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Fandom 19 Years Later (Looking For More People!)


i was gone and now I’m back


1. NO one liners

2. NO over-powered characters or mary/gary sues. In other words, don't make a character related to Voldemort who is an animagus, knows every single spell, is immortal and has eyes that change according to her mood. I'm not saying your character can't be related to canon characters or being an animagus is not allowed. I'm just asking you to make it realistic.

3. Keep drama inside the role play.

4. To kill a character, you must ask the owner of that character for permission.

5. IF you want to make a character related to a canon character, tell me before making him or her.

6. Characters related to deceased characters are allowed, even if they are dead. Just try not to make your character jump around telling everyone about how hard it is being Snape's long lost son.

7. To be a special species (werewolf, veela, animagus, etc) there has to be a reason.

8. Don't abuse your character's powers.

9. Please tell me all of your suggestions!

@Prouvaire @Saru @KalenNighteyes @DarknessSpirit @redwood
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September 1st, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Teachers and books described the first day of school as a joyful and wonderful event. A large feast for the kids and teachers instead of a lavish ball for powerful members of the Wizarding World and their children, not like most kids enjoyed it anyways. The Great Hall had been transformed into a dancing Hall filled with expensive decorations and house elves running around the castle making sure the guests were happy. Well, the adults were certainly delighted with the celebration. All in their fine attires listening to the powerful Lords giving speeches about the importance of giving the children a proper education. They were the future of society, after all. Other adults were chatting and happily making fun of lesser members of society who were allowed in the celebration. The sorting ceremony had taken place just a few minutes ago and making fun of the kids placed in the not-so-respectable houses was incredibly fun for the adults and older kids.

Those were the first things Victoria noticed as she walked around the party. Smiling, making friends and keeping up her family's reputation. She was the new heir, after all. With her brother gone, she was the eldest daughter and had a lot of new responsibilities this year. Especially now that her father was in the top of the world, now giving his speech. In all reality, Victoria hated every aspect of who she was, or pretended to be. It wasn't fun, it was a low thing to and it was the most horrible way to betray someone. By making them care for you and then stab them in the back. She didn't want her life to be like that, going to glamorous parties to mock people and control the world in her free time. She didn't want her siblings to grow in such a horrible world but it was reality, and it had to be faced. Still, she wished there was some way she could stop things faster. For now, she was stuck being friendly to everyone on sight and dancing with some uptight gentleman every now and then.
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The sound of rich, flowery wizarding classical music filtered magically from thin air all around the Great Hall, which was decorated and completely transformed into a beautiful ballroom filled with students, professors, and guests alike. The girls were all dressed in their fanciest dresses, their hair all done up spectacularly. The young men were all in dress robes and had actually fixed their usually messy heads of hair for once. The room was filled with civilized, irrelevant small talk and the aura of superiority that the pureblood Lords and their many followers gave off. Though he was from a family that was most definitely looked down upon by the high members of society, James relished in this environment.

With his uncanny charm, ease with starting conversations, and dashingly good looks, James had no problem getting people to approach him, both men and women alike. Though, mostly of the female variety. And of course, all the attention was James favorite part of holding balls at the beginning of the year rather than a feast. The more attention he could have on himself, the better. At the current moment, he had a rather giggly, loud blonde Gryffindor who's name he had already forgotten draped over his shoulder as they engaged in conversation with a rather avid guest from the Ministry, from what department James didn't know because he hadn't been paying attention to a single word the man had said because he'd been too busy scoping the crowd for a new target of his flirtation.
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The party was just as anyone would expect..... Just as Arnaldus would expect and did. A chance for everyone to gather and the Dark lord lovers the chance to 'allow' the lesser students and folks to enter the hall and join in the fun. Class, riches, proper education, dancing and drinks, food and everything you could imagine from a dark uptight style of ball. He couldn't stand these events...... He couldn't even find one thing positive to keep him there without blasting the place into oblivion or feeling like so anyway. He danced with some girls, joked with his friends he and seem so far and held his tongue for he knew now was not the time to go spouting off, especially on the first day of all days. Truthfully he didn't enjoy school as much as he once did, the clear reign of the dark lords and followers was difficult for him to bare, the class system that was clearly present but not quite so publicly was maddening to Arnaldus. If only the order was around or another was formed, there would be hope....... But even then dark times would remain. There was no army that he knew of or that enough wizards and witches remained willing to fight this oppression and dark time in our history. But digress he did and so shall he had, Arnaldus walked around the room and gazed out upon the ball. Looking at each and every person present...... Trying to find someone he could speak with that he hadn't already spoke to not because the others bore him or anything like that, but they were now dancing and he was not at the moment. So Arnaldus strolled around the hall and kept a sharp gaze from his eye in search for another familiar face he could chat with or something that would distract him from the ball itself.

After awhile of walking Arnaldus spotted a girl of whom looked quite familiar. He grinned a small corner grin and walked over toward her and eased up next to her just back of her right side. "Victoria..." He spoke while placing his arms behind him well one actually the other was inside his robes tracing the hilt of his wand. A relaxing and temper quieting action strangely enough. "Here I thought you at the mercy of another gentlemens wish to dance. But I see your free from such torture." Arnaldus joked with a straight yet chuckle effected face. While gazing out into the room and looking around at everyone.


? Location: The Ball ? Interacting with: Anyone ?


Lestrange. Strange. What was the difference between the two words one might ask? One certain witch held the key to the answer. She wasn't strange, as she stated most of the time. She was absurd, macabre, even despicable, but strange wouldn't describe the only heir to the Lestrange family. Yes, yes, she carried the burden of being the only living Lestrange. Bellatrix and Rodpholus were unsuccessful in their attempts and it was highly unlikely that they could try again, seeing as though aunt Bella was deader than a stone. All hands lay on Rabastan and his dear, pleasantly plump wife Liliana. With Aria's birth, one could say they were successful.

The Lestrange heiress arrived in a flowing black
dress that seemed to be crafted for any heiress of a Slytherin dominated family. On the back of a dress was a single silver snake that held the dress together. As she made her way, the girl grabbed a drink of God knows what and made herself situated in the crowd. She spotted a few familiar faces: Victoria, the "bell of the ball." More like the beast of the ball. Aria always had to hate on everyone, a trait similar to her aunt Bella. And then there was James, oh how he annoyed her to a limit. But alas, she didn't speak or make contact with either of the two, but casually sipped her drink and ate a few pieces of food.

"Oh the pleasure is entirely mine. I hope we get to see each other again." Victoria spoke to the man she'd been dancing with for the last two minutes of the celebration. Managing to keep a friendly face as the man proudly spoke of muggles being wiped out and new continents being controlled by the ministry. While she did care about the movement and she had to admit they were incredibly smart, she could help but to step on the man's foot a few times to shut him up. It wasn't like he couldn't take a heel in his expensive leather shoe, after all. Folding her arms neatly in front of her, she continued scanning the room for someone she hadn't spoken to. She spotted her younger siblings running around with the other kids but decided to leave them alone. Sure, chasing them seemed like an incredibly fun idea but it wouldn't do her any good. She did spot some familiar faces though, Potter and Lestrange both seemed a bit uncomfortable with the party but not completely miserable. Speaking of miseries , her misery was finally over when he heard a familiar and friendly voice.

"Oh the tortures we poor ladies must go through during these hard times is simply unbelievable." Victoria replied dramatically, placing one hand in her forehead and the other one on her chest. "These gentlemen are so distinguished and refined they make me mad. To be with such important members truly inspires me." Victoria added, loudly enough for the group of men nearby to hear her and proudly smile. "I want to kill every single person in this wrenched place. Except you, of course. Do you have any idea how hard it is to escape these maniacs? And it's not just the men, as I'm sure you know. These fine ladies must be running after you trying to get someone to pay attention to them. Am I right?" She spoke, her voice no louder than a whisper as she mimicked the posture of most of the ladies in the ball.


Looking around, it probably would have been best if they'd skipped the event, things like this just wasn't really his type, and even if it were there was no way he'd want to spend his night with the people here. Lupus stayed, however, his face neutral as he looked around, scouting out the room. It was nicely decorated, he'd have to give them that, but other than that, everything was pretty uninteresting. His eyes quickly spotted his sister, her arm around the neck of some Gryffindor boy while his hands were around her waist. Of course she'd be dancing with someone, she was the more social of the two, but he figured it'd at least be a little later in the night, after she'd had all her drinks. Without giving it a second thought, he made his way over to the two, his face remaining neutral the whole way there. Even when a younger, Hufflepuff girl almost spilled his drink on him, he didn't flinch, instead nudging her out of the way and heading towards his target. Once he reached them, Lupus let out a sigh of relief. "You know, you could have picked someone way better than this." He was addressing his sister, treating the unknown boy as if he weren't there. An angry expression took over the Gryffindor boy's face as he got ready to say something, before Apus cutting him off with a laugh. "Yeah well, its not that easy to find decent people around here."


The playful banter between the two siblings went on as if the other boy wasn't there, which annoyed him to no end, before Apus walked off in search to find some other friendly faces. She may have left her brother alone for the rest of the party, but he didn't even want to be there, so he would be fine with being by himself. Apus walked around a bit, occasionally taking a drink from someone's hand or stopping to say hello to a younger student. Not that she was really one for greeting the newer kids but frankly, it was boring and she had nothing else to do. Well, that was before Apus came up to James. Just her luck, finally someone other than her brother who she could have a good chat with. She made her way up to him, noticing the attention he was getting from male and female alike. It wasn't hard to push past the crowd and make her way to her friend, sending him a small smirk and a wave. "I see you've been keeping busy over here," she started, glancing around at his company. She turned back to him, "wish I could say the same about myself, the night's been a bit boring." Apus took note of the blonde with her arm around his shoulder, reminding herself to ask him about it in the morning. "So, which one of these lucky ladies have caught your eye for the night?" Her sentence was dripping with sarcasm, and she made sure to add extra emphasis on 'lucky'.
Kota Addams

What a joyful ball.
Kota thought dryly eyeing the multiple adults that were either giving speeches, mocking those below them, or gossiping. The children danced, conversed, ate, and mocked those below them as well. The victims of the mocking hid in corners and tried to stay out of sight. All in all it made for a rather bland assemble. Especially compared to some of the ball's his own family held. Those were usually dreadfully full of wild dances and stories of the more outgoing family members travels. I miss them already.

Witnessing the arrival of his bitingly macabre friend his politely yet coldly dismissed himself from the rather pointless conversation with a few members of his house. They had started speaking of interesting torture methods but deteriorated into pointless sneering of those they believed below them. That was his que to leave. He had set course for his friend before the two could respond. "As usual Aria you look rather enchanting. Like a black mamba hypnotizing its prey before it's strikes. "

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Arnaldus quieted his laughter and lowered his head for a moment trying to keep himself proper faced, in the eyes of the teachers and others near enough to see him. " Ah yes...... If only there was enough of me to go around, I could be a knights shining armor." He chuckled and raised his head and joking some more with Victoria. " Well atleast they inspire..." He laughed quietly and nodded his head in agreement with her mention of the experience and how he must be going through the same. " Oh yes...... You would think hiding in a packed room would be easy. But it's not let me tell you, i've tried. I understand though.... I do. I don't mind dancing with girls and chats with them but some are just a little too.... Overly outspoken on certain topics, shall we say?" He responded and shook his head and then held still for a moment, just looking forward as he listened and spoke to Victoria. "I've been restraining myself from blasting the room into smithereens. Plenty of good folk in here and beautiful women, but yes the girls are coming to me for attention and wanting to dance, it's quite tiring really. Dancing, hiding and walking. " he joked a little more.

He looked around the room to see some familiar faces in different areas of the room. James, Aria, Apus, Kota, Lupus and the others he could see. "But in all seriousness and trying to make the best of it, without dragging people down with my mood or opinions. How are you doing Victoria?" He asked in a soft tone and sincere.
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Just as James was starting to get annoyed with the rather lackluster women at the ball this year, a familiar voice came to his ears over the crowd and the rather dry music and he turned, with a grin, to face one of his few real friends, Apus. With the blonde still attached to his hip, he greeted her, "Ah, Miss Malfoy, what a pleasure to finally see you this evening. You're looking quite lovely. As to your question..." James trailed off at the end of his answer, scanning through the clutter of girls that seemed to have gathered within close vicinity of him and the girls beyond, looking over the blonde beside him lastly with a look of unapologetic disinterest displayed on his fair features the entire time. With a sigh, he returned his gaze to the Malfoy beauty and shook his head, speaking with unsympathetic arrogance, "Sadly, no. No one here really suits my taste, at least not so far. They're all a bit drab if you ask me." He didn't bother looking when the blonde that had previously been hanging onto him like he was the last galleon in her piggy bank let out a rather unattractive huff of defense and stormed off. Instead he merely relaxed into himself, more happy to be to himself now than he was to have a girl following him around like a lost puppy.

"How are you doing so far?" he asked Apus, walking forward to link his arm with hers and lead her out of the crowd of girls who were now shooting daggers at her with their eyes, "Is the ball treating you kindly this year?" It was certainly odd, seeing a Potter and a Malfoy so close and friendly towards one another. It most definitely had not helped towards his parents' constant disappointment in him when James had written to his parents about his new friendship with the Malfoy heiress in his second year, but James was used to being unconventional. Heck, his ability to tolerate and even indulge in the conversations of the Dark Lords and their community made him the greatest outcast his family had had in decades. But, then again, James was a great actor and getting along with people was simply that, acting.
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"... Somebody please just let me leave." She muttered.

Joey had been standing leaning against the wall of the Great Hall in a red dress that clung to every curve this muscular young woman had. She had her arms crossed over her chest and her facial expression said, "I'm bored, I'm angry, I want to leave". But leaving was not an option. She would have to wade through the crowd of all too happy purebloods to even get close to the door out and then there was also no conceivable way to sneak out. Everyone would be watching her the entire way out.

She hated this event. She hated being a Muggleborn at this event. She hated that there wasn't any food to occupy herself with. She hated how this school had changed, she hated how this stupid dress itched, she hated everyone in this room. At least being a Muggleborn, she thought sourly, keeps me from being stared at by the idiotic pureblood boys. They don't even look at me. Which is good. Just how I want it.
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"These children are the future, after all." Robert Knight spoke clearly as his speech came to an end. Being the Minister of Magic and the most powerful Dark Lord practically made him the guest of the ball. Even if it wasn't official, it sure seemed like a ball he'd host in his own manor. He was giving a glorious, inspiring and slightly frightening speech, his wife was speaking with the other ladies who were probably all boasting about their children or their role in society and his heir was obediently being the perfect hostess. Giving the last speech of the night reminded him of his power and it really filled him with joy and determination. It was crazy to think that he'd been the one being controlled just 19 years ago and now he was the one in power. A power he was glad to share with his family, he wouldn't be so feared without his family being feared and respected. That had certainly been handy, it had been what helped him convince the world his son had moved to Rome when in reality, he was rotting six feet under. Oh yes, his power was truly wonderful.

"Even if they have to socialize with... Not so noble members of society." He continued, clearly referencing the tragedy of having the children of respected families live with mudbloods and pathetic children put in worthless houses to waste. This remark made most adults in the audience laugh and nod their heads. "We must never forget that we are forming our children's future and the future of our society as well." Robert finished, making his audience cheer and congratulate him as he walked down from the stage, now focusing on the and looking for someone to socialize.


Apus let out a small laugh as she let James lead her through the crowd, hoping to find a place away from all his followers. The look on the girl's face was priceless, and just then Apus remembered why she liked hanging with him so much. "Define kind." She stated, with a sigh. Again, the night was truly boring, with all the speeches and the looking down upon, and Apus wasn't really enjoying herself as much as James seemed to be. She shrugged and looked around. "I guess it's not that bad, could have been better but I shouldn't complain." She linked her arm tighter with his, taking a sip out of her drink. "So, how's that lovely family of yours?" She may have been a bit sarcastic when she said lovely, but that doesn't mean she dislikes them, it's just a little hard with their family history and all. It was truly a surprise when it turned out that Apus and James were friends, with them being a Potter and a Malfoy after all, the original rivals, but the attention didn't stop them. It did, however, gain a few warnings from her parents and her brother. Oh well, she was happy, that was all that mattered. "I'm guessing they all miss me." Apus was only joking, and accompanied it with a grin. "They should, I'm the smarter one of us two. I keep you out of trouble." To emphasize this, she knocked on the top of his head, as if she were asking if anyone was home.
Victoria let out a long , relieved breath while joking around with Arnaldus. Relieved to know she wasn't the only one who felt so trapped and uncomfortable in these kinds of situations. "Well, maybe we could get the good folks and beautiful women out if the castle for a second while we blow up the others." She commented with a small smirk, imagining how blowing them up would actually feel like. "I'm glad to see we can be each other's knights in shiny armor for a couple of minutes. I'm sure they won't bother us if they think we're busy and if they do, well, running away has always been a good plan." She joked, looking at the stage as her father finished his speech and clapping along with the crowd as he finally shut up.

"I've never been better" She replied slowly, not wanting the playful mood to be over so quickly. "I mean, now that my brother is gone I have all of his responsibilities and my father has shown me the dark and horrible things he has to do as the Minister but my life has truly never been better." She explained sarcastically. "I'm sorry, I'm sure I'm bringing you down with my positive attitude. It's just... well, don't you ever wish things could go back to the way they were when we were children? The thought has been in my mind lately and I can't forget it. Don't you wish there was something we could do?" She spoke, her unusual serious tone coming out. "Anyways, enough of me. How have you been?"
Andre entered the Hall, dressed in a black suit, looking around for the gathered crowd hoping to find someone he knew. It has been a good long while since he went on a ball like this, not long enough though but still he hoped that it would be fun. He had heard that Victoria was here so he went looking for her, as she would be the only source of the hope for fun. Of course he heard her almost immediately talking loudly to Arnaldus.

Andre approuched the two of them. " Bonsoire, guys." Andre greeted them softly. "I see here is the life of the party as usual."
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? Location: The Ball ? Interacting with: @Crimson smile ?


Ah yes, Kota. The one related to Barnaby, or so she thought. Maybe she had people confused. But truly, Kota was the only person she could tolerate in this room, "how generous of you to compliment me so." She spoke in a tone very similar to the late Bellatrix Lestrange, as if the notorious death eater had found a way to return to life as a teenager, that was Aria Lestrange for you. "To compare me to the precious Black Mamba, Kota you know how to please a sick and twisted woman like myself." Letting out a sadistic smile, she seemed to lowkey point out a couple, James and Apus. "Now that isn't something you see everyday." Turning to Kota, she sent him a mischeivious glare, "I say we add a little fun to the party no? After all, I haven't used an unforgivable curse in God knows how long. Would it not be extraordinary to see poor little Potter.." she stopped, letting the lad she was talking to figure out the rest.

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((This could get confusing with two characters named James :P Let's see how it goes. If need be, I'll change my character's name :D ))

James stood off to the side of everyone. He was perfectly content being a wallflower at this sort of thing. More so than that, he knew his father was around the hall somewhere, so any excuse to avoid him was a welcome one. He had managed to stay hidden near the wall for sometime now, but knew it was only a matter of time before he was approached or he himself actually felt the desire to approach someone he knew. He saw a bunch of familiar faces, but having been going to Hogwarts for as long as he had been, for the most part it was just that the faces were familiar. Names always escaped him as he preferred to study what he could when he could. However, there had been one person he had become friends with, and he could see her from where he stood, Victoria. He wanted to approach her, but didn't want to interrupt her conversation with another student. He figured he was better off staying where he was.


Alexander surveyed the room and listened to the minister's speech. It had been an honor to be invited to this event and was hoping it may lead to something more fruitful than his career as an author had been. As he scanned the room, his eyes landed on his son. It seemed James was trying to be inconspicuous and hide away from the others in the room. Typical of the boy to do so, though. Such a disappointment it was when he found out his son was not sorted into Slytherin on his first day in Hogwarts. The boy seemed studious enough, however. Perhaps the boy would have a decent future in the world, but Alexander doubted it.
Fair warning, all my replies may be a little meh. I'm working on a history paper that I've procrastinated WAY too long to do.)

Valentina stood, flanked by her parents, straight-backed and stoic. Her brothers were off, chatting with high society, leaving her standing with her parents. Most people were shocked that the Queens had had a child, much less three with such a small margin of time between them, but no one was shocked that they, even as teenagers, were already shaking hands, trying to make a name for themselves.

Valentina's eyes scanned the room, focusing on some familiar faces, but she made no move to any of them, but finally dismissed herself from her parents - who unblinkingly waved her off - and she made her way back to her family's table, mentally noting that the decor for this ball was especially noteworthy.
Theodore sat down surrounded by people mainly teachers. He wasn't in much mood to talk and he certainly wasn't dumbledore so he probably wasnt going to make very good speech. He looked around at all the new and old faces. He just sat back taking in the scene as he thought of what this year would hold. ( first replys going to be a tad short so yeah )
Arnaldus felt himself calming himself into a ease, glad to have discovered he wasn't the only one here who felt the same as he did and now Victoria. He gave a smile and looked toward Victoria while allowing a soft chuckle at Victoria's response. " Sounds like a plan. You get them out and I'll create distraction, perhaps spook them all with a boggart that looks like their money being shred." Arnaldus joked with a retained smile on his face as he looked out into the room. He softened his gaze and winked at his friend playfully, as if she had just read his mind and spoke his plan. "It's good were able to act as the others shining armor, yes. Always have been willing to just now its official. But running yes, that's always a sound plan.... A good workout too." He added in response to Victoria

"That's good to hear Victoria. Glad to know your well even during these times," Arnaldus spoke feeling relieved she was doing well and still her old self. " Hmm....... Yeah I'm sure it's grand having all that new found responsibility and attention. You must be loving it," he joked in reply and brightened up his manner a bit. "Yeah no it's fine, you haven't brought me down at all. It's good to talk about it atleast, it seems hardly anyone is willing to speak about the problems and what things are like now days. They're all afraid likely...... Of what will or could happen if caught just talking about it." Arnaldus spoke thinking of how things had changed over recent years and how he missed the old days before all this started. "Yeah...... Truly I wish we could something. Reform the order and bring down this reign once again like the legends of years past, fight the good fight. You know?" He continued and thought of his little covert adventures and small fights he had taken on over recent years. He felt a little useless going into his sixth year with only one year left after this one, while not having changed much of anything or accomplished his goal. "I'm good for the most part, I have been doing what can to handle all this and keep cool. But it's tough sometimes, but overall I'm good and out of their attentions reach for now atleast." He spoke gesturing toward some of the pure bloods in the room of who's opinions differed from his own.

He looked toward Andre who arrived and greeted them, he gave a smile and nod.
" Bonsoir Andre, come to join the life of this party and jest along with us?" Arnaldus smiled
As the two friends delve into conversation, James noticed that she didn't seem like she was really enjoying herself that much. Not nearly as much as he was enjoying himself, though his enjoyment had probably more to do with the three glasses of firewhiskey that he'd had previously and less to do with actually enjoying himself At the mention of his family, James seemed to tense up a little. Of course, he loved his family, more than almost anything But love didn't always account for everything. He forced a smile onto his lips and jokingly brushed Apus off when she began to knock on his head in lighthearted mockery. "Oh, please, we both know that I'm the real genius between the both of us. And you know, they probably do miss you... You give them a legitimate reason to boast about how much they wish I could be like perfect little Albus." James meant the sentence to be joking, but there was a hint of seriousness to his tone as he spoke the last bit.

But, James wasn't one to show emotions, other than arrogance and indifference, so he quickly shook the heavy feeling in his chest away and quickly changed the subject. Gently unlinking his arm from hers, he snatched another glass filled with firewhiskey from the tray that a passing house elf was carrying and he took a quick sip. As the warm, tingling sensation of the strong drink eased his muscles and lightened his mood, James began to feel a bit restless in this boring ball atmosphere and an idea popped into his mind. With a devilish smirk he turned back to Apus, "I have a fantastic idea, dear Apus, now it could get a bit hectic and maybe a bit sticky but, if you choose to help me, I think you will be very glad that you did."
Kota Addams

"What a delightfully horrible idea. " Kota smiled catching on. His eyes were a lit with mischief and his smile held a sadistic curl to it. "That would certainly liven up the party," Turning he eyed their potential victim. Personally he had nothing against James despite his family and was often amused by his antics. Unfortunately for James that wasn't enough to stop Kota from getting a bit of entertainment. "What's the name of the game? "

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Victoria had always been able to make good plans in just a couple of minutes, it was a virtue she was extremely proud of and she usually bragged about it. Using it in a moment like this was certainly not a surprise. As she listened to her friend, a plan began forming in her mind. She knew changes in society had to be made and it was a great way to start a revolution. "Then why don't we?" Victoria asked, a big smile forming on her face as she prepared to tell her friend about her elaborate plan. "I mean, we could start a new order. We have enough knowledge and power to fight a few of the on our own and I know people who might be interested. We could fight them, make them fear us without ever having to reveal our identities and save us a lot of problems. What do you say?" She asked excitedly. Sure, it was a crazy and dangerous idea that could either ruin or save their lives. Victoria actually found herself wondering why she's never thought about a similar plan years ago. "Can you see it? These morons being defeated by mere children and the Wizarding World returning to the way it used to be. And let's not forget the glory, imagine of being seen as heroes instead of the enemy. " She asked, and got lost in her fantasy for a few seconds. Just thinking about the endless possibilities.

She returned to the world when Andre joined them and she placed her hands on her hips. "A party is not a party without us in it, am I right?" Victoria joked. "We elegant bastards sure know how to put the fun in funeral. Anyways, Andre, what if I told you I got the best idea in the entire universe? What if I told you I just saved us all?" She asked, knowing Andre had similar thoughts regarding the distinguished members of their society and he wouldn't be completely opposed to the idea. While looking around to make sure no one could listen to them, she spotted James looking at them and waved at him to come over. James was a good friend of hers who would probably support her with the idea but she knew he wasn't the most outgoing person in the world so inviting him over was probably the only way she was going to be able to talk to him.
"Always." Andre said chuckling looking around at the crowd. "And bitching about other people here... As much as my gentleman up bring would allow of course he commented. Still I am wondering if this party is to celebrate the new year or the ministry and elitist social. "He added before looking at Victoria up and down briefly,"I must say you look tres belle, the ball scene suits. "He complimented genuinely, though he though that boutique most things she wore. "And save us, ah tres bein. What evil plan are you cooking than?"


? Location: The Ball ? Interacting with: @Crimson smile ?


The girl seemed to raise her eyebrows at the boy a bit sarcastically, but let out a chuckle, before pulling out her wand. 12.5 inches, ash wood, dragon heartstring. Unyielding, perfect for the very holder, or at least that's what the wand maker said. It was certainly made for a darker wizard with it's blackish wood, the very core of it, and even the design. Twirling the wand through her hair, she let out a little giggle and turned to Kota once more, "why must we name a game, when we can leave that up to our imaginations? And besides," she turned her deadly glaze back on the Potter offspring, who seemed to be with the Malfoy heiress, "how cruel would it be to disturb his little conversation? I may be a Lestrange, but I do have a heart ya' know." Who was she kidding? Aria Lestrange was known to not have a heart, and she could thank her mother for that, not her father.

It was all the talk when it happened. Aria's father, Rabastan Lestrange, was sent back to Azkaban, leaving the poor Liliana Lestrange to care for a rather disturbed child. One foggy night, she left, leaving poor little Aria with nobody. Not like it bothered Aria, in fact the Lestrange heiress found her mother to be quite bothersome, and had she been older, Aria would've killed the wench.


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