2.1 - Back to Greyfalls [The Will of the Yozis]


Elder Member
Another long walk

With a push of the button, the disc begins its now familiar rotation and high-pitched whine. After a few seconds, the vortex flashes into existence again and the infernals once more find themselves in the now all-too-familiar featureless gray corridor between realms of existence.

After the same event-less walk towards Creation, the assembled group finds itself once more in the abandoned house of their merchant contact.

Things appear largely as they were left, and the interior of the house is dark. A thin layer of dust has begun to coat the floor, and the house is silent, save for a small scratching sound that appears to be coming from upstairs. After the long walk, the comfortable plush chairs in the sitting room look very inviting.


Perception + awareness, please.
The assembled Infernals notice that something has been in the house since they were last present. The furniture has been moved, ever so slightly.

Most likely someone moved it at some point in the last 10 days since you've been gone, and then moved it back.

There are no footprints in the dust, so it is likely that whomever was here was here a while ago.


You are full motes. Unfortunately, due to the nature of the tunnel you have not had a chance to sleep. So any willpower you were short, you are still short.

Where to now guys?
"Wonderful. Intruders." Garan looks around for any traces of magic and, seeing nothing, says voice shaking a little- "We should probably think about finding the Dragon."
Davion, marching orders.

Davion shakes his head slightly at Garan. "We need to consolidate whatever forces we have here first...which, at the moment, is us, and that demo..." He pauses. "Wouldn't the demon our friend summoned have seen something?"

He looks up to the rafters. "Hello, though I don't believe I ever caught your name...would you have seen who was in here?"


Yay remembering things!

Wasting no time, Jakow dusts himself off after the trip and looks around the room. Hearing Davion ask for the Anuhle, he looks to the ceiling and nods. "You may approach and answer him, slave." He then turns away, somewhat disinterested and reaches deep inside him and attempts to summon some of his newfound powers.

Within moments he shimmers and flickers before spitting out a wide cloud of red vapour. Two beings congeal out of the chaos and.... look exactly like Jakow does. They peer around the room for a moment before giving a nod to their creator. Without saying a word, they leave up the stairs and out of the room.

Jakow looks back to the others and waits for the Anuhle to make itself known, giving a short nod to Davion and Garan as he does.

"Any ideas for a homebase, or are we happy here?"


Sending out two copies per Splintered Gale Shintai to go do some legwork. Looooove that charm.

One is going to set up contacts in town and get some info on what is generally going on. The other is going to the mansion to set up a talk with the Dragon-Blooded youth. I'll be keeping regular telepathic contact with them ;)
The Anuhle

After a few seconds, perhaps half a minute, the Spider-Demon skitters across the ceiling, muttering under its breath as it does so. "Yesssssss yesssss I ssssssaw them, ninnnnneee dayssss ago. Mennnnnnn in armor. Black arrrrmoorrrr, with a large one leading them. Pokkkkkkkedd around, checked underrrrrr furniture. Did notttttt sssssseeee me. Hadddd one stayyy behind, but he lefttttt tooo, a few dayyyssss ago.

As the demon finishes his report, there is a loud yell from out in front of the house. A cry of alarm, in Jakow's voice. A massive commotion appears to be starting out in the street.

At the scream, he holds out his hand to halt the others and presses a hand to his temple. If there was something outside waiting for them, at least it would only take a doppelganger and not him.


Using telepathy to figure out what's going on.
Jakow's Telepathy

As Jakow presses his hand to his head to try and communicate with his doppelganger, only silence greets his attempts to speak with his progeny.

The commotion seems to continue, and the sound of running feet can be heard from in front of the manor.


The doppelganger is quite dead.

The Scourge looks to the others with a scowl "Something was outside waiting for us, and it seems to take us dead on sight. I'd get prepared for a fight". Black begins to drop out of his nose and a shadow begins to engulf Jakow as he moves to hide somewhere in the room.


Attuning to compliant umbral and getting into stealth.

And... wow, both of my doppelgangers are dead? I suppose the warning was good but there goes two good WP points :P
Garan nods quietly, mouth dry, and moves out of sight of the door. As he does so, he allows a surge of Essence to flow through him, and his muscles seem to take fire in an uncomfortably prickling sensation- but one better than the alternative.


Activating By Pain Reforged.

Only one of them is dead; the one that went out the front door to find contacts in town. The one that went out the back door into the alley to go visit your dragonblooded friend is still alive, well, and in the alley behind the manor.
Davion, Gearing up

A thin blue-green tarnish spreads outward from Davion's eyes down his body. He shakes his head and flecks of the substance fill the air, revealing a gleaming brass body beneath, etchings in Old Realm glint in the light.

He then plants Heaven's Authority firmly before him, willing a green radiance into the weapon as he nods to the unseen sky, the charred smell of his hand not even phasing him as he enjoys his new power, practiced on the way back to Greyfalls.

"I believe I am ready...though I doubt I should lead the charge, in case it's something...fairly unimportant."

He stands firmly in the room, but out of sight from the entrances, just in case.


No regular armor, just two charms. Viridian Legend Exoskeleton and Vitriolic Corona Endowment.

2/18 Personal

36/45 Peripheral

1/6 WP

1 L damage taken.

Garan winces and says, "Not very subtle if we need to make a break for it." Glancing round, he adds, "Do we have a clear exit?"
Davion, surveying the area.

Davion glances around, looking to see how defensible various positions will be, in case they need to fall back. "Yes, I agree, not too subtle...but I can just release my charms."


War roll perhaps?

The house is not at all defensible; it is a house. The corridors are too narrow to swing weapons well, and the rooms are littered with furniture that simultaneously would get in the way but not serve as adequate cover to block blows.

The best option to fight would be to do so out in the street where there is room to maneuver.

On the other hand, the clone that went out the alley seems to have escaped unscathed.

Not one to turn down a fight, but no real need to make more noise. The Scourge glances back towards the rear of the house. Can make our retreat and form up somewhere they're not expecting.
Davion, in agreement

Davion nods to the Scourge. "Not a bad idea. We don't really know what's out there, and this is a terrible place to pick a fight...not to mention we have no idea what the city is like outside these walls at the moment..."

He turns to Garan, "Any idea on where your girlfriend might be found?" He grins a bit, not deactivating his charms yet, wanting to wait just in case.

He shoots the Slayer an annoyed glance and shakes his head. "Not without some time with her jewel," he says. "Let's get out of here."
Black had already begun to wind its way around Jakow as he clicked away at his dual flamepieces. He looked up to the Anuhle and scowled "Every detail on what happens. I don't want to have to ask you specific questions later only to have you conveniently leave out the fact that they left the building but not the direct outside. While I appreciate the detail to instructions, another trick like that and I'll have you banished back to Malfeas."

Turning to the others, he gave a nod before gesturing to the stairs. "After you. Oh, and if we get split up, meet at our 'friend's' house. I'm having him briefed as we speak. I also don't think it need be said that those that get caught behind, get left behind. Good luck fellas"
The alley

The alley behind the house is as empty as it was the last time some of you were here. The daylight seems to barely penetrate between the houses, throwing long shadows everywhere. The alley stands perhaps 10 feet across. Enough room for you to fight single file, or maybe two abreast awkwardly.

There are a number of houses which seem to have back doors leading into this alleyway, and perhaps 50 feet down it empties onto a side-street. If you had to guess, about 40 feet down, and then a right would take you towards the manor where you had the ever-so-interesting dinner party a bit over a week ago.


Is anyone staying in the house?

And for those of you in the alley, where are you heading?

Seeing limited room to fight and an opportunity to see anyone who was following them, Jakow began to ascend the alleyway towards the rooftop, his shadow throwing out slender grasping shoots to guide him upwards as he did. If there was going to be a hunt, he wanted to be on the right side of it.


Heading towards the roof, above the alley. Taking some precautions and not being overt.

Just for good measure: dex + stealth

1d10=6, 1d10=7, 1d10=2, 1d10=1, 1d10=2, 1d10=7, 1d10=9, 1d10=7, 1d10=6 = 4 suxx
The roof

Jakow is able to quickly and quietly scramble up the building with very little effort.

The top of the building is flat and easy to cross. Without a huge quantity of difficulty, Jakow would probably be able to jump from rooftop to rooftop. Definitely so with the aid of the Umbral Panoply.

From the top of the building, you can see that it is just after dawn in creation, with the first red lights of the sun shining over the horizon.


Are you simply hiding on the roof, or heading somewhere specific?

Peaking over the front edge to see who or what is out in the front street?

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