Unofficial Member of the Ginyu Force
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"Ha-chan!" She hadn't known how long she had stood there, trying to regulate her breathing at the gate of the school before Naruto arrived, though she refused to look or acknowledge the blonde. "Are you alright? I saw Sasuke--I can't believe you got cornered by that Mitomori jerkface...!" Though his words were childish in nature, she found some odd sort of... was that ... comfort? In his concern. She could only imagine how he looked upon her form, hunched and small, with pity. However... when she finally slid her golden orbs over to Naruto, all he showed was guilt. It was so strong, in fact, that she could nearly feel it rolling off of his form in waves. "I should have been there... I'm so sorry, I didn't wait for you, and then this mess happened, and...!" he ran his hands through his hair, furiously scratching his head. "I really messed up!!! I'm so sorry..."
"Stop it..." she mumbled, her gaze narrowing as she looked at the young jinchuuriki. Her face was an unimaginable mix of emotions, and she shifted from one foot to the other, clearly uncomfortable with this turn of events. "Stop apologizing. It's not like you're responsible for that behavior."
"But... but it's usually me he's after," Naruto frowned, his lip quivering in anger. "If it had just been like normal, he wouldn't have even looked at you twice! But for some reason, he had this weird fixation on you and Sasuke this time around, a-and, well it didn't take me long to realize that I really wouldn't mind taking his attention away if that meant he would just leave you alone. You and Sasuke both are my friends... even if you don't always act like it."
To say she was shocked with his mature stance was an understatement--something so well thought-out and executed in this manner, at least in terms of speech and feelings, was not something that the purplette had expected from Naruto. Her wide-eyed expression melted into something that looked like the ghost of compassion, but it was gone shortly as she turned her head away from him. "Naruto... it's because of who I am... what I've done..." he looked to her in confusion as she continued. "I don't intend to tell you everything right now. I don't know if I ever will, but to know that you think of me as a friend is... valuable... to me." She winced at how robotic she sounded; making friends had never been a strong suit of hers. "But your life is more important than mine, never forget that."
Naruto's eyebrows furrowed in confusion and concern. "What? N-No it's not---" but Hanaru had already turned to walk away, beginning to pace down the street, her tail flicking from side to side behind her as the bell rang, school signaling its conclusion for the day. She could smell rain--the clouds were heavy and gray, and it was only a matter of time before the heavens opened up, and regarding how much she hated water, she refused to get caught in the downfall.
At least, she would have refused, if she had been running home rather than walking. Instead, it had started raining when she was only somewhat near to her single bedroom apartment, and she took shelter in a bus stop, the glass roof over the bench keeping her gaze as she watched the heavens fall. She was stuck until the rain lightened up or someone picked a fight for their squatting spot. Either way, she wasn't exactly in a hurry.
Shikamaru was so ready to go home and actually sleep. Usually, he would have spent time during Mizuki's class to sleep. That jonin was far too concerned with causing Naruto trouble to notice or (if he even did) care about the fact that Shikamaru preferred that class period as his snooze time. That being said, he wasn't about to sleep on Asuna if even just the sounds and the smells of the school infirmary were enough to freak her out, then there was no way he was sleeping either. Once Tsunade came back in a blind rage (the only way Shikamaru had known she was even gone in the first place was the fury with which she returned).
Shikamaru wanted nothing more than to cart Asuna away as soon as Tsunade cleared her, but she was at least dutiful to her detention. At least, the Nara figured she was doing so considering her dad found out about their little night's sleepover at the school, and would expect her to work off her detention accordingly. That being said, as bad as he felt, Shikamaru wasn't going to help clean some more--especially since he knew how particular Asuna was when it came to cleanliness etc. He waited outside the assigned classroom, nodding off occasionally, only to hear Sakura and Asuna arguing every once and a while. Who knew she could get so worked up over something like cleaning and cleanliness? It was kinda cute... actually, in any other girl Shikamaru probably would have found that kind of a trait annoying--and while he might have called her "troublesome" he couldn't help but find it endearing.
After a light nap, the students were released from their enslavement, and Shikamaru awoke to the door opening, pushing himself to stand. He crossed his arms as he looked to her, glaring at Sakura slightly when she shot him a pointed smirk. How many people thought there was something between the two of them? He was just watching out for his teammate. He might have done the same thing for Ino if she was even remotely nicer than she was.
He couldn't help but snicker as they made their way back towards the Shuffle of Things. "I believe it," Shikamaru teased as they walked, his eyes flicking over to her. "You threatened me the other day for not cleaning properly." It was only fair, he supposed; he was known for his laziness. As they continued to walk, he chose to listen to the sound of the rumbling skies, and though he wasn't entirely sure when their hands had intertwined, he wasn't about to complain. There was something distinctly comforting about just... keeping her close that was reassuring. Especially after that whole mess with Aku Mitomori and then how she had tired herself out and everything training with Kurenai-sensei. "Try not to go too hard on them, you'll freak 'em out," he couldn't help but chuckle. Asuna could whip anyone into shape--maybe even Naruto. His eyes slid up to the gray, thundering sky. "We should, uh... probably hurry. It looks like we're about to get drenched." He sped up his pace, tugging her hand, and her, along with him.
"Stop it..." she mumbled, her gaze narrowing as she looked at the young jinchuuriki. Her face was an unimaginable mix of emotions, and she shifted from one foot to the other, clearly uncomfortable with this turn of events. "Stop apologizing. It's not like you're responsible for that behavior."
"But... but it's usually me he's after," Naruto frowned, his lip quivering in anger. "If it had just been like normal, he wouldn't have even looked at you twice! But for some reason, he had this weird fixation on you and Sasuke this time around, a-and, well it didn't take me long to realize that I really wouldn't mind taking his attention away if that meant he would just leave you alone. You and Sasuke both are my friends... even if you don't always act like it."
To say she was shocked with his mature stance was an understatement--something so well thought-out and executed in this manner, at least in terms of speech and feelings, was not something that the purplette had expected from Naruto. Her wide-eyed expression melted into something that looked like the ghost of compassion, but it was gone shortly as she turned her head away from him. "Naruto... it's because of who I am... what I've done..." he looked to her in confusion as she continued. "I don't intend to tell you everything right now. I don't know if I ever will, but to know that you think of me as a friend is... valuable... to me." She winced at how robotic she sounded; making friends had never been a strong suit of hers. "But your life is more important than mine, never forget that."
Naruto's eyebrows furrowed in confusion and concern. "What? N-No it's not---" but Hanaru had already turned to walk away, beginning to pace down the street, her tail flicking from side to side behind her as the bell rang, school signaling its conclusion for the day. She could smell rain--the clouds were heavy and gray, and it was only a matter of time before the heavens opened up, and regarding how much she hated water, she refused to get caught in the downfall.
At least, she would have refused, if she had been running home rather than walking. Instead, it had started raining when she was only somewhat near to her single bedroom apartment, and she took shelter in a bus stop, the glass roof over the bench keeping her gaze as she watched the heavens fall. She was stuck until the rain lightened up or someone picked a fight for their squatting spot. Either way, she wasn't exactly in a hurry.
Shikamaru was so ready to go home and actually sleep. Usually, he would have spent time during Mizuki's class to sleep. That jonin was far too concerned with causing Naruto trouble to notice or (if he even did) care about the fact that Shikamaru preferred that class period as his snooze time. That being said, he wasn't about to sleep on Asuna if even just the sounds and the smells of the school infirmary were enough to freak her out, then there was no way he was sleeping either. Once Tsunade came back in a blind rage (the only way Shikamaru had known she was even gone in the first place was the fury with which she returned).
Shikamaru wanted nothing more than to cart Asuna away as soon as Tsunade cleared her, but she was at least dutiful to her detention. At least, the Nara figured she was doing so considering her dad found out about their little night's sleepover at the school, and would expect her to work off her detention accordingly. That being said, as bad as he felt, Shikamaru wasn't going to help clean some more--especially since he knew how particular Asuna was when it came to cleanliness etc. He waited outside the assigned classroom, nodding off occasionally, only to hear Sakura and Asuna arguing every once and a while. Who knew she could get so worked up over something like cleaning and cleanliness? It was kinda cute... actually, in any other girl Shikamaru probably would have found that kind of a trait annoying--and while he might have called her "troublesome" he couldn't help but find it endearing.
After a light nap, the students were released from their enslavement, and Shikamaru awoke to the door opening, pushing himself to stand. He crossed his arms as he looked to her, glaring at Sakura slightly when she shot him a pointed smirk. How many people thought there was something between the two of them? He was just watching out for his teammate. He might have done the same thing for Ino if she was even remotely nicer than she was.
He couldn't help but snicker as they made their way back towards the Shuffle of Things. "I believe it," Shikamaru teased as they walked, his eyes flicking over to her. "You threatened me the other day for not cleaning properly." It was only fair, he supposed; he was known for his laziness. As they continued to walk, he chose to listen to the sound of the rumbling skies, and though he wasn't entirely sure when their hands had intertwined, he wasn't about to complain. There was something distinctly comforting about just... keeping her close that was reassuring. Especially after that whole mess with Aku Mitomori and then how she had tired herself out and everything training with Kurenai-sensei. "Try not to go too hard on them, you'll freak 'em out," he couldn't help but chuckle. Asuna could whip anyone into shape--maybe even Naruto. His eyes slid up to the gray, thundering sky. "We should, uh... probably hurry. It looks like we're about to get drenched." He sped up his pace, tugging her hand, and her, along with him.