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Community .·:*¨¨* ≈☆_July 2024 Community Splash_☆≈ *¨¨*:·.


Darin 256x256 (Water Gun Edition).png

Interactions: Simi ( Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread )

Allies: Pamela ( Maverick Six Maverick Six )

Movement Tag: ( Moonberry Moonberry )

Location: I2

Darin let out a short sigh as the water gun worked and his attack hit. Then, his eyes turned upwards upon hearing their host speak again. It seemed there was a duel occurring somewhere else, given the wor-

The three following thumps changed his train of thought, announcing another addition to the game. More powerful weapons, perhaps?

For better or for worse, Darin did not have much time to ponder on that, considering the fight before him. "As it should be; this is not a battle for honor, but for survival to stay dry! Or something like that..." Preparing for the incoming attack, Darin made to dodge to the right; hopefully, he'd escape the shot and trap their foe between his ally and himself.

Action: Dodging [I3 -> I2] [Simi's Attack: 2 Soak]

DP: 7/10
Squirts: 1/5
SP: 0
Location: K6
Mentions: Tau Tau

Valen shrugged as he raised a eyebrow at the woman as she stuck her tongue out at him. He was still for a moment before saying "Well how can I pass that up?!" He aimed his water gun gangster style at Yumi, and pulled the trigger. Aiming right for her face, specifically her mouth. How dare she stick her tongue out at him! He had lost so much already, a fine evening with a water octopus woman. His Umbrella Kingdom. His Umbrella. Retribution was at hand! One Invader at a time!
Current Location: K6

DP: 4/10
Watergun Squirts: 2/5
Soak Points: 0

Actions: 1/1

1. Valen shoots the Small Tornado.
Ryuuji Kamimura

Moonberry Moonberry

Ah yes, now this was the life, sort of like going on a field trip or vacation to Okinawa..Yeah this was the sort of place that Ryuuji wanted to be. Nice weather, great vegetation and scenery. The sort of place he could retire too when he made it big enough for himself and Saoirse and the others..only coming out to preform great works which would further benefit them..yeah that'd be the life.

Thankfully he did remember water guns from his past life, even if it wasn't the most productive activity or something that was probably going to do a lot in terms of flourishing it couldn't hurt to take some time to relax, he knew even Saoirse was fine with that from time to time, particularly after a job well done.

In the spirit of her, he'd try to do his best at this friendly competitive water based event, thankfully sort of just being at C8, Ryuuji would attempt to use his move action to move to the water cannon on D9. That just seemed like a no brainer at the moment given the fact that a larger firepower option would provide a potential strategic advantage to this event.

Current Location After Move: D9


Watergun Squirts: 5/5

Soak points: 0



Sir Mayday Sir Mayday Moonberry Moonberry
Location: K6 -> J5 -> I5 -> H5​

Water sputtered out of her nose as Yume lightly coughed the water out. She was regretting the offer already. Gripping her own weapon, she prepared to retaliate when the mysterious voice interrupted. Then, on a small hill just down the road, she saw it. That beautiful, glistening weapon, which she'd call Revenge!

"Well, it seems our final battle will go out with a bang~" Yume declared, taking off down the road, straight for the precious weapon of mass moisture.

< -- Yume Moves and Claims Cannon From H5 (if landmines don't protest) -- >

DP: 4/10
Squirts: 5/5
SP: 0

Miiya Aether
Location: H5

Finishing her second mango, Miiya spied a flash of color and bouncing golden locks as a girl with drill--shaped pigtails darted to something that looked like a much larger version of the water guns they all carried. A wicked grin overspread the Aerial’s face as she trotted around the pond toward the girl.

Approaching the water cannon Yume had claimed as her own, Miiya waved. “Hiya! I’m Miiya. Want a mango? They’re super-sweet!” While she proffered the fruit with one hand, her other hand rested lightly on the trigger of her water gun, and the glint in Miiya’s eye might not have been just from pure friendliness.

Miiya approaches the water cannon at H5 and offers her last mango to Yume, though she may have ulterior motives.

Start Location: F4
End location: H5 Water Cannon

Dotted Divider
DP: 9/10
Squirts: 4/5
Soak Points: 0
Actions: Move: 1/1
1. Miiya trots from F4 - F5 - G5 - H5

Location : tile j2
Voider Voider Maverick Six Maverick Six

Even as Pamela's projectile whistled past her face, Simi didn't flinch as she keep her gun and her gaze aimed at Darin.

"Survival? being alive is useless if I don't live my live." She said firmly as she squeezed her trigger.

"You two too, should live your life to the fullest! That's what it meant to be free! That's what a pirate should strive to be..! FOR FREEDOM!!!" Simi exclaimed with fiery tone. Though she immediately realized something.

"Oh, wait. I'm supposed to be the last boss now, not the pirate."

Shoot Darin

DP: 7/10
Squirts: 3/5
SP: 5
Location: H5
Mentions: Tau Tau Moonberry Moonberry

View attachment 1174212
Valen laughs as he soaks the woman, but as he sees her run to a quite intimidating sight, he runs after her. "OH No you don't!" He books after her, all set on keeping the cannon out of her hands! He huffed and puffed as he ran, but she was like a whirlwind towards the cannon! He could feel it coming to a close, and well if he was goign down..he was going to try and take this invader down with him. FOR THE UMBRELLA KINGDOM!
Location: K6 -> J5 -> I5 -> H5

DP: 4/10
Watergun Squirts: 2/5
Soak Points: 0

Actions: 1/1

1. Valen chases to the Small Tornado to try and keep them from claiming the water canon.
Ryuuji Kamimura
Moonberry Moonberry

With there not really being much of an opposition to stop him Ryuuji would presumably take the cannon, less fortunate, the cannon thing was pretty heavy and took some real effort to move around however for now, Ryuuji would attempt to move the thing a space with him from D9 to D8, figuring he should head toward where there seemed to be more commotion, maybe he'd even get to use it at some point if he could make some decent ground and get someone into range.

Action: attempt to Move from D9 to D8 with cannon.

Current Location After Move: D8


Watergun Squirts: 5/5

Soak points: 0



Sir Mayday Sir Mayday Irihi Irihi
Location: H5​

Throwing her arms around the shiny blue cannon, Yume rubbed her cheek over the edge. "Hello, precious Revenge~! Or maybe Revolution! Yes, Revolution, that's just perfect~" she coo'd like a momma bird. And speaking of birds, after a moment, a Irihi Irihi suddenly ran right up, offering her a fruit.

"Hmm..." Yume's lips curled into a smirk. "The only fruit I'm after is the fruit of freedom~! Speaking of which..." she suddenly noticed the Umbrella King charging after her, no doubt to steal her precious prize. "Let's see what this thing can do. Sorry, Birdy. I appreciate your gifts, but next time stand in a safer spot~!"

Pressing the convenient button on the back, Yume positioned the cannon and held on desperately as it began vibrating with moistly power. The blast was like a tsunami washing over the land, leaving nothing save the most favorably positioned untouched.

< -- Yume Fires Cannon @ H5,H4,I5,I4 -- >

DP: 4/10
Squirts: 4/5
SP: 0


"Team 2"
Voider Voider (Ally)
"Team 1"
Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread (Target)
Titles: Beast, Bunnykin, Mundane, Thieving Bandit, Wanted by Western Empire Adventurer's Guild


While pursing her lips at the fact that she'd missed, Pam didn't seem to be too upset about it. After all, she was having a decent amount of fun doing all of this. And that was the point of all of this. Winning didn't seem in the cards but the thought of trying to get as many people soaked as she could was what appealed to her. Though it was shaping up like it was easier said than done. The Pipsqueak was proving harder to takedown than she could have ever anticipated.

Thankfully, the Lizard managed to dodge a well aimed shot from the Pipsqueak, who soon began to go about something that....was oddly relatable.

"Damn right. I fight to live." She said in agreement without any hesitation whatsoever. "Huh. Funny coincidence. Joined a pirate crew myself." It wasn't really too far from her previous occupation. It was like being a bandit but at sea. "Yeah. I go where I want when I want. Days of being able to live in some village out in the middle of bumfuck nowhere is long behind me. Same goes for letting anyone kick me around." However, she left out some of the aspects of that freedom. The kind she didn't like to share with anyone unless she knew them well enough....

Despite her more amicable tone, there was nothing stopping her from taking aim at Simi.

"Another time and place, and maybe we could've been friends!"


She pulled the trigger anyway and fired at her, seeking to soak her to the bone with a torrent of water sent her way.

"But that's just how the cookie crumbles. Hey, maybe you are a boss. But I know you're a pirate too if you mean what you say."

Current Location: K2

DP: 8/10
Watergun Squirts:
Soak Points: 0

Actions: 1/1

Pamela shoots Simi [J2]



Darin 256x256 (Water Gun Edition).png

Interactions: Simi ( Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread )

Allies: Pamela ( Maverick Six Maverick Six )

Movement Tag: ( Moonberry Moonberry )

Location: J3

Darin skidded to a halt on the sand, having narrowly dodged the incoming attack. Catching his breath for a moment, he checked the weight of his water gun, absently listening to his opponent and ally talk; it was a lot lighter... he probably didn't have much ammunition left. Quickly turning his attention back, Darin looked around to assess his position; with his right facing the sea and two unknown participants, it seemed his left was the only open direction.

"Hmph, be that as it may, you can't live your life if you're dead." Darin retorted, before realizing the irony of his statement, being an isekai himself. He'd likely have added more to the conversation, but as further torrents of water went flying his way, he was forced to shove those thoughts aside. Thus, Darin threw himself into another dodge, it's effectiveness yet to be seen.

Action: Dodging [I2 -> J3] [Simi's Attack: 2 Soak]

DP: 7/10
Squirts: 1/5
SP: 0

Miiya Aether

Location: H5

“Ack! Yew skwitch!” Miiya spluttered as the water cannon doused her. “We could’ve been allies. Now yer gonna be just another wet blanket!”

“I`ll show yew!!” she crowed, wiping the water from her face and leveling her squirt gun at Yume.


Miiya gets hit by a partial water cannon blast and fires back at Yume.

Start Location: H5
End location: H5 Water Cannon

DP: 6/10
Squirts: 3/5
Soak Points: 0
Actions: Shoot: 1/1
1. Miiya shoots at Yume
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Location : tile j2 -> j1 -> j0 -> ????
Voider Voider Maverick Six Maverick Six Moonberry Moonberry

"I like that spirit, rabbit woman!" Simi grinned hearing Pamela's answer. Climbing onto nearby boulder, Simi spread both of arms to the side before speaking with firm confidence, all while staring down at both Pamela and Darin.

"We might not be in the same crew, we might not be sailing the same sea, we might not value the same thing. Heck, we might not even remember this entire dreaming stuffs, but carve my presence to your very soul! For I, Simi, will become the future king of pirate! and I WILL SPREAD FREEDOM!!!"

"Now that I have declared my manifesto, its time for me to depart from this realm. Goodbye! Shihihihihihihi!"
Dropping her water gun, Simi jumped into the sea and vanished. She walked on the ocean floor until she reached the border of the world...

DP: 6/10
Squirts: 3/5
SP: 5

[c] Miiya Aether
Location: H5

Miiya was willing to squirt the drill-hair girl, but not wrestling her off the water cannon. This is supposed to be fun, right? Miiya didn’t hit for fun. Well, it could be sorta fun when the person you were hitting deserved losing a few teeth, which Yume didn’t.

“Haha! Take that!” Miiya laughed as she darted away from the cannon and it’s possibly-soaked, possibly-not, gunner. She ducked into the brush and wove her way toward the beach, still clutching her last mango, but forgetting about forage for now.

“Surprise!!” She chirped as she burst from the undergrowth onto the sunny beach, leveling her squirt gun at whomever stood there.

It just so happened to be green-skinned leaf-clothed woman. Miiya had heard of dryads before, but she had never met one in the flesh. Given her proportions, Demeter was either a really really malnourished Orc with her tusks filed down, or one of the tree people. Miiya guessed tree person “Hiya planty!! Have a drink!!” she laughed, pulling the trigger of her weapon.

A sad little stream dribbled out. “Eh?!” Miiya examined her weapon and--seeing others on the beach using the handle-thingy to add pressure to their water guns, she mimicked them, pumping furiously. “Just… hold still… and gimme… a second.”


Miiya runs away from Yume (not far enough) and confronts Demeter.

Start Location: H5 Water Cannon

End location: I4 edge of the beach

Run and Gun

DP: 6/10

Squirts: 3/5

Soak Points: 0

Actions: Move: 1/1

1. Miiya trots from H5 - I5 - I4


"Team 2"
Voider Voider (Ally)
"Team 1"
Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread (Target)
Titles: Beast, Bunnykin, Mundane, Thieving Bandit, Wanted by Western Empire Adventurer's Guild


A wry grin appeared on Pam's face. Given the world she lived in, allies tended to be few. People who truly accepted her for the kind of person she actually was even fewer. In truth she'd yet to know if Simi was either. However, if she truly desired to allow freedom for her to be able to pursue whatever she wanted, then she was a kindred spirit in at least some ways.

And in the next few moment, she'd show herself to have another thing in common: Running away.

"Again?!" Winning wasn't necessarily what she wanted. But the "thrill" as she liked to call it drove much of what it was she did. That said, she probably would have done the same. Pam was about to run after her, but there was no point when Simi had already hit the waterline.

"Fuuuuuck!" She moaned. "Though, I can't lie. I'd have done the same probably. Clever lil' shit. Ha!" Still, she was looking for a battle to the last survivor.

"Hopefully that counts." She had no idea really.

Sniff sniff.

Taking a moment to breathe in the air, Pamela detected a familiar scent that had time to permeate the air.

"Don't know how much time we got left." She said to Darin. "But if you wanna try a last ditch effort, I smell a fairy girl. Two guns is better than one way I see it. If you're sitll up for it."

Whether he wanted to call it a day after that or relax was up to him. But she seemed to wish to squirt till the contest was over. Then she could relax. Thus she 'd quickly dart away, running with powerful legs carrying her great strides. Her nose was constantly at work, following her target where the scent was best.

As she closed in, her eyes beamed as she saw the sassy, tornado'd hair twerp in her sights.

There you are.

Current Location: H4

DP: 8/10
Watergun Squirts:
Soak Points: 0

Actions: 1/1

1. Movement K2 -----> J3 -----> I4 ------> H4

The spirit of chaos, a child-like figure with turquoise hair streaked with purple, danced along the enchanted shores of her conjured island. Her eyes, mirrors of a tempestuous sea, gleamed with mischief as she watched the participants in her watery battleground. This realm of whimsical war where water cannons, guns, and mines awaited.

High above, the fairy child hovered, watching the chaos unfold below with glee. Her laughter, a melody of tinkling bells, filled the air as she observed one brave soul rush towards a water cannon. The silver-haired fae sprinted and leaped onto it, firing bursts of water with determined precision. Unbeknownst to her, she had stepped onto a hidden water mine.

In a spectacular eruption, a sphere of water materialized, bursting at her feet and soaking her and several others in a sudden deluge. The fairy child, suspended in the air, giggled and twirled, her delight evident in every shimmering movement. She wiped a tear of joy from her eye and, with a sigh of contentment, addressed her impromptu playthings in a voice that resonated with otherworldly authority.

"All right, all right! I've had my fun. Thank you all for being such delightful toys. You're free to go, and I'll be keeping all your fun memories of my island. Thank you!"

Her laughter echoed, an ethereal chorus of mirth, as she snapped her fingers. In a blinding flash of light, the participants found themselves whisked back to their own worlds. The island's magic ensured that no souvenirs or even memories remained, leaving behind only the faintest whisper of forgotten enchantment.

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

Thank you for joining in Julys Event! Everyone who participated in the event add 7 pts to your earned pts on the character you participated with.

Maverick Six Maverick Six Pam
Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Demeter
Orikanyo Orikanyo Finn
LightningJay LightningJay John
Irihi Irihi Mira
Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Simi
Sir Mayday Sir Mayday Valen
Femboy Femboy Squink
Maxxob Maxxob Adel
Voider Voider Darin
Tau Tau Yume
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Ryuji
SixSense SixSense Kota
Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Izuru
If your name isn't here message me and I will fix it. Thank you again! It was fun
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