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Futuristic 2027


Magic Eight Ball

In 2016 The United States launched a EMP Bomb on Russia, what the United States tried to do was eliminate its enemies, instead it changed the course of history forever,All of the Worlds Power shut off,with no way to turn the Power back on,most of the Worlds Governments had been over thrown, In North America Dictators had risen to power and split up the former contient into 9 Nations

Map of North America as of 2027:


Federal States of America:

A Dictatorship ruled by a brutal militia, the militia often burns down villages,taking crops from starving people,and kidnapping women and children from villages if they do not pay their annual "Leader Tax",people who are born in the Federal States of America are not allowed to leave the country

Confederate States of America:

A Christian Dictatorship ruled by a old Bishop,The Church runs everything here and church attendance is required every Sunday,Many would consider the CSA the strictest country in North America, they have laws such as ladies not being allowed to wear pants,only skirts and dresses,and Drinking Alcohol or Smoking Tobacco is a death sentence


Many would consider Texan Government to be light rulers compared to all of the other republics, the Laws are based off of the former United States of America,It is ruled by a Congress and a President much like the Old US


When the United States fell, the States of North Dakota,South Dakota,and Montana united to become a militaristic force, they conquered a lot of land and have the best military in North America,Military service is required by everyone aged 18 or Older for Three Years,and have the most elite military with 9 military schools across the country


The State of Utah had their own civil war between the "Educators" and Mormons after the US fell, the Liberals won and conquered Arizona and the Mexican Sate of Sonora, it is a educational dictatorship, with the only country having mandatory education,any infraction in school for a teenager means death

Middle America:

The farm rich states Colorado,Kansas,and Nebraska decided to unite into a communist nation after the US Fell to protect their crops, the state took control of all farms in the nation and stockpiles food in their national farms, Citizens get a years ration of food each year and thats it, any attempts to steal food means death, corporations are banned here and everything is sold by the state


The State of California was the first state to succeed after the power went out from the US, the state forced itrs massive population into a militia and conquered much land at the cost of human lives, the state is much like George Orwell's 1984 where the state has complete control of citizens lives from what they eat to what they wear, Many consider this the worst place to live in the world.


This is a dictatorship where French Culture is enforced, it is much like Franco's Spain and is a fascist paradise


When the Mexican Goverment fell and the new Republics in the former US started taking land, extremists in the former government took control and locked down the state, it is a very isolationist state and its government is enteriely Hispanic and other races are treated like second class citizens


This Area is not a country, there is a few settlements in that area,but has a very low population and it is a criminal paradise, the Wasteland is considered a "Lawless Land in Snow"

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