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1x1 with erikaleeanne

"Good morning, Arthur."

The young man standing by the window turned around as his door opened to see his mother in the entrance.

"What have I told you about coming in without knocking?" He asked, wearily rubbing his eyes. He hadn't slept at all that night, not after what his father had told him the previous evening. He stayed up, staring out the window. It gave him lots of time to think.

"Lighten up, Art, it's your birthday."

"That doesn't mean anything, Mother."

That was a month ago. The shout of a man driving a horse-pulled carriage brought him back to reality, and he jumped out of the way just in time. He blinked, realizing that the vehicle would have struck him if he hadn't moved.

Arthur Callahan recalled the last time he'd talked to his mother, before he'd run away. He unconsiously moved his fingers up to his mouth, feeling his white, pointed teeth, as if they suddenly wouldn't be there. He wished if only they would go away. He could be normal, couldn't he?

You're lucky, they told him, that the vampire who bit you didn't kill you. Arthur would rather have died. Anything but this. Some think living forever would be great, but Art wasn't really looking forward to it. He'd have to live forever with his always unsatisfied lust for human blood. What kind of life was that?

"Are you okay?" He heard a voice ask. He suddenly felt dizzy, like the world was spinning. He could smell it, the warm, red liquid flowing through their veins, as people crowded around him.

"Yes, yes, I'm fine." He replied quickly, pushing people away from him. I have to get out of here, he thought. He looked around then started to run, but didn't get far before he ran right into a human girl. He tripped over her and fell, quickly catching himself and landing on his hands and knees.

"Sorry," he mumbled, and turned to look at the girl.
Annabeth Morriston loved the town. She loved its solidarity and it's secluded comfort. However, she longed for nothing more than to wander, to see the world.

However, she knew that it would never happen. With her social standing, she knew that she would be married to some ordinary man, have ordinary children, and live in an ordinary home. Yet, when she wandered amongst the crowded buildings of town, she felt somewhat free.

Her thoughtful daze was broken when she ran into a pale-ish boy, who tripped and fell. "My god!" She muttered, surprised. "Are you alright, sir?" She asked, hand outstretched towards him and dark eyes blinking widely.
Arthur stared at the girl and her outstretched hand. He blinked and took it, pulling himself to his feet.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks."

She was shorter than him, so he had to look down to see her.

"Sorry about that," he apologized quickly, looking away and sticking his hands in the pockets of his black coat. He wasn't sure what to say, so he rocked back and forth on his heels uncomfortably. Should he walk away? He didn't need or want to stay here. His head was a bit clearer now, funny how when he tripped it made him somewhat sane again - was sane even the right word? He was less... longing for blood, you could say. When he thought about it, he hadn't drank human blood in quite some time - not since the night that he'd left. He closed his eyes.


Arthur opened the window, trying to make as little noise as possible. The wind blew into his room, blowing papers off of his desk and onto the floor. He didn't care, he wouldn't need them. Maybe they were important to him, once. He stuck his head out the window, the chilly air hitting him like a wave. He looked down at the rope he'd made out of clothing, for a moment insure that it would hold him, but he threw it out the window nonetheless. Arthur swung his legs out the window and hesitantly started to climb down. His room was n the second floor, and about half way down he was able to jump and land safely on the ground. He looked up; there was no way he could have jumped and made it from there. He looked around, he was free. Couldn't he do whatever he wanted now?


Arthur opened his eyes to see the girl still looking at him.

"Um... hello." He mumbled, for lack of anything better to say. He wondered what he was doing; his instincts were screamong at him to run, like a hunted animal. No, he was the hunter. Was there a human who could stop him?

He smiled at Annabeth. "Hello, I'm Arthur."
Annabeth stared at the boy. He looked rather sick and shaken up. Yet, she couldn't help but sense a menacing aura coming from him, although she didn't know why. Nevertheless, she felt like she needed to help him.

"I'm Annabeth," she replied with a gentle smile, "Annabeth Morriston. Are you going to be alright? You look quite ill."

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