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  • Users: Caius
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  1. Caius

    Styx - A Second Life

    I agree! We should try forming our own personal guild :D And kick all the butts!.
  2. Caius

    Fantasy Styx - A Second Life

    -You know I've never had tea.-. Alexander said as he inspected the apartment, it seemed comfy enough. -What the hell, alright give me some-. He found a couch there so he plainly jumped in it as Walhart gave him the tea that he offered earlier . He drank a bit and it tasted smoothly...
  3. Caius

    The Divide

    :D Thanks
  4. Caius

    The Divide

    Name: Gerald Dominus Age:754 Race: Fallen Angel Appearance: With a height of 182 cm, Gerald bares a good body, not exactly buffed or anything , rather slim. Jet black long hair, which he sometime makes a ponytail. Always wears black clothing to go unnoticed when he's in public. (Him on...
  5. Caius

    The Divide

    Okay. Thanks! And i know xD
  6. Caius

    The Divide

    @AkuNoOkami When fallen angels are on the human world they have their powers sealed, right? So they can't use any of their powers or just like a very weak version of their powers?
  7. Caius

    The Divide

    Damn was out for the weekend!. I'll sign up later today, thanks for giving me the chance :D
  8. Caius

    Styx - A Second Life

    I'll start writing a response :3
  9. Caius

    The Divide

    Hey this is interesting and i love the devil may cry pics for the demons :D . IMA SIGN UP NOW
  10. Caius

    Fantasy Styx - A Second Life

    -FINE!...It's just that these are getting rather frustrating.- He said obviously irritated, but he decided not to pay much attention to it. "Well i'm already dead and i have a second life to live. SCREW IT!. I'll live with these on and wait for someone who want to mess with me... or something at...
  11. Caius

    Fantasy Styx - A Second Life

    @Plight -Yeah sure-. Alexander tried looking for something that would help him take them off, but he realized he couldn't find anything. After giving up he simply tried pulling them off yet they wouldn't budge. -Damn!. I'm really trying but they won't budge, maybe these know how awesome i...
  12. Caius

    Fantasy Styx - A Second Life

    Alexander hesitated to answer, but then he thought. Oh what the hell i'm dead already . -Sure, uh officer Walhart was it?-. Now that he found someone willing to help him Alexander felt relieved. -Well lead the way-. As he noticed his hands had these metal gauntlets, he observed them for a...
  13. Caius

    Fantasy Styx - A Second Life

    As Alexander walked off his frustration, he was surprised that someone was actually waving at him! -Uh hi!- he said, as he tried to change his face. -I just saw some people collecting these, uh, wisps? i think that's how they called them?- . Getting kinda irritated as he remembered the...
  14. Caius

    Fantasy Grand Ultima

  15. Caius

    Grand Ultima

    And so 5 years passed and at the grave of his master ent, or at least Shem called him like that, he said farewell to the being that saved him on his most desperate time and brought peace to his life.But even if 5 years was alot for Shem for his master ent was like nothing, so Shem could only...
  16. Caius

    Fantasy Grand Ultima

    Alright! THANK YOU!and no problem :3
  17. Caius

    Styx - A Second Life

    Thanks ! i'm really glad a friend of mine told me aobut the forum i'm super hyped :3hope we can all have fun together :D
  18. Caius

    Fantasy Grand Ultima

    Uh oh i din't saw the rules so my character is quite the good guy with a bad record D:please read it and tell me if it's okay or if I should change his background story a bit D: ( i was too hyped when i finished reading the overview and maps and everything and it was freaking awesome! so by...
  19. Caius

    Grand Ultima

    Name: Shem Rockwell Age:20 Place of origin: Naturos Region Race: Beastborn Appearance : Mana Core Type: Mana core Mana Core Elements: Earth Weapon: He has 2 axes, one bigger and one smaller. The smaller one is more of a throwing axe and the bigger one is more of a great axe...
  20. Caius

    Styx - A Second Life

    Hello my first time entering one these websites so i'm over thinking too much (that's why couldn't even pick a picture D:) so thank you very much for accepting my Character hope we can have tons of fun