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Fandom 19 Years Later (Harry Potter Role Play, Accepting)

Avery nodded, and called out to Rocket, preparing to leave. His job was done, he'd seen no point in staying. His owl swiftly made it's way down to it's owner's arm and perched itself there as he carried it back. But come on, it wouldn't be right if he didn't scope out his competition just a bit, so instead of heading straight back to the school to study for his test, Avery followed the trail to the other group, going in the same direction but taking another route. This way, he could be out of their lines of sight, but still catch a good glimpse. Ave only caught the end of the conversation, which was a girl talking about her family and a guy consoling her. "Typical," he knew of all the Slytherins, especially the ones who weren't pure-bloods, so hearing this come from a muggle-born only made him smirk. "a mud-blood at it's finest." Part of him wanted to say something threatening as he walked by, but the rational part of him knew that that wouldn't be a good idea. So instead, Avery silently made his way by, his owl making as little noise as possible.
She smiled a little, Jade said kindly "Thank you Roderick." She almost rembered that day so clearly. Jade looked down at her fading black nails, she hoped this year would be better.
James could make out faint voices in the distance. Reaching in his robes, he pulled out his wand. "Lumos," he whispered, wandering off into the forest. It wasn't the first time James had been in the forest. In fact, he vividly remembers the way to where a giant spider nearly made him it's dinner. That had been the worst, and undeserved, detention he had ever had. After he had been walking for a few minutes, the voices finally became louder, which meant he wasn't far from them. He gave a small whisper, "Nox," and stowed his wand back under his robes. After a moment, his eyes adjusted to the darkness, and he continued his journey toward the voices.
Roderick nodded with a smile as his left hand raised toward his chin and motioned across his rugged features. "Aye your welcome miss Jade." He responded keeping with his upbringing of using miss or another form of respect when talking to ladies, he may of knew his friends long enough it wasn't necessary but habits and a mothers teachings stayed with him even now after some years at hogwarts and meeting everyone. He didn't always use it but still had often. Roderick then looked toward Jade again then back toward everyone for some reason or another he had a nagging feeling of something not adding up or being plain off. He couldn't say why or what, it could have been simple paranoia and the times of return and threat of death eaters once again. But still something felt odd and kept with him and his thoughts. Again Roderick shrugged and thought it must just be another sign of paranoia with the times, while looking toward Jade, brightening his expression and keeping a smile though different then his commom one, "It could be only uphill from here for you, right Jade?" He offered the old saying or his form of it.
Jade had a strange feeling of uneasiness. She wanted to make sure they were close. She wouldn't lose anybody to the death eaters, nobody else. She snapped out of her thoughts from Rodericks reassurance. Although she looked lost, with a dazed look on her face. "Yeah. Yeah let's hope so." She said softly and faintly. She looked at everybody "let's stick close okay?"
Roderick smiled and gave a nod in reply to Jade keeping quiet for now and observing the forest in a circling motion. The feeling may have been simple paranoia and brought on from that very thing, but it still bothered him and the feeling of somehing not adding up in his mind, opinion and feel was remaining within Rodericks gut. He listened to Jade and her suggestion finding himself in agreement with the thought, a short add on came to his mind and felt he may share it just in case. "Yeah, its a good plan........ Perhaps we better form a circle and in that formation have our backs covered. Just in case right? Wouldn't want to be caught off guard or something, lead us down a chaotic reaction and all." He offered his tactic in adding to Jades, perhaps it would ease all of them and come in handy for a bit... Allowing a full cover of their surroundings until the feeling subsided. He kept his right hand near his wand and holster at his leg and kept himself prepared to act just case he needed too.
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Charlotte was starting her day late as per usual. She was awakened by a cat pawing anxsiously at her long,caramel toned hair. There was no one left in her all girl, Ravenclaw dorm aside her-and Gypsie of course. She rolled to her side, only to be facing her feline companion. Batting her large eyelashes at the cat's playful attitude, Char let out a large sigh. "Are we ready to get on with this today baby? We get a whole new squad to maybe love."

Pulling the black hair tie of of her rist, Char flipped her head upside down and twisted her long locks round and around. Sliding a single bobby pin into the messy ballet inspired bun, Char srugged her shoulders in the full body mirror that rested inbetween two of the beds. Slapping on a layer of fondation, followed by eyeliner, mascara and the rest of her face paint, Char pushed Gypsie off of her trunk. Digging for a clean pair of knickers and a pressed pair of socks was what she dreaded most. Sliding her socks to be above her knees, Char flailed for her skirt that was still sat on the bed. Pulling it above her waist she showed more leg than Hogwarts typicly allowed. Her shirt got tucked in, and she tied on her neck tie, leaving the top four buttons on her blouse undone.

She slid her shoes on her feet before racing out the door, robes in hand. Wiggling into the gown, she passed the Gryffindor common room, and bolted for the Great Hall. She knew she missed most (if not all) of the sorting and could get on with normal conversation; and not mindless chater about who got sorted wear and who had what blood. Everyone knew that Charlotte was mud-blood, but she had the personality traits of a pureblood. The hate for muggles is the only Slytherin aspect that she appreciated. Her family was nothing but traitor to her, abandoning her for Muggle studies in some lame world.

Charlotte stuck her head into the great hall and looked for signs of anyone she knew. At her feet, Gypsie rubbed up against her leg, wagging her tail as if she too where searching.
Thaddues shook his head at Jade when she handed him the back but took it anyways and followed the others into the forest. "Werewolfs and heights... The forest holds more dangers than just that." He said in a deep villainous tone. "There are centaurs, trolls and.... Giant spiders to devour you all!" He let out an evil laugh.
Jade put on a scowl at Thaddues remark. "Thaddues! I'm not fucking around. Let's not hide the fact of death eaters lurking around. We all know there's plenty at school." A large scowl on her face. The feeling of uneasiness grew larger each second.
(I'm going to start the fight after a few posts since it's morning and more people will be able to post)

Hearing more branches cracking, Victoria pointed her wand at the tree where the noise was coming from. It quickly became clear that the person breaking the branches was not a treat after Robert finally came out of the shadows. She immediately ran to hug him and give him a quick kiss on the lips. "Yes, you're not good enough for me. I'm officially breaking up with you" She replied sarcastically as she pulled him towards her friends. "You remember my friends right?" She asked, then chuckled when Thaddeus mentioned the monsters in the forest. "Ooooh, how spooky! We bwetter go fwind an adult to pwotect us!" She replied in her mocking baby voice with a fake frown. "Yes we know there are death eaters in the school, so what? We spend most of our time surrounded by them and we've done more dangerous things than this. Why don't we all relax and enjoy our freedom while we can?"

Michael rolled his eyes and stuck his tongue out at the eagle as it flew away. Not that he didn't respect his fellow Death Eaters, of course. He just didn't appreciate him being so eager to meet his girlfriend, even if he claimed he was only dating her to turn her into a death eater. Not to mention, if Victoria ever joined them Robert would get all the credit and spending the last years trying to change her mind wouldn't be acknowledged. Not wanting to waste more time, he quietly made his way towards the group and stood behind the other death eaters who were waiting to attack.
"There has always been death eaters in the school, some were harmless otheres tent to bite us in the ass at some point... Sadly noone can do much about them now." He said chuckling a little at the reaction he got. "Still... The noises around ys do concern me as well... Lets do what we need to do quickly."
As the group of people came into view, James hid behind a nearby tree and observed what was going on. He watched as a pair of them embraced and kissed. He rolled his eyes but continued watching. He couldn't help but feel a slight unease now. He was out here, technically by himself, and he felt like not just him, but all them were being watched. Something wasn't right and felt off. As a precaution, he reached into his robe and drew his wand. This, however, did not make him feel any safer.
Still not finding any of this funny, and being her usual buzzkill self. "Yes let's do." She said in a serious/ almost pissed off tons. Jade being easily temperamental, decided to storm a couple paces ahead of them silently.
Robert dramatically placed a hand on his chest, pretending to be hurt by Victoria's comment. His 'playful' mood ended when she asked him if he remembered her friends. Sure, he remembered some of them and he had seen the ones he didn't remember around the school and during class but it was becoming harder to continue faking how much he hated the blood traitors and mud bloods in Victoria's group. Technically, two of the three students they were supposed to capture were all considered blood traitors but at least they were worth considering and could still be saved. They just needed a bit of persuasion. "Yes, I remember them..." He said, looking at the trees where he knew his fellow death eaters were hiding behind. "I agree, let's do what we have to do and fast" He replied with a small grin and took out his wand. He whispered "Lumos" and waited for the first blow of the attack. For it to look believable, he had asked the death eaters to fake attacking him for a second so he could run to get his mask without raising suspicion.

Almost immediately after he lit up his wand, the death eaters began the attack. The first blow hitting Robert in the shoulder, just causing a slight stinging pain but he screamed to make it seem like he was seriously injured. He immediately began 'dueling' with one of his good friends who had agreed to fight against him to make sure no one would suspect anything. He winked at his friend so he knew it was enough fighting and ran towards the forest. When he was sure no one could see him, he took out his silver death eater mask and covered his mask. Quickly turning into an eagle and watching the fight from above waiting for one of the three students to be injured enough to take him or her. All around the forest, he could see death eaters fighting against the students, clearly being more death eaters than students.
Jade couldn't get her wand out fast enough before the death eaters lept out, one instantly tackled her to the ground after she dodged a spell. She rolled and instantly was back on her feet and started dueling with the death eater. It all raced through her mind, why attack them?! What was the point?! Because there were muggles in the group?! No that wasn't it.... "STAY CLOSE!" Jade yelled as she continued to duel the death eater. As a spell wizzed past her.
Rosemary had turned into a her animagus form and she follows Micheal, of course, it should be easy, but she changed back to human form and she takes out her wand, of course she had been prepared, she was just surprised to see the dark lord wanted to attack the school this quickly, not that she minded.

Angelique had watched them leave and she start to worry, she runs to the forest, following the sound of what appears to be a duel, she slides over the ground and she stuns the death eater that's dueling with Jade, she didn't care if she got in trouble anymore, she didn't want her life to be ruined because of some stupid threat her sister had said, if it would be needed she'd kill her sister, though she probably back out before it came to that.

(sorry, notifications were being annoying)
Sarah had been silent for most of their walk through the forest, occasionally rolling her eyes or grinning at something the others said. She fake gagged as Victoria kissed her boyfriend, playfully yelling "Get a room!" She, too, was uneasy as they walked, feeling eyes on them everywhere they went. She had kept her hand hovering over her wand, prepared to grab it if anything happened. When Robert was suddenly attacked and more Death Eaters came swarming out of the trees, she quickly grabbed her wand. She was just in time to cast protego, protecting herself from a nasty curse aimed at her. She couldn't stop a grim smile from forming on her lips. Who would have thought they would actually be able to tell a story if they were caught sneaking out? But it quickly became clear to Sarah they were outnumbered, as another Death Eater joined the one she was already fighting against. She frowned, throwing spell after spell to either protect herself or to try and defeat her opponents. She had never been particularly good at DADA.
Jade didn't have time to thank as she instantly turned towards another death eater and disarmed him with a spell. "Mud blood" she heard one mummer behind her, she dunked under the curse just in time. Just the it popped in her head. They weren't here for the muggles but the pure loose. "There here for the purebloods!" Jade yelled to nobody in particular, before a spell hit her in the shoulder, knocking her to the ground.
Victoria immediately sprung into action as soon as the first spell hit Robert's shoulder. Without giving it a second though, she stunned the death eater who had attacked him, only for him to be replaced by another death eater who began dueling against Robert. She didn't have enough time to check if her friends were unharmed due to two death eaters sending curses her way. She quickly cast a protective charm to protect herself against the stunners and began sending curses in their direction. She knew being in the dueling club would give her an advantage but they were clearly outnumbered and the death eaters were more powerful than them. What did surprise her was that she hadn't hear a single killing curse since the beginning of the battle. Either they didn't want to kill them or they wanted to have some fun with them, either way, that didn't really matter. She had to concentrate on the fight.

Michael waited in the shadows to attack, knowing he was supposed to enter the battle when the targets were wounded enough to take them back to the manor. However, he couldn't help himself when the mudblood with the blue hair figured out they were there for the pure bloods and sent a stunner her way. It sent her to the ground but it also exposed him to the students. Not wanting to waste his time, he began dueling against his sister who had paralyzed one of the death eaters she had been fighting against.
Angelique tries spotting her sister in the death eaters while fighting some "Yeah, well they have to go past me first" she says and jumps hides behind a tree and she hits another death eater "I suppose the only way we're gonna survive this is if we kill them" she says stunning another one, she runs over and pulls Jade up "Go warn the teachers, we're outnumbered" she says and adds "And someone should take a look at the your shoulder"

Rosemary narrows her eyes at the sight of her sister helping one of them "I suppose we can take another one with us" she mumbles and shoots a spell at her sister who skillfully dodges and the two being to duel, of course, the older one winning and she looks at Micheal mention they're going to take Angelique along as well, she then sends a stunning to Victoria to help him out.
Sarah's eyes widened in surprise when she heard Jade yell they were after the purebloods. It explained why they weren't trying to kill them. But it meant trouble for her pureblood friends. She saw a couple of them gang up on Victoria, including her brother. Gritting her teeth, she sent a stunner at the two Death Eaters fighting her before running closer to her friend, quickly throwing up a shield as Rosemary sent a stunner at Victoria. "You need to get out of here," she gasped as the two Death Eaters she had been fighting followed her, turning around to try and fight them off again. She was just a little too late to completely block a silent curse, blood splattering from her arm as she was cut. Cursing she sent another spell back, clutching her arm with her free hand.
The attack was so sudden that James had little time to react. He knew he needed to help, but he wasn't sure how to go about it. He wasn't exactly a great duelist, but he did know his Defense Against the Dark Arts. With a deep breath, he flicked his wand and said, "Protego," and was enveloped in a blue glow for a moment then faded. That's when a spell flew just past him and smacked into a tree. One more deep breath and he bolted out from behind the tree which he was hiding. With a flick of his wand, James shot a knock back spell at one of the death eaters, which sent him flipping backward onto the ground.
Victoria looked around the forest, noticing most of her friends were being wounded and some of them had even received some wounds trying to protect her and the other pureblood. With Sarah's distraction, Victoria had enough time to escape to the castle and inform the teachers. However, she knew that if she, Dorian and Thaddeus, who were the ones fighting more death eaters than the others, fled to the castle then the other death eaters would probably kill their friends. "You go to the castle! I know what to do!" She replied to Sarah and then turned to the new pair of death eaters who were now attacking her. She cast a fire spell under one of them, immediately making his robes and legs light up on fire. She did the same with the other, who blocked it and sent the same spell her way. The fire hit her left leg but she was able to stop it before the whole limb burned. She quickly reacted and sent a stunner the death eater's way and turned to Dorian and Thaddeus. "Dorian, Thaddeus! We're leaving, now!" she shouted and ran the opposite way, deeper into the forest. She heard multiple death eaters running behind her but she didn't stop running until she was a safe distance away from the group. When she was sure she had enough time, she pointed her wand at the sky and shot a couple of sparkles to the air to bring more death eaters towards the main targets and hopefully get the teacher's attention.

Michael, who was now on the ground pretending to be unconscious to be able to watch the fight without being harmed immediately understood what his sister was doing and rolled her eyes. As much as he hated admitting this, he had to admit it was an intelligent thing to do. Sadly, it wouldn't save her friends as she thought it would. He ordered some death eaters to stay, enough for there to be one death eater per student and ran off after Victoria with the other death eaters.

(According to @Prouvaire )
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(And let's not forget Angelique started helping the out)

Rosemary had managed to hide and she walks over to her sister "Sorry little sis" she says and looks down, handing over her sister to lord Voldemort wasn't something she wanted to do, but she had to, for her own safety "Be careful Micheal" she calls and picks up her younger sister, she always could bring her back, but then she'd be in trouble for sure, she wanted to join most death eaters, betraying her own family shouldn't be that hard.
Noticing the reminding death eaters who were still dueling against the other students were wounded and would probably be defeated by the students, Robert quickly flew after the students who had just escaped. Knowing he had to act fast or their friends would probably run after them to try to save their friends. He landed just a few steps away from Victoria and transformed into his human form again, thankful that his mask could hide his face. His objective was to harm and take the students and the other death eaters were not doing a very good job at it. "They send me with the most incompetent idiots in the universe" he thought as he pointed his wand at the girl and yelled "Sectumsempra", watching in amusement as large, multiple cuts appeared on the girl's skin and knocked her on the ground.

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