The School of Magical Abilities [REWRITE OF DESIRE;]


One Thousand Club
This is a rewrite of Desire; and as you may know, this is just a character sheet. All ideas go to @Sienna Mayne she is the person who created Desire;. The roleplay was very interesting, but she has not come on for a week or two now. I would like to continue her roleplay, but I have no permission... If she doesn't come on by August 10th, 2012, I'll just start it with no permission at all. I may get removed for this, but I really liked that RP. See the real RP here,

THE SCHOOL OF MAGICAL ABILITES... and for the untalented


1) Must be accepted before RPing.


3) Can not time skip, only I can.


Theese characters were used in Desire; It is optional to use them. One character per person please.

Akemi Longwoods- A untalented girl, for now she has not found her talent. She is determined to. Akemi can use the bow and arrow. She is 17, and is a shy and observent child. UNTAKEN originally was [and still is] @Sienna Mayne 's

Sora Hearts- A level five mage, the highest of them all. He has a special trophy in the school lobby for his achievement. His wand is disgused as a TV remote, which turns into a navy blue wand. He specializes in dark magic, portal magic, combat magic, as well as healing. Sora's enemy is the transfered new student Garneil Dark. He is 17, and is an ambitious, romantic kind of guy. TAKEN by Forks (which is me... duh!)

Akira Romane (Roh-main)- A flirty ice wizard, level four in water-ice magic. He is known for his tardiness, hatered for school, and his faboulous black mustang. He is a flirty, annoying guy. And is 17. UNTAKEN originally was [and still is] @solarwing123 's

Garneil Dark- A mysterious level five dark mage who transports by dark portals. He is seventeen and Sora's enemy. He is a transfer student from Dark Magic Academy. He calls this place a dump. He has devious thoughts, and is over the top wise. UNTAKEN originally was [and still is] @Hixyjynxy 's.

Rin Hoshi- A level two Gunner. She is threatening, but is surprisingly easy to harm. Rin acts like she can kill you with a shot of her gun, but she is wrong. Rin has a weak spot for killing humans, but she has no problem killing animals and unanimate objects. She is 17 and non-romantic. UNTAKEN originally was [and still is] @Forks










TYPES OF THINGS YOU CAN BE (Talents and Classes)


-Level 1: Newbie

Level one mages learn [choose one] dark, combat, ice, or portal magic. They also have basic magic classes to learn the basics. However, if you have an average of C or less, you are required to take normal classes instead of dark/portal.

-Level 2: Novice

Level two mages learn [choose two] combat, combat 2, dark, dark 2, ice, ice 2, portal, or portal 2 magic. They take extra magic classes like Everyday Magic. However, if you have an average of C or less you can not take ice or combat magic. You will be required to take the level one class you took last year. And another one this year. You also take the extra course+ one normal class.

-Level Three: Mage

Level three mages learn [choose three] Combat, Combat 2, Combat 3, Dark, Dark 2, Dark 3, Ice, Ice 2, Ice 3, Portal, Portal 2, or Portal 3. They take the extra course Levitating Objects or Disgusing Your Wand. If you have an average of C or less, you are required to take Dark 2, Portal 2, and Combat. You have to take BOTH extra courses, and two normal classes.

-Level Four: Advanced Mage

Level four mages learn [choose three] Combat [2, 3, or 4.], Dark [2, 3, or 4.], Ice [2, 3, or 4.], or Portal [2, 3, or 4.]. If your average grade is A, you are permitted to learn Necromancy with the Level 5 Mages.

The extra courses are, Sharpening Up Your Skills with a Teacher or Magic Hall (exactly like Sharpening Up Your Skills with a Teacher, but without one.) If your average grade is below C, you have to take three classes, both extra courses, and two normal classes.

-Level Five: Expert Mage

The level five mages learn [choose as many as you like! actually only 5] Combat [2, 3, 4, or 5.], Dark [2, 3, 4, or 5.], Ice [2, 3, 4, or 5.], Necromancy, or Portal [2, 3, 4, or 5.]. If your average is a B or lower, you will be ranked as a Level Four. It is mandatory to have B+'s or higher. Extra courses are not avalible for level fives.


-Only boys are permitted to use bow and arrows.**

LEVEL ONE: How to make your bow and arrow + Basics + Normal Classes

LEVEL TWO: Safety + Shooting + Normal Classes

LEVEL THREE: Poisioning your arrows + Shooting: Advanced + Knife combat + Normal Classes

LEVEL FOUR: The highest rank, get one single B and you are ranked as Level three once again.

Shooting: Pro + Knife Defense + How to make better bow and arrows + Normal Classes

*It is mandatory to have an average of B- to become an archer.

**If you sneak in as a boy and you are a girl, you will be suspeneded, expelled, or demoted to untalented. Your grades will drop to F and most likely, you will repeat your grade. This is only if you are caught.


Pew, Pew, Pew!

Level One: You can not handle the gun yet, instead you use a fake practice one. It weights just like a normal gun would.

Gunner 1 + Gun Safety + Bullet Crafting + Normal Classes

Level Two:

You are presented with a pistol, if you open fire without permission, [on school grounds] you will be expelled imedientally.

Gunner 2 + Gun Safety + Practice rounds + Normal Classes

Level Three:

You have achieved the highest level of gunners. Make one misfire, and you are ranked down to Level Two. Gunner 3 + Shooting at Dummies + Bullet Crafting 2 + Normal Classes.


This school is a public school, you do not stay overnight.

If you are wondering what characters you can be, it is currently Rin, Garneil, Akemi, and Akira. You also may be your own character.


Currently in this RP



-Hix (abberviated xD )


This RP is now open.

I'm sorry for having such a lengthy sign up sheet. This RP means a lot to me... Thank you!

P.S. No more than one character please, and no less than 10 sentances!

P.P.S My charry will be up after someone posts theirs.




Care to join?

[MENTION=1807]KaitWink[/MENTION] It's okay! I shouldn't have asked you, if I knew you were so busy! My apologizes!

[MENTION=646]Xx-Katherine-xX[/MENTION] LAYOUT...



Talent: (mage,archer,untalented,or gunner)

Specialty: (if no talent skip... mage: dark, ice, combat, portal. add level)





EXAMPLE: (also my charry xD )

Name: Sora Hearts

Age: 17

Talent: Mage

Speciality: Mage; dark, combat, portal Level 5 (If you were anything else just add your level.)

Personality: smart, nice, romantic

Appearance: (with blue eyes)


Autumn Amber Riley



Mage; Ice 3, Dark 2, Portal, & Disguising Your Wand, Level 3



Guess it's my turn then! ;) Ima keep my Charry coz i like him :P

Name: Garneil Maurus

Age: 17

Talent: Mage Lvl 5, Gunner

Speciality: Mage; dark, portal and Necromancy Level 5. Combat Level 4. Gunner Level 3 (Although he rarely uses his Bladed rifle due to emotional properties)

Personality: Witty, Secluded, Competitive, High strung, Mysterious and very dark minded when provoked.

Apperance: His physical appearance is some what stocky around the shoulders and chest but fairly average in height and weight. His eyes are a deep purple and his left pupil is shaped like a Hex-a-gram due to curse. However this eye is always covered by his white fringe, the rest of his hair is black and spikey. He wear a full lenghth cloak (open) with the arms cut off up the the shoulder. On his left arm is another Hexagram symbol and his right arm is wrapped in a few chains and the hand gloved (the being his wand). His other attire is fairly plain clothing (black of course) with the exception to his large metal studded boots. On his back he carries his bladed rifle which he will only fire in bad circumstances.

Bio: Garneil is a transfer from the DMA, a large castle and boarding school which specialises in Dark magic. He had out grown all of his other pupils due to lacks of friendship, finding resolve in learning and magic more than social interaction. He demanded to move schools so he grow, so he could be challenged. He and his sibling were orphans but he was left alone when they were struck with illness and passed away. He was adopted by a Mage who Taught him in his younger years and eventually sent him to the DMA so he could become a certified mage. He progressed and left though, leading him to want to explore the top ranked school...Desire. His master taught him that magic couldn't be weighed down with grades and boundies, yet abide by them and eventually you shall learn your full potential. Garneil has one goal in life, and that's to bring back his sibling...completely restored. So to be the best he needs to beat the best.

Hope you like
;) I'm always a sucker for Background info haha! I look forward to having classes with you :P

[MENTION=2999]Hixyjynxy[/MENTION] Holy smokes that is a long charry! Accepted x100!!

The RP is up, a pleasure to RP with you all!

And Hix, can you try to be a little more active? Thanks! :)
Hey, I dropped a few RP's and think I'll give this a try if it's still open?

Name: Emily Snow

Talent: Gunner Lvl 3

Personality: Emily very rarely speaks to anyone. She's quiet, shy, and has a soft spot for animals, but has perfect aim with her weapons and is top of her class. She is not very athletic and not terribly romantic, either. It takes a long time for her to warm up to people, and she tends to avoid people altogether if she can.

Appearance: ((Like this but with appropriate weapon and her hair does NOT have any purple in it))

Bio: Unknown

Classes: Lvl 3 Gunner Classes & Normal Classes

[MENTION=1807]KaitWink[/MENTION] You're always welcomed to my roleplays! It's open.

And your acceoted. :3
I am so sorry i have never gotten on lately, I totally forget, Im so happy you really liked my rp idea, i would be most happy for you to recreate it, since i never come on,

The permission is Granted, ;D

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