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Fandom 19 Years Later (Harry Potter Role Play, Accepting)

"Oh does he? Like he knew how some teenagers were going to defeat him? Or how he knew the first time he would be defeated would be because of a baby? Oh yes, I'm sure he knows everything. Well, be sure to tell him I say hi next time you're kissing his feet." Victoria replied, crossing her arms and muttering "Pathetic" quietly enough so the others wouldn't hear her. When Sarah stood up against the sisters she had to admit she was proud of her friend for standing up for herself and glad to see the argument seemed to finally be over. "Ten points to Hufflepuff" She said as the group walked to the other side of the Slytherin table.
"Ugh, those bastards, I hope they die first" Rosemary mumbles and she smirks slightly, getting out some parchment and she writes something down, handing it to Micheal "Just some very important stuff someone has to know right away" she says. Everything that was happening at the school would end up with the dark lord anyway, she would make sure of it.

Angelique takes smoke bomb and she hides it, she was going to wait until they sat down "They'll learn who they should and shouldn't mess with" she mumbles.
Roderick sat quiet for time and listened to the conversation between everyone, finding much of it comical and quite what he would have expected at some point, there always seemed to be those of Pureblood elitist and the views they have somewhere in hogwarts and around the wizarding world in to which they lived, used they're Magic and attended school. He looked over toward Madden of whom was introduced to them by Victoria and gave a typical Roderick McDonald charming smile, "A pleasure to meet ya Madden." He nodded his head similar to a bow. Roderick then looked over toward everyone with a wider view and angle of his position to allow it. He was quite glad when Sarah spoke up and mentioned Hermione and Ron, two heroes worth mentioning and used to quiet those Pureblood folk with narrow minds with they're views. "So what adventure will we have this year? Gotta be some fun and exploring the unknown somewhere and sometime." Roderick spoke up with changing the topic for a moment, while paying no mind to the sisters and they're view. " After all the ceremony for first years, ain't the only fun to be had."
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Immediately intrigued by Roderick's question, Victoria's face lit up with excitement and she quickly looked around the room. The teachers weren't really playing attention to the students and the first years were probably still receiving information about the ceremony. "This ceremony is anything but fun." She commented while checking her nails as if she didn't care. "In fact, I doubt anyone would notice if we miss the ceremony and the speech. Not using this time to go have some fun now that the castle is practically deserted would be almost like a crime. Who's with me?" She finished, knowing it wouldn't take too much to convince her friends to skip the ceremony. It wasn't like they hadn't skipped other important events anyways.

"Oh they will. Between you and I, the Dark Lord is planning various attacks against the school, that after he's finished with other magic academies of course." He whispered so no one but Rosemary could hear. He then quickly grabbed the parchment and hid it in his robes. "I'll make sure to give this to that certain someone, may I ask what it is?"
Dorian rolls his eyes as they make their way to the table, the way muggleborns were treated bares resemblance to the rule of primative magic, and had no place in society, growing up his family had tried to make him see the elitist point of view, however his first year at Hogwarts had proved his family wrong, and thus had begun his rebellion against his families elitist views. As Victoria suggests skipping the ceremony Dorian grins in delight, one of his favorite activities being skipping anything deemed necessary. "I'm in" He nods, glancing to the crowds hovering near the doors "Hey this gives me a chance to use my new muggle camera" He grins proudly, pulling a clunky old polaroid, partially covered in patterned tape, from a hand sewn pocket inside his robes. "Josephine from my muggle studies sent it to me over the holidays" He explains as he frowns in a slight confusion, still unsure of how to work it.
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"Well almost no one notices. Remember last year when the DADA teacher caught us sneaking off into the larder...."Thaddues began to say before smirking. "As always, you know I am in."He added getting a good feeling from the new people they just said." Though the opportunity to trick the newbies with my fee-fi-fo-fum act is hard to pass up."
Sarah frowned a little at Victoria's proposal. She actually liked watching the sorting ceremony, picking out the muggleborns so she could offer them some guidance. A fifth year student had helped her as well when she came here as a first year student, terrified of what the future would offer. She wanted to pass on his kindness, to help those muggleborns following her. But sneaking out in a practically empty castle was fun as well... She sighed, having made her decision. "I'll go. I can still do my thing tomorrow." Her friends were all aware of her start-of-the-year, having started calling it her thing in third year. She grinned at Dorian, having noticed his confusion. "I'll teach you how to use it, I grew up with those things."
"Just noted a few things your sister and her 'friends' said" Rosemary says and she sighs "This is boring, wanna go to the forest?" she asks looking at Micheal, after six years of seeing the sorting ceremony it had become kind of boring.

Angelique frowns, she didn't get what her sister did sometimes, she sneaks of and leaves the great hall, her sister had threatened to tell their parents she wasn't a follower of the rules if she didn't act like she did, not that she meant it.
Roderick grinned seeing his question lit a spark of intrigue and the blooming of an idea. "It's not all bad you know. Sure it's repetitive for us but very much new and exciting for the youngins," Roderick spoke in opinion of his about the sorting hat ceremony, while recalling his first year and thinking of the food and drink. "Plus you can't deny the food is good and the drink is worth another." He laughed and looked around the room, the great hall was rather full up and could use with a little more space to breathe as they say. Not to mention he brought up the question with a hope it would lead to some fun of they're own before the professors would catch on and become suspicious of them. He always was preferable to studies and adventure, the ceremonies were nice and he liked them well enough, always willing to help his fellow ravenclaws in their first year to get a lay of the land and make things a bit easier for them. But after spending his summer and vacation under watch and kept quite busy by his parents and elder siblings, he was due for some adventure and fun. "I am coming... No doubt about it. What do you have in mind?"
"Aw, don't worry your head about it. I promise you'll get to scare the life out of the first first year we see okay?" Victoria said with a sympathetic grin as she took out a small piece of parchment out of her robes and wrote in big, fancy letters If you want to see your friend again, meet me at the forest. After she finished writing the note, she grabbed one of the knives in the table and made an incredibly small cut on her finger and made a few drops of blood land on the note. Satisfied with her work, she turned to face her friends and showed it to them. "If we get caught, which wouldn't surprise me. We show this note to the teachers and make up a story from there. Trust me, it's worked before and I don't want to miss any more dueling sessions because of detention. Is everyone ready to go?"

Michael shrugged and looked around the room, knowing the first years would probably take a long time arriving to the ceremony. He didn't care if his sister was being sorted that day, the ceremony was just plain boring and she could take care of herself. "Sure, ladies first"
He laughs loudly as she fakes a note "Okay this is probably the best thing you've done" He laughs, shaking his head at the forged note "To be fair, I agree. I can't miss Quidditch this term, Hufflepuff needs this win" He shrugs, and turns to Sarah beaming at her like a child as she offers her help "Thank you! I've tried working it out and it's so difficult!" He complains gesturing to the camera in slight frustration "I spent all of the holidays hiding it from my parents so I never got a chance to figure it our properly, but I can't even find a lens" He sighs, pushing the thick curls from out of his eyes.
Sarah grinned at the forged note, her eyes twinkling in amusement. "I agree, they'll never punish us if one of our friends was threatened." Her grin turned into a smirk. "Or even better, we can just say your brother tried to prank us with this." She turned back to Dorian, chuckling at his enthusiasm. She didn't see what was so exciting about an ordinary camera, but then again she was still getting excited by typical wizarding things - hell, she was still blown away moving paintings existed! "See this?" She softly tapped the round lens at the front of the camera. "This is the lens." Her smile softened. "It's sure been a while since I saw a polaroid, they're really old. I prefer them to modern cameras though."
"The blood is a nice touch, Vic. I hope your right, duelling club maybe more important than ever considering events."He said coming out more serious than he had intented, the current events still fresh in his mind. The ministry went down heavy on giants after Voldormorts second bids for power, though he considered them brutes he still wouldn't have giants go through that again. Some still had the potential to be actually a help in the galactic community. Still he forced a mock look of indignity to Dorian."Way to rub it in Dorian.the would win if they ever let me join.?
Rosemary gets up and says "Do you think anyone'll miss us?" she asks as she walks to the door, noticing her sister left as well, but deciding to ignore that fact.

Angelique is leaning against the wall near the entrance door, wondering what she would do, if she did the same as Victoria she'd be kicked out of the house for sure "Why isn't my life easier?" she asks herself and she looks down.
Jade walked up to Victoria, who was seemingly with Dorian and some others she forgot the name of. "What the hell is going on?" She said in a hushed voice yet a bit angry and worried at Victoria, she had been watching g them for the past 10 minutes.

"Ol Roderick has feeling of good nature, now. Nice touch," He chuckled and exhaled realizing the looming potential of detention if they were caught. He couldn't afford to lose any time from dueling club, he loved dueling and using all that he has learned to practice. While also being the captain of house ravenclaws Quidditch team, he couldn't afford losing time there either and it wouldn't look good if the team captain was caught and placed in detention. Oh it wouldn't look good at all and his mother..... Aye a frightening thought of she were to learn of any of this, her fiery temper was quite the sight and not pleasant to receive. "Right.... I can't afford losing time either. Dueling club and Quidditch are quite high and riding with importance to me." He added his own reasons should they be caught.

"Sorry Dorian mate, We of ravenclaw house will getting that cup this year. I aim to give us Ravenclaws that much before i leave here." Roderick grinned giving some good old and friendly competition at his mention of hufflepuff needing the win. "I am ready to go."
Victoria dramatically bowed as her friends complimented her fake note and pressed the parchment against her heard. "Thank you, thank you" She said as she pretended to wipe more fake tears from her eyes. Her playful act ended when Jade walked up to her and demanded to know what was going on. "Relax! We're going to the forest while the little kids get sorted." She said calmly, a bit taken back because of her friend's slightly aggressive behavior. "Well, if everyone's ready then what are we waiting for?" She said as she walked towards the massive doors.

Michael scoffed as he followed his friend out of the Great Hall and began walking towards the forest. "Who cares if they do? Most of them are no good mudbloods and blood traitors. They probably won't even notice we're gone" He calmly replied.
James pulled himself out of the book he'd been staring at and looked around. Of course he heard the conversation that was going on between some of the other sixth years. Going into the Dark Forest was a pretty dumb idea, but at the same time he couldn't help be tempted to join them, albeit at a reasonable distance. The forest had always been a place he was interested in, but the idea of going and getting hopelessly lost was what kept him out of it. James eyed the group as two of them made their way to the massive Great Hall doors, gave a small smirk, and stowed his book back under his robes. He decided that he'd follow them just to see what they were going to be getting up to.
Dorian pats Thaddeus on the shoulder with a reassuring grin "Once we've charmed a broomstick to hold you, we'll have you playing in no time. You'd make an excellent keeper" Rolling his eyes dramatically at Roderick "Ravenclaw's you always think you can outsmart us" He chuckles, adding on "As long as Slytherin don't win. No offence Victoria" He glances to her with a look that isn't remotely sorry, he wasn't opposed to slytherin winning, however if any of the other houses won it would show them that you don't have to have a team entirely composed of purebloods to win the cup
Jade nodded and sighed. Her face looking relived. "Sorry just on edge since my parents dea..." She trailed off in thought. "I'll come with ya, bored anyway." Jade said shrugging. "So where to?" She asked much nicer.

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Victoria huffed at Dorian's failed attempt at a fake apology. "We all know how much I hate Quidditch, I don't care if we win or loose every match. I don't even go to the games! Quidditch games are perfect for sneaking into the forbidden section of the library." Victoria said with a warm smile, remembering happy memories from her fifth year. "We're going to the forest, see if we can find anything interesting." She replied.
Rosemary nods "Yeah true" she says and hums a song "I wonder if the professor's will find out what we're doing" she says quietly.

Angelique is looking around to see if she sees Victoria, she wanted to apologize, not sure if the girl would understand her situation "I suppose I could try" she mumbles.
Sarah fake glared at Dorian. "Then what will I be if Thaddeus takes over as keeper, the bludger?" She winked at Thaddeus. "Though I do agree you'd be a great keeper." She turned her attention to Roderick. "Please, Ravenclaw won last year. It's our turn this year, it's been a while since we won." Last time Hufflepuff won the cup was in their second year. They even managed to get last place last year, it was humiliating. She was determined to show their strength this year. She pouted at Victoria. "Why don't you like Quidditch? I just don't understand how you can't like it! And you won't even watch us play..."
"She's got a point." Jade said with a smirk. Quidditch wasn't to great to be honest. "God I wish I had a cigarette." Jade said with a exasperated sigh. She crossed her arms. "Well what are we waiting for lets go" Jade said with a smug smirk.
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"The Library has nothing against watching your friends get smacked in the face by a quaffle"He protests, his mind flickering back to their previous matches where he'd been distracted and had gotten hit full force by a quaffle. He looks to Sarah and nods to Thaddeus "She has a point Thad, she's the best keeper hogwarts has ever seen" He grins nudging her gently "Although being half-giant all you'd have to do is hover infront of the posts and we'd be safe" He jests, a hand rummaging around in his pockets for Jade "I might have some, they're not muggle ones though mine are herbal, and homemade. Alas the family refuses to support my love for muggles, so you got to get creative " He shrugs, tossing her a small handmade pack

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