Project: Raven


Popcorn Connoisseur
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  1. Houses

  2. Restaurant
  3. Pharmacy
  4. Grocery Store

  5. Furniture Store
  6. Clothing Store

  7. Farm Supply Store
  8. Tool Shed
  9. Plantation
  10. ???

The town is abandoned so the shops have only some remnants of what they once held. It's surrounded by a thick forest that's almost impossible to travel through. It looks just like a normal town in the middle of nowhere. There is no hint of anything that would suggest that the town is part of a testing facility.

[MENTION=2525]NebulaSkies[/MENTION] [MENTION=3746]ForgeKeeper[/MENTION] [MENTION=4039]GoddessOfGod[/MENTION] [MENTION=3605]consort[/MENTION]

The role play will start in the morning. You will wake up in one of the houses shown on the map with no recollection of being kidnapped. You also don't know about your powers. Enjoy!


Hunter Grey awoke from a very peaceful dream in which she had been riding her horse through a forest path. The early morning light shining through the window of the room had hit her face. She yawned and stretched, sitting up in her bed. The room began to spin momentarily and she froze, closing her eyes. When it stopped, she shifted in bed, her legs dangling over the edge. She looked around, realizing for the first time that this wasn't her room in her apartment. She looked around the room: it was pretty barren. There was the bed, a dresser, and a mirror over the dresser. The furniture was all made of a dark wood. The walls were painted a pale blue and the floors were carpeted. She stood, walking to the window and looking out. She saw a street below. It appeared that she was on the second story of this building. She frowned, fear setting in. The place looked abandoned. She literally saw nothing: no cars, no people, nothing. Getting more and more anxious by the moment, she walked over to the dresser, pulling the drawers open, searching for anything. The drawers were empty and she shoved them closed in frustration. She looked in the mirror. She was wearing the same clothes she remembered wearing before: dark jeans, a plain grey t-shirt, and a pair of tan boat shoes. She ran her fingers through her hair, walking out into the hallway.

The hallway was narrow with one other door and a staircase at the end. She walked to the door, pushing it open: a bathroom. She turned, walking down the stairs. The house had a kitchen and a small dining room as well as a separate living room. There was furniture, though it was rather sparse. The house looked like it had been lived in at one point but whoever had lived here had taken all their personal belongings. She reached the front door, pushing it open and stumbling into the street. "Hello?" she called, feeling utterly alone. Why was she here? Who had sent her? Whether it was from the stress or something else, a headache began to bloom in her temples. "Anyone?" she called a little louder, frightened out of her mind that she was alone. She looked down the street: it was lined with houses that looked similar to the one she had woke up in. Maybe there were others?


Cole groaned, waking up to a feeling of intense nausea. He slowly opened his eyes, trying to keep his stomach calm. He slowly sat up, looking around the room. He must have gone home with someone from the bar last night because he didn't recognize the place. He stood, walking out of the room. "Anyone home?" he called, looking around. His room had spilled into the living room of a house. With a shrug, he decided to just head home. There really wasn't a reason for him to stay here.

He walked outside, stopping on the top step as the door closed behind him. He didn't recognize his surroundings at all. Yes, he had ended up in some weird places before, but this didn't look anything like his city. He took in his surroundings, noticing a few more houses around the one he had stayed in. He noticed something odd: there was no sign of life here. He walked onto the street, deciding to just walk until things started to look familiar.

Aurora hazily opened an eye, carefully scanning the room. It was dark and damp, but her hazy brain paid not much attention to it. "Gah! I'm gonna be late for work!" She squealed, pouncing to her feet and making a sharp right turn to open the bathroom door. She ran in to a moldy wall, cringing and hopping back in disgust. "What the hell? Where am I....?" She quietly whispered, opening the door and heading outside. The dim sunlight pierced her eyes, forcing her orbs to squint and gaze away. "HELLO?!?! Is anyone here? I-I'm lost!" She called out many times, shouting cries of help in between. "Ugh. I should call the... Police? What the HELL?!?!" Aurora screamed, triple-checking her pockets for her phone. "Damn." She muttered, walking west. "Huh?" She casually asked, following the sound of a distant voice. She suddenly saw a girl, calling out in the same clear confusion. She felt embarrassed wearing a loose charity T-Shirt and sweatpants, but she was desperate. "Hello?"
Her eyes snap open as she sits straight up only to lay back down holding her head. Her eye sight was fuzzy and her head was throbbing.She slowly moved herself out of bed. She slowly moved to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. Like always her hair covered her eye that wasnt there. She was about to shut the bathroom door when she noticed things were different. She didn't remember the toilet not the bathtub. She panicked as she ran from the bathroom back to the bedroom stummbiling a bit due to her poor sight at the moment. She looked aroun franticaly trying to see if there was anything here that she rememberd. She quickly located the door and ran to it. She quickly tuned the nob and flung the door open running out in a white gown. As she looks up the the sunlight piereces her eyes making her blind for a few seconds before she puts her hand up to block the sun. She yelled out as loud as she could. "ANYONE...ANYONE ARE YOU THERE."She quickly dashed from the steps and ran out into the street. She didnt get far as she stoped holdign onto her heart. She clenched it tight thinking she was having an ashma attack. She looked around seeing if there was anything familiar.
Neo slowly woke up the sun light from the window hitting his eyes. He sat up and stretched with a big yawn "Ten more minutes of sleep..." He said out loud before falling back down on the bed. Then a few seconds later he shot back up and looked around finally realizing that this wasn't his college dorm. "What the?" He said confused. "Where the hell am I? I must have gotten way to drunk last night..." he said. He swung his feet over the edge of the bed and stood up. "Hmmm" He said looking at his own clothes. He was wearing a black dress t-shirt that was unbuttoned with a white undershirt underneath the black dress shirt with a pair of dark jeans on. "Who's house am I at anyway." He said walking out of the room. He searched the rest of the house but could not find anyone, in fact he couldn't any things to show that a person was even living in the house. "This way to weird" He said walking out of the front door and sitting down on the concret steps that led up to the door. He rubbed his head and tried to think back on how he got here.
A loud ringing noise had awoken Garneil from his sleep. The ringing crawling from the inside of his head with a high pitch scream. His vision was blurry and his hand-eye coordination out of sync. What had happened last night? The ringing and drowsiness began to wear off as Garneil rose from the cold hard floor to his feet, stumbling slightly. Looking around he realised he was in a very large kitchen, surrounded by shiny metal cutlery and matching appliances. "What on earth" he whispered to himself as he looked into a mixing bowl on the counter. It was filled with some form of mush? Garneil prodded it and it leaked, it must have been there for a long time. Then he realised, his hands, his forearms...they were covered in dry congealed blood and his knuckles had broken through his skin. They looked spiky, almost like studs. The ringing noise had come back and he leapt to a sing where he vomited violently from seeing his hands. After he had calmed down he washed them carefully and composed himself. It's not like they hurt but it had shocked Garneil. He wished they would just go and then it happened...they shrunk back into his hands and his skin resealed....had he seen that!? He ran through the large steel doors into what looked like a huge lobby. The tables and chairs were all knocked aside, glasses smashed and plates piled with decomposing food. "What is going on here? Where is everyone?" It looked like everyone had left in hurry...but why? As he walked through the maze of furniture he realised the clocks were still working. Someone must be here, surely. It all made no sense? He looked at the entry date in the diary at the front of the Restaurant. "12 weeks ago?" Garneil questioned to himself. Nothing added up. Where was everyone, why was he here...had he done this? Pushing the doors open he looked into the dusty baron street. It was bright. Too bright. His eyes were stunned for a moment and slowly his vision returned. "Where the hell am i!" He yelled as he punched the pillar in front of him. His fist buried itself into the solid concrete. Garnail's jaw dropped. Had he really just smashed half way through a pillar with his bare hand? He was so confused, he just stared at his hands in disbelief. His skin suddenly felt like it was crawling, like his veins were trying to slither away, his bones crippling themselves. His forearm expanded and lots of strands of flesh and bone complied themselves into what looked like a large spike, completely covering his fist. "Are you bloody serious?" He imagined his arm as it was before and the spike withdrew itself. "No way!" He was very tempted to try out more but Garneil heard a voice close by. "ANYONE...ANYONE ARE YOU THERE!" He dropped to the floor and peered over a railing to see a girl run out into the street in a state of Panic. "Who's this then?" Garneil kept low and tried to get a closer look...
Hunter looked over as a girl in a loose shirt and sweatpants approached. "Oh thank goodness," she muttered, happy that she wasn't the only one in this town. "Hey. Do you, uh, know how we got here?" she asked, hoping that perhaps she could shed some light on what was going on. This place certainly didn't look familiar and it didn't seem that anyone had been here in a long time judging by the state of the houses she had seen so far. Hunter ran her fingers through her brown hair, getting anxious, her headache worsening by the minute. She sighed and rubbed her temples. The growing sunlight only served to aggravate her headache. Questions bounced around in her head and Hunter wanted answers. Someone must have taken her here, but why?


Cole heard a scream in the distance and had been planning on following the noise to see what was going on when he spotted a man sitting on the steps in front of a house. Cole couldn't just walk off without talking to this guy. He was the first person he had seen here, after all. He walked over, standing a few feet away, and shoved his hands in his pockets. "Hey. Could you tell me where I am?" he asked, hopeful that this guy could help him. At least he would know where he was now. He was more worried about getting out of here than how he had gotten here at this point.
Things had started to get a little more interesting from Garneil's perspective. The girl he had seen run into the street had been met by another. What they were talking about he didn't know as they were too far up the road to hear their conversation. However he did hear a male voice to his right. Peering across the street just over the barrier he saw two men on some steps, one of them asking about their whereabouts. Garneil decided that they where in the same predicament as him, could they be trusted? Either way he was going to have to take the risk. He stood up and vaulted himself over the porch railing into the street. He spoke loudly so the two men could hear him. "I was thinking the same thing fella. Where 'actually' are we?" He paused for a second..."and who are you two and those ladies up the road?" He pointed over to them. Also has anything...weird happened to you? Like, out of the norm?" He raised an eyebrow. Garneil didn't want these two to think he was some kind of nut job. Talking about 'super powers' and his arms turning to blades by accident. "To be honest with you, i'm freaking out a little over here." He became a little more agitated in a more worried manner. "I just want answers you know?" Garneil rubbed the back of his head as he looked between the two, longing for an answer.
She lifted her head up from her hands and heard voice off in the distances. As she took a step her heart made a huge thump making her stumble a bit. Was she really haveing a heart attack. Her chest felt like it was about to burst. She tried to remember what she did or how she got her but it only made her head throb more. She shook of all the questions and tried to sustain the pain through her body. She slowly walked over to where she heard the voices. HEr eyes were low and she was in a sweat and not caused by the heat. BEfore she was about to give up she saw a few people but a man on a porch railing. She was to tired and in pain to show a smile but instead she took her hand from her chest and cuped her hands together putting them close to her mouth. She inhaled as much air as she could then yelled out to him. "HEY....MR....DO YOU...KNOW WHERE ...THIS IS...IF SO CAN...YOU HELP..ME". She took deep breaths before inhaleing again. "MR...PLEASE...I..DON'T...KNOW WHERE ...I AM..".
Garneil heard panting and footsteps close behind him. He spun round quickly and transformed his arm into a blade whilst extending from himself. "Don't take one step closer!" He was surprised to see a girl about 8 foot away, hunched over and struggling to breathe. She looked like she was going to collapse any minute. "She looks like she's in trouble" He said to the two men on the stairs. "Stay there!" He withdrew his blade on his arm and sprinted over to her, putting his arm around her waist he lowered the girl onto the floor. "Calm down and breathe slowly ok?" Garneil removed his leather jacket and bunched it beneath her head. He looked up and waved to the other two. "Are you guys going to help or not!"
She tried to do as he instructe. Takeing deep breaths but it didn't help much when she saw his arm transform into a blade. She put her hand up blocking the sun,asherbreathing slowed down. She was calm for the moment. She looked up athim,her face drained. " ..I need help...I dont know where I am." She was grateful for his help but she also needed answers on what was going on. Her body felt strange and she Didn't know why.
Garneil brushed the hair out of her eyes and knelt in way of the sun. "I don't think any of us really know what's happening here" He looked over to the restaurant he had woke up in. "All i remember is waking in there, trying not to collapse and throwing up in a sink. All the food had gone off and no one was there. It looked as if they were at some point though?" He looked around to see the others, they looked just as confused as she and Garneil was. "You don't need to worry, we'll find out what is going on here. Who's doing this to us...who did this to me..." Garneil thought his new powers were amazing but he couldn't help feel like a freak. He looked down at the woman sympathetically. "Has anything strange been happening with you?"
She was feeling and finally got her breathing under control while listening to him.When he pushed her hair back an eyepatch was there instead of her eye. "..My head would get foggy and I would hear a voice..other than that ..nothing. " She pointed toward a house north from where they were." I woke up in there.":
Elisa woke up with a silent scream before laying her head down on the pillow again. She knew the routine every morning; Wake up from the nightmare, Kaleo rushing to her side then patting him at the head; Granny coming in to say that breakfest is ready. Though this morning was different. Kaleo didn´t run to her when she woke up; in fact Kaleo wasn´t even there. Elisa looked around to see white walls; a brown cabinet next to the uncomfortable bed and two doors to the right. The floor was of wood planks and had no carpet. Swinging her feet over the bed, they hit the floor softly before she stood up. Elisa never liked to talk but in this sitaution she didn´t really have a choice. "Hello?" Walking slowly to the door she assumed was the one leading out to a hall she kept calling out. "Excuse me? Hello?" Entering the hall she walked downstairs to call out again. "Is anybody there?" Hearing no response she headed to the front door. Walking out she saw a group of four and a man sitting on a porch to her left. Feeling a bit nauseous she walked over. "I´m sorry to disturb...but where the heck is this place and how do I get out of here?" Getting a bit dizzy Elisa put her hand on her forehead. She sighed; she never got nauseous before and getting dizzy wasn´t helping her constant need to puke. Wanting an answer fast she stared at the four people infront of her.
"I have no idea where I am....your saying you don't know either?" Athos started to say to the first guy who came up to him. Then he noticed the other guy approaching and was about to repeat himself when he saw that girl come up who was obviously not looking so good. When the other man gently set the girl to the ground he thought that was being a bit hasty and that there were better places to lay a girl down then on the sidewalk. He walked up to the girl laying on the ground and got down on his knee to look at her a bit more closely. He was freaked out by that guys arm but quickly got over it, seeing as this all was really strange. Then he saw another girl come from across the road and stood back up and said to her "It seems that all of us do not know where we are let alone how to get out of this strange place..." He said annoyed at the circumstance they had all been thrown into.
"Well I have to get out of here so come up with something!" Elisa said freaking out while walking to the rest of them. "I have a dog to feed and I have to take care of my grandma!" She sighed before running her hand through her hair. She doubled over feeling nauseous again. Sitting down on the floor Elisa cursed before mumbling softly. "And now I have this freaking headache to..." Looking around she saw nobody but them and started to feel scared. What if she too became like her parents; who´d feed and pat Kaleo and Elisa´s grandma was in her care now; Who´d help her get down the stairs or go shopping. Feeling the headache only get stronger she sighed. "I need answers...and I need them fast..."

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