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9 Layers

"The best chance for our daughter will be with you only when we've finished this."

He walked closer to Her, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"I am not going to let my wife turn into a demons property."
She had trouble looking up at him. Her heart quelled with what she truly wanted to say but it didn't really matter. He had made up his mind.

"We'll talk about this later. Let's go."
With a wave of his hands, a white door appeared before them and open itself wide. He took Aria by the hand tightly, and led her through the door.

Immediately they were in a side alley of Chicago. It's was around 2 in the afternoon. It was raining.
Aria looked around, feeling the Rain drizzle upon her head and start to soak into her hair. She breathed deep, looking out past the alleyway and then toward karlisle.

"You should leave. I can do this," she whispered subtly, taking his blue eyes into hers, "Fayte will kill you."
This made him shift his weight and feel defiant. He took in her eyes-

"well, I may hate both of what you just said, but you are right about one of them..." He slowly backed up.

"you can do it. I'll be watching from afar."

This distance was unbearable but had to be put between them for now.

For now.

For now....
"Well well.....finally back I see."

Faytes voice echoed through the opening of the alleyway, the soles of his shoes clattering on the wet ground. Aria turned on her heels over her shoulder to see the man standing there, his ashen wings anything but hidden and his eyes glowing as red as hers. Nervousness stretched through Arias lungs and chest as she slowly approached Fayte.

"I'm not going to kill him, Fayte."

"Ah, so you remember a bit now do you?"

Fayte laughed to himself, looking down past his own feet and letting out an exasperated sigh. "Not everything, I hope."
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Karlisle had gone up one of the nearby buildings to watch and listen.



"Go find Raphael."
"What do you want with my daughter?"

The question was so pure and yet so pathetic that Aria wasn't sure she even said it herself. It burned inside of her throat to say it, and she felt as if tears wanted to tug back into her eyes once again. Fayte neared her, coming closer with each step and tilting his head to the side with a fake expression of sympathy.

"Oh, my poor little Karma.....I don't want your daughter," he lifted his fingers to her cheek, rubbing beneath her eye like he was wiping away an oncoming tear, "I want you."

Fayte ever so slowly started to trace the outline of her skin, dragging his long fingers from her face to the base of her neck.

"Ever since I saw you living on earth, I knew I had to have you....I knew you would fit in right along with the rest of us. You belonged with us...." his fingers stopped at her collarbone, his thumb wiping past her skin as her breathing shallowed, "with me. So I took your little girl and brought her back to hell with me, knowing....of course, what good mother wouldn't follow after her precious child?"

Aria's eyes stayed wide, tears welling up inside of her and starting to burst from their cages of lashes. She shook her head slow and unsure.

"Y-You....how could you do-"

"Oh, and your little boyfriend?" These words punched into Aria's stomach like a blow from a giant, her eyes starting to gleam with hate instead of fear. Fayte continued, resting a thumb on the girl's throat and wrenching his other fingers behind her neck in a gentle, misleading clasp, "When I kill him, since I fear you truly aren't going to anymore....he's going up..." he pointed towards heaven, then ran his finger downwards, "unlike us. Who will just go right back down below. So you, your sweet little child, and me...." he suddenly gripped her throat in his hand, "will be one hell of a happy family."

A booming voice rang through the alleyway, new and strong. The darkness flew away from the alley at his arrival. Raphael had come. His eyes blazen fiery gold, his skin like burnished bronze, and his great white wings encompassed the space behind him. His hand grasped tightly over a golden hilt.

"Put. Her. Down."
Fayte kept his hands on the girl's throat, her movements small, as his focus turned to the creature approaching not far off. He twisted his grasp and pulled Aria closer to him, his face peering over her shoulder and her back pressed against his chest. He simply smiled, holding fast to her neck with one hand as the other grabbed the girl's chin and forced it towards the new angel.

"Look my darling, it seems your boyfriend can't even fight his own battles!"
It felt like time stopped for Aria. She couldn't really feel herself breathing, let alone existing in this moment. A hand clutching to her throat that she wasn't afraid of, a slew of memories still making themselves present in her mind, a calm ringing in her ears, and a silent hum of death seeming to whisk her away and beckon to her. She just wanted her daughter.

She just wanted to be gone.
"Her husband can fight his own battles, Fayte." Karlisle stood behind them, his voice echoing through the alleyway.

"Aria, use it!!"
"Use this you mean?"

Fayte's voice almost vanished into the thickened air, and his fingers wrapped easily around the necklace hung around Aria's throat, snapping it from the back of her neck and completely dislocating the clasp. He dangled the necklace in the air above him as Aria reached to retrieve it, shoving her way out of his hold. Fayte laughed, taking a few steps back.

"Don't think you get to play this game with a demon, boy."

In his palm he crushed the jewel held by the pendant's center.
Karlisle smiled. "this boy isn't playing, he's already won."

The crushed diamond in his hand shot forth beams of light, straight to the sky and all around, all holy, bright and blazing. Each shard shot into Fayte and burned deeply to his core, searing his veins and life force.

The bright light shot now into Aria. The soul that was captured in the stone rushed into her- her eyes grew bright and clearer at this. His protection now laced every inch of her soul and his very marrow.


the angel flew forward, Sword drawn and on fire. Fayte's wings where about to be clipped.
Fayte flung his wings forward in a shield over his body. His cry was exposed to the air and the feathers started peeling away as the fire-edged sword took off the very outline of his beautiful black wings, clipping them like you would clip the wings of a captive bird. He screeched, his wings falling behind him in a bloody hanging limb of tendons.

Aria smirked, allowing her being to be overbuilt with some strength overwhelming her system. She leapt towards Fayte, throwing nothing but her hand straight at him and releasing a golden streak of energy to cut across his chest and send him flying backwards.

Well not flying. He wouldn't be doing that for awhile.
Karlisle slowly walked over to the bleeding body. The black silk like wings lay on the pavement, jolting from dying nerves shooting off. Karlisle knelt down to Fatye, he grabbed him by the neck and pressed him against the wall.

"Where. Is. My. Daughter. "
The demon cringed and yelled in the palm of Karlisle's hand, still suffering from the loss of his wings. His teeth grit together, eyes screwed shut as he refused to look the boy in the face.

"S-She's in hell, you son of a bitch," the man growled, grabbing onto Karlisle's wrists and trying to tug them off of him. His red eyes burned furiously, like nothing was going to get in his way, despite the fact he could no longer fly, or even breathe for that matter. Fayte coughed, struggling in the boy's grasp, but unable to stand. "I-I can bring her back....I can bring her back." He looked up at Karlisle with narrow eyes filled with loathing and agony, as the blood started to soak his feet, "But it'll cost you."
"I don't think you understand your current situation Fayte."

Karlisle pressed the demon harder into the wall. The blood trickled down faster onto the ground, now pooling below his feet.

"You will tell me where my daughter is or else it will cost you more than just your pretty wings."

Raphael approached slowly holding the flaming sword closer. Karlisle's grip tightened.
Fayte's eyes glowed harsher.

"Only I can get her b-back...." he gasped, able to be heard in one breath, but his second breath not quite as strong, "I-I need K-Karma.....I-I can'tgo ba-back without her...." he took another breath, "...it will be s-s-spicious-"
"Her name is Aria."

Karlisle's eyes grew more intense and vivid suddenly. The small fractures of diamond that had plunged into Fayte's body now began to shine bright like his eyes. They burned deeply everywhere they were embedded.

Fayte let out a chilling scream in agony.


Raphael spoke up- not in Fayte's defense, but for Karlisle's sanity. It was true, they needed Fayte alive, and this was they're best chance of getting their daughter back alive. And Raphael wasn't in the mood to storm the gates of hell for someone who may or may not still be alive. Karlisle heard this, and his eyes grew calmer. He threw Fayte down to the ground, nearby Aria feet.

"if you value your life at all, you will bring back our daughter unharmed."
Fayte stayed on the ground for a moment, and only looked up at Karlisle with a stare that could start wars.

He said nothing and didn't feel the need to.

Aria stood next to Fayte and looked at Karlisle once before a darkness smothered the two of them and they were gone.
"you may yet get to hell yet Karlisle."

Raphael said laughing lightly to himself as he walked towards the black wings that remained behind.

"Raphael, thank you. How can i-"

"these wings will be sufficient enough payment. Thank you. "

He bent down to left them up. He folded them on themselves and carried them off.

Karlisle didn't move or make any expression. His thoughts were on Aria and what he would do if she didn't come back.
The voice was quiet and still, but nonetheless....it was there.

What appeared to be smoke drifted past Karlisle's feet from behind, as a cloud formed and vanished like it never even existed.


In a little white dress, untouched and unscathed, like magic, a small child walked up behind Karlisle and stopped. Her hair was white and long, bangs swept to the side, and her skin more pale than snow. She shivered even though it was warm. She cried even though she was safe.

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