The Divide


The Shape-shifting Master of Goatees and Darkness
You may add to the CS as you see fit, but do not take anything from it. If you have plans for your character to achieve a status of Archangel or High Demon, ask AkuNoOkami or SaphireTsuki first. We do not want everyone just becoming one of those because it's the cool thing to do.

All Fallen Angels and Angels must have their powers sealed while they are on earth, and they can not visit demon world at all unless in their human form in which they will promptly be killed.

Having their energy sealed means that to a non spiritually aware person they will appear like a normal human, though they will still be able to fly because their wings will still be there (though not visible to the normal person). Their human forms will start as a C rank unless otherwise specified by AkuNoOkami or SaphireTsuki.




Appearance:(may be a picture or words, or both, words or both gets you brownie points)

Skills: (All planned ones. EVERY one. Any additions must be cleared by both AkuNoOkami and SaphireTsuki first.)


Bio/History: (At least the basics)

Alignment: Pro-guardian/Heaven/Hell/Human world/Neutral tc
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Name: Akio Sachi

Age: 1074

Race: fallen angel


Skills: Spiritual energy:

Mirror image: For a split moment Akio increases his speed for above normal speed that it seems a image of him is left behind when he moves, allowing him to strike when his enemy's guard is down.

Scream resonance: A spiritual fueled scream seemed to explode from his sword strong enough to defen ears and bust ear drums which makes it hard to think while his sword vibrates at high speeds turning it into a sword of mini chain saw making it hard to clash blades with him.

Void slash: Putting his energy into his sword which creates a massive gathering of force that in a single moment he turns into speed which seems so fast that it cuts the wind which has the power to cut threw most defenses and armor in a instant.

Arc of the gods: Pausing for a moment he put his energy into his blade as he would for void slash however the scale of power is completely different. When his sword starts shaking from the pressure he lets it out in one fatal stroke seemingly send 100's of slashes in a instant in all directions, cutting to pieces anything around him, weather it be materials or people.

Satanic energy:

Hands of destruction: Concentrating energy on the very tip of his fingers and then sharpening it turning his hands into powerful cutting tools. Depending on the power focused in them they can even cut threw stone or used to block lower level abilitys. Often used in combo with his Mirror image ability.

Dark body: Expanding his energy to resonate with the energy in his body he can control parts of his body even after they leave his body in a certain range ((about 10 meters.)) This includes his blood or the feathers of his wings which he will use to strike from unexpected angles.

Limitless: Connecting his power to him akio temporary removes the limits of his mortal body but controlling himself with magic rather then muscle. This makes his blows seem stronger and makes him move in ways impossible without doing so, allowing him to fight beyond his bodys physical limit. This makes him extremely sore after and the longer he uses it the more damage to his body after.

Dark World: Spreading his power to full Akio engulfs a area in shadow altering the perception of the body within that area. In that area illusion can freely be created and used to break his opponents mind though they will not hurt them unless he adds real blows into it. Dark worlds center point is akio itself so it moves with him in a area of about 5 meters but after dark worlds ends or destroyed he will not be able to use satanic ability's for a time. ((usually rest of the battle))

Personality: Confident bordering on arrogance, serious in battle and light in other matters. Bit of a flirt.

Bio/History: Akio was on of the many Neo-angels. Earning his wings for great deeds on earth against demons in the human world over 1000 years ago. He continued for years as he normally would until he fell in love with a human women. He stayed with her, spending more and more time in the human world until a fellow angel found out of his escapades. The angel reported it and when akio refused to leave her he was banished for the heavens. He wasent concerned, as far as he cared it was worth it if he could be with her but disaster struck. Soldiers of the rival nation had passed her house on a raid and tortured her and killed her brutally. Without his power over heaven his speed wasent fast enough to save her life. He slaughtered the soldiers in rage cementing his name as one of the fallen. Now he wanders, not taking ethier hell's or heavens side. His powers are currently sealed for reasons only know to himself.

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Accepted @magikarpfever I wasn't getting the appropriate updates, but I edited the CS post to include what I mean by having their power sealed. 

Name: Johanna Mizoto

Age: 17

Race: Half Wolf Demon/ Half Human



Johanna is about your average high school girl athlete. She stands to the height of around 5'7" and is in peak physical condition. Spending most of her time as the star of the soccer team, or in a dojo honing in on her swordsmanship has allowed for her body to be toned and slim. Her bust is a bit above normal, but it is rare that one could see because of her tendency as a Guardian and athlete to wear a sports bra. Her hair is as sable as a tar pit, and when she isn't doing anything athletic it usually falls down to her middle back. When she is doing athletic things, it may be in a bun, braided, or in a ponytail depending on her mood for the day. Her eyes are the color of a green sea, and dont' tend to give anything as she spaces out. Her skin is the color of a salted piece of caramel, perhaps because of her darker skinned father.

Her demon form only has a few differences, and though in the beginning she hasn't changed into a demon form once yet. Her demon form takes on the look of the Byakurou clan, who she is the heir to the leader. Her sable hair is now snow white, green eyes now grey. Her hands are tipped with claws, a white wolf tail extends just above her posterior, and white wolf ears sit neatly on her head. Those teeth of her's have become sharp as razors, with her canines extending out from her mouth.



Straight Edge Sword Fighting***

Curved Edge Sword Fighting***

Short Blade Fighting***

Inhuman Speed***

Byakurou Ninpo

  • Spirit Powers (current=***)
    Howling Fist***- Johanna concentrates her spiritual energy into her fists, using it to get her fists to break the sound barrier(or come close to) consequentially making a howling noise like a wolf.
    Hunting Pack***- Johanna use's her spirit energy to propel her even faster than her inhuman speed, causing multiple images of her to form and the sense of being attacked from multiple sides. She usually finishes it up with a howling fist attack.
    Hunter's Quarry***- Johanna uses her spirit energy to place a mark on her target, letting any energy blast automatically follow until it hits the target.
    Wolf's Howl***- Currently, and definitely, Johanna's most devastating attack. Focusing her spirit energy to her palms and larynx, she is able to emit a spiritual energy blast that comes from her throat and hands. Though it is her strongest attack, she can currently only use it once for it expends all of her spiritual energy. (she doesn't know how to control how much emits yet)
    Demon Powers (current=***) *note n/a she hasn't turned demon yet.also all her spiritual powers have demon energy versions
    Wolf's Fang-Using a sword, Johanna can emit a wave of destructive demon energy with each clash.
    Death's Embrace-This skill is a healing skill that drains the targets demon or spirit energy, to return their life energy.
    Canine Hunt- Similar to Hunting Pack, except she uses a blade instead of fist, and each slash can emit a destructive wave of demon energy (may be used at medium range)
    Demon Wolf Claws-A melee attack, that uses her claws in demon form to rip through flesh while also having a shock wave of a demonic energy blast behind it. Blood Rune-By forging the bloody canine of a demon into her sword, the blood she draws from attacking with her blade can be used to form a rune which can be used to do several things.
    Bloodlust-This allows her to use the blood rune to heal herself or add damage to her next attack.
    Dancing Swords-At the cost of one blood rune, she can surround herself with demonic swords who will attack enemies automatically.
    Okurigami State-When using Okurigami's powers, she has no additional powers just improved versions of her own demon attacks. The effects of her demon attacks, or even her normal attacks vary. For instance, if she were to put all her power behind a swing of her blade it might a cause an Earthquake destructive enough to bring down cities.

Devil Powers *n/a she hasn't received Devil Energy yet ** mayhaps add more

Licheborne Wolf- When her life energy reaches 0, she enters a /zombie/ like state where she is unaffected by things like disease, sleep spells, or chants. If her spirit energy depletes in this form, her soul ceases to exist.

Wolf's Call-Uses a blood rune to call on three demonic undead wolves who can attack on their own.


Johanna was born to a mother who was too busy to pay attention to anyone but her demon father, work and alcohol. That coupled with the ominous feeling of being different made her an outcast. She is easily depressed, very hot headed, and stubborn as the child of a rock and a mule. She longs to be loved, and resorts to violence when something doesn't go her way.

Some Traits



Approval Seeker

Hot Headed





Honor Bound

Her mother, a relatively cold woman by nature, fell in love with a man she met on a business trip to Japan. No one told her he was the Demon King Chiba Byakurou using a spell to suppress his power (and concealing his demon attributes) so he could explore Human World. Her father, a cold Demon, was attracted to the human's relatively cold nature though her's was far meeker by comparison. In any amount, he was fond of the fact that a human could be so cold yet still have the capacity to show warmth and love causing him to change some of his ways like mercilessly killing humans. He didn't stop killing the demons, he continued on with that.

Johanna was born as a result, to a half German half Japanese mother who made most of her life in Germany. Johanna grew up without knowing her father, in fact the one time she did see him she was too young to remember anything about him. He had come back and laid with her mother again when she was four, and that brought about the birth of her younger brother. She had no idea who that man was at the time, so his white hair, and grey eyes meant nothing to her mind and it cast the memory out. Perhaps had she seen his true demon form, she'd probably remember it still.

Well, the lack of her parent's involvement in her life helped shape her childhood. She grew up taking care of herself and when her brother was born, him too. She never really made friends, perhaps because she was always angry, except for the one foolish boy named Yoh Kuwabara. Yoh had stepped in when a group of girls were bullying her when she was in preschool They had called her so many harsh names, that she couldn't even bring herself to punch them, she just cried. There, her knight in shining armor came and called all the girls so many bad things it sent them running home. He offered to be her best friend, a piece of his cake and from that day they were friends.

Once Yoh had became her friend and they had become inseparable. From little children, to teenagers they had always been together. Sometimes a possible side effect from being half demon, white hairs would grow on Johanna's ears. The other children would tease her for it, but Yoh was her top fan about it, even giving her the nickname "Shiromimi" (roughly white ears) when she was 10.

It didn't matter if no one liked her now that she had her new friend, and as she got older and her body began to develop (and spirit energy began to grow unbeknownst to her) the white hairs went away. Yoh still called her Shiromimi. Boys in the school had started showing interest in her, and she was starting to be liked...until she was 16.

Coming home from a date on a warm summer day, she arrived to her home with her brother in tears staring up at her. The news he had would tear her life apart. He explained to her that Yoh was stabbed to death in the parking lot of their high school. Her world shattered. Her best friend was gone, and he had become somewhat of an older brother, a positive male role model to her brother who needed it in absence of a father. That day on, she felt alone again. She was always angry, always sad, and her demon energy was starting to grow out of hatred.

Then the Spirit World came knocking. They felt her Spiritual Energy growing, and offered her the job as a Guardian of human world.....all of it so coincidental..what did the Spirit World really have in store fo Johanna Mizoto?

Alignment: Pro-guardian
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Name: Saphire Tsuki

Age: 19

Race: Guardian. (Half-Angel/Heaven Guardian)


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/Nisa.jpg.5b7057c139d7f10b13e7b4d9cebcfb4c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22846" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/Nisa.jpg.5b7057c139d7f10b13e7b4d9cebcfb4c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Angel-from (Not taken yet)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/ANGELSaph.jpg.0a878c0c8c2115cfd36286422bfb3e64.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22853" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/ANGELSaph.jpg.0a878c0c8c2115cfd36286422bfb3e64.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Saphire has ankle-length light-blue hair and blue eyes. She occasionally reveals tiny wings, though she usually keeps them folded behind her clothing or under her hair. Though she is relatively short, standing at 5 foot 3, she has a weight of 140 lbs, mostly in the form of unnoticed muscle because she has to train with twin swords, the Naginata, and a bow every day. She usually wears a blue and white school uniform, which consists of a long skirt and a blazer, because of the college she goes to, but when not wearing the uniform she wears a pair of pants and a long-sleeved shirt. When at home, however, she wears a Miko-kimono with a red hakama and houri, because her family ran an exorcist business. She has turned their large shrine-like home into a dojo, and wears her kimono in memory of her family. She also wears a long blue scarf at all times, save when she is sleeping in her own home.

In her angel form, which she has never taken, her wings grow to be able to support her weight in the sky, easily as long as her body and twice as wide. Her clothes would shift to a blue-and-gold armor-like cloth dress, covering every inch of her body, and she would gain a halo above her head. Her eyes would shift to be the same color as her hair, which is held by a headband with three feathers on either side.


Saphire is proficient in the use of a bow, Naginata, and twin swords.


Saphire is Half-Angel, this means she is unable to use demonic energy. She can, however, eventually use Sacred.


  1. Spirit Arrow- exactly what it sounds like, she can shoot an arrow from a bow, giving it increased damage. Eventually she will be able to, much like Kuwabara from YuYuHakushou, form the bow and arrow from her own spiritual energy, bypassing the physical object completely.
  2. Heal Other: She is able to use spirit energy as a healing effect on humans and, to a lesser extent, demons. This skill will progressively improve, but at first is only able to heal shallow wounds or ease bruises.
  3. Heal Self: She is not able to consciously use this skill. When she is heavily injured and feels like she absolutely must not fail once a day she trades the use of her Spirit energy for the rest of the day to stand once more, the worst of her physical wounds healed just enough to continue fighting. This skill generally only activates when she's hit by a fatal wound.
  4. Spirit Sanctuary- She is able to erect a barrier against demonic energy and physical attacks, however sufficiently strong attacks will shatter it. At her preset level of power © any attack she would not be able to physically block from weapons, or any attack of equal level in Demonic energy, will shatter the barrier. It takes a great deal of concentration to hold up, so she is unable to fight while maintaining it.
  5. Spirit Ray- the only attack she has to launch from her short and mid-range weapons, she can send a curved ray of spirit energy at the enemy, the strength and distance are affected by her strength.
  6. Spirit blast- She is able to, as her strongest ranged attack and strongest period, send all of her Spirit energy out at the enemy, at it's strongest it is one level above her own.
  7. Spirit Hymn- She is able to coat the blade or blades of her, or her allies', close- to mid-range weapons in her own Spirit energy, increasing their power, while singing. The longer the song the longer the effect lasts. She cannot do so in battle.

Sacred/Angel Form (As she only becomes able to take her Angel Form upon being granted Sacred energy)

  1. Sacred Arrow- The same power as her Spirit Arrow, only more effective and made of Sacred energy.
  2. Sacred Hymn- Much like her Spirit Hymn, however it has the same effect on all physical weapons. It also makes weapons which were not deadly so by giving them an edge.
  3. Sacred Sword- She can summon a bladed weapon of pure Sacred Energy, and give it a physical form upon further training. The more powerful she is the longer she can keep the weapon on her plane before having to release it.
  4. Sacred Sanctuary- The same as Spirit Sanctuary, but with a minor, over time healing effect. She can eventually use it without the healing effect, but only if she is outside of the area affected. If she does so she can fight, so long as she does not move.
  5. Resonant Hymn- Instead of healing others through physical contact she can send healing Sacred energy across the battlefield, healing indiscriminately, while singing. The effects only last as long as she sings uninterrupted, though wounds fully healed will remain so. The strength of the healing effect depends on her strength.
  6. Sacred Overload- all of her Sacred and Spirit energy will explode from her at once, causing appropriate damage in a radius around her. This attack is her strongest in Angel Form, but leaves her unconscious and in her human one after using it. She cannot control this power, it activates on it's own when her life, or the lives of those she truly cares for, are in danger and with no way of escaping otherwise.

Divine Energy: (She will eventually get Divine Energy. Skills will be placed upon conference with AkuNoOkami)

  1. Omni-senses= less powerful than omnipontence it is the ability to extend your senses to a Universal level, though in reality it would just be her over time sharpening her senses to rapidly approach her fathers through meditation.
  2. Storm Manipulation= less powerful than weather manipulation it is the ability to first sense, then eventually crate and control weather.
  3. Banishment= the ability to remove an object/person from one place, putting them somewhere else. She'd not be able to control where the person went, but still...
  4. Purification= The ability to make an object or person pure/cleanse sins. It could be used to remove curses, over time at first, or to weaken a demonic enemy, only affects those with Demonic Energy, and no other.
  5. Inspire Virtue= the ability to bring out the best parts of someone, though temporarily. Used to bless a person with sacred energy, as a sort of test. If their best side isn't capable of passing a morality test, then they won't get the sacred energy.
  6. Revive= So long as one's soul hasn't been taken to spirit world or destroyed she can reattach it to one's body and revive them. The amount of time and distance it would be effective for this ability would be changed based on her skill and power.
  7. Divine Hymn- her song now also has a unique effect, the ability to strengthen all lesser heaven-aligned abilities on the battlefield (Sacred and Spirit energies)
  8. Divine Weapon- the ability to make a weapon out of divine energy for either her own use or her allies use.
  9. Heaven Lordship- Unlike her father, whose identity will be revealed later, she does not possess the raw power to control all of Heaven. Instead she is given a small pocket dimension to use as she pleases. She can up to half the gravity in it, and can make it so each day outisde the space is equal to two inside. The size of the dimension is based upon her strength, at first the size of a broom closet and growing steadily larger. Eventually she will be able to take a small fraction of this dimension to other worlds as well, instead of just within Heaven.

She is really smart, but easy to overlook because, despite her striking features, she just doesn't give off the air of someone to be noticed. Even in school, where one would think she would excel, she does not because she doesn't put in the extra effort to get an A, thinking that she cannot. Despite all thoughts to the contrary her strategist's mind allows her to plan, and win, nearly every war or strategy game she has come across, making it her one, true talent. Her parents being Exorcists led her to develop an almost unhealthy obsession with the occult, which became useful later on when she decided what to do with herself after their deaths.

Saphire was adopted into the Tsuki family. She herself does not know anything about her birth parents, save her mother was the only one present to hand her to the adoption agency. Her parents died about three years ago, leaving everything to their only daughter, Saphire. She, having been raised among the occult, decided when Spirit World came knocking, to take their place. And make their old, overlarge traditional home into a supernatural inn for law-abiding members of the Occult. She has some longtime tenants, but most creatures avoid her home because of her work as a detective. Saphire would gladly open her doors to those who call her an ally, letting them stay for free if they had nowhere else to live, but knows that her near invisibility makes that unlikely to happen.

I've been told that some of my mansion is not easy to understand. It is a traditional Japanese mansion that is old, but well cared for. Most of my character's time not spent as an innkeeper, student, or Guardian has been taken up keeping what she could of the house in good shape. As a hint of comedy... she's nearly always battling ever-larger growing amounts of snow on her porch.

The mansion looks like this:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/57a8c01cddf01_SaphsMansion.jpg.a7399dbc8ed1f8b6d3d69046b2c80aac.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26891" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/57a8c01cddf01_SaphsMansion.jpg.a7399dbc8ed1f8b6d3d69046b2c80aac.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Alignment: She is a Guardian, so Pro-Guardian



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I will be posting a list of NPC's, who will be in a spoiler. These NPC's are not main characters, but will come under certain restrictions. They may act as enemies, allies, etc. If I say they can not be killed, they will not be. If you read the story of genesis I provided, an idea of NPC's will be Okurigami, Lucifer, the Archangel Michael, and the leader of the Guardians.

NPC Posts will be in this color , and they will always be either SaphireTsuki or AkuNoOkami with exceptions on a case by case basis. 


Age:565 (appears 15)

Race:Spiritual Manifestation

Occupation: Second in Charge of Spirit World, and Commander of the Guardians


Skills: Unknown, has never been seen in combat over his years. Has an immense amount of spiritual energy, on the level of an S class spirit user.

Personality: Koharu acts his age, his aging process being much slower than humans, though he may have been around for years he is merely a child. He is very stern and hates to be treated as a child. Though he is very serious most of the time, when he is in his comfort zone he has a nature of fun and loving, a testament to his child status. A very hard working young man, he does his best to try to keep the order of the worlds, but has a loyalty that knows no bounds, but seems to be a pacifist when it comes to himself.


Not much in specific is known about the young boy known as Koharu, he was born to parents who were two manifestations of spiritual energy themselves, but took the form of a human. Being born with an immense amount of spiritual energy, he had always had people after him until one day he found himself working in spirit world and shooting up the ranks becoming second in charge to the King of the Spirit World. He spent most of his days working hard on the judgment and fate of souls being ushered in from the human and demon world, until he was instructed with the task of the Guardians. With such a difficult task, he has to put much of his effort to being in the human world and making sure everything runs well with them.

Alignment: Spirit World and Pro-Guardian


Human Name: Shima Hanzo

Demon Name: Byakurou Okurigami

Age:Exactly Unknown, been around since the creation of Spirit World

Race:Satanic Wolf Spirit

Occupation: The Wolf God, Second in Charge to Lucifer


Skills: Okurigami is the originator of the Byakurou Ninpo and his human form is extremely experienced and talented in that art. His skill far surpasses even the masters in the Byakurou clan. In his human form, he is also an excellent sword fighter in almost every style, though he sticks to the Japanese styles because those seem to tickle his fancy. He is also a very talented archer, and can strike things with an insane amount of precision, over an inhuman distance. In this form, his Devil Energy is no more than a mid-B class, though he rarely uses it.


Skills:In this fallen form, Okurigami gives himself access to his own endless reserves of Satanic Energy, but he seals it off with black marks on his soul and body, written in a Satanic language of HIS creation. When he has access to his Satanic Energy, the tell-tale (even if he hadn't fully transformed into his fallen form) is his black hair (because the markings because more visible the more energy they require to seal, they are not a reliable tell-tale).

Despite all of this, per the agreement with God, Okurigami or Lucifer are not allowed to directly influence anything in the human, demon, or spirit world. See the The Divide Explanation.

Personality: In his human form, Okurigami is quite joyous, a happy bright fellow though his facial expression may never show it. He finds laughter and comedy important, and will show it facially because he realizes some humans need to see the facial expressions to believe it. Truthfully, he is quite deceptive, manipulative, cunning, and vicious. As a human, he uses his card of friendship to build trust with those he meets so he may use them for his own spoils later.


Read the retelling of Genesis.

Alignment: Hell and Lucifer


Human Name: Sutame Chiba, Sanders Johnson, Cristiano Altidore'

Age:Exactly Unknown, been around since the creation of Heaven

Race: Fallen Angel, Satan

Occupation: King of Hell


Skills: Surprisingly, Lucifer does not have many physical skills in his human form. In his human form, due to his personality, he never took up learning or becoming physically strong like Okurigami, and even spends a large chunk of his time as a human, living a normal human life. He still is able to use Devil energy, and can come with some powerful attacks and defenses up to a mid-B rank.


Skills:In this fallen form, Lucifer has access to his Satanic energy though he is able to control it without having to seal it like Okurigami. This comes from the fact that he is the originator of Satanic energy, so he is has much more control of it than anyone else. He can do plenty of things with his satanic energy in this form, shoot very destructive lasers, build barriers, etc just to namea few.


Skills: Not to be confused with his true form as king of hell, in this form Lucifer allows a large bit of his Satanic energy to come into his body. This form is usually only achieved when a large tragedy happens in the world and the despair is infused with his body. Per loophole in The Divide, in this case Lucifer is able to directly grab souls from those who are despairing upon their death, and yes, he can in fact be the one to directly cause their death. For instance, during the black plague he would purposely spread the disease to cause a larger scope of death and bring their souls to hell, skipping judgment.

The sheer amount of energy that this form holds is destructive, and can prolong a natural disaster longer than it would have gone or more powerful than it would have been.

Despite all of this, per the agreement with God, Okurigami or Lucifer are not allowed to directly influence anything in the human, demon, or spirit world. See the The Divide Explanation.

Personality: In his human form, Lucifer is quiet and rarely talks. He is very calculated with everything he does, but tends to indulge in human habits. He is an avid gamer, a hacker, gambler, and loves to read manga and watch anime. Surprising to some, though he comes off as distant and cold to people, his true nature in this form is warm and receptive.


Read the retelling of Genesis.

Alignment: Hell
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[ This isn't exact, but its the closest pic I could find. ]

Appears as a young girl, pale of skin and dark of hair, long and straight while blunt bangs tickle her thick eyelashes. Her eyes are large and pale, though they have no real pigment save for an ominous grey. Her face is a bit round, complete with a slightly upturned nose and soft full lips that always seem almost purple from the cold. She is small in stature, and thin. A beautiful child she looks to be, though her voice speaks with velvet resonance, words flowing flawlessly from her tongue. It is an off-putting thing, hearing her talk. Her movement is graceful and slow. Harmless, and even vulnerable, she seems, yet terrifying when her nature is revealed.


Shadow Scythe: She wields a large scythe which she swings using dark energy to increase the damage.

Shadow Barrier: She is able to erect a barrier of dark energy to block weaker attacks of her opponents.

Shadow Call: Using her voice, she is able to call out, speaking or humming in a velvet sweet tone to lure weak minded individuals

Shadow Poison: She can poison any shadow within range, causing harm to any individual in contact.

Mind Tricks: She is able to control weak minded individuals for a brief time. The trick is similar to a jedi mind trick. As her power grows this would develop into an ability to probe the mind of weak individuals and eventually possess them when the power reaches its full potential.


As a hauntingly professional and distantly unemotional, being, Emiko seems an unspeakable evil or a vague threat. She has slight resistance displaying any genuine or pure emotion, though she is able to easily fake it. She is mostly quiet and reserved, falling easily into the background of any situation. Stealth and elusivity her choice strategies.



Note: If it's alright I may create another character tonight.. orr.. eventually :3

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Name: Alexander Woods

Age: 17

Race: Human

Appearance: Standing at a solid six feet, Alexander Woods cuts an impressive figure amongst his fellow students, who averaged at about 5'7", as if he didn't stand out enough, being one of if not the only American student present. (This is the same school that Johanna attends, as Aku gave no name.) His chestnut brown hair is always cut short, just a little longer than a straight buzzcut, and his eyes are of an emerald green. His physique is slim but athletic, fit from his time in the Kendo Club, as well as his lessons in Aikido. He aims to join the Marines as his mother had, so he keeps as fit as possible, keeping to a strict regime.

Martial Skills: (current *)

*Single-edged swordplay (Kendo only, no practical experience)

*Small Arms Training (i.e. handguns)

*Staff Training (Skill his mother picked up while stationed in Korea, passed on to Alexander)

*Aikido (though far from a master, he knows enough to handle himself against regular opponents)​

Spirit Powers: [under-Construction, need to consult with knowledgeable parties]

Personality: Level-headed and dependable, Woods is the type of guy that makes friends easily whereever he went, which only made leaving harder each time his mother was redeployed to another country. It hurt, but he was used to it by the time he was ten. At seventeen, and having been raised by a career Marine, Woods places a lot of value on friendship and loyalty, fiercely defending those he calls friend. He utilizes logic and reason in his day-to-day life, almost religiously, scoffing at the very idea of the supernatural outside of fantasy and stories told by campfire.

Bio/History: Raised alone by his mother, who happened to be a career Marine. She made a point of trying to be a mother first, Marine second, Alexander Woods was used to bouncing from country to country every year or so. He even enjoyed it, to an extent. Being able to travel and experience new cultures, learning new languages with each visit. It wasn't an opportunity everyone got, so he tried to make the best of it that he could, making friends and a few enemies along the way. He wasn't too old when he decided he wanted to join the Marines like his mother, maybe eleven or twelve. His mother had been both ecstatic and worried at the same time, one of those emotions only mothers could pull off without having lost their sanity. So she decided to prepare him the best she could, after she was certain he was serious. So she began teaching him how to handle himself, teaching him slowly and instilling the same discipline she had come to know.

Alignment: For now, Human World. Later, Pro-Guardian
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Zakura Satto

Age: 570

Race: Demon



Survival Skills - Zakura has had hundreds of years surviving in harsh environments in hell. He has lived with the barest of necessities and has scraped by with almost nothing. Zakura has an intense will to survive and will cling onto life through even mortal injuries if needs be. Zakura has massive knowledge of survival in general, from surviving the environment to surviving an opponent.

Combat Tailored Personality - Everything that makes up Zakura's personality and habits is useful for direct combat. Zakura is analytic, calm at all times, and incredibly observant. Zakura has high intelligence and can formulate understandings and reasonings quickly from minimal information. Zakura is also perceptive, able to sense the emotions of people around him by subtle bodily hints that he can pick up on. Zakura also does not portray any undermining traits such as pride and overconfidence, instead showing extreme caution at all times. The only thing that one could consider a negative trait in terms of combat is Zakura's code of moral conduct that he keeps.

Incredible master of swordsmanship - Zakura has rigorously cut his way to survival for five hundred years straight every day without fail. He has faced all manners of opponents and all manners of difficulties. He has faced countless challenges for countless hours and his entire survival rested upon his confidence in the blade. Due to this, Zakura, though not formally trained per say, is an incredibly skilled swordsmanship far out skilling any ordinary human being and probably being one of the best swordsmen in Hell. Zakura's specialty is with katanas, and he wields his own unique katana called Muramasa Kigen. Zakura's swordsmanship style is best described as being designed to kill and incapacitate. Zakura does not focus on defense, and using the advantage of wielding a lightweight weapon such as the katana, Zakura heavily relies on blinding speed and honed technique to slice down enemies. Zakura always aims for the weakest points in his enemies, aiming to cause a fatal wound as fast as possible, in the first strike if possible. Zakura's swordsmanship is further upgraded by Muramasa Kigen's special properties.

Shadow Stepper - Zakura cannot use any of his spiritual energy to create powerful projections or alter his environment, the only thing he can do is manage the "flow" of his energy throughout this body. This allows Zakura to increase his agility dramatically. Zakura can redistribute energy from other parts of his body and focus it on a certain area's movement to vastly increase the speed of said movement. This allows Zakura to be incredibly proficient at close combat as he can constantly dodge blows at blinding speeds and counterattack with just as much speed. The downside to this is that it makes most of Zakura's body frail, as he is taking energy away from other parts of his body to be able to enhance his speed.

Enhanced Senses - Zakura rarely opens his eyes to the point where he has now lived more than sixty years without having opened his eyes a single bit. To compensate, Zakura has developed his other senses to incredible levels. These senses are developed enough that Zakura can navigate any environment with just as much precision as someone with sight could. He does this by creating a mental image of his environment based on the information his senses gather. The speed and precision at which Zakura can create his mental images is so great that he can basically "see" regularly by constantly imagining his changing environment in accurate frames.

Eyes of Perception - These are special eyes that Zakura inherited from his father. This is also the reason that Zakura does not open his eyes except in rare cases. The eyes have glowing red pupils covered by a deep black scleroses. The eyes, of course, grant vision, but also grants Zakura the ability to uncover "that which is hidden" from what he sees. Basically, anything that Zakura sees, he learns anything hidden about it. Zakura can instantly figure out the special properties and abilities of weapons as well as special abilities and hidden skills an opponent has with a glance.

Zakura's father's eyes had the ability to also find out hidden desires and emotions of beings, which allowed him to manipulate humans with ease. This also allowed Zakura's father to have a sort of precognition by being able to see killing intent as soon as it was given off and react to it,.

The eyes constantly drain Zakura's energy reserves, and forces Zakura to consume humans at a pace as regular as those of normal demons, which is partly why he keeps these eyes shut.

Muramasa Kigen


The blade upon which the famous Japanese swordsmith Muramasa based his blades upon. This blade was the property of Zakura's father, who was an incredibly powerful rogue demon that roamed the vast stretches of hell to seek out powerful creatures and opponents to strike down. The blade has a powerful curse attached to it that prevents any wounds it creates from being unable to be healed unless over ridden by divine or top tier energy. The blade is incredibly durable and can be repaired by drawing blood with it. As long as the blade maintains a steady diet of blood, it will remain in pristine condition. The blade is family relic of Zakura's and the tradition attached to it makes it an incredibly powerful artifact. The tradition is this: As the symbol of the Zakura's family, it is an absolute necessity to inherit this sword to be fully accepted into the family as the head of the family. The blade will be wielded by the head of the house against his son. If the son loses, his soul is subjugated and incorporated within the blade, and if the father loses, the same will happen also. Thus the blade is a sort of sentient being that has the clashing personas of over a hundred different souls inside it. All of these souls are heavily corrupted by the curse on this sword, causing the souls to deteriorate any good they had and leave behind pure bloodlust, hatred, and anger instead. Wielding this sword requires that one be able to withstand the overwhelming influence of the sword's souls, and those who fail will turn completely insane. The reward to being able to overcome this challenge are the enhanced abilities the souls give. All of these souls, if subjugated by a capable master, can be harmonized to have a single will or intent. However, this will or intent is limited to basically only bloodlust due to every soul being deteriorated. This is still useful, as it empowers the wielder of this sword with the channeled bloodlust of over one hundred separate beings combined. This essentially makes the user of this blade always fight as if he were in a "try or die" scenario.

Additionally, the sword itself has five hidden techniques to it which are unlocked by the user through time. As of now, Zakura has discovered just one. All techniques can only be used if Zakura has his eyes of Perception active.

Convergence - Zakura focuses intently before slashing at an enemy. This slash is accommodated by basically two other separate slashes that attack from different directions but move in sync with Zakura. This can be used to either triple the damage one slash does to a single area, or attack from three distinct locations to perform an incredibly hard to dodge attack.

Zakura was born into a Japanese culture orientated demon family. Zakura from birth was far different from most demons. His mind was most like that of a humans, even nearing the angelic side. Zakura firmly believed in honor and morality. Zakura also exhibited a high sense of moral judgement and powerful will to back it. This contrasted sharply with the innately bloodthirsty demons that most roamed the expanses of hell. The family that Zakura was born into had lasted almost two thousand five hundred years, but was ended when Zakura's father became a rogue demon that sought only to kill. Zakura's father left behind his family defenseless, and Zakura's relatives were all picked off and killed by other demons as their main guardian had defected. Zakura, however, survived through all hardships. He had learned the basics of swordsmanship from his father, and using this, he clung on to his life with everything he had. Zakura's upbringing forced him to become a hyper efficient killer and survivor. Zakura took it upon himself to reclaim the family's title by killing his father and inheriting Muramasa Kigen. To do this, Zakura needed to become far more powerful. With this goal in mind, Zakura trained intensely for hundreds of years. When Zakura finally tracked down his father, they had a duel. Zakura was no match for his father. His father was beyond Zakura's league, with demonic abilities far more developed and with swordsmanship far more potent than Zakura's. Zakura was left prone on the ground, dying of multiple wounds. He expected Muramasa to swallow his being and add it to its collection, but something odd happened. Zakura's father skewered himself with the blade instead of finishing off Zakura. In his dying breaths, Zakura's father explained that the sword Muramasa was a sword of heavenly origin as it was forged alongside the heavenly blade Masamune. It was corrupted after the first wielder of the sword tainted it by forcing his soul into the blade. The blade began to develop a hunger for souls, and this is how the tradition of inheriting the blade was started. Zakura's father was the first to figure out that the blade was growing weaker and weaker generation by generation as it strayed from its origins. In an attempt to solve this problem, Zakura's father sought out a renowned blacksmith in the human world and showed him the blade, which the smith replicated with good accuracy. Zakura's father wanted to see if the human world could find a way to cleanse the blade. The humans failed, with the intense bloodlust of the blades driving most of them mad and causing fear to spread about the blades which caused the blades to be locked up forever. Zakura's father wanted to cleanse the blade to become an even more powerful demon, but the only solution that Zakura's father found was to find the sister sword Masamune and to clash with it to cleanse the blade. Zakura's father, in his time in the human world, was deeply affected by the morality that humans had. He admired its properties and realized how lacking most demons were in this. Zakura's father realized the oddities that Zakura had was this very same morality, and this was when he began to consider passing on his sole goal in life to Zakura. However, it is said that Masamune will only appear to those with conscience, something that Zakura's father lacked. But something that Zakura had. Zakura inherited the blade Muramasa Kigen from his father and received the order to find Masamune and to live with an upheld morality.
Alignment: Pro-guardian

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@Runcible Spoon Accepted, you can consult about spirit powers whenever needed. Also, I said it in roleplay hahaha. Takashi Kazuya High, or, Takashi High for short. :)


Michael De Lange











The Icarus Blade, an old and well used short sword made of light and durable steel. Gems are embellished in the guard and runes are carved into the hilt, their origins non-human in nature. While apparently mundane, a properly attuned user can benefit greatly from it's powers.


Note: Nobody to date knows about these Supernatural skills. Any talents are common knowledge.


Icarus Attunement - As the wielder of the Icarus Blade, Michael has a special connection to the weapon. He knows where it is at all times and can summon it to his side from great distances. When he has the sword in his possession he can also automatically don the Regalia of Daedalus, a match set of armor with similar properties to the blade. In short, neigh indestructible to anything manmade and difficult for anything supernatural to break through.

Icarus Drive - Tapping into the Icarus Blade's latent power, the wielder can obtain superhuman strength, speed and endurance of varying levels. Level 1 is on par with peak human perfection, pushing the body to the edge of it's limits. Relatively safe but tiring. Peaks at high D level. Level 2 is on par with lower ranking supernatural creatures, pushing past the human barrier to match some demons and angels. Difficult to maintain for long stretches of time and can potentially damage the body. Peaks at medium C level. Level 3 is the Drive's limit, granting great power and spiritual energy -- more so than any human should be able to handle. No doubt powerful but can easily damage the body or even the soul if pushed. Peaks at low B level.

Prometheus - A power unrelated to but amplified by the Icarus Blade, Prometheus is a skill channeled through the skin, armor or blade that produces bright green fire. The fire can move across solid surfaces and burns with a heat that'd easily fry a human and deal serious harm to lesser supernaturals. Being a power that requires spiritual energy, it can only be used so much and is dangerous to overuse.


Fencing - His extracurricular marks from his old school note him being rather talented at sword play though a bit unorthodox at times.

Bilingual - He's studied and learned French, English, Japanese, Chinese and Spanish.

Cooking - A surprisingly talented chef, he's been learning some more local recipes since moving to Japan.

First Aid - Took extra classes during his school years in France to learn basic medical skills.


Micheal is cold and distant from people as a whole, a truly humorless young man with little interest in the mundane world around him. He has no problem flaunting his skills on multiple fronts, giving him something of an ego. He's quick to become agitated when challenged and rarely backs down even if bested, his stubbornness along keeping him going for his goals. That isn't to say he's without positive traits. He has a strong sense of honor and always gives others a fair chance. He can be kind enough when the mood strikes him and can even form attachments no matter how much he denies it.


A brand new transfer student coming to Takashi Kazuya High, Michael is presumably from France and scored rather well in all his subjects at the school he transferred from. His social interactions have been so few and sparse that the only things anyone seems to know about him are what's on his record.


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These are the basics of the next five Major NPC's the group will have to face/meet. It is purposely basic.

Name: Argon the Great

Age: 256

Race: Demon

Occupation: Knight of the Supreme 4.


Rank: Upper C

Personality: Very arrogant. Tends to use all his power in his initial attacks to try and overwhelm the opponent.

Alignment: The 4 Supreme Demons

Name: Arturo

Age: 102

Race: Demon

Occupation: Member of the Supreme 4


Rank: Mid B

Personality: Very humble, honor bound. Will not fight dirty, and is humble and thinks out most of his actions. Is probably the least “monstrous” personality wise of the Supreme 4, often clashes with the others desire to kill and destroy.

Alignment: The 4 Supreme Demons

Name: Hanagoori

Age: 222

Race: Demon

Occupation: Member of the Supreme 4


Rank: Mid B

Personality: A rather blank slate, similar to a dog. Very loyal, very vicious. Will do anything to please those he perceives as friends.

Alignment: The 4 Supreme Demons

Name: Areon the Vast

Age: 54

Race: Demon

Occupation: Member of the Suprme 4


Rank: Mid B

Personality: Areon doesn’t speak much. He drinks his ale, fights, kills, and destroys, but rarely if ever says anything. He is vicious, and unruly often times expulsing gas out of either his mouth or bum.

Alignment: The 4 Supreme Demons

Name: Mortaro

Age: 255

Race: Demon

Occupation: Leader of the Supreme 4


Rank: Upper B

Personality: Mortaro is the very manipulative, very deceitful, and sadistic leader of the Supreme 4. He is very destructive, very strategic, and very precise in everything he does.

Alignment: The 4 Supreme Demons
Name: Ophidius, Phiphe O'Mestles, Mephistopheles

Age: Unknown

Race: Former High Demon


Mephistopheles before betrayal: A-S

Mephistopheles in modern era: Mid B-Low A

Ophidius: Mid-High C

As "Phiphe O'Mestles:" Low-Mid D

Appearance: White-blond hair, red eyes, black shirt, black slacks, cream white tie, black loafers, red jacket, and two red belts.


The obscured form of Mephistopheles:


Taste the Venom in the Air In a manner similar to a snake's directional senses of taste and smell and ability to sense heat, Ophidius is capable of 'tasting' hateful emotions in his surroundings. With many years of experience with this skill, he has learned to detect the particular taste and smell of the intent to kill. Ophidius' taste for killing intent is trained to the point that he can sense highs and lows in one's intent and use those spikes in intent to predict the best times to strike and dodge. This skill has a limited area of effect, making it more suitable for close to mid-range combat and useless against projectile weapons and long-range firearms.

Snake's Eternal Skin Ophidius is capable of using the bodies and life energies of humans and demons as layers of skin that conceal and protect himself. The life energies of the victims are absorbed by Ophidius and stored in their bodies to keep up a youthful appearance.This ability is limited by the fact that the only candidates for a skin are demons or spiritually sensitive humans. These 'skins' allow Ophidius to shield himself against attacks that would otherwise be a guaranteed kill by using the body and life energy as a sponge to soak up damage. Ophidius is rendered incorporeal for ten seconds upon losing or shedding a body. These bodies take the appearance chosen by Ophidius upon being assimilated and regain their original appearance after being destroyed, but otherwise cannot change their appearance after being taken. The skins ultimately decay after 170 hours, prompting Ophidius to find new hosts often. There is also a 24 hour time period after assimilating a new body in which another attempt at using this skill to obtain another skin will cause permanent damgage to the user's soul. The skins can be kept in 'layers,' allowing Ophidius to take full advantage of this power. Even when a skin is not externally visible, it is still in use and will decay at the skill's regular rate. Needless to say, this skill kills its targets if it succeeds, but the takeover of a body is stopped by even the smallest amounts of sacred, satanic, divine, and devil energy. This skill is inspired by the snake's use in many cultures as a symbol of healing and rebirth.

Your Blind Inner Eye A sub-skill of Snake's Eternal Skin. By hiding his own demonic with the energies possessed by the humans and demons he uses as hosts, Ophidius can conceal his own pool of demonic and life energies. When using a human as his skin, he can even bypass barriers and avoid attacks that specifically target demonic energy so long as he does not tap into his own demonic energies while doing so.
As an added bonus, Mephistopheles can mask the true size of his own massive pool of demonic energy from others while he has a stolen body intact.

Escape Artist Having spent a great deal of time staying off the radar, Ophidius has become an expert at finding avenues of escape should he have to fight. He can masterfully improvise ways of using his environment to evade his foes in mere seconds. With this skill comes a great deal of proficiency in freerunning , improved reflexes, and the ability to fluidly dodge incoming blows with grace. When bored, Ophidius will try to coordinate his dodges and strikes as dance moves, which often infuriates his foes.

Miscellaneous Skills

High-Speed Combatant

Life Energy Infusion Healing

Hand-to-Hand Fighter
Mephistopheles' Powers:

During his near-death experience, Lucifer stripped Mephistopheles of nearly the entirety of his devil energy. Through masterful control of life energy, the traitorous High Demon managed to hold on to an infinitely small scrap of devil energy. Now lacking the power conferred upon him by Lucifer, Mephistopheles was left with only demonic energy to wield. With nothing but free time after his brush with death and isolation in the human world, Mephistopheles has spent countless ages trying to rebuild his demonic energy from a Low D-Rank, borderline E-Rank status. The result of his constant training have built up his reserves of demonic energy to an A-Rank, despite not having any predecessors to pass on powerful demonic genes. This alone makes him a paragon of hard work and endurance, fueling his mentality to endure hardships thrown at him.

Shinra Banshou Named after a Buddhist phrase, "All-Covering Forests and Ten Thousand Things," which, when simplified, means "All of Nature" or "All of Creation." This is the name Mephistopheles has given his trained ability to manipulate life energy, which is omnipresent within nature, and mix it with other energies.

Kill Me Once, Shame On You. Kill Me Twice, Shame On Me This is the pinnacle of Mephistopheles' research and training with devil and life energies. With his tiny reserve of devil energy, Mephistopheles is incapable of entering a Lichborne state. However, he has found another way to momentarily subvert death. When performing this technique, Mephistopheles fills his body with devil energy, mixes it with life energy, and releases it in a sonar-like spherical pulse. Any being that is caught in this pulse of thin devil energy has the devil energy inscribed into themselves. The devil-life energy mix is then used to cast an illusion that forces the those affected to biologically or subconciously accept the information fed by the illusion. Mephistopheles uses this illusion to fool his foes into thinking that he has been killed, alllowing him to escape death and subsequent judgement in the Spirit World. This technique has two flaws. The first is that it can be negated by those with the power to see past illusions amd anything that is hidden. The second flaw is the caused by the same thing that makes it so powerful: the illusion uses life energy to affect any target, regardless of race, but the life energy mixes with the target's own, making them resistant to the technique afterward. Essentially, this illusion can never fool the same person more than once.

Note: Mephistopheles is a very stong demon, and as such will not level up like normal characters. He will not use his full power unless he is caught on the middle of the apocalypse itself. Despite all his power, he is still nowhere near as strong as Lucifer, Okurigami or Okuri Byakorou.

Personality: Ophidius was once a person who was entirely self-centered, vain, and bordline sociopathic. After a humbling defeat during a misguided quest for power, Ophidius was reduced to nearly nothing and had to struggle to get his power to where it is today. He learned very much from the experience, which taught him that time is best spent enjoying life rather than amassing power. Ophidius likes to wander around and chat with humans when not eating them, which is an unusual hobby for a demon. He dislikes fighting, choosing to avoid combat whenever possible and hates having to expend his power even more. He has a taste for intrigue, mystery novels, and spy movies. He occasionally eats human food, if only for the flavor. His favorite hobbies are reading, observing unique people, and mooching off humans for a meal every now and then. When interacting with humans, he uses the alias "Phiphe O'Mestles," which is pronounced "fiff O mestlees." This name is an anagram of Mephistopheles


Mephistopheles was among the first batch of demons personally created by Lucifer after falling from Heaven and meeting Okurigami. He was created in the image of an earthly serpent. Mephistopheles was known for his curiosity, as he often ventured into what would one day be known as the human world to study nature, having a special preference for dinosaurs. This lead Mephistopheles to study life energy, the common power shared by all things. This curiosity, however, eventually gave way to obsession, causing Mephistopheles to believe that sufficient control of raw life energy could allow Lucifer and his creations to surpass God.

Mephistopheles eventually spied on his own kind and gave away their secrets to trade with spiritual entites for knowledge of life energy. He ultimately gave such secrets to a band of Fallen Angels that were cast out for being brash, selfish, and impulsive. While this knlwledge allowed Mephistopheles to complete his research of life energy, it also allowed the Fallen Angels to infiltrate Hell, kill most of the elder High Demons and destroy their souls after they went into a Lichborne state. Lucifer caught wind of Mephistopheles' treachery and decided to kill him and keep him trapped as a soul until he had learned his lesson. Confronting his creation while on earth, Lucifer believed Mephistopheles to have died from overexertion in a Lichborne state. The wily traitor had actually avoided death through a life energy-infused illusion and spent the next few millenia hiding in the wilderness out of fear from what would come if Lucifer discovered he was still alive.

Despite losing all but a speck of his devil energy in the futile skirmish with Lucifer, Mephistopheles remained on earth, even while Okuri Byakurou's rampaging had wiped the dinosaurs off the face off the earth and motivated God to erect the barrier between worlds. Mephistopheles learned to supress his power in the ages hiding from the demon-devouring monster. It is now the modern era, and Mephistopheles has learned valuable life lessons from the many long years of walking among humankind. He has created a technique to almost completely hide his demonic nature and refuses to use his demonic powers unless his life is in danger.

Mephistopheles would not dare release his true form unless the entirety of Hell's forces are on his doorstep.......but his only problem is a lack of a doorstep...or a house...or any form of employment, et cetera. He now idly spends his days trying to find someone to break the constant boredom of his life.
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Name: Mars Ayres

Age: 642 years old

Race: Demon



Teleportation: Mars has the ability to teleport, using her demonic energy to open up ripples in dimensions that she has learned to close 30 years after learning that ability. She can only travel when she knows where she wants to go, it takes a lot of energy if she teleports too many times.

Black Fire: A flame that burns only the sins of others. It causes deep pain for the other party, she doesn't use this often because she doesn't care.

Life Siphon: She can steal the life and virtuality from others, only through contact. She cannot give it back.​

Personality: Mars is... she's a complicated woman to understand. If you aren't important or needed, she doesn't mind killing you or just pretending you aren't there. It takes a lot to earn this woman's trust and loyalty, it isn't everyday you find a demon willing to be friends with someone else. She is cold with no pity for the innocent. Because of her deep loyalty to Johanna, who saved her life in the past, Mars owes the girl her life. Which is the only reason why she isn't killing humans out of boredom. Her ways of helping Johanna are a bit... bloody and usually lead to someone dying. Mars isn't good at faking a smile and prefers to have her normal poker face on while others continued to wonder what she was thinking. In truth she hates humanity and refuses to actually

Bio/History: From the day she was born Mars has always practiced fighting, learned how to act like a lady and how to become the perfect demoness. In growing up, Mars never had a true relationship with her abusive parents who got to cocky because they were demons. Unfortunately for them Mars snapped and eventually killed them when she was about 19 years old. Some wonder if her parent's bones are still in the old and completely abandoned house Mars grew up in; this is only something she can smile maniacally too. Since her parents' murder she has been traveling through hell as a lone demoness, until she went to the human realm only to be saved by a mere half blood. Most demons would've left their debt unpaid but Mars has always had rules. One of them was that all debts must be repaid.

Alignment: Hell

If you want me to change anything just say it x]
( @AkuNoOkami This is the current draft. If anything needs changed, or altered and whatnot, I'm willing to do it.)

Name:Seranna Valentino


Race: Demon

Appearance: Standing at 138 c m and 5.5 stone, Seranna doesn't appear to be much of a threat. That said, it perfectly hides that fact that she is a demon, and is not one to 'play games' when duty calls. Pale skin and violet eyes couple with her youthful features make it easy to forget such things, though. A flat chest and small build isn't a detriment to Seranna, though, and she figures that having it any other way would hinder her movements. Platinum blonde hair, cut short a pixie like, also helps Seranna keep her hidden tactical vibe going.

In demon form, Serana sprouts cat ears and a cat tail, her eyes change to cat like slits, her arms alter to malleable dark energies and four sharpened canines develop in her mouth.

(Yes, I realise that is JWO Schrodinger)

(Note Left arm. Thats what the demon form arms do.)


Weapon- Barrett XM109 25MM Sniper Rifle. Though she doesn't believe it has an actual physical effect, Seranna has each of her round blessed, firmly standing by her belief of doing God's work.

Demon/Sacred Energy

1. Firm Beliefs(Sacred)- Seranna's body mass alters significantly, allowing her to take on opponent up to three time her size without fear of being simply flicked away.

2. Guiding Light(Sacred)- Enacting this skill, any projectile fired by Seranna will find it's target regardless of the situation.

3. He Protects the Weak(Sacred)- Presumably truth that she is on the right path, Serana can heal the wounds of others, regardless of their race. Despite this gift, it is incredibly taxing on her, and she requires a few minutes to an hours rest depending on the severity of the wound.

4. In His Name, For His Glory(Sacred)- Calling out to the one she chooses to be loyal to, Seranna's strength, recovery from wounds and speed increase significantly to aid her in combat against those who would do what is morally corrupt and evil.

5. Cat's Cradle(Demon)- Giving into her darker side, and having exposed her demon form, Serana wraps an enemy into a cradle-like cocoon in her altered arms before draining them of their life.

6. Only God Forgives...(Demon)- Only happening if she is truly disturbed or angered at the deepest of levels, Serena will lose herself to her anger and wrath. Her speed and strength increasing insanely and she will stop at nothing short of harming those she's sworn to protect to destroy her enemies.

7 and further-Pending Until Further talks to discuss Seran's exact future.

Personality: Quiet and kind, Seranna failed to fit in with her fellow demons, something that was extremely apparent. Not satisfied with the amount of destruction demons seemed to enjoy and relish in, Serana found God, as it were, and made it her mission to follow his guidance, intent on spreading peace and love across Earth. Devout in her beliefs, loyal to those she would call friend, and eager to aid those in need, Seranna is your stereotypical goody-two-shoes. Despite this, the slight girl hides a vicious, if well hidden, temper that none would ever want to invoke.

Bio/History: Spending her training years with demons taught Seranna how much most of them enjoyed destruction. It didn't make them all evil, but to have their fun, most of them partook in activities many would call unsavoury. Feeling she didn't belong in such a place, Serena fled to the human world and was quick to find their stories of God enrapturing, and quickly set her sights on finding a path to him.

Having lived the past seventy-eight years on earth, Seranna Has devoted her life to protecting the weak and frail, and defending against incursions from other demons. Along her travels she found that she had developed the new abilities, not derived from her demonic origins, after having saved a strange priest from an angry mob with absolutely no bloodshed. Unknown to her, that Priest later returned whilst she slept and laid a blessing upon her. Pleased with this, and believing that it is a sign from God that he has taken notice of her, Seranna has continued along her path.

Having made many friends within the church, both Catholic and Protestant, Seranna has had to, many a time, reinforce to a small group of people that she is not an angel, and remind them of her origins. Out of the good of their hearts, and in recognition of her mission, this group actively donates blood via bloodpacks for Seranna's consumption, as she needs it to survive. Despite her disgust for her need for the blood, Seranna takes every meal with a prayer, and the trust that God has a plan for her.

Seranna is currently in a city that, in accordance of a strange letter, she believes will soon need her presence, though she doesn't know why.

Alignment: Heaven
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Karma and Anna are both accepted, congratulations on ..rah rah rah...blah blah blah..BS.
Name: Johnathan (John) William Crowley

Age: 26.

Race: Human

Appearance:(may be a picture or words, or both, words or both gets you brownie points)


John has several tattoos under his coat that are as follows:

on his back:


On his chest.


On his left arm


On his right arm:


John also has a short sword and a revolver that has silver, iron, and hollow bullets filled with holy water.


1. Fist of the guilty

John's bread and butter whenever it comes to fighting. He uses his left fist to throw a hefty punch. A seal on his left knuckle then uses a demon's own sins against it as retribution.

2. Fist of the innocent.

John's right arm to his left, this one focuses healing the soul and mending it. Useful against demons or angels and can help heal what normal medicine can't. Takes a minute to get the full incantation.

3. Fist of humanity (future skill).

One of John's ultimate skills, uses the weight of humanity's sins against whatever he comes in contact with. The recoil however means it takes quite a toll on his body and he can't use it in succession.

4. Justice One (Future skill)

A fist that uses the power of the human will and pushes the spirit to its fullest. Uses the entirety of John's soul in a single punch that can shatter even the hardest of materials into dust. Using it, however, has severe repercussions.

5. Center of the Universe (future skill).

John uses his soul and the seals etched on his body to pull any living thing close to him and binds them. The closer someone is to John the more strength he can add to the seal and bind them.

6. Metatron's cube.

John etches the great seal, Metatron's cube and offers up his own blood to fuel it, trapping whatever evil may be inside of it. Takes a while because he has to draw this either on his enemy or on the ground:


7. Voodoo doll.

The demon John extracted from his cousin that now resides within a living corpse. He has since made changes to the corpse such as a metal skeleton and mechanical parts since blood and organs are not needed for a husk. He can call it on a whim and uses it to fight when he is unable to.


Unlike everyone else for some reason, John is the only one who notices people doing really really stupid stuff or knows when something is clearly a trap set by someone else and refuses to simply pass idly by. Instead he acts upon his common sense.


Bio/History: John was a practicing Catholic, went to a private catholic school, went to a private catholic college. He lived a completely normal like until one day he got a call from his aunt whom he was close to, but knew she herself was an atheist. Apparently his cousin, her son, was acting strangely. John decided to pay his favorite cousin a visit and discovered something he could never have anticipated. His cousin kept to his room, when John opened the room he found it covered in blood of various animals and a black sacramental altar. His cousin had since become possessed. John knew enough and seen enough movies to know the signs. He thought quickly and remembered that in one of the movies they used a seal called "Metatron's Cube" to keep the demon imprisoned. Fortunately, the movie had done its research and indeed the seal worked, keeping the demon inside while John thought of how to get it out. He eventually read on the idea of a voodoo doll and transferring a soul from a human host to a doll. He decided to give it a try and low and behold it worked, kind of. The doll was unstable at best, randomly giving off evil energy as it was bound, as such he decided that he needed a human host, though not a living one. He went to the local cemetery, dug up a body, and transferred the soul there.

Of course, one cannot forget such an experience and John was no exception, as soon as the demon was bound to the corpse he sought out the Bishop who worked in his college's chapel. After a long talk, which absolutely shocked John, it turned out that for a long time the Catholic church truly knew demons existed and walked amongst us and when they had gotten rowdy various exorcists were sent to take care of them. John, already having experience, was then recommended to become an exorcist to which he said yes to after realizing it wouldn't take long for others to come after him or for him to notice other demons. The years went by and John was shipped to the Vatican for training where several seals were etched upon his skin, but not visible to the public. These seals would help him should he ever find himself in trouble against a demon. He fashioned the corpse that contained the demon who possessed his cousin into a living weapon, a tool to fight demons. It wasn't until much, much later that John would discover something that made him question everything he had believed in.

Alignment: Completely neutral, John takes pride in not caring who you are so long as you quote, "aren't 100% a dick."
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Yer character is accepted aira, just keep in mind there is no such thing as evil energy per se. So your character would not be able to exorcise an evil energy, but instead demonic energy. (exorcism wouldn't work on devil energy without destroying the host in this lore.)

Also, keep in mind, that this lore is from deepest depths of my mind. Ask questions, call me out if there's something that contradicts. But don't argue about what I say if it doesn't match true lore, for it is a recreation in my universe.

Thanks for flying with Delta.
Name: Gerald Dominus


Race: Fallen Angel


With a height of 182 cm, Gerald bares a good body, not exactly buffed or anything , rather slim. Jet black long hair, which he sometime makes a ponytail. Always wears black clothing to go unnoticed when he's in public.

(Him on the human world...sort of)

(when he's not on the human world)


Satanic Energy:

-Dark Claws: He engulfs his hands all the way to his elbows, with satanic power, to transform in to some sort of metallic claws.

-Matter of darkness: Summons a dark ball that attracts everything around it, but the second something touches the ball all the energy it used to attract will be released doing the complete opposite. Gerald learned to escape from really difficult situations.

- Let there be darkness: Creates a satanic symbol on his hands then puts them together to release energy from it stunning nearby people.

- Satan's String: While having the Dark Claws on he can change the properties of the metal into Strings made out of said metal.

- Despair: When Gerald's life is at danger he releases a shout subconsciously that brings the despair Gerald is feeling at the moment. Causing enemies, allies, even innocent souls to feel fear and faint if they're weak minded.

- Organized Chaos: Gerald's most advanced Satanic Skill, Organized Chaos brings forth all of his Satanic energy into a dark beam which obliterates everything on it's path.


- Cloak Of Justice: This cloak is more like Gerald's combat armor, which comes with Athos the blade of Justice, every time he activates it the massive Broadsword will appear and obey it's masters command.


- Stubborn

- Loyal

- Calm


- Accepts any type of punishment given to him, if he knows he did wrong.

- Shows Respect to others


Gerald had a human mother and an angelic Father, so he wanted to be accepted by heaven. After he managed to gain his wings he swore to serve Heaven without question until his end was upon him. When he was 215 years old on one of his strolls around the human world he came across a demon/human female he thought she may have been trying to do something to a human but in fact after following her around he realized she saved humans!. Which he found rather hard to believe but then he thought she was half human so maybe it was more like 60/40 on the genetics so she was more of good-doer than an evil-doer. After sometime they met again he found protecting a young girl from a demon so he reacted and saved them both. After this they decided to keep on seeing each other and help each other save humans from lower ranked demons, weeks became months and months became years. They realized the were in love with each other and tried to have a relationship but he decided not to because she was still half demon so this was wrong, he left her and consulted with one of the more ranked angels, one that he trusted of course, this friend of his said to him that it was the right thing to do which of course it was for the best for both of them.

After some years, Gerald didn't knew anything of her but still felt really strongly about her yet his oath he made to servitude wouldn't let him go and be happy with her, this didn't bother him much cause it was the right thing to do. One day he got the urge to go around the sector where she and him would vanquish the demons protecting humans but when he arrived he saw some angels attacking her!. He was already rushing over there while analyzing the situation trying to understand their reason to attack her, but he simply thought that she was half demon so that was reason enough for them to attack her.He was close flying fast yet not fast enough as the three of them impaled her at the same time, feeling took over him while he killed them off with the broadsword of justice believing this was the right thing to do. But deep down he know that this action would bring the wrath of the heavens upon him...That he broke his oath, as the three angels fade into nothing he felt as if lightning struck him down from the sky and he fell as meteor crashing with the land, hoping this would be his end.


When he woke up he realized what he was now, no more divine energy flowing through him just anger and hatred. He was a fallen angel now condemned to live wandering the human world accepting his eternal punishment. Never siding with the demons nor returning with the angels.

Alignment: Neutral.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/upload_2014-8-12_14-59-50.jpeg.0c1235e57304eecc8bbf859f9f442802.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="27177" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/upload_2014-8-12_14-59-50.jpeg.0c1235e57304eecc8bbf859f9f442802.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Note. Satanic energy feeds off despair, so if your enemies or allies are users of Satanic Energy the will only be strengthened. 
Devil Energy does too. Forgot to mention that.

Human Name: Klose Aika

Demon Name: Byakurou Tsukino

Age: 30 (appears 17)

Race: Wolf Demon



Standing to the height of 5'5", Aika is a splitting image of her cousin Johanna. From the way her face is structured from her jaws to her cheeks. Unlike her cousin, though she is in top physical shape, she is a bit more curvy and thick, despite weighing around the same. Their bust size is the same, above average, and Akia's skin complexion, while slightly brown, is a little more pale than Johanna, more of a french vanilla color.

Other major differences that separate the two are the distinct differences in their human forms. While Johanna only has white hair and grey eyes in her demon form, Aika's eyes are always grey and her hair is always white. The only difference between her demon and human form are the presence of claws, razor sharp canines, a wolf tail, and wolf ears. She often wears her shinobi outfit when she's in her demon form, with Byakurou (as with the rest of the clan) written in Kanji on the back. While in this form, she often carries a wakizashi on her side and a her primary weapon her blade boomerang. (reference the weapons in the picture)



Very Agile, Flexible, she is a chunin, and mainly works with her father in the byakurou clan, so she is in the middle ground of most ninpo categories. She is extremely talented with her Ritanken, and has and her brain can process things quicker than most, allowing her to react extremely fast even to people ten times her speed.


Demonic Skills:

Wolf's Barrage- Circulating her demon energy through her Ritanken, she is able to call up destructive demonic energy in the form of multiple Ritanken's that often have the ability to overwhelm her enemy on sheer number.

Chastise- By stating a chant, she is able to call energy into herself that allows her to double her physical strength and this must be done for her to use any of her elemental moves.

Kazeken- Using the extra energy, she is able to throw either of her rintaken or both, causing enough pressure and strength to cause a whirlwind circling the blade. The wind is infused with demonic energy and can are similar to blades, that can cut through most material.

Chikyuken- Using her extra energy, she can send her Rintaken through the ground, making an earthquake like event, causing rocks to spike up from the ground with extreme force, She can also have the blades drill through the ground and come back from anywhere under the surface.

Kageken- Using her extra energy, she can hide the energy and the very existence of her Rintaken (causing them to go invisible) but this attack isn't as strong power wise.

Mizuken- Using her extra energy, similar to her chikyuken and kazeken, she can call up water around her Rintaken and use the water to cut through or just demolish opponents with pure force. This attack can be done almost anywhere, because moisture is usually always n the air, but is stronger near large bodies of water.

Kasaiken- Using her extra energy, she can call up fire to surround her Rintaken, adding for an extra amount of damage and attack capability.

Byakurou Okuri- The clan's special technique name after their ancestor, the first of the byakurou, she is able to call on the Devil energy native to her blood despite not being able to use it. This Devil energy is different, however, and does not give them the qualities of the lich. It does increase the strength of their physical form, and all of their other attacks. She can only hold this form for five minutes.

Personality: Aika has a superiority complex, and has to have the last word or something to say about everything. She is a very controlling individual, not enjoying positions or situations where she isn't in power. She is also pretty judgmental and elitist, feeling as if she is better than most of her peers. She is very hard to read, seeming to play both sides of the fence on complex issues. Despite this, she is very sly and cunning, and is extremely intelligent often quoting from Shakespeare, who she believes was a demon.

Bio/History: She was born to the youngest of the most recent Generation of Byakurou, Hayate Johanna's uncle, by way of Hayate's wife. Being as the only child born from his marriage, in the Byakurou clan she has more right to the throne than any of her father's other children. (It follows as for heirs Johanna->Miroslav-> Ishino->Shizuru->Hayate->Tsukino) With the knowledge of the clan's tradition and the acceptance of a half breed as the next heir, she had grown up with a chip on her shoulder. She never believed that the all this attention to should go to a mutt that they haven't even met, and probably haven't even found her demon form yet. So she always trained, day after day, quickly becoming a chunin at at the age of 12, unheard of in the clan.

She would have been a jonin, but clan rules only allowed for one Jonin per sect, and considering the father was Jonin of her sect she could only be chunin. That didn't stop her from her countless night and days training, completing missions...She wanted to prove that she was better than Johanna, that Urufushi. When rumors started spreading around that Johanna had awaken to her powers, Tsukino headed to the human finally face the woman that was suppose to be heir and to prove she wasn't good enough.

Alignment: Byakurou Clan

@KuraiKitsune 's character, and also..ACCEPTED xD

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