1X1 The Lore Master & Maeve Harris (The Virus)

As all of this unraveled, Maeve's eyes widened.

"Thomas," she said quietly, "First of all, do you know what the HELL they mean by lab rats? Secondly, why hasn't something jumped out at us yet, like in one of this crappy horror movies?"
Thomas thought about it, the situation seemed almost cliche as something moved ahead of him… typical. He stopped and looked closer and saw a pair of bloodshot wild eyes…

"Maeve if you see what i see… shoot that motherf*cker…" Thomas said carefully, in a staring contest with the eyes that were coming closer.
Maeve saw exactly what Thomas saw. She readied her gun, shooting it square in the face, right between the eyes. It collapsed to the ground, flopping around in a convulsion. Matt squeaked and clutched Maeve tighter, his body trembling.
A blood curdling scream rang out… but they had already began to run as the exited the field and the the welcome center doors were in view, Thomas looked back as they ran and one by one infected began to emerge rapidly from the field… it was terrifying!
Maeve broke into a sort of sprint, pulling Matt behind her. He was running as fast as she was, and was just as terrified. She didn't want to look back at the approaching infected. It was all too horrible.
As Thomas came to the door, he turned with it open and yelled to Maeve,

"Throw me your gun!!!" Thomas barked as infected came closer and closer…
Maeve didn't hesitate to throw Thomas her gun. She did so while attempting to keep Matt from spiraling into a mental breakdown. This wall all too much for such a small child.
"GO GO GO, THROUGH THE DOOR!!" Thomas shouted after catching the pistol, he aimed and fired off several rounds, dropping multiple infected, he fired the gun until the ammo was gone and all they could do is run for the armory.
Maeve, clenching Matt's hand, nodded and sprinted through the door, her heart pounding into her throat as they reached the armory.
The armory door was locked and the office door was failing, they desperately beat on the door begging whoever was inside to open, Thomas shouted his name and rank before the door began to unlock, the other door beginning to open for the infected. The armory door began to open as Private Archie Greer pulled them in and pulled the door shut and locked it, seconds later infected began beating on the steel door, they all sat down out of breath and freaked out. Thomas then looked at Archie,

"What the f*ck is going on Archie!?" Thomas asked loudly, Archie just shook his head and rocked back and forth,

"I was cleaning the guns… I was cleaning the guns… I was cleaning the guns and it jumped on me…" Archie said as he looked at the bullet ridden corpse of an infected in the corner, Archie couldn't control himself and was terrified.
Maeve slumped against the wall and sunk down, panting heavily and clutching Matt to her body like he was her lifeline. He cried quietly into her shirt, and she was only able to sit there and hold him, holding back tears of terror and pain and sadness herself.

She then turned to Thomas and Archie after regaining her breath. "What the hell do we do now?" She said weakly, then, a little bit louder and more terrified, "What do we do?"
Thomas rubbed his head, everything always ends up FUBAR(f*cked up beyond any repair) he then stopped as he stared down at the ground realizing what had to be done… they were in this for themselves. He looked to Archie,

"You got the keys to the lockers right?" Thomas asked as he lit a cigarette, Archie motioned for one and Thomas threw it to him with his lighter.

"Yeah… why?" Archie said before hitting the cigarette and sighing calmly. Thomas stood up with his hand out,

"F*ck the government! We're gonna pack up some weapons and gear, blast our way out and head to the helicopter pad, I saw there was still one outside!" Thomas explained, Archie handed him the keys.

"Count me in… I only joined the marines for my dad! Lets blow this hellhole!" Archie said braver than before.
Maeve was surprised how the two of the men were taking such a brave turn. Matt's crying had ceased, and he was now trying to pull Maeve off of the ground.

"C'mon!" Matt said proudly, with a small grin on his face. "I'm the sidekick! I have to be awesome, right?" Maeve nodded, smiling softly and standing up. She then began quietly and quickly browsing the guns, choosing between ones that were powerful but not too cumbersome.

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