he is given reason to, however he is most of the time rather depressed and puts on the facade of being a newborn werewolf so as to not raise suspicion. He is a first class actor, having learned how to play roles after countless lives he has led over his very long life. He wishes to die however his instincts prove so powerful that he cannot take a passive role in the matter.

Background: Kaine is the first born son of Adam and Eve. Having been born and sent to toil in the fields to provide for his family as well as for God's sacrifices, he lived a peaceful life alongside his brother Abel. However when God looked upon Abel's sacrifices in favor time and time again, Kaine grew to resent his brother. Eventually Kaine killed his brother (as was described in the book of Genesis), having grown bitter Kaine attacked and brutally tore out his brother's throat with his bare hands in his fury and as such was cursed to "wander the earth" as a beast among men. A beast no longer suitable to tend to the land. Instead Kaine spent his life in many roles, taking up names such as Genghis Khan or Rasputin in order to find some form of excitement in his countless years of life. Along the way he spread his curse, however he never took credit for it, and never claimed any leadership. Instead he became a legend, a white wolf with eyes of unmatched color (blue, and yellow). He has since grown bored with life and depressed and as such has disappeared into seclusion for the last 100 years. He now comes to the camp posing as a newborn werewolf in order to either finally meet his death at the hands of a werewolf/vampire or else find a new purpose to live for.

Likes: Nature ( He once toiled the fields day and night to grow crops), silence, vampires (he believes they may be the only beasts capable of killing him), the moon (his only "friend" through it all)

Dislikes: life, the werewolf leadership (though he would never take a stance on this, since he wants to remain anonymous and doesn't want to lead), sheep (his brother was a shepherd)

Appearance: (I can provide this later in a link) He appears as a 20 year old male. With yellow eyes and brown mid length hair. He is fit and yet slim, with strong forearms and hands that are larger than average and are calloused as if from working th field. He is usually found wearing a slightly worn suit that appears to date back to the early 20th century.

Other: Kaine is powerful but since he attends this camp he sought the need to limit himself so that he wouldn't reveal himself. To do so he wears a necklace and bracelet made of silver to reign in his feral nature in the presence of other werewolves. This helps him appear as a newborn werewolf (just bitten), seeing as his alpha scent is reduced by the silver, this makes him appear weaker than most and greatly reduces his strength.
killerlung said:
Name: Kaine (no last originally) Adamson

Werewolf/Vampire: Werewolf

Age: Is Ancient however appears 20 (not trying to make a god character, merely trying to add drama/depth)

Gender: Male

Level of Control: Around a 9 (can control transformations after a long life, however he is impulsive and as such has a tendency to turn)

Changed/Born? Changed

Birthday: Was born before modern calendars existed however it is estimated to be around February 5th

Personality: Kaine is a pessimist, he has lived a long life and as such finds life tedious in general. He is impulsive and can be aggressive if he is given reason to, however he is most of the time rather depressed and puts on the facade of being a newborn werewolf so as to not raise suspicion. He is a first class actor, having learned how to play roles after countless lives he has led over his very long life. He wishes to die however his instincts prove so powerful that he cannot take a passive role in the matter.

Background: Kaine is the first born son of Adam and Eve. Having been born and sent to toil in the fields to provide for his family as well as for God's sacrifices, he lived a peaceful life alongside his brother Abel. However when God looked upon Abel's sacrifices in favor time and time again, Kaine grew to resent his brother. Eventually Kaine killed his brother (as was described in the book of Genesis), having grown bitter Kaine attacked and brutally tore out his brother's throat with his bare hands in his fury and as such was cursed to "wander the earth" as a beast among men. A beast no longer suitable to tend to the land. Instead Kaine spent his life in many roles, taking up names such as Genghis Khan or Rasputin in order to find some form of excitement in his countless years of life. Along the way he spread his curse, however he never took credit for it, and never claimed any leadership. Instead he became a legend, a white wolf with eyes of unmatched color (blue, and yellow). He has since grown bored with life and depressed and as such has disappeared into seclusion for the last 100 years. He now comes to the camp posing as a newborn werewolf in order to either finally meet his death at the hands of a werewolf/vampire or else find a new purpose to live for.

Likes: Nature ( He once toiled the fields day and night to grow crops), silence, vampires (he believes they may be the only beasts capable of killing him), the moon (his only "friend" through it all)

Dislikes: life, the werewolf leadership (though he would never take a stance on this, since he wants to remain anonymous and doesn't want to lead), sheep (his brother was a shepherd)

Appearance: (I can provide this later in a link) He appears as a 20 year old male. With yellow eyes and brown mid length hair. He is fit and yet slim, with strong forearms and hands that are larger than average and are calloused as if from working th field. He is usually found wearing a slightly worn suit that appears to date back to the early 20th century.

Other: Kaine is powerful but since he attends this camp he sought the need to limit himself so that he wouldn't reveal himself. To do so he wears a necklace and bracelet made of silver to reign in his feral nature in the presence of other werewolves. This helps him appear as a newborn werewolf (just bitten), seeing as his alpha scent is reduced by the silver, this makes him appear weaker than most and greatly reduces his strength.
Accepted, make sure you don't make him to over powered.
Yeah I won't I just wanted to add a bit of depth, I added the silver to help make sure he isn't too overpowered...So when does this start?
Sedrian said:
You made your character to old. The max is 130. 

killerlung said:
Yeah I won't I just wanted to add a bit of depth, I added the silver to help make sure he isn't too overpowered...So when does this start?
paipai900 said:
Yesss when do we start?~
I guess we can start soon but I was hoping for a couple more people. 

Sedrian said:
Also I would prefer it if you used my character sheet because it would be easier to find everything I need. Also you included things like weapons
[QUOTE="Marie Rain]I guess we can start soon but I was hoping for a couple more people.

I could make another character if we need another. :)
I'm making a Vampire. Give me a second. :3

Sockie is in this :3
Name: Thomas Thornhill

Werewolf/Vampire: Vampire

Looks Age: 18 (even though he was only fifteen when turned)

Actual Age: 60

Gender: Male

Special Ability: Controls fire

Birthday: august 3

Personality: He doesn’t care what anyone thinks. He can be a bit clingy and a bit of a jerk.

Background: I lived a pretty boring life actually. Honestly turning into a vampire was the coolest thing ever happening to me. Thanks, Cous

Likes: smoking, drinking, Stealing, everything that’s sinfull.

Dislikes: overly good people.

Name Of Your Maker: Gregory Thornhill (Cousin)

Appearance: rpnation.com/index.php?showcase/thomas-thornhill.380/
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