• This section is for roleplays only.
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Community .·:*¨¨* ≈☆_July 2024 Community Splash_☆≈ *¨¨*:·.


Bitter and Sweet, do not eat.
Roleplay Type(s)

.·:*¨¨* ≈☆ Isekai Hell July 2024 Community Splash event ☆≈ *¨¨*:·.​

♫ Summer Splash ♫

Summer had arrived, and with it, the searing embrace of the sun. Enchanted invitations fluttered through the air, delivered by unseen hands to those chosen at random. Each invitation bore a mystical summoning circle, and those who accepted found themselves whisked away to a place out of dreams: the "Magical Mirage Island."

They arrived in a sudden burst of light, blinking against the brilliance of the scene before them. The island was a lush paradise, where vibrant green palms swayed gently in the balmy breeze, and golden sands glistened like powdered sunlight. The air was thick with the sweet scent of tropical blooms, mingled with the salty tang of the ocean. As the initial haze of disorientation faded, curiosity sparked in the hearts of the adventurers. They began to explore, drawn to the island's many wonders.
Here, trees with emerald leaves stretched towards the azure sky, casting dappled shadows upon the ground. There, smooth, sun-warmed rocks created natural seats and pathways. In the heart of the island, clear pools of water sparkled like liquid crystals, inviting the weary to refresh themselves. The island seemed devoid of natural inhabitants, adding to its ethereal quality. The only movement was the gentle lapping of waves and the occasional rustle of leaves.

Gradually, the group converged at the island's center, where a strange sight awaited them. Displayed upon a shelf were peculiar weapons, seemingly crafted from a fantastical material that shimmered in the sunlight. They appeared to be guns of some sort, but those who picked them up found them astonishingly light, made from a metal that was both flexible and resilient. Intrigued, they examined these items, when suddenly, a voice rang out, echoing from all directions.

"Hello my darlings! Precious playmates of mine! Welcome to my island of fun!"

A small, whimsical woman appeared, floating effortlessly above the crowd. Her hair, a riot of purple and turquoise, danced around her head like a living rainbow. Her eyes sparkled with mischief and delight as she surveyed her guests. "Thank you for accepting my invitation of play! All of you here, get to play in a most interesting game." Her voice carried a childlike joy, filling the air with an infectious sense of wonder. She floated down, reclining mid-air with a playful grin, her head cradled in her hands as she looked at the crowd upside down.

"These things you see below, some of you might recognize from a past life. They're called..." She paused, her grin widening. "Water guns!" Her laughter was a melody of pure joy, rippling through the air like a gentle wave. She flipped gracefully in the air before landing softly on the ground, a water gun magically appearing in her hands.

"They store water in the tanks. And you use them to play with your friends!" She demonstrated, pointing the gun skyward and squeezing the trigger. A jet of water arced through the air, misting the crowd and eliciting surprised gasps and delighted laughter. "Just put your finger here! Squeeze! And!" As the cool mist settled, the girl laughed heartily, holding her sides and wiping tears of mirth from her eyes.

"Ahahaha! See! That was fun! Everyone takes one gun! You fill up at any body of water. There are a few small pools around the beach that you can use. You can use the water gun five times before you'll have to refill!" With another light-hearted giggle, she floated back into the air, her smile radiant as the sun above. The crowd began to grasp the game, excitement bubbling up as they examined their water guns.

"It's a free for all! The goal is to stay dry. And get everyone else wet. The one who stays the driest the longest and soaks the most people; they'll win. I'll give them a special prize when the night comes." As she spoke, she ascended higher, her voice still as clear as if she stood among them. "Now...Let the fun begin!" She clapped her hands, her laughter a joyous symphony that echoed across the island.

✺*:・゚✧*:・゚✧✳ ┅ ⑅ ┅ ✳✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧✺

Welcome to the July 2024 Community Splash! This is going to be a free for all, Autonomous roleplay. While it is a free for all, that doesn't mean you aren't allowed to team up. There's no back-to-back posting. Wait for someone else to post before you post again. We'll be using the RPN dice mechanics. To do that you'll make your post to explain what your character is doing. Then if they're shooting someone, you'll say who you're aiming at. And post. Then go back and edit the post and use the "Throw Dice" Option at the bottom. Enter the appropriate dice. What you get decides whether or not you hit the person you're trying to, or not.

Upon their first post, players may choose a random spawn point to start.

Dry Points (DP): Each player starts with 10 DP.
Soaked Points (SP): Players receive SP for causing another player to have to dry off.

The water gun tanks will hold 5 squirts. After 5 squirts are used, players must move to a body of water and spend a full turn refilling.

Players roll a D6 to determine the effectiveness of their soaking
Soaking Roll Results:
1-2: Miss (0 damage)
3-4: Minor hit (1 damage)
5-6: Direct hit (2 damage)

Dodging: Players can choose to dodge and run when being shot at, if they do not wish to shoot back. Roll a D6:
1-2: Fail (no effect)
3-4: Partial dodge, Dodge 1 splash
5-6: Dodge 2 splash counts

Dry off: When a player's DP reaches 0, player loses half the points earned. Roll 1D6 to decide which Dry off spot you'll respawn at.
1: D2
2: C8
3: G6
4: I2
5: I9
6: M4

In one post you can either run up to 3 spaces. Or aim and shoot the water gun.
If being shot at, you may dodge and run, or shoot back.
Range of attack is 1 space surrounding the player's current space.
Players being shot at can choose to dodge and run...or shoot back
Once shooting at a character, the shooter must wait for the victim to respond to continue,

So each post should have the Tile the character ends on in bold at the top of the post. And at the bottom in a spoiler, try to keep track of your points. IE


DP: 10/10
Squirts: 5/5
SP: 0

Please Note that this event is -NON CANON- Meaning that everything that happens here, will not be remembered or have actually happened to your character. No more than a possible dream.
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Beast, Bunnykin, Mundane, Thieving Bandit, Wanted by Western Empire Adventurer's Guild
It had never been an invitation meant for her. But she liked to take her fate into her own hands. Or, in this case, from the hands of someone else. A rather unfortunate, random soul would see an invitation jus a foot from being within arm's reach snatched before his very eyes by a blur.

Somewhere within an alley, a mysterious figure would open the invitation. And what she saw caused a grin to spawn on her face.


It was about damn time she got something of a vacation. All the running and being chased. Leaving a small letter to let everyone know where she was at, she accepted the invite with preparations made.

The summoning circle teleported her over. She unabashedly wore what amounted to a rather nice-looking white bikini, which did well to deflect the sun away from her in part. It, quite clearly, left very little to the imagination -- bearing her midriff and doing very little to hide the contours of her athletic and yet nimble-looking figure. Non-retractable claws appeared on both hands and feet. Her snow-white hair was long, draping down to roughly her waist.

She was holding a spare change of clothes, some towels, and a few snacks. Prominently, in the form of a great many fresh carrots. As a career thief, Pamela wrapped most of her things and hid them on the island to be cautious. For now, however, stealing was out of the question. Probably.

Soon, what almost looks like a fairy appears and explains what the hell is happening. And it looks like they were randomly all invited to a water gun contest. And towards the end, there'd be a mysterious prize. A wicked smile appeared on the bandit's face. She looked up in the air as a water gun popped out of nothing. And she caught in instinctively.

"Sweet." She said simply. A bit of run and gun was far from her usual close combat-oriented skills. But she liked to think of herself as mobile. "Never seen one of these before. Seems easy enough." While native to this world, it was a simpler thing to grasp. She knew what water was, and she knew what a gun was. That was enough for her.

Without a single shred of warning, Pam took off.


See ya suckers.

An eruption of sand replaced her previous location as she took off in one small hop. And her feet crashed into the ground again, launching her clear over a tree.

Spiraling and flipping unnecessarily through the air, Pam hit the ground with an acrobatic roll. She scanned the area a bit with watergun in hand. Her eyes flicked left. And then right. Seeing things were relatively clear and that she was the first person here, she saw that there were 3 bodies of water here, as she'd thought.

Squirt squirt.

After giving it a few test shots to see how the thing worked, she filled it up again. Quietly, she took the day to enjoy not being chased by the guild or guards or anyone else. And if she lost? Oh well. She had no intention of losing, however.

With a hand on her hip and her gun pointed straight up into the sky, she surveyed the area, looking for either potential allies or....victims.

Current Location: F3

DP: 10/10
Watergun Squirts: 5/5
Soak Points: 0

Actions: 1/1

1. Pam fills up her watergun.

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Finn Huttman

Titles: Human, expert Swordsman, Chatty, Attention Hog, Stalwart, Anchor, Crested: Bronze, East Empire Fugitive, See inquisitor, traumatized, Hero of Yemaya, Northern adventurer, Mundane, Curse Cleansed, [Ally: Grave Elves], Frequent Flier

Current Location: K7

It was time for a break... Not like he had been going too hard of late but his travels were far and wide, no reason to not join in on this invitation to a... Beautifully scenic beach. The explanation of the event was clear, shoot others with water to get them wet and stay dry yourself! Fair enough, but... well... The sun was so nice... The sand beneath his feet was so soft... He wasn't about to pass up this chance to take a moment to himself!!

Sitting upon a warm rock, the man laid out in the sun, letting the warmth cover him head to toe... The sound of the waves lapping at the shore, the wind bringing sweet smells from across the way... He could stay here forever... He was perfectly dry, and not having a singular care in the world.

Who would dare to ruin this absolutly perfect moment and soak this man? A man who just wanted to lay in the sun and bask in it's glory.

DP: 10/10
Squirts: 5/5
SP: 0

Actions: Sunbathe, Seduction B, Persuasion B, Surfer bro vibe SS (Ie: Nothing)

Beast, Bunnykin, Mundane, Thieving Bandit, Wanted by Western Empire Adventurer's Guild

Seaside Hill

Raising her nose to the air, Pam catches a distant scent. As she pinpoints the direction of it, she turns towards it's source and smiles.

Fresh meat.


With a moderately powerful hop, she made her way into a tree and landed gracefully on a branch. Wth her hands over her eyes, she looked out at the guy with hadn over her eyes to block out the shining sun. Apparently, he was just lounging around. Yet Pam was practically the polar opposite. She craved stimulation each and nearly every single day. And for better or worse, lived a life which provided such.

Unfortunately for her target, she didn't get her workout. And this meant that she'd assuredly need to be tired out before winding down was ever a thought. The best he could hope for was someone else to drag away her attention. The branch bends as she jumps off. She spins through the air -- watching as she clears the body of water below her before landing. And then she hops again.

Landing near a bush. The perfect concealment.

Is the coast clear?

She pops her head out to get another glance. A bit more detail of him was now visible.

Yeesh. I wouldn't mind seeing him get at least a little wet.

Current Location: I6

DP: 10/10
Watergun Squirts: 5/5
Soak Points: 0

Actions: 1/1

1. Movement to I6

(Char Sheet)
Titles: Human
Location: I2

He had to admit, he had thought it was a joke when he accepted that invitation. It was just hard to resist such a cute magical thing. The way it floated in the air, moving like a feather in circles around him. Now that he thinks about it maybe he should have put more thought into accepting. This could be a trick from a pixie or dryad he has aggravated. He winced and shook his head as he wagged a mental finger at himself.

Well he was in it now, no going back. But hey it was a beautiful sight. The sand was pristine and untouched, not a footprint in sight. The trees swayed in the wind, waving their leaves at him as he looked around. He had run away from the group and found a nice umbrella on the beach and found quite the spot. He had quickly took off his cloak and leather armor, no intention of baking himself. His chest abare and some loose blue shorts covering all below.

He took a look at the sea and sighed before taking a seat in a chair under the umbrella. Sooner or later someone would see the red and white umbrella and show up. Why waste the time running around? Let all the trouble come their way. He put on a pair of orange glasses and leaned back.
Current Location: I2

DP: 10/10
Watergun Squirts: 5/5
Soak Points: 0

Actions: 1/1

1. King of the Umbrella
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Izuru had accepted the invitation out of pure curiosity. Now that he stood on a sandy shore with crystal blue waves as far as the eye could see. He felt satisfied with such a decision. Luckily he had even remembered his swimsuit that he'd bought using his busking money. Tucked underneath his arm was a beach umbrella which he suspected used to be his cane. Likely the supervisor of this little event wanted to make sure he wouldn't be firing off shadow bolts at people. Instead Izuru had been offered a water gun, much like those from the world he inhabited before this one. He felt a bit weird holding the plastic toy in his hand, as if he hadn't really operated one. The dragonkin did his best to avoid such thoughts since they implied he had no friends. Instead he made sure his spawn point would be somewhere close to a dry off point. He could spray newly dry players and get back into the action faster if HE was sprayed.

Arriving at the location marked as M5 on his map. Izuru tucked himself into the bushes and waited with his weapon at the ready. His dragon tail wagged from side to side as nerves tried to get to him. It was just like one of those FPS games he could never get into considering that he was terrible at them. However he was hoping that he could at least capitalize on his knowledge of stealth games to sneak some quick squirts.

Current Location: M5

DP: 10/10
Watergun Squirts: 5/5
Soak Points: 0

Actions: 1/1

Izuru camps

Equipped Titles: Ilithid, Beastfolk, Ryke Nobility (F), Helper of Natori
Character Sheet
Current Position: I3
Sir Mayday Sir Mayday

Squink hadn't had a peaceful break or vacation in what felt like forever, usually her life was stressful and worrisome. But thanks to the appearance of a strange, magically appearing invitation which she felt like she should heed the call of, it had been to her benefit of being able to go on a bright trip elsewhere to relax for a while. Concerned that she wouldn't have something good to wear on the trip, she had stopped by elsewhere to get a new tailored set of clothes less 'dressy' and more waterproof. It felt pretty snug, though she had no idea how good it looked so maybe she'd just have to find out the good or bad of it if it happened.

"Ooh, this place is so pretty! I'd love to have a house or place to live at a beautiful place like this. I should invite a bunch of friends or something to a beach, and then we could have a big beach party or something, oh that sounds like it'd be so much fun! Oh, but I don't think I know enough people who I could invite or would want to come... " Squink mumbled to herself. When things came to the explanation of how things were gonna work, it seemed a little overwhelming. She didn't want to get shot at, even if it was with water, but she supposed this was the game she signed up to. Nervously accepting a water gun, Squink went off in her own direction. Whilst the game seemed interesting and all, she didn't want to get overly caught up in something she believed she would be terrible at. Maybe she could just do it at her own pace and maybe make some friends. There was a whole pretty island to look around after all, getting soaked in an attempt to try and soak others could at least wait a minute.

Walking around and getting a little lost, her golden ilithid eyes spied a man lounging by himself. He looked too chill to be part of the whole 'water gun game' thing, was he just some random bystander? She didn't want to soak anyone just minding their own business game or not, maybe they just wanted to enjoy the free trip too. Nervously holding the water gun behind her because she didn't want to seem like a threat, which to another person's eyes probably looked like she was going to trick them, she called out to Valen.

"Uhm, excuse me? Can I ask where you got the chair and umbrella and such? I-I'm a little new around here, I was invited here for some sort of game, although I wanted to enjoy the sights and stuff while I had the chance. A-are you part of the game or... you don't look like it, b-but maybe that's just me. Sorry, I'm a little awkward around meeting people... uh, my name is Squink... " she introduced, rather than aiming to shoot him she was just trying to make friends already. If she came across someone minding their own business, then she might as well try and have someone to be a friend with rather than be alone the entire time. That'd just make her sadder when she's bad at the water gun game. Maybe they could help eachother or something.

DP: 10/10
Squirts: 5/5
SP: 0​
Mentions: @Femboy​
Valen was leaning deep into the chair. It was like it had never been used before. That is had been waiting for this moment, to cushion Valen’s rear. And oh was it comfortable. Valen had half the mind to put the water gun down and just soak those rays. A nice tan for when he got back to Ryke…if he got back to Ryke. “Huh, should have asked about that..” he said as a frown covers his face and he rubs at his chin.

Yet he soon shot out of his thoughts as he saw a figure approaching..huh maybe he was somewhere close to Ryke as the purple Squink came into view. Maybe she knew Koralia…He immediately shivered and hoped that Koralia was not on the island. That shark would get bored maybe and end up eating a few people maybe. But enough of man eating sharks.

Valen grabbed his water gun and held it idly by his head as he stayed seated. Watching as the squid held something behind her back he leaned forward in his seat but gave a grin and waved his water gun at her “Hello there Squink, I am in the same spot as you. Yet getting the lay of the land so to say. The name is Valen.” He looks her up and down and hums at her black swimsuit. “You seem ready and dressed for the occasion…I wish I was that prepared. I had to be odd my cloak and such off. I found this umbrella and decided to stay under it. Otherwise I fear you will see a rather red tomato of a man soon.

He taps the water gun against the chair and then grins at her “Pleasure to meet you as well and no need to apologize. Your greeting is as warm as the sand in between my toes!..So draw on three orrrrr a temporary truce? Alliance? Passage to my Umbrella kingdom? ” He waves the gun around at every suggestion laughing at the last.
Current Location: I2

DP: 10/10
Watergun Squirts: 5/5
Soak Points: 0

Actions: 1/1

1. Umbrella King sets terms

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Darin 256x256 (Water Gun Edition).png

Location: F8

Darin was now seriously questioning whatever possessed him to accept the invitation. Was this some sort of pocket dimension? Unfortunately, it seemed that whatever process was used to bring him here took away his musket. Left defenseless and suspicious, though a tad curious, Darin stalked towards what seemed the center of the island.

Darin's eyes widened when he spotted the shelf, filled with colorfully decorated devices; ones which quite closely resembled something he was very familiar with: Guns. Seeing others approach the area, he quickly ran up to take one for himself, examining it thoroughly. He was startled out of his thoughts however, as a strange woman appeared before them all, explaining the situation. A game? Darin thought, narrowing his eyes as he glanced at his water gun and the other participants of this "game".

This whole scenario was unexpected, and Darin couldn't say he liked it. Yet, as he saw the others begin to disperse, it dawned on him that this was, indeed, happening; no matter how strange it was. So, with a growing grin, Darin darted off towards the direction he came from.

DP: 10/10
Squirts: 5/5
SP: 0


Equipped Titles: Ilithid, Beastfolk, Ryke Nobility (F), Helper of Natori
Character Sheet
Current Position: I2
Sir Mayday Sir Mayday

Squink was at least relieved that she wasn't about to be abruptly shot in the face from what it seemed, her hidden smile under her tentacles widening a little as she hoped that perhaps today wouldn't be so lonely after all. Giggling softly, she gently poked her feet at the sand as she sheepishly answered.
"T-this isn't really anything, I wasn't very prepared either so I just... tried my best with it and stuff. I guess you really are in the same boat... " she spoke as she noticed his own water gun he had. Though at his offer of some sort of temporary truce leading up to both an alliance and passage, maybe the reasoning of their presence on the island wouldn't have to lead to an inevitable non-lethal shootout after all.

"I think some sort of truce or alliance sounds like a much nicer idea. To be honest, I don't think I'm gonna be good at any of this... shooty, kind of thing, I just thought I could take a little break of sorts away from all the troubles. Y-you know I'm sure there are others who would enjoy this kind of thing, maybe you included, but I don't really want to get myself stressed or worked up over not doing good. Plus I don't think getting splashed or soaked with water all day sounds like the funnest thing. Plus, it feels like it'd be wasting what seems like a perfectly sunny and beautiful day at such a good place" she mentioned, looking out to the water for a little moment. Would it get her in troublesome if she were to go out there for a while? The point of the game was about staying dry, so the one hosting this entire thing might be incredibly disappointed in her if she was to do such a thing. Though if Valen was to be serious about just having a quaint time where they could help eachother, that sounded like it would be surely much better.

"U-uh, right, I'd love to have entry to your... umbrella kingdom? I-is that right? It sounds delightful, although I suppose that also probably means you do only have the one umbrella. I guess that's okay" she said, hesitating for a moment before walking towards him. Even though she should feel comfortable, she had no clue if this guy was just so relaxed that she was about to witness the most chillest betrayal in history. But, she hoped it wouldn't as she kept her water gun down to her side. When she would get close, she would move to just put it on the ground to show she wasn't going to do anything.

"So... what brings you to coming on a trip like this? W-were you just looking for some sort of free vacation too?" she asked, unsure where she should sit and just gently sitting herself on the sand for a moment near enough. She thought it'd probably be a good idea to sit under said umbrella, but she didn't want to push any boundaries or anything.

DP: 10/10
Squirts: 5/5
SP: 0

Action: Ask for passage and alliance with the Umbrella Kingdom​

Beast, Bunnykin, Mundane, Thieving Bandit, Wanted by Western Empire Adventurer's Guild

Seaside Hill

Coast is clear. Looking like an easier and easier target.

She could have cleared the small lake between her and the blonde easily. But that may or may not compromise her element of surprise. Thus, she opted to creep down the path before her, getting closer and closer. However, she couldn't help but notice something.

Some other scents nearby.

There were particularly what seemed to be two different ones, both lizard-like yet distinct. They were within walking distance of her previous position. She'd have to be careful and keep an ear out for anyone who was creeping up on her. For now, however, she was approaching squirting distance of the other fellow. Her ears twisted and swiveled like antennae, watching her back as her eyes were locked onto a target.

The guy's look didn't seem to do anything but make her want to blast him more. Now it was just a matter of lining up a shot....

Current Location: I6

DP: 10/10
Watergun Squirts: 5/5
Soak Points: 0

Actions: 1/1

1. Movement to L6


Demeter had come here on a promise.

The promise of getting wet and getting everybody else wet. A battle royal where she would blast anything that moved in the face with lukewarm saltwater and get it all back in turn. It was a simple joy that she yearned for, but it required actions from both parties. So, when she saw the umbrella kingdom chilling and chatting and as dry as an old piece of toast? She got upset. No, more than that...

...she took it personally.

The little green invader did not respect the boundaries of the Umbrella Kingdom. Their laws and customs fell upon deaf and uncomfortably dry ears. The Blitzkrieg would come down upon the Umbrella King with no warning beyond a half-second of little green feet pitter-pattering in the sand to get into range. Barrel marked for the bridge of his nose. And, without a moment's hesitation, an onslaught of lukewarm, liquid, salty fire would rain down upon Valen.

Oh, the horror.

Let righteous fury build up within Valen's heart. Let the squid-faced lady seek vengeance for her shirtless boyfriend. Let young Demeter's villainous laughter echo through their ears. Let the waterwar commence! And, most importantly, let everyone on that beach get soaking wet. Because, at the end of the day?

Who on earth comes to a beach just to stay dry?

Actions (2/3)
1). Spawn at I2.
2). Immediately start blasting Valen.

Current Location: I2

DP: 10/10
Squirts: 4/5
SP: 0
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Suddenly, the green-skinned lady was joined by one with giant tornado hair and gold-colored accessories. "Well, aren't these two cute, hiding behind their little shields~?" she giggled, raising her water gun and aiming at the strange squid lady.

"How cowardly~" Yume mocked playfully, pulling the trigger. "Fight me like a squid thingy!"

< -- Yume Shoots Squink -- >

DP: 10/10
Squirts: 4/5
SP: 0
[Mundane Fae] [Elf] [Caster]

Femboy Femboy Tau Tau Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Sir Mayday Sir Mayday

Finnel had decided to take a little trip since the heat was getting to him. What he found wasn’t a luxury hotel; he didn’t have the money for that. Instead, it was a battle royale with water guns. “Perfect,” he thought.

The next thing he knew, he was suited up in boardshorts, an opened-up Hawaiian polo shirt, some flip-flops, and armed with the coolest water gun he’d ever seen. He found himself looking at an ongoing exchange of watery projectiles. Well, it wasn't really an exchange.

On one side, there were the oppressed: a good-looking guy with a physique and tan Finnel would kill for and a squid-like female, her gender made obvious by his keen observation and the two massive clues staring him in the face. On the other side, the oppressors: a cute green-skinned girl and an equally cute smaller girl with tornado-like hair. Choosing a side was blatantly obvious. His inner hero told him to side with those hiding behind the umbrella. Unfortunately for them, Finnel was on vacation, so he had to side with the cuter team.

While the two continued to rain down suppressive fire, Finnel took the opportunity to catch the other team on their unprotected flank.

“Nothing personal, good-looking,” he said with a smirk. He cocked his water gun and proceeded to join in on the watery barrage.

Actions (2/3)
1. Spawn at I2.
2. Immediately start firing at Valen.

Current Location: I2
DP: 10/10
Squirts: 5/5
SP: 0


Darin 256x256 (Water Gun Edition).png

Location: I8

As he was running, Darin looked at the surrounding terrain. The cluster of buildings to his left could be promising, though from what he could tell, no one else had taken this direction yet. As such, rather than waiting and hoping for someone else to stumble into his sights, Darin decided a more proactive approach was in order. Taking a hard right, he found himself on a path heading between bushes and trees.

Slowing down as the dirt path devolved into sand, Darin crouched around a palm tree at the edge of a pond. Targets! Darin smiled, noticing two figures who were on the other side of the pond. From his assessment, it appeared one was a human and the other a beastfolk; from the looks of it, they seemed in prime position to attack each other.

All he had to do was wait, watch, and strike when one was vulnerable...

...which would have been a more menacing thought, were this not a fight with water guns.

Action: Movement [F8 -> I8]

DP: 10/10
Squirts: 5/5
SP: 0
(Char Sheet)
MENTIONS: Jayuen Jayuen Tau Tau Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Femboy Femboy
Current Location: I2

Valen would grin and motion to Squink's attire saying "And this is you not being prepared? Hate to face you when you are at your best AND prepared. You got the sun envious Squink cause you are scorching." He rubs at his chin and the grin disappears as a thoughtful expression covers his face. The careful process of the customs of border control of the Umbrella kingdom flowing into his mind of course. True they were made like a minute ago, but a overall rigorous process. But not for Valen as he listens to Squink and spreads his arms. The wind flowing through the trees and shaking the umbrella as he came to a decision. "Entry has been granted. Borders are open..And I get it. No stress, no work. And no water.. nah okay a little water hah! I just finished a job of clearing some part of a forest so this is a nice respite. Even better with some company now!"

He hums as she mentions the one umbrella and moves close but still keeping her distance. He waves his water gun at her, still held in hand. "Hey I can share the shade. We are allies right? Borders are open, come on ov-" Yet the pittar patter of feet was heard. Valen's eyes widened and he turned his head. He had chosen this spot purposely cause it was in the open. But the shy Squink had taken his attention, and that was the beginning of the Invasion of the Umbrella Kingdom. Borders were too open, and the invaders came rushing in. It was too fast to avoid. His worst fear had arrived. A dryad looking for revenge of course for his minor deforestation on his last adventure! Probably not. "WATCH O-"

He rose to his feet from his sandy throne, and water shot into his face as he didn't even dodge. No he was a KING! He would not run! The water glistened on his skin as it hit and, while it was refreshing, the damage was done. A fire had been lit. Valen raised his water gun at the Dryad "INVADERS!" Yet how dare this other tornado haired woman insult his latest ally? He turned the water gun and pulled the trigger shooting a jet of water at Tau Tau aiming for the back of her head laughing. "Who said we were hiding!?"

At the compliment he would turn and grin at Finnel. Nodding at the man as he helps the other two women. "Thanks, its all good bonfire man. Welcome to the party." Not even dodging..again! He would instead say to Jayuen Jayuen "Join us in defending the Umbrella, good looking people need to stick together." As he was blasted by water, no one can deny. The Umbrella kingdom had class at least.

Current Location: I2

DP: 7/10
Watergun Squirts: 4/5
Soak Points: 0

Actions: 1/1

1. Defending the Umbrella Kingdom and Allies (Shooting at a tiny Yume)

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Interaction: Orikanyo Orikanyo Voider Voider
Titles: Beast, Bunnykin, Mundane, Thieving Bandit, Wanted by Western Empire Adventurer's Guild

Seaside Hill


It would come almost with warning. And without remorse. A torrent of water was aimed at the basking blonde himbo. The jet powerful jet would shoot straight out at the man -- seeking to bathe his forms in it's abruptly cooling water.

Yet one might wonder what was worse, being suddenly sprayed or the voice that came after. It was only when the shot had already been fired.

"HA HA HA HA!!! GET HOSED FUCKER!!" She said, laughing maniacally as she rattled off a flurry of insults.

Her breath was basically endless, the watergun taking no effort to physically manage. Handing out beatings and running up on people in the blink of an eye didn't exactly lend itself to aiming. But she certainly wasn't lacking in stamina. If she couldn't count on her aim, maybe she could count on throwing off his.

"Maybe this can be the start of your career as a stripper! Come on! Dance for me big boy!" She exclaimed, completely unabashed and unapologetically crass in her words.

Despite this, she noticed someone was getting closer to her. It was a familiar scent, though she couldn't really pinpoint where exactly he was or really what type of lizard he was. For all she knew, he could be 10 foot tall dragon or the size of a dog. And he could strike from practically anywhere.

But she knew she was close enough to be within earshot.

"Hey lizard! I KNOW YOU'RE AROUND HERE! Somewhere...." A widening grin. One which stretched ear to ear. "Help me hose this human down, and I'll help you with your next target. Whattaya say?!!!"

She looked about as she kept her eyes on Finn, suspense thick in the air as she had no idea how either of them would react.

Current Location: I6

DP: 10/10
Watergun Squirts: 4/5
Soak Points: 0

Actions: 1/1

Pamela tries to hose Finn's ass down. [Target K7]

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Darin 256x256 (Water Gun Edition).png

Mentions: Pamela ( Maverick Six Maverick Six ), & Finn ( Orikanyo Orikanyo )
Location: J8


Darin watched on as the rabbit beastfolk fired her water gun at the human. While he didn't care for the less-than-elegant insults being thrown, he couldn't deny that the shot was effective. The human would certainly start this engagement on the backfoot, and assuming he were to turn and face the threat, his back would be to Darin...

Darin's eyes snapped to the beastfolk as he heard her call out to him, declaring an offer. It was concerning that she knew he was nearby, and there was no guarantee she'd keep her word after the fact; and yet, getting to take down a target from behind, and have an ally for the next?

Well, in the cutthroat game of water-gun-free-for-all, such an offer was hard to refuse.

"You've got yourself a deal, Rabbit Lady!" Darin eventually shouted in response, sprinting out from behind the palm tree and towards the other flank of the human.

Action: Movement [I8 -> J8]

DP: 10/10
Squirts: 5/5
SP: 0
Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by: Crimson Cutthroats], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e

Sir Mayday Sir Mayday Tau Tau Jayuen Jayuen Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Femboy Femboy

Adelhein wasn't too sure about accepting this odd invitation, yet it took only a few of Gilgamesh's whispered words for him to make a decision to accept it. The young magus didn't have any memory of being at a beach, but that didn't matter. Now wearing a more appropriate attire for the occasion, which was practically nothing, while being armed with a water gun, he would quickly join the fray as well.

The mission was pretty simple: everyone had to be soaked!

Deciding to begin the all-out warfare in a place which was packed, he saw two people talking leisurely: a human by an umbrella and an octopus-like female. It didn't take long for them to come under attack, and Adelhein quickly piled on the assault. With a grin on his face, he would actually take aim towards the octopus-lady and squeeze the trigger, with a grin on his lips.

1 - Spawn at I2
2 - Shoot at Squink

DP: 10/10
Squirts: 4/5
SP: 0

Emerging from the sea, Simi's elaborate hat poked out of the water first before her head peeked onto the land like a crocodile stalking its prey. Just look at these land-dwellers trying so hard to imitate the merfolk's fashion just because they're on a beach. Everbody should know that the most appropriate attire to be worn in a beach... was a pirate attire.

Simi's eyes caught the sight of several people shooting at each other and without hesitation the fae announced her presence before shooting at the one who was shooting the others.

"Fight me, land-dwellers! Feel the wrath of the future pirate king!"

Shoot Yumi

DP: 10/10
Squirts: 5/5
SP: 0
images (15).jpeg
Maverick Six Maverick Six Voider Voider
DP: 9/10
Watergun Squirts: 5/5
Soak Points: 0
Awakened once more by rude squirting, the man could only do what is natural... "Okay okay! Damn it." The young man was roused awake and began to hoof it out of there, aiming to make some distance between him and his new attackers.

How lucky this crowd was he was in vacation mode and not able to level an island!!

"You'll never catch me alive! ...Or... Uhh... dry?"

Action: Dodge and run from K7 to N7

Interaction: Orikanyo Orikanyo Voider Voider
Titles: Beast, Bunnykin, Mundane, Thieving Bandit, Wanted by Western Empire Adventurer's Guild

Seaside Hill

"Glad to have you on the team!"

As the lizard revealed himself and joined her cause, her ear-to-ear grin was complimented by a cackle. Ironically, she was quite accustomed to things like this, showing no remorse given her job and day-to-day activities. This was accentuated by her nailing the man and causing him to move closer towards the water, ironically.

Pam raised a brow, admittedly curious as to what was going to happen should he jump into the water.

"Cut him off!" She declared, pointing vaguely to her left.

Pam darted after the pretty boy, soon to take aim at him again.

Current Location: M7

DP: 10/10
Watergun Squirts: 4/5
Soak Points: 0

Actions: 1/1

Pam darts towards M7, chasing after Finn



Darin 256x256 (Water Gun Edition).png

Mentions: Pamela ( Maverick Six Maverick Six ), & Finn ( Orikanyo Orikanyo )
Location: M8


"Hmph" He grunted out, as the human's maneuvering was too quick, escaping Darin's range before he got a chance to aim. However, since he was working with the rabbit, their numerical superiority was still a powerful advantage.

"I shall!" Darin responded to his new ally, resuming his run forward. As he moved, Darin's eyes kept darting from the sandy field of rocks below him, to the chase occurring in front of him. He smiled, as it looked like they'd have the human cornered. Yet, as he did so, Darin's eyes narrowed, scanning over where the sand stopped and the water began; perhaps it wasn't as much of a corner as he'd thought, but surely their target wouldn't do that...

Action: Movement [J8 -> M8]

DP: 10/10
Squirts: 5/5
SP: 0


Sir Mayday Sir Mayday Tau Tau Maxxob Maxxob
Equipped Titles: Ilithid, Beastfolk, Ryke Nobility (F), Helper of Natori
Character Sheet
Current Position: I2

Squink was just about to enjoy a peaceful day at the peace until such was interrupted by the attack of multiple sudden arrivals. Panicking as she reached and grabbed at the water gun she had been supplied with to protect herself in such clearly dangerous situations. Completely confused by all the sudden people that had appeared, she was wondering why at some point she couldn't just get magically invited onto a nice, peaceful trip. Long pilgrimages with bandit ambushes, refugee camps from great monster-attacked villages, why couldn't some place just be both nice and calm? What next, they would have to work together for some monster invasion?

Nevertheless, she sighed and tried to recuperate herself.
"A-ah, I guess peace will have to wait, sorry-" Squink awkwardly spoke to Valen, seeing as their Umbrella Kingdom was being advanced upon by invaders. Noticing the swirly-haired little lady (Yume) fire at her (1), and another man (Adelhein) also choose her as a viable target (3), she was too nervous to react to dodge and just aimed back at Adelhein since he actually hit the shot at least a little.

"P-please leave me alone, I just wanted a free trip out, you can go play with everyone else elsewhere and I'll leave you alone, w-why would you want to soak me??" Squink asked sheepishly, firing back at him not trusting at all in her aiming skills... or skills at all.

DP: 9/10
Squirts: 4/5
SP: 0

Action: Shoot at Adelhein​



"Why?" Yume answered the squid as her shot flew wide. Her eyes turned just in time to see Valen’s splash of water strike true. Yume smiled and shook her head in slow motion, flinging droplets of water into the air and posing as they sparkled in the tropical light. "That’s why~!"

Turning to the little pirate king, Yume covered her mouth and squealed in delight. She tried to dodge into her attack and ironically evaded it as a result. "Hehee~! Aye aye, cutiepie!" Yume answered, taking aim at Simi, until she heard something outrageous.

"Hey, what’s that supposed to mean!?" Yume protested Valen. If he was recruiting based on looks, how dare he not include her! Turning her squirtgun, she fired on him instead, hoping the water would somehow discomfort his very soul. "Pirate king, help me take down this dastardly villain!"

< -- Yume Shoots Valen -- >

DP: 9/10
Squirts: 3/5
SP: 0

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