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Community .·:*¨¨* ≈☆_July 2024 Community Splash_☆≈ *¨¨*:·.


Titles: Beastman (Mundane), Kitsune, Isekai
Character Sheet
Mentions: Tau Tau Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Maxxob Maxxob Sir Mayday Sir Mayday
Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi


The sound of water splashing and people shooting seemed all too amusing for the white fox. He watched from the sidelines in silence, hidden behind a tree waiting for his time to pounce on the unsuspecting targets. With the large ears fixed upon a fluffy bed of hair he was able to pick up on information from afar. Kota would shake is head at the sight of Yume and Mimi misusing their advantages. “Got a long way to go ‘Pirate King’.”

A chuckle was placed upon his face at the sight of Squink surrendering, one shot of water and she was already surrendering. Valen would need to make better use of his soldiers. Now was the time to make his move, a smile across his face as he stepped out from his hiding spot. His glasses hung loosely off his face as he looked towards Valen.

“Residents of the umbrella Kingdom, you're surrounded, Peace was never an option!” Kota would lift up his firearm and aim it at Valen. “Ever heard the term, it’s better to be a warrior on a farm than a farmer in a war?” A wide green would appear on Kitsune's face.

“Let us destroy this Kingdom,pirate king, drill haired maiden, Red eyes Black hair, Dryad! allow me to assist you!”


1. Spawn in at I2
2.Shoot water gun at Valen

DP: 10/10
Squirts: 4/5
Soak points: 0
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Wha- How can she missed her shot? Shouldn't a pirate like her able to use cutlass and gun at the same time? This must be because its actually not a real gun, hence why she couldn't access her latent talent at gun-wielding.

When Yume asked for her help, Simi immediately jumped to aid her even though she was Simi's shooting target just a few seconds ago. Why? Anyone who acknowledged her status as the pirate king was worth considering as a nakama. When another man joined in and implied alliance with a few more people, Simi couldn't help but get even more carried away.

"That's right, attack the bad guys!" She hopped excitedly in place while aiming her gun at Valen

Squirt at Valen

DP: 10/10
Squirts: 3/5
SP: 0
Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by: Crimson Cutthroats], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e

Sir Mayday Sir Mayday Tau Tau Jayuen Jayuen Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Femboy Femboy SixSense SixSense

The teenager couldn't help, but give the squid-girl a wide, childish smile, seeing he had managed to soak her a little bit. His eyebrows furrowed, already planning his next course of attack. However, just as he was about to do something, two more joined the unrelenting assault against the foul and tyrannical Umbrella Kingdom.

One was a self-entitled pirate king, while the other was fox-humanoid. From the look of things, it wouldn't take long for the Umbrella Kingdom to fall.

Finally, he answered to the purple-skinned woman. "No can't do, squid-lady! You have chosen your allegiances poorly! Your soaking is inevitable!" His answer was clear, the mischievous expression on his face said it all: he would not negotiate with squidnappers! Her retaliation came swiftly, daring to try and soak HIM instead! He would show that squid-lady the brilliance of the El-Melloi's scion!

"I am going to move and try to cut off their escape route!" He told the fox-man. Employing guerrilla tactics, Adelhein chose to try and dodge the oncoming attack and flee to H2. His counter-attack would come swiftly after that!

Current location: H2

1 - Try to dodge and move to H2

DP: 10/10
Squirts: 4/5
SP: 0

They came outta nowhere after she took the first shot.

It was absolutely wonderful.

First the girl with snow-white tornado hair appeared at her side and started blasting the squid lady. Then a horny young man joined her assault upon The Umbrella King with a watergun of his own. Then came another. And a few more. Even Adelhein showed up to add to the onslaught. Everyone was welcome to join in.

Saltwater whizzed through the air. Allegiances shifted constantly. It was a full-blown party over here. And that must've made Valen the guest of honor with how much fire had been directed his way. The dryad couldn't help but feel a little jealous. But you best believe that she would be doing her part in the onslaught.

Gigglin' all over with a toothy grin, Demeter took aim for Valen once more.


And then she pulled that plastic trigger once more.

Actions (1/3)
1). Continue blasting Valen.​

Current Location: I2

DP: 10/10
Squirts: 3/5
SP: 0
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"It was good yo meet yea, but... This shall not be the last you see... Of Finn Huttman!" Rushing into the water, the young man started to sink into the water... Until...

Well he sunk fully, disappearing into the waves.

Actually, where'd he go...? Did... Did he...

Did he even know how to swim...?

(Depart from thread.)
(Char Sheet)
Mentions: Femboy Femboy Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Maxxob Maxxob Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread SixSense SixSense Tau Tau Jayuen Jayuen

It seemed like from all sides, Valen was being assaulted. The Kingdom of the Umbrella was under siege and its future was looking grim. Valen's chill and relaxing demeanor was gone now. The sight of his ally already faltering was a bummer, but she atleast shot her water gun. As water blasted through the air, and more invaders by the minute, Valen decided to star getting serious. He wiped his brow and his eyes would glow a golden light for a moment as he grabs the umbrella and pulls it free of the sand. The Umbrella king now with the shield of his nation raised his water gun at Kato "Good, I shall never surrender. The thought of it is insulting. And what you say is true.. it is unfortunate that most of time that ones that go to war are the farmers. And this one, is not letting ya take his land partner."

Valen did not falter at the onslaught, trying to use the umbrella to block the water best as he could. He laughed and motioned to all of them. "I see how it is, how you all are..throwing shade my way! Making myself to be a tyrant." He spun the umbrella and then took a defensive stance. Looking at the small pirate king and Yumi both fire their guns at him and he blocks them easily. "My treasure will never be yours pirate king, and as for you..." He looks at the small white haired fae. "No fraternizing with the enemy. Especially those that miss all the time." He sticks his tongue out at her and winks, and then says to Squink "I know this is far from the relaxing evening we both wanted my friend, but I would say it would be a shame for us to be the only ones to not get wet now!" As he says this the dryad blasted him in the shoulder! Valen's body glistened in the sunlight as he was decently soaked already!
Current Location: I2

DP: 5/10
Watergun Squirts: 4/5
Soak Points: 0

Actions: 1/1

1. Entering the Second Phase (Dodging and using the umbrellas as a shield)
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Darin 256x256 (Water Gun Edition).png

Mentions: Pamela ( Maverick Six Maverick Six )
Location: L6


Darin blinked, unsure of what to say before "Finn" disappeared into the waters. He simply stared into the ocean for a few seconds, before turning to the rabbit lady. "Well then, it would appear that our quarry has escaped. Shall we find a new one?" Darin asked, gesturing his head back towards the inner island.

With water gun firmly clutched and half raised, Darin would move back to the nearby path, glancing about for any new targets. While his ears weren't as sensitive as most beastfolk, he still thought he could hear quite a bit of commotion happening somewhere in the distance.

Action: Movement [M8 -> L6]

DP: 10/10
Squirts: 5/5
SP: 0

Interaction: Orikanyo Orikanyo Voider Voider
Titles: Beast, Bunnykin, Mundane, Thieving Bandit, Wanted by Western Empire Adventurer's Guild

Seaside Hill

"Finn Huttmann, huh? I'll make sure to write it on your tombstone after you're soaked to the bone!" She said as she saw him enter the waves.


The woman's sprint caused her to break just before the waterline. The waves lapped at the shores just before her feet. And she took aim at the man.

Yet as he went deeper and deeper out, he'd be to go deeper and deeper. He so deep that soon she didn't even see any point in shooting him anymore. Yet, with her hand over her eyes, she smiled and looked out, satisfied. Technically, he was soaked after all.

She looks at Darin. Then back at the water. Then back at Darin. Then back at the water again.

"That counts, right?" She points out to the water where he disappeared off to. Then she shrugs. "Technicalllly....you helped me soak him, so now I'll help you." She said.

For a brief moment, Pam takes a moment to write Finn's name in the stone. True to her word, she wrote as follows: "Here lies Finn Huttman. Gone beneath the waves."

Her claw simply carved into the stone without too much difficulty it seemed. And she stood up as just as he made the suggestion as to where to go.

"Lead the way lizardman." She said with a grin.

As she left, she quickly moved to follow -- her ears perking up as she did. Wherever he was taking her, she began to hear quite the commotion. She ran a little bit ahead of him to scout, her powerful legs leading her down the path and he was walking. Her eyes looked about cautiously for an intruders, but she also sougght to keep track of where he was going. True to her word -- she sought to follow him wherever he saw fit to go.

Current Location: K4

DP: 10/10
Watergun Squirts: 4/5
Soak Points: 0

Actions: 1/1

Pam jogs to K4.



Darin 256x256 (Water Gun Edition).png

Mentions: Pamela ( Maverick Six Maverick Six )
Location: L6


"Probably?" Darin responded with his own shrug. He gave a curious look at the "tombstone", then back at the ocean; after a moment of silence, he quickly elected to move on.


Darin kept his methodical approach for a minute, but didn't see anyone nearby; and with his ally sprinting ahead, he would never notice the person hiding at [M5]. So, wanting to find out what the commotion was while he could, Darin went into a sprint as well.

Darin skidded to a halt beside the rabbit lady as the path ended, this time giving way to the sands of the western beach. Deciding to take a similar approach as he had earlier, Darin crouched behind the closest rock on the beach, peeking up to witness the horrendous battle taking place. The chaos was difficult to decipher from a distance, as well as among the various battle cries, but it seemed as though there was another team of two who were surrounded by a mob of attackers.

Turning his head back to Pamela, Darin gave a small smirk. "Seems those two could use some reinforcements. How about we show that crowd an even fight? You take one side, I'll take the other." With that, he checked his breathing and tensed his muscles, getting ready for a real, water-filled engagement.

Action: Movement [L6 -> K4]

DP: 10/10
Squirts: 5/5
SP: 0

Interaction: Voider Voider
Titles: Beast, Bunnykin, Mundane, Thieving Bandit, Wanted by Western Empire Adventurer's Guild

The frantic scene was enough that even Pam had trouble really deciding who exactly to side with. Really, she barely knew who the sides were in the conflict.

As time went on, however, she saw two people who were in particular being jumped. Instinctively, she wanted to join the group doing the jumping -- having a habit of liking to prey on the weakest. Being raised by bandits since she was a child meant that she often always saw them preferring to jump and cull the weaker, then move on to the next.

However, this same upbringing instilled a loyalty with her that she valued. Living in a world without law, alliances were forged based purely on trust. And there was no shortage of untrustworthy people. As Darin suggested allying with them, she spoke.

"A bettin' man, are ya?" She said. "How noble of you. Though I'll admit, stacked odds can be pretty fun. I'll play ball."

She points out a black-haired target near the squid [H2]. "I'll go for him. I suggest you pick a target that's a little soaked. Quicker we get 'em out of the fray, the better. Now let's creep up on 'em. You know, like you tried with me." She said playfully.

Without further ado, she moved to execute on their plan.

Pam had been quite loud before. But that was before she ever shot. As she moved forward, she did so with the silence -- stepping forward with her heels hitting the ground first. It being sand only would help conceal her footsteps as she quietly entered the battle royal.

If someone wasn't paying attention, they were about to get a face full of water.

Current Location: H3

DP: 10/10
Watergun Squirts: 4/5
Soak Points: 0

Actions: 1/1

Pam creeps over to H3



Darin 256x256 (Water Gun Edition).png

Mentions: Pamela ( Maverick Six Maverick Six )
Location: I3


"Hmph, I'd say it's a decent bet, if only we can catch them off guard." If they could split the attention of the attacking crowd, and get a few good shots off, Darin guessed that the fight could even out. Besides, how much would they strategically gain by just piling on themselves? No, adding to the chaos would be a bigger opportunity, even if a risky endeavor.

"Ha, sounds good to me." Darin followed shortly behind, sticking to the inner side of the beach and near the foliage. While he'd originally intended to move on the opposite flank as his ally, running along water edge wouldn't have been very discreet, which was crucial for their opportunity. So instead, Darin kept his movements low but quick, hoping that no one would take notice of him.

Spotting a large boulder that was a prime position to ambush from, Darin hurled himself as silently as possible towards it. Then, cautiously sticking his head around it's side, Darin looked upon the fight, searching for a target among the attackers.

Action: Movement [K4 -> I3]

DP: 10/10
Squirts: 5/5
SP: 0



Sir Mayday Sir Mayday SixSense SixSense
Location: i2​

"Hm hm. Nice job deflecting my warning shots, Umbrella Tyrant~" Yume taunted. "But it's too late! Your kingdom is falling, your allies have abandoned you... now is the time for change!"

She turned to the guy who looked almost like he could be her "brother with fluffy bits" and nodded with a smirk. As he shot from one direction, Yume went the other, aiming for a pincher attack.

< -- Yume Shoots Valen -- >

DP: 9/10
Squirts: 2/5
SP: 0

"Team 1"

Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Maxxob Maxxob Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread SixSense SixSense Tau Tau Jayuen Jayuen (Enemies)
"Team 2"
Femboy Femboy Sir Mayday Sir Mayday Voider Voider (Allies)

Titles: Beast, Bunnykin, Mundane, Thieving Bandit, Wanted by Western Empire Adventurer's Guild


Suddenly, a shot from a new contender rang out. An ambush if anyone has ever seen one.


The Gun went off like a hose -- unleashing a jetstream towards her target. That being the red-eyed, black-haired boy named Adelhein. If she had her way, she'd spray him down without mercy and without hesitation. On this hot summer day, Adelhein would feel a torrent of water assault him as he stood at H2

"Abandoned are you?" Pam said, hearing of an abandoned kingdom and a little Dryad chanting for it's downfall. As she pumped up her gun and prepared for her next shot.

"Well It's your lucky day squid woman and umbrella man, CAUSE THE FUCKIING CALVARY HAS ARRIVED!" She yelled, almost as if trying to draw out attention to herself.

Pam's hand moves rapidly -- pumping to prepare her watergun for another generous shot.

"You're dead meat, little man." Said the bunnykin to Adelhein, with a smile more wicked than most might think . Ironically, she and them were probably not so different. She could have easily been on their side if not for being swayed by the orange lizard.

But today, fortunately for the squid lady, she chose the hard way out of nothing more than chance loyalty.

Current Location: H3

DP: 10/10
Watergun Squirts: 3/5
Soak Points: 0

Actions: 1/1

Pam shoots at Adelhein [H2)

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Spawn at I2​
John found it interesting that there was magic capable of teleporting him to this strange island, but at some point these things no longer surprised him as much in this new world. In the meantime, in the place that he had spawned he saw a couple of people who had already begun spraying each other. "Hello there." He'd wave to them in his typical NPC like manner. Not knowing where to even begin really, he decided to shoot at Yume. Surely she wouldn't mind it right? "Ummm... Take this!"

DP: 10/10
Squirts: 4/5
SP: 0

1. Shoot at Yume


Darin 256x256 (Water Gun Edition).png

Mentions: Yume ( Tau Tau )
Location: I3


Darin chuckled at Pamela's attack, watching her shout out into the escalating battle. Wanting to increase the pressure quickly, he scanned the other team for an opening that he could exploit.

Such an opening occurred when another human spawned in the crowded area. He watched the man's actions, waiting to see how it would play out; Darin smiled when the new arrival attacked a member of the other team. Perfect Deciding the most effective option would be to strike the same target as his unknowing ally did, Darin climbed onto the top of the boulder, before leveling his weapon at Yume. "Always keep aware of your surroundings!" So, joining the fray, Darin pulled the trigger on his water gun.

Action: Soaking [Yume]

DP: 10/10
Squirts: 4/5
SP: 0
Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by: Crimson Cutthroats], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e

Allies: Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Tau Tau Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread SixSense SixSense Jayuen Jayuen
Enemies: Voider Voider Maverick Six Maverick Six Femboy Femboy LightningJay LightningJay Sir Mayday Sir Mayday

Just as the squid-lady squirt was about to make contact with Adelhein, he dived into the sand, wanting none of it! His body moved with a mastery that bellied his [Speed H], not a single drop of her moist attempt making contact against his pale skin. It seems like the '5 Ds of Dodgeball', taught by his mentor Patches O'Houlihan, served more than just dodgeball.

With the warm sun tanning his back, he watched with glee as the assault against the Umbrella Kingdom continued, noticing even Demeter among those who sought the ruin of the tyrannical and oppressive rule! With the smile of his lips widening even further, he joined the war cry along with the woodland sprite. "DOWN WITH THE UMBRELLA KINGDOM!!!" He bellowed, crimson eyes narrowing, plotting his next course of action!

However, before he could enact his dastardly plan, another one had joined the fray. Some bunny-lady, with big tatas and an equally big mouth! And she dares to try and stop their just cause of bringing down the corrupt kingdom? That won't do... that won't do at all! "Dead meat? In your dreams, Tits McGee!" He said sarcastically, pointing an index finger towards Pam, before once more employing the '5 Ds of Dodgeball': Dodge, duck, dip, dive and... dodge.

Current Location: H2
1 - Try to dodge and move towards I1

DP: 10/10
Squirts: 4/5
SP: 0
Designer (36).png
WINREY | Beastkin-Rabbit | Enigmatic
Winrey was in the middle of trying to cool off from the hot arid air in his small bedroom back in Ryke when he found himself instantly teleported to a new and sandy location. Sun, palm trees, and as much beach as the eye could see: He was totally in a tropical paradise now. It looked just like the posters his mother would collect whenever she read those pamphlet's about far off places to vacation in. They'd never had time or money to go, but now it seems he'd get his chance.

Hey where'd my robes go?! He looked down to find himself in breezy clothing that were a lot less stuffy than the usual church garb he wore. His veil had been replaced by a straw hat, and he wore a shirt he'd never brought with a cute icon on the front. Meldaron has blessed me enough to arrive in comfortable clothing, at least.

He found himself with other people who also had been teleported to this island, and as she explained the game to them, he couldn't help but feel a pang of familiarity about it all. He could vaguely remember doing something similar to this back in Blackwell, before he had ever become a Homonculus. He took one of the water guns in hand, and held it somewhat akwardly as he looked for who to target first. While I'm here, I suppose I could enjoy myself for a bit...how do you use this thing, again? He fiddled with it for a bit as he walked, making his way to where he heard the most action going on. He found himself in the farther side of the island, and could see what he could only describe as all out war going on. He spotted one man who'd nearly ducked into the sand to avoid being hit. It seemed one sided...but a vicious need for victory overtook Winrey then he aimed directly for him. Some would say it was dishonarable to aim for those who are already down...but those people aren't here right now, anyways.

Location: H2
Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob

Allies: Femboy Femboy |@Sir Mayday | Voider Voider | Maverick Six Maverick Six

Actions: Aim and Fire

DP: 10/10
Squirts: 4/5
SP: 0

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Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by: Crimson Cutthroats], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e

Allies: Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Tau Tau Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread SixSense SixSense Jayuen Jayuen
Enemies: Voider Voider Maverick Six Maverick Six Femboy Femboy LightningJay LightningJay Sir Mayday Sir Mayday Lolory Lolory

With another successful dodge, Adelhein's confidence was soaring. In that very moment, he felt like a lean and mean soaking machine. At the distance, he looked at the bunny-lady who had unsuccessfully attempted to soak him. At that very moment, it was like the young magus had discarded whatever semblance of nobility or etiquette which was once taught him by his family. In its place, only a mischievous teenager with RaGiNg hormones remained. "Better luck next time, bunny-lady!" He told Pamela, a wink accompanying it.

However, little the young magus knew that he would come under attack by yet another source! Quickly, his eyes scanned the shifting sands and palm trees, crimson eyes finally finding someone else. From what he could gather, it was a girl, with a curious hat that accompanied bunny ears on top of it. Hohohoho... it appeared that the whole rabbit gang was after his sweet ass, the bastards clearly had struck some sort of deal with the corrupted Umbrella Kingdom! And, of course, since their eyes had captured his flawless form, he had become a high-value target for them.

As he was preparing to dodge another oncoming attack, the new rabbit girl pressed the trigger of the soaker, missing horribly. Adelhein's expression contorted to a grin from ear-to-ear, laughing loudly, the sound echoing from his throat filled with arrogance. "HAH! You won't be getting me wet today, bunny-girl! Better run to your momma, while you have the chance!" He teased, pointing at Pamela, before aiming his soaker at Winrey. "Time to get wet!" He pulled the trigger, without a second thought.

Current Location: I1
1 - Pew-pew against Winrey

DP: 10/10
Squirts: 3/5
SP: 0

Equipped Titles: Ilithid, Beastfolk, Ryke Nobility (F), Helper of Natori
Character Sheet
Current Position: I2
Sir Mayday Sir Mayday SixSense SixSense Maverick Six Maverick Six

She was disappointed to see that her attempted shot didn't hit Adelhein at all, him having avoided it as he did. Looking back to Valen as he mentioned about the failed opportunity to have a peaceful time, she sighed softly.
"I suppose so, I'm just not very good at all at this kind of thing, i-it gets a little unnerving to have so many people around and aiming at eachother and stuff even if it's just water. I'm not even a squid, I don't understand why everywhere I go, people say the same thing... " she answered back, trailing off as she continued to be confused why she was always regarded as sea life when she had never even been to an underwater area or anything. Her current only location was the Umbrella Kingdom, and that didn't seem like it counted as 'aquatic land'. At the sudden sound of a bunny girl loudly announcing her arrival, being called a squid yet again.

"But I'm not even- I- ugh... I don't know why I bother... " she sighed, seeing as she wasn't ever going to change the reception she always got. Seeing as it felt like so much conflict had started over a mere kingdom based around an umbrella, she only had one question on her mind. Aiming and firing at Kota in the meanwhile since she believed he was on the opposing team... since from whatever it seemed like, there was some apparently silently agreed upon teams now, she just blatantly asked an open question since she was rather confused.

"So uh... is... someone supposed to be counting points or something, or... keeping track? W-who's exactly watching everyone just spray water at eachother? D-doesn't that seem... I dunno, a little weird or suspicious or something, t-that some stranger just invited us all here and is just watching us... do this? B-because they don't seem to be anywhere I can see right now... " she asked, unsure if the entire game they were all just suddenly committing to playing was really the most logical thing at hand.

DP: 9/10
Squirts: 3/5
SP: 0

Action: Fire at Kota​
Designer (36).png
WINREY | Beastkin-Rabbit | Enigmatic
"I'm not a girl!" Winrey said in an annoyed tone. Winrey was able to easily sidestep from the pitiful attempt to shoot him with water. Now he was really in it now, he couldn't let this go so easily. After firing for the first time, Winrey felt more confident in being able to spray people, and lifted the water gun again with a steadier hand, before he shot again at Adelhein.

He decided to aim and fire at him again, but he did remember how tricky he was before.
"Will you stand still please so I can spray you?" Or at least make this an easier fight, how is he dodging so quickly?

If Kuro were here, she'd probably be able to make everyone spray each other with her karmic ability. Thinking about it, it was probably a good thing she wasn't here because that'd gaurantee Winrey would never hit anyone.

There was a ruckus all around him, but it seemed a lot of people were focused on getting this guy out. If he paid attention, he could see that there were teams. He'd inadvertently joined one side and had evened the odds just a little bit.

Perhaps if we all work together, we can win. Besides, a team means less work for me, anyways...His only regret was joining the side that had their backs against the wall on a whim.

Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob
Allies: Voider Voider | Maverick Six Maverick Six | Femboy Femboy | LightningJay LightningJay | Sir Mayday Sir Mayday

Location: H2
DP: 10/10
Squirts: 3/5
SP: 0
Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by: Crimson Cutthroats], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e

Allies: Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Tau Tau Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread SixSense SixSense Jayuen Jayuen
Enemies: Voider Voider Maverick Six Maverick Six Femboy Femboy LightningJay LightningJay Sir Mayday Sir Mayday Lolory Lolory

Quickly sidestepping, Adelhein dodged the bunny-girl attempt to soak him, fiendish expression, before considering her protests of being actually a boy, rather than a girl. "Boy or girl, you couldn't hit water even if you fell from a boat!" The young magus delivered the sick burn, his bare feet sliding across the warm sand, as he began running for some reason!

After a few quick steps towards Winrey's position, the teenager would launch himself into the air, aiming the soaker at his target in almost cinematic motion. And, in midair, he squeezed the trigger of the soaker, aiming squarely at the bunny-boy. He might have missed the first time, but he had to make this one count!

Current Location: I1
1 - Pew-pew against Winrey

DP: 10/10
Squirts: 2/5
SP: 0

Designer (36).png
WINREY | Beastkin-Rabbit | Enigmatic
Winrey tried to immediately dodge out of the way of the harmless splash of water, and hoped his rabbit legs would prove up to the task. If I could just hit him one time...

Things were really heating up now, and Winrey had just joined into the fray! He supposed this was his karma for deciding to try and splash someone while they were down, but the opportunity had appeared right in front of him! How could he not take that chance given the circumstances?

Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob
Allies: Voider Voider | Maverick Six Maverick Six | Femboy Femboy | LightningJay LightningJay | Sir Mayday Sir Mayday

Actions: Dodge to H1

DP: 10/10
Squirt: 3/5
SP: 0


Location : tile i1 -> j2
Voider Voider Tau Tau

Using the chaos to try sneaking around the umbrella kingdom. Simi instead spotted another figure joined the war, a lizardman with a big water gun shooting at Yume from behind. A wide grin appeared on her face as she used the opportunity to aim her water gun at the lizardman and squeezed the trigger.

"That's right. Always keep aware of your surroundings!"

Squirt at Darin

DP: 10/10
Squirts: 2/5
SP: 0

Titles: Beastman (Mundane), Kitsune, Isekai
Character Sheet
Mentions: Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Femboy Femboy Maxxob Maxxob Tau Tau Maverick Six Maverick Six Voider Voider Sir Mayday Sir Mayday

The assault upon the Umbrella kingdom had gotten off to a good start. The trio of Simi, Yume, and Kota refused respite to the soon to be fallen Umbrella King.


Kota cried out as he aimed his gun at Valen, managing to land a hit on him.

“HAHAHA, YOU FOOL.” the kitsune cackled, perhaps a bit too soon though. From the side he’d noticed a Bunny girl and a small beast reptile emerge from the island forests. Reinforcement?! Kota was stunned for a second however he held his ground bravely and gritted his teeth.


However from the side he would feel a spray of water hit him directly in the chest, from none other than…Squiddy?

“I’ve underestimated you Ms.Squid! Still you’re no match for us!” A wide grin still plastered on his face as he aimed his gun once more at Valen.

1. Shoot water gun at Valen

DP: 8/10
Squirt: 3/5
SP: 0

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