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  1. Hixyjynxy

    Project: Raven

    Garneil brushed the hair out of her eyes and knelt in way of the sun. "I don't think any of us really know what's happening here" He looked over to the restaurant he had woke up in. "All i remember is waking in there, trying not to collapse and throwing up in a sink. All the food had gone off...
  2. Hixyjynxy

    Project: Raven

    Garneil heard panting and footsteps close behind him. He spun round quickly and transformed his arm into a blade whilst extending from himself. "Don't take one step closer!" He was surprised to see a girl about 8 foot away, hunched over and struggling to breathe. She looked like she was going to...
  3. Hixyjynxy

    Project: Raven

    Things had started to get a little more interesting from Garneil's perspective. The girl he had seen run into the street had been met by another. What they were talking about he didn't know as they were too far up the road to hear their conversation. However he did hear a male voice to his...
  4. Hixyjynxy

    Project: Raven

    A loud ringing noise had awoken Garneil from his sleep. The ringing crawling from the inside of his head with a high pitch scream. His vision was blurry and his hand-eye coordination out of sync. What had happened last night? The ringing and drowsiness began to wear off as Garneil rose from the...
  5. Hixyjynxy

    Project: Raven

    Name: Garneil Maurus Age: 20 Powers: Bioarmoury, this power makes him able to warp his skin, body tissue and bone into different states and even weapons. These including swords, shields, spears, bows and even guns (however the gun uses a lot of his energy) Another perk to this power is that...
  6. Hixyjynxy

    The school of Magical Abilities [Re-write of Desire]

    Garneil began to stutter again "Em...Emily. That's a nice" He was trying not to freeze, he always went a bit weak in the knees around female gunners, especially talented ones. "Yeah, they're a bit slack but they'll learn. It's a matter of finding what you work best with." Garneil...
  7. Hixyjynxy

    The school of Magical Abilities [Re-write of Desire]

    (oh the immaturity! xD Still funny as though! :P ) As Garneil walked through the void he realised a change in pulse. "That bastard, nice try though" He stretched the portal and entered the shooting grounds, the portal snapping closed behind him. "Wonder where that pretentious git tried to...
  8. Hixyjynxy

    The school of Magical Abilities [Re-write of Desire]

    (I'm a gunner ;) Unfortunately only part time haha but we can make it work :P ) Garneil was pleased that it wasn't just him and Sora at the school. Duelling the same person can get tedious. "Well i look forward to glancing down upon you." He cocked a grin which was soon twisted into a...
  9. Hixyjynxy

    The school of Magical Abilities [Re-write of Desire]

    Garneil laughed at Sora. "Another? I suppose that explains how you got the trophies. So yeah i know about it." Something had changed about his attitude that Garneil didn't like. But if he liked to boast then why not let him. Actions spoke louder than most words and Garneil had already grown...
  10. Hixyjynxy

    As have I! :p

    As have I! :p
  11. Hixyjynxy

    The school of Magical Abilities [Re-write of Desire]

    Garneil popped Sora a sarcastic smile. "Good thing i have them across the board then isn't it." He then raised an eyebrow and lowered his voice. "and without a sheet in front of me." Even though he kept roling his eyes at him, Garneil couldn't help admire Sora. They were both Level 5's and both...
  12. Hixyjynxy

    The school of Magical Abilities [Re-write of Desire]

    Garneil removed his hood and stared at the school. He didn't really know what to make of it, he was used to his old school and it's giant architectural designs stone workings. He just sighed to himself and proceeded to walk through the doors. "This is a school? Tad small and shabby...jesus" He...
  13. Hixyjynxy

    The School of Magical Abilities [REWRITE OF DESIRE;]

    Thank you!!!!!!!!!111 :3 And no worries! He'll still be really active haha Watch out sora!!!! ;) hehe
  14. Hixyjynxy

    The School of Magical Abilities [REWRITE OF DESIRE;]

    Guess it's my turn then! ;) Ima keep my Charry coz i like him :P Name: Garneil Maurus Age: 17 Talent: Mage Lvl 5, Gunner Speciality: Mage; dark, portal and Necromancy Level 5. Combat Level 4. Gunner Level 3 (Although he rarely uses his Bladed rifle due to emotional properties)...
  15. Hixyjynxy


    A dark pool appeared outside the School, out of it stepped a shadowed figure with bright white hair. It had whisps of black cloud shrouding it but as it stepped forward the mist and pool disappeared, revealing a boy, 18 years of age wearing black jeans, large white boots and a leather jacket...