The school of Magical Abilities [Re-write of Desire]


One Thousand Club
(Okay, so I'm damn impatient, I couldn't wait til' August 10th okay?)


Sora rose and grabbed his TV remote. He opened his mouth and muttered, "Get ready: School" A tooth brush appeared and began brushing his teeth. He stood up and his clothes changed to his normal class attire. Sora choked on the tooth paste and a cup appeared. He spit it out and a glass of water appeared. He drank it and the cup disappeared. This was Sora's daily routine.

As soon as he finished eating his 'MAGE Os' he ran to school. Sora was early as usual and stood in front pf his trophy, admiring it. "Beauiful, just beautiful." he said. His TV remote appeared in his ands and he hit the transform button. His wand turned into the navy blue stick, his true wand's form. Sora walked away from the display case of his victory, and into homeroom. Today was the first day of school, and his third year of being a level five wizard. (He started in 6th grade) He checked if anyone was there, and gladly there wasn't. Sora poofed in a cheat sheet for today's pre-exams. He read it quickly and remembered it. As soon as he heard the teacher walk in, the cheat sheet disappeared. "Good morning Sora, my A+ student as always, early." She smiled and he nodded. Spra usually didn't cheat, but since he didn't review at all his summer, he needed to cheat.


(( [MENTION=2672]Forks[/MENTION] Is the school year already started or is it the first day? ))
Emily walked into the school. She was here last year at the very end of the year and had immediately tested into the Level 3 Gunner group. She hadn't really met anyone last year, and she felt like a new student even though she'd been here before. She was allowed to carry a pistol for classes, and it was holstered and attached to her belt. She avoided the glances of the other students, with whom she did not intend to speak or make friends. She was here for classes and nothing else. She had to remain at the top of her class so she wouldn't get sent back to Level 2. She passed a guy who was admiring a trophy in the case, and wondered if it was his. Shrugging it off, she headed to class.
Sora sat quietly at his desk reciting the anwsers. In Hr, they determined what normal classes you would have to take. After reciting them, he quizzed himself. "Question 20? D" he said quietly. His parents were upset at him that he did not study over the summer, so they grounded him. "No magic battles with your friends until you get an A pn that pre-exam." his parents told him. Sora was pretty determined to get an A + this time. Last year Sora achieved an A+ and only had to take one normal class. Sora took out his wand and twirled it atound as he thought. His mind soon drifted off to the trophy. It had SORA HEARTS LEVEL FIVE MAGE, EXCELLENT MAGE AWARD.
Garneil removed his hood and stared at the school. He didn't really know what to make of it, he was used to his old school and it's giant architectural designs stone workings. He just sighed to himself and proceeded to walk through the doors.

"This is a school? Tad small and shabby...jesus" He scratched the back of his head, feeling awkward as so many new faces went by. He thought that none of them looked like Necromancers or were remotely into the Dark arts. As he walked to the office to sign in and become an official student of desire. He looked across to see a large case with trophies and ribbons, all of which had the name 'Sora' engraved above them with a smiling blonde haired boy. "Hmmm? I'll have to watch out for him. I can see him being a hassle to my rise in this drab place"

As he collected his books they told him were to go for his first class. The woman at the desk was way to toothy for his liking, smiling at him with a big grin "Have a great first day!" Garneil just turned around and cast a purple ring which flickered and pulsed. "We'll see won't we" He muttered under his breathe before stepping through his portal. He arrived inside his classroom, it appeared only he and another pupil had come so far. The classroom looked...too ordinary. No candles, no skulls and large bookshelves. Just desks and a board with a few cupboards near the back.

"How could i have done this to myself? Why on earth did i leave the DMA?" Garneil's head dropped as he made his way to the back, his boots clumping as he pushed his fringe back over his eye. He sat down as a teacher walked in. "Good morning Sora, my A+ student as always, early." Garneil darted his head up to look at the boy and thought "SORA!?" He had blonde hair too. The chances of them both being here in the same class were absurd. "Things seem to be brightening up" Garneil smiled to Sora who was sat right at the front of the class, showing a little bit of his needle like teeth. He laughed quietly "Teachers pet, ha!"
Sora rolled his eyes and said, "You need to have straight A's to be a level five mage." He twirled his wand happily. "Teacher's pets also have a better chance of getting straight A's. Have you not realized that? Oh wait. You're new." he smiled, "I'm Sora Hearts, Level Five dark, combat, and portal mage. And you are?" he rolled his eyes at Garneil. As Sora rolled his eyes, he realized there were hexagons on his arm. "The Hexagon Curse?" he asked observing his arm. "Can I see your left eye?" Sora had heard about the Hexagon curse, but had never seen it before.
Garneil popped Sora a sarcastic smile. "Good thing i have them across the board then isn't it." He then raised an eyebrow and lowered his voice. "and without a sheet in front of me." Even though he kept roling his eyes at him, Garneil couldn't help admire Sora. They were both Level 5's and both tops of their classes. He could feel a friendly rivalry coming on, yet he had never come close to having even one friend but made one in minutes of arriving here! "But where are my manners, I'm Garneil Maurus. Level 5 Necromancer. Dark, combat, portal..." He also pointed with his thumb to his rifle which was slung over his chair. "...and gunner. Level 3" He was shocked though when Sora asked about his eye. "Well done! People always mistake it for a tattoo. The school almost hadn't let me in because of it though. They gave me exception though as i could control it" Garneil smiled to him "Not everyday you see a kid with a curse mark. Especially one that can control it" Garnail may have been slightly boasting, but all in good fun. What was it about this Sora that made him so relaxed? "But sure you can see it. But not for too long...i'm sure you know about it's powers if you knew it was my left eye?" Garneil was about to peel back his fringe before he stopped. "You know right...or would you like to see it in action?" He stuck his tongue out a little. "But only something small though. It hurts if i do it too much or on large objects"
Sora couldn't help but to hint a smile, "Another level five mage, who's also a gunner? That seems like another challenge for me! You know, I have trophies in the display case outside the office." Another level five mage, I'll need to throw him out... I should be the only level five mage here. he thought, with a supreme voice. Sora was never the devious kind of person, but if it came to magic, he would be... evil.

When Garneil offered him to do some magic, Sora laughed and shook his head, "I rather not, If we do magic in this class while the teacher is here, we an get a point off our grade average." He smiled cheerfully. "The rules state that every non-talent class room, will not be permitted to allow any talent to be used during that time." Sora picked up his wand and twirled it once more. "Y'know we have neocromancing here." He changed his wand into a remote and set it on his desk. "Oh and by the way, what school were you from? DMA or DNMA? (Dark necromancing academy)"
Garneil laughed at Sora. "Another? I suppose that explains how you got the trophies. So yeah i know about it." Something had changed about his attitude that Garneil didn't like. But if he liked to boast then why not let him. Actions spoke louder than most words and Garneil had already grown rather unkind to Sora's. But a school that demoted mage's for using magic? It was very different to the DMA indeed! "Grades to me don't matter that much. I already know and have learnt what magic i need. All i need is to just get through the year and be done with it" Garneil's tone had dropped low and eerie. "All these schools do is set me back Sora. But if you must know it was the DMA i moved from. However my master was the one who taught me Necromancy...since i was little in fact. Most people would condone teaching a 9 year old about the dark arts and the dead...yet i relished in it..." Garneil's smile had dropped into a straight face as he leant back in his chair. "I know things they don't teach you at a A+ be warned." Garneil was feeling so happy about his situation anymore. Sure he had someone who may show a worthy challenge, but he hoped the attitude of others at the college weren't like Sora's. But Garneil looked up again at him and said in a mocking voice "Oh and by the way" He peeled back his fringe to reveal his eye and looked at Sora's desk. "CURSE!" His eye pulsed and the desk glowed purple for a second. A hexagram slowly appeared on the desks face and looked as if it were burnt on to it. "...release..." The desk began to slowly away into ash and flew out of the window. With this Sora's remote and books fell onto his lap, along with the pile of ash that wasn't on the floor.
"There is level five mages at our school also, but I'm the one who stands high." He chuckled and said, "DMA? That's a great school. I used to go there, 1st grade to 6th grade. They didn't like my techniques." Sora noticed Garneil's voice dropping. Sora frowned and whispered, "I'm also taught by my mother, you know. She's a part of the Mage Council."

Sora grinned and said, "Unbind." the books floated back along with his wand. The time all of a sudden froze, because the teacher was about to turn around. Garneil was not frozen. The desk was itself again, and time thawed. The teacher turned around and said, "Garneil and Sora? Hush!" Sora looked at Garneil and smiled. "Good luck." he said as he shoved his wand into his pocket.
Emily walked into her class and took a seat. She wished they'd make the classes somewhat interesting. She was so good at her skill that all the things this school was teaching her was practically elementary. She sighed and listened to the teacher groan on and on. She leaned her head on her hand and just waited for the bell to ring.
(I'm so sorry there is no one to socialize with you right now, but my boyfriend is making me play CoD with him right now... I'll reoly asap!)
(I'm a gunner ;) Unfortunately only part time haha but we can make it work :P )

Garneil was pleased that it wasn't just him and Sora at the school. Duelling the same person can get tedious. "Well i look forward to glancing down upon you." He cocked a grin which was soon twisted into a interested expression. "Of course, Lady Heart of the coucil. Magical prowess, the face, the name. Who else's son could you be?" Garneil leant forward when the teacher had turned back to the board. He whispered into Sora's ear "I find my master may be quite pleased to hear this." and let out a small chuckle. He was however slightly shocked to see a unbind done so well. He only knew of a few mages which could or even knew of this reverse. It takes a powerful mage to preform an unbind on a curse and it needs to be done in seconds otherwise it's impossible to negate. Garneil raised an eyebrow "Hmmm, impressive. Seems i somewhat underestimated you...Sora Hearts." The bell rang and people started to pour out into the halls. "Now where can i find the shooting range? I need a little excitement" Garneil cast a portal and casually strolled off into it.
Sora laughed and saw the black portal hole. "Black holes, the usual dark magician hole." He looked at the hole and noticed it hasn't closed in the last 30 seconds. "Haven't found the shooting Area yet?" he laughed amd said, "Kurōzupōtaru" and the portal closed. "You have thirty more seconds, if you don't find it, you'll be teleported to the ladies' bathroom. Spra said exiting the class room. "Now off to my locker."
Emily walked into the shooting range, eager to finally be in one of her specialty classes. Luckily they were allowed different guns, which were provided. Her pistol just wasn't going to cut it. She picked a bigger one - the bigger the better, right!? - and waited for other students to arrive as she disassembled, reassembled, and loaded her gun, all of which she needed to know how to do on any weapon she used. Unfortunately any level gunner was allowed to be in this class, since it was a very broad and general class, and she saw many Level 1's trying to copy what she'd just done, all of them failing miserably. It was like the kids had never even held a gun before, how were they possibly gunner specialties?
(oh the immaturity! xD Still funny as though! :P )

As Garneil walked through the void he realised a change in pulse. "That bastard, nice try though" He stretched the portal and entered the shooting grounds, the portal snapping closed behind him. "Wonder where that pretentious git tried to send me? Such an old prank!" He sighed and blew his fringe back over his eye. He looked around to see a variety of students at the firing range. Some had potential, others just...well they were awful. "I suppose you start somewhere?" Something suddenly snapped in Garneil's head. None of them were using enchanted weapons? Or even enchanted bullets?! However something else caught his eye too, a beautiful girl with white hair near the end of the range. She was loading a gun, the biggest gun Garneil had seen anyone using in this class. "She must be the best gunner here...surely...hopefully" He leant against the wall near the weapons rack and watched her for a bit. He found it amusing to watch others copy her and fall over or fly back from the force of the gun. "Amateurs..." He walked over to the girl silently and coughed to get her attention. "ugh hmmm! I assume you're the best in this class? Please tell me you at least have or know how to fire an enchanted weapon?" He tried to sound polite but Garneil's voice came out cracked or for some reason weaker than usual. He stuttered slightly with a crack in his throat. "And it's It's Garneil" he produced a forced smile to try and look calm.
Emily looked up silently at the person who'd approached her. Someone was actually... Talking to her? Odd... No one ever made any attempt to approach her. This guy looked new, maybe he just hadn't caught on to the fact that most students here avoided her. "Emily," she said after he finished rambling. "And yeah, I'm the best here. I've used enchanted weapons many times, they just aren't allowed in this particular class because of all the..." she glanced at the Level 1's. "The kids. They're not allowed to even come near enchanted weapons until level three..."
Garneil began to stutter again "Em...Emily. That's a nice" He was trying not to freeze, he always went a bit weak in the knees around female gunners, especially talented ones. "Yeah, they're a bit slack but they'll learn. It's a matter of finding what you work best with." Garneil smiled top her yet there was something about Emily's eyes seemed to melt his heart. "Do you mid if i...well if i shoot with with you? We could share techniques?" He smiled at her before removing 4 revolvers from inside his jacket. He clipped them together to make two sets of doubles. "I prefer short range weapons, but use them at long" He smiled again and leant against the wall of the booth.
(I'm not gping to put in a charry, too lazy but I'll use Rin, instead as a level four mage... and a level one gunner she does ice and portal also dark.)

Rin was not the greatest at whatever she did, but when it came to magic, she was all in. She should have been a level five, but got into a fight with the greatest wizard at the school, Sora Hearts. It was no fair that he didn't get demoted. But honestly she didn't care.

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