Unofficial Member of the Ginyu Force
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Hanaru was silently grateful when Sasuke pulled the rambunctious blonde ninja off of her, and she merely shook her head in annoyance to hide her silent relief. Geez, Naruto could be so clingy, it was ridiculous. Hanaru looked down at her arm as the onyx haired brooding king grabbed her and pulled her along--clearly not as hard as Naruto considering how much the teen was complaining (then again, she knew Naruto often made a big deal out of absolutely nothing, so maybe there was no difference in his grip...?). She growled internally at the thought that someone had been messing with them this entire time. It was an unsavory idea, considering that meant that she wanted nothing more than to rip them apart with her sword, but that would probably not end favorably for her in any instance. Her eyes narrowed as Sasuke lead them back towards the bathroom that Naruto had come from. She rose an eyebrow at the blonde's whining--really? He was still scared?
"You said it yourself," she glared at the blonde from across Sasuke. "You pushed the ghost. Ghosts can't be touched, so clearly it can be fought in some form or capacity." She let out a careful breath as she tried to curb her anger, though it would definitely be hard. Once they had made it to the bathroom, Hanaru was unimpressed with who they found waiting there. She was mildly sympathetic with Hinata--the poor girl was probably dragged into this thanks to Kiba, and yet she was the one who ended up injured. "You can hardly blame Naruto, you damn mutt," Hanaru growled, crossing her arms under her chest as her eyes narrowed into dangerous hazel slits. "If it wasn't for you, HInata would be at home minding her own business and not being injured--instead you dragged the poor girl out here at night and got her injured by trying to play out this dumb prank of yours!" Hinata didn't really do much to piss of Hanaru--she was quiet, and from what the half demon could tell, she was a kind individual. So the fact that the dog was behind all of this really pissed her off.
"Hey, Naruto's the one who shoved her!" Kiba argued, and Hanaru raised an eyebrow.
"But none of this wouldn't have happened if you weren't so set on some dumb prank!" That seemed to quiet the brunette until he offered to help his teammate out and brought her past them. Hanaru watched them go with narrowed eyes, Naruto trailing behind them. She kissed her teeth, the "tch" that left sounding thunderously loud in the now-quiet hallways. "Yeah, let's go..." she trailed off, thinking about it all. The different instances, knowing team eight's skillset... well, it was all explained away as genjutsu and minor illusion tricks. Maybe some clever chakra string work with the mannequins, but she couldn't be too sure. She sighed, a frustrated noise that left her throat in an angry huff. "I should have known it was the dog... if only it wasn't this night then I wouldn't have been so useless..." she found herself muttering under her breath, her eyes trying to focus on the dark hallway where team eight plus Naruto walked off to.
Shikamaru listened to the sounds of them both drying off, his brain full of thoughts that he didn't feel comfortable voicing. What the heck was Kiba even thinking, giving them crap for just hanging out?! He supposed it probably looked a little... suspicious... at least what he had walked in on, considering Shikamaru had his arms protectively around the ash blonde female. Still--it was no different than Kiba wanting to protect Hinata for being his teammate, right? 'But Kiba hasn't known Hinata as well as you've known Asuna... and you were pushed up against her... and you were both-' the black haired nin furiously worked the towel through his loose, wet walks, trying to clear wherever that thought was going to out of existence. No way, absolutely no way. He wasn't going to permit that kind of thinking about Asuna. It wasn't right... 'But you want it to be....' the voice in the back of his head urged on once again. Like a siren it gave his mind images of things that could be, but he was in no mood to start entertaining such thoughts.
Hearing Asuna's soft voice as she stood, he hadn't even realized that her gaze had been upon him, but he wasn't about to comment on it as he waited silently for her to get back. Her comment about team eight had him raising an eyebrow, but he didn't say anything, respectfully waiting for her to finish before nodding along. "You're right. Not only are they closer to where those jonin patrol, they also aren't anywhere near the location of the original legend." He had no time to spare for idiots--Kiba, Naruto... all of them were idiots, and they had more or less ruined their night starting with Kiba's intrusion. "The last thing I want to do is get caught because of those idiots. So, instead, hopefully we can use them like bait and get the hell out of here without getting spotted..." he mumbled, letting Asuna sit him down with her as they sat close together. His brain seemed to malfunction, however, as he felt her lithe fingers working through his still-damp hair. He paused, anything rational escape his mind. His heart beat faster, his cheeks burned as she pulled part of his hair up before tying it.
Oh no. Shikamaru totally liked her, Kiba was right.
What a drag.
He didn't know/remember when or where it happened, but he was determined to keep it to himself. They just today confirmed their status with each other as being good for the first time in years of relative silence. They had gotten closer again slowly through being on the same squad, and that was going to have to be good enough for him. No way in hell was he about to ruin that by saying something absolutely stupid. Finding his voice, he nodded, swallowing to avoid an awkward voice crack. "Yeah, there's nothing to be worried about. Ghosts don't exist, and that legend is probably spread by the teachers to try and keep dumb idiots from sneaking around the school grounds after hours." He nodded as she pushed his shoulders, and though the red was fading, a slight dusting of pink remained. When she thanked him, he thought for sure his face was on fire, and he quickly looked away, refusing to meet her gaze. "Y-yeah, sure. Anytime..." he said softly, standing up and following after her.
Once the door proceeded to be locked, he led them out the window and onto the lawn. "I'm good for something, after all," he grinned as she nudged him. "Now c'mon, let's get out of here." And yet, for some reason, as they walked through the underbrush and trees in the yard, though this route should have led them to the fence (Shikamaru was good with layouts and directions), they found themselves staring down the main doors of the school building. "There's no way we went south..." Shikamaru stated softly, his eyes furrowing. "This has to be a part of their dumb prank--Hinata's genjutsu skills must be getting better. C'mon, let's go..." Shikamaru grabbed Asuna's hand and turned around to go out the main entrance, but when he turned around.... there was the front doors again. His eyes narrowed into suspicious slants. He turned to look behind them, and there the gates were, leading out of the yard and into the city. "What... the heck?"
"You said it yourself," she glared at the blonde from across Sasuke. "You pushed the ghost. Ghosts can't be touched, so clearly it can be fought in some form or capacity." She let out a careful breath as she tried to curb her anger, though it would definitely be hard. Once they had made it to the bathroom, Hanaru was unimpressed with who they found waiting there. She was mildly sympathetic with Hinata--the poor girl was probably dragged into this thanks to Kiba, and yet she was the one who ended up injured. "You can hardly blame Naruto, you damn mutt," Hanaru growled, crossing her arms under her chest as her eyes narrowed into dangerous hazel slits. "If it wasn't for you, HInata would be at home minding her own business and not being injured--instead you dragged the poor girl out here at night and got her injured by trying to play out this dumb prank of yours!" Hinata didn't really do much to piss of Hanaru--she was quiet, and from what the half demon could tell, she was a kind individual. So the fact that the dog was behind all of this really pissed her off.
"Hey, Naruto's the one who shoved her!" Kiba argued, and Hanaru raised an eyebrow.
"But none of this wouldn't have happened if you weren't so set on some dumb prank!" That seemed to quiet the brunette until he offered to help his teammate out and brought her past them. Hanaru watched them go with narrowed eyes, Naruto trailing behind them. She kissed her teeth, the "tch" that left sounding thunderously loud in the now-quiet hallways. "Yeah, let's go..." she trailed off, thinking about it all. The different instances, knowing team eight's skillset... well, it was all explained away as genjutsu and minor illusion tricks. Maybe some clever chakra string work with the mannequins, but she couldn't be too sure. She sighed, a frustrated noise that left her throat in an angry huff. "I should have known it was the dog... if only it wasn't this night then I wouldn't have been so useless..." she found herself muttering under her breath, her eyes trying to focus on the dark hallway where team eight plus Naruto walked off to.
Shikamaru listened to the sounds of them both drying off, his brain full of thoughts that he didn't feel comfortable voicing. What the heck was Kiba even thinking, giving them crap for just hanging out?! He supposed it probably looked a little... suspicious... at least what he had walked in on, considering Shikamaru had his arms protectively around the ash blonde female. Still--it was no different than Kiba wanting to protect Hinata for being his teammate, right? 'But Kiba hasn't known Hinata as well as you've known Asuna... and you were pushed up against her... and you were both-' the black haired nin furiously worked the towel through his loose, wet walks, trying to clear wherever that thought was going to out of existence. No way, absolutely no way. He wasn't going to permit that kind of thinking about Asuna. It wasn't right... 'But you want it to be....' the voice in the back of his head urged on once again. Like a siren it gave his mind images of things that could be, but he was in no mood to start entertaining such thoughts.
Hearing Asuna's soft voice as she stood, he hadn't even realized that her gaze had been upon him, but he wasn't about to comment on it as he waited silently for her to get back. Her comment about team eight had him raising an eyebrow, but he didn't say anything, respectfully waiting for her to finish before nodding along. "You're right. Not only are they closer to where those jonin patrol, they also aren't anywhere near the location of the original legend." He had no time to spare for idiots--Kiba, Naruto... all of them were idiots, and they had more or less ruined their night starting with Kiba's intrusion. "The last thing I want to do is get caught because of those idiots. So, instead, hopefully we can use them like bait and get the hell out of here without getting spotted..." he mumbled, letting Asuna sit him down with her as they sat close together. His brain seemed to malfunction, however, as he felt her lithe fingers working through his still-damp hair. He paused, anything rational escape his mind. His heart beat faster, his cheeks burned as she pulled part of his hair up before tying it.
Oh no. Shikamaru totally liked her, Kiba was right.
What a drag.
He didn't know/remember when or where it happened, but he was determined to keep it to himself. They just today confirmed their status with each other as being good for the first time in years of relative silence. They had gotten closer again slowly through being on the same squad, and that was going to have to be good enough for him. No way in hell was he about to ruin that by saying something absolutely stupid. Finding his voice, he nodded, swallowing to avoid an awkward voice crack. "Yeah, there's nothing to be worried about. Ghosts don't exist, and that legend is probably spread by the teachers to try and keep dumb idiots from sneaking around the school grounds after hours." He nodded as she pushed his shoulders, and though the red was fading, a slight dusting of pink remained. When she thanked him, he thought for sure his face was on fire, and he quickly looked away, refusing to meet her gaze. "Y-yeah, sure. Anytime..." he said softly, standing up and following after her.
Once the door proceeded to be locked, he led them out the window and onto the lawn. "I'm good for something, after all," he grinned as she nudged him. "Now c'mon, let's get out of here." And yet, for some reason, as they walked through the underbrush and trees in the yard, though this route should have led them to the fence (Shikamaru was good with layouts and directions), they found themselves staring down the main doors of the school building. "There's no way we went south..." Shikamaru stated softly, his eyes furrowing. "This has to be a part of their dumb prank--Hinata's genjutsu skills must be getting better. C'mon, let's go..." Shikamaru grabbed Asuna's hand and turned around to go out the main entrance, but when he turned around.... there was the front doors again. His eyes narrowed into suspicious slants. He turned to look behind them, and there the gates were, leading out of the yard and into the city. "What... the heck?"