The Divide

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/9525.jpg.1f1dd60e50413b2ff7e4995639a0a1dd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="33672" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/9525.jpg.1f1dd60e50413b2ff7e4995639a0a1dd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Name: Calista "Hunter" Jegere

Age: 16

Race: Human

Appearance: Although she may look innocent, her appearance is deceiving as she is a very tough fighter, with strong soon muscles. She binds her chest to keep it out of the way, and cuts her hair short twice or so a year.

Skills: (Active Skills)

Apple of Envy: Calista used her spirit energy to fill or create an object that is irresistible to people near her. They will want and need that object with a passion that consumed their minds. Skills and energies cannot be used while under the effects of this skill, except for very basic ones. The effect can be shaken off through force of will, and will also fade with time, as the object itself fades or loses her spirit energy.

Snake of Temptation: Calista sends a stream of her energy towards an opponent, coercing them to do what she wishes for as long as the stream is continued. Once more, force of will can shake off the compulsion, as well as blocking off or interrupting the stream of energy. While under the spell, her target will follow her commands to the best of their ability and will have no extra strength or skill.

Leaves of Eden: Calista draws two to four "Leaves", which act as shields that revolve around her. They are large but not form-fitting, nor do they cover her from head to toe. If a shield is broken, the gap is not filled by another unless Calista recasts the spell. The shields will fade after a certain time and can be broken by attacks.

The Fall: Calista jumps high into the air, filling her weapon with energy and aiming at the enemy before falling downwards, adding momentum to the already enhanced power of her weapon. This attack can be dodged, although it is rather fast, and cannot be used at the same time as her other skills.

(Passive Skills)

Spear Mastery: Calista has mastered the use of a spear over many years of fighting. Her attacks are swifter and stronger when fighting with one, especially one of her special double edged.

Dirty Fighting: Calista knows how to get out of pretty much any scrape, using her bare hands. This may not help her against supernatural beings but you never know when you might need some dirty skills.

Personality: Calista is never without a joke or witty comment to spout and a smile can always be found on her face. She seems almost brashly confident in her abilities, however her arrogant exterior hides a deep insecurity below the surface. She's a bit bubbly at times but can be serious as well, opening up easily to some people but mistreating others deeply. Secretly an idealist and an optimist, Calista presents a cynical and pessimistic mask to the world in order to not get hurt.

Bio/History: Abandoned on the streets with no memories of her parents, Calista wouldn't have survived if a passerby hadn't taken pity upon her and helped her. It was only later that she realized this man was a supernatural being, although he never told her who he was or what he was. Soon he too had to leave for unknown reasons and so she was on the streets again, by older and able to take care of herself.

Alignment: Pro-Guardian



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