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1 x 1? Neko x Neko


Love is Love. No matter what sex.
They're strangers. But they're forced to live in a house together. Will they become more than strangers, or will it be too much to take? This is the tail (haha see what I did there) of two nekos living under one roof. PM me with character skelly.




Type of Neko:


Appearance (include height and weight):



What Your a Room Looks Like:

~~My CS~~

Name: Sora Yuri

Age: 19

Type of Neko: Nine-tailed fox

Personality: Sora to put simply, had three sides to her. On one side, she is happy and outgoing. She loves life and taking risks, no matter how dangerous they are. A main sign that she is happy is her tails wagging. On the second side, she is an extremely quiet and shy girl. She won't voice her opinion about anything. When she is in this state, people spread rumors that she was depressed when, in fact, she wasn't. She's just timid. The third and final side is the side no one wants to get on. She becomes outraged and angry very easily and can snap at any moment. She is highly temperamental and is not afraid to beat someone up. On the contrary, that side rarely shows, so the others shouldn't worry too much.

Appearance (include height and weight): Height~5'6 Weight~115 pounds


Likes: Napping, animals, cuddling, guys, playing with her tails

Dislikes: Being woken up, bullies, being hit, fish

What Your a Room Looks Like:


Alex, to put simply, had three sides to her. On one side, she is happy and outgoing. She loves life and taking risks, no matter how dangerous they are. A main sign that she is happy is her tail wagging. On the second side, she is an extremely quiet and shy girl. She won't voice her opinion about anything. When she is in this state, people spread rumors that she was depressed when, in fact, she wasn't. She's just timid. The third and final side is the side no one wants to get on. She becomes outraged and angry very easily and can snap at any moment. She is highly temperamental and is not afraid to beat someone up. On the contrary, that side rarely shows, so the others shouldn't worry too much.RPNation rules

Have fun

Romance is definitely allowed, but fade to black

Try to have at least a paragraph, but no more than two. I don't wanna spend 10 minutes trying to comprehend a post

Put two nekos in your character sheet to prove you read this




Type of Neko:


Appearance (include height and weight):



What your room looks like:
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Sora stood in front of the door of the house she was supposedly going to be sharing. Her things sat behind her and her 8 week old Alaskan husky sat beside her, wagging her tail furiously with excitement. She pulled her key out and shakily unlocked the door, pushing it open slowly. Pulling her suitcases behind her, Sora entered the nice looking building and decided to explore. She left her things there as she looked around. There was a rather large living room and kitchen downstairs. She went upstairs and looked around. Two bedrooms and two bathrooms. The though relieved her and she went back down only to grab her things before taking them back upstairs to the room she had chosen.
Xobic stood in front of the door of the house he was supposedly going to be sharing.He wondered who he will be staying with he grab the door handle and twisted it opening the door, Xobic entered the nice looking building and decided to explore he went upstairs and looked around. Two bedrooms and two bathrooms.he entered inside the room he had chosen and he started to unpack.
After she finished unpacking her things, she put down a food and water bowl for her puppy, Chloe, and filled them up. Once she finished, she walked out, leaving her door open so Chloe could come and go as she pleased, and went downstairs, straight to the kitchen. She looked around for something to eat and smiled settling on a bag of chips.
After he finished unpacking his things, he walked out he notice the other bedroom door open"oh my roommate is here I think I go cook something for us"he went downstairs, straight to the kitchen seeing Sora there"hi my name is Xobic Dex"he started to pull out a gradient and started to cook.
Sora jumped slightly, hearing someone walk into the room. She looked back to see a very tall guy standing across the kitchen cooking. She smiled politely, "I'm Sora." Noticing her hands were full, she brought one of her fluffy, white tails and waved at him.
he waved at her with his light brown tail because he was using both of his hands to cook"I am making some homemade hot pockets for us to eat and I am a pretty good cook"
"That's refreshing news," she said with a smile. She put the bag of chips up that she was eating and hopped on the counter. Swinging her legs lightly, she wrapped a tail around her waist lightly and sat her hands in her lap nervously.
Xobic finished cooking do you put three of them on a plate and hand it to Sora"there is yours hope you like it" he put another three on a plate and set at the counter right beside her
She took a bite and smiled widely. "This is amazing!" she said enthusiastically.She wagged her tails a bit and laid her ears lopsided against her head. She hopped down, wrapping the rest of her tails around her waist. She looked down, smiling when she saw Chloe pounce into the kitchen.
he saw Alaskan husky pounce into the kitchen he smiled"hay Girl what's your name You cutie"he crouched a little bit down and put out his hand for her to smell it.
"Chloe," Sora said proudly as she watched him hold his hand out. She couldn't help but laugh when the puppy automatically started playing with his hand without even sniffing it first.
"Thank you," Sora said softly as she watched with a small smile on her face. Her ears perked up and she leaned against the counter.
Xobic stop playing with Chloe and when to eat his hot pocket"I could make your dog some dog food if you want"
"No, that's fine. She already has some up in my room," Sora said with a smile. With that, she walked out of the kitchen and into the living room. She lounged back on the couch and stared at the blank television as her tails draped over the back of the sofa.
"okay"he walked out of the kitchen and into the living room"Wonder what is on oh I can get my game system and hook it up"he ran upstairs and in his room he grab the system then walked downstairs
She sat silently, swaying her tails gently before laying one across her lap, petting it. She was willing to do anything to break the awkwardness of the situation.
he started hooking up his game system when he was done he sat on the couch and turn on the game system TV which is a ps3 then started playing
Sora watched him play, staying silent. She crossed her legs on the couch and laid a tail in her lap and started petting it, letting out a low growl which was the equivalent to a purr for her.
"I'm not big on video games, but thanks anyway," she admitted, slowly swishing her tails from side to side. Her ears laid lopsided on her head as her eyes remain trained on the television, watching the game.

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