Grand Ultima


Remember the rules! Here's the format for the Character Sign up.



Place of Birth or Origin:


(If Possible)Apperance: (Draw yourself something or post a picture about it, and I'd also prefer pics not from anime.)


Mana Core type: (Mana core info at Roleplay Overview)

Mana Core element(s): (Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Lightning, Dark, Holy, Pure Mana (Arcane), Nature)

Weapon: (If you have one, try to make it simple)

A Background on your Character: (Just so we know his/her story and personality)

Additional Personality and Traits: (Basically just more things for your character info)

The 8 Keys of Hope

Key of Hope 0: Rika Styfr

Key of Hope 1: Amelia Elysium

Key of Hope 2: Elena Akbar

Key of Hope 3: Elija D. Blood

Key of Hope 4: Ferena Skai

Key of Hope 5: Caddy Bowes

The Adventurers of Fate has been discovered! The Legend Begins!
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Seems interesting.

Name: Amelia Elysium

Age: 19

Place of Birth: Manatus Region

Race: Human

(If Possible)Appearance:

Red hair and green eyes (Sorry, I like pencil)
Gender: (Guess, just kidding) Female

Mana Core type: Multicore

Mana Core element(s): Pure Mana (For the moment, I'll add later.)

Weapon: Small rubber band and pieces of paper (I'll make it work, you'll see.)

A Background on your Character:

Born in the Manatus region, Amelia always had magic running through her veins, even as a child there was evidence of massive amounts of magical potential. So it was strange, when she was finally tested for magical potential, she failed, horribly. She had the reserves, most likely one of the largest reservoirs of mana in the last few generations and a production rate to match, but she simply had trouble casting anything. The best spell she could cast was an arcane missile, a form of pure mana manipulation, which admittedly created quite an amount of force... when it fizzled out halfway towards its intended target. Still, she did not falter, devouring each text, each lesson and each exercise at a ravenous pace, intent on getting better at magic. In the span of months her knowledge and power grew exponentially. The former her own vast collection of notes attested too while her teachers, elder magi, would claim that her powers are growing quickly day by day, yet her skill remained stagnant. No matter how hard she tried, her magic missile was the best she could ever come up with as a true spell. Yet that did not mean she was useless, no far from it. Armed with the knowledge of the inner workings of pure mana, she knows even a magic missile was extremely useful. That does not mean she would stop trying to get better through.
Additional Personality and Traits: Always one curious, she would bury herself in books and any information she could get her hands on. She grew up that way, so forever more she was seen as one of the nerds, the book worms of you will. As a magi of arcane, she always wanted to find out how it could stay pure despite the elements that could be obtained. This led to extensive research on mana and it's application as a pure substance. Despite being a magi of the arcane, and a darn good one if she says so herself, she is somewhat meek and submissive. She would not fight unless she knows 100% she would win or she was really pushed to the limit. When she did get into a fight that one time, she showed the group of bullies just how frightening an arcane missile could be. Even if she does wear glasses, her vision is quite good, even better than most people. She can be somewhat mischievous at times, behind her stoic mask, as evidenced by the paper bullets she shoots from a rubber band.
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EvilLaugh said:
Seems interesting, I'll edit this into a CS and we'll see. Just a question though, we draw something and not anime, right? Please just clarify since your own profile is an animesque drawing.
Oh hehe, im sorry, You can draw your character but do not get sources from other animes. ANime style drawing is allowed
Oh and for the early applicant, I've added one more thing to the Sign up form. Try to include it if you can. Now Moving from Under Construction to Accepting Sign ups! 

EvilLaugh said:
Seems interesting.
Name: Amelia Elysium

Age: 19

Place of Birth: Manatus Region

Race: Human

(If Possible)Appearance:

Red hair and green eyes (Sorry, I like pencil)
Gender: (Guess, just kidding) Female

Mana Core type: Multicore

Mana Core element(s): Pure Mana (For the moment, I'll add later.)

Weapon: Small rubber band and pieces of paper (I'll make it work, you'll see.)

A Background on your Character: Always one curious, she would bury herself in books and any information she could get her hands on. She grew up that way, so forever more she was seen as one of the nerds, the book worms of you will. As a magi of arcane, she always wanted to find out how it could stay pure despite the elements that could be obtained. This led to extensive research on mana and it's application as a pure substance. Despite being a magi of the arcane, and a darn good one if she says so herself, she is somewhat meek and submissive. She would not fight unless she knows 100% she would win or she was really pushed to the limit. When she did get into a fight that one time, she showed the group of bullies just how frightening an arcane missile could be. Even if she does wear glasses, her vision is quite good, even better than most people. She can be somewhat mischievous at times, behind her stoic mask, as evidenced by the paper bullets she shoots from a rubber band.

Additional Personality and Traits: (I think I covered everything (: )
Key Of Hope #1 Accepted! Adventurers of Fate will have Key of hope numbers. Now, Get ready for one of Myria's legendary historical events!
Name: Elena Akbar

Age: 29

Place of Birth or Origin: Manatus Region

Race: Human

(If Possible)Apperance:


Gender: Female

Mana Core type: Yellow Core

Mana Core element(s): I assume Yellow cores have no element. But if they do, Fire.

Weapon: Bombs, Throwing Knives, Smoke Bombs and other gadgets she manufactures

A Background on your Character:

Elena was born among a family of magicians, a trait she did not share (barring her barrier break). Thus, she often felt left out and slightly worthless. Instead of wallowing in self-pity, she was saved by the existence of Mechanics. They, who helped the world through science and raw technology. She inmersed herself into her studies, and after more than 20 years she stands as a fine scientist and engineer. She loves to manufacture trinkets, be they for simple things like lockpicking, or her own custom bombs. She donates most of her weapon research to the military, being content with recognition and the fulfillment of being worth to her nation.

Additional Personality and Traits: Very hot-blooded when it comes to people talking down on others. Other than that, she is mostly anti-social unless you are a Mechanic yourself. She has no qualms with speaking, but she just struggles to find conversation topics! When she gets started on building something or talking about something she likes, she tends to rave until something happens or the other person runs away. She is very hard-working, and detests sloth and poor excuses. She also dislikes those who whine instead of acting.

Despite all this, she is a heavy sleeper. When she is woken abruptly from rest, she tends to stay grumpy for a few hours.
Plight said:
Name: Elena Akbar
Age: 29

Place of Birth or Origin: Manatus Region

Race: Human

(If Possible)Apperance:


Gender: Female

Mana Core type: Yellow Core

Mana Core element(s): I assume Yellow cores have no element. But if they do, Fire.

Weapon: Bombs, Throwing Knives, Smoke Bombs and other gadgets she manufactures

A Background on your Character:

Elena was born among a family of magicians, a trait she did not share (barring her barrier break). Thus, she often felt left out and slightly worthless. Instead of wallowing in self-pity, she was saved by the existence of Mechanics. They, who helped the world through science and raw technology. She inmersed herself into her studies, and after more than 20 years she stands as a fine scientist and engineer. She loves to manufacture trinkets, be they for simple things like lockpicking, or her own custom bombs. She donates most of her weapon research to the military, being content with recognition and the fulfillment of being worth to her nation.

Additional Personality and Traits: Very hot-blooded when it comes to people talking down on others. Other than that, she is mostly anti-social unless you are a Mechanic yourself. She has no qualms with speaking, but she just struggles to find conversation topics! When she gets started on building something or talking about something she likes, she tends to rave until something happens or the other person runs away. She is very hard-working, and detests sloth and poor excuses. She also dislikes those who whine instead of acting.

Despite all this, she is a heavy sleeper. When she is woken abruptly from rest, she tends to stay grumpy for a few hours.
Key Of Hope #2 Accepted! Now, Get ready for one of Myria's legendary historical events! 
Name: Rika Styfr

Age: 18

Place of Birth or Origin: Gale Region

Race: Human

(If Possible)Appearance:


Gender: Male

Mana Core Type: Mana Core

Mana Core Element: Wind

Weapon: Nothing but Magic.

A Background on your Character: Like any other normal person, Rika lives a normal life in the villages of Wind Kingdom. Studying Wind Magic in the schools of their villages, he came to like the wind more and more. He always go to cliffsides and high places to savor the fresh breeze. He has always wanted to travel the world to see more places and views like the ones in Gale Region. He tends to go off on his own sometimes and go down from Wind Kingdom to see what is beyond it rather than just seeing it from books. Many dangers have befallen him like a bad encounter with a large wolf pack and sometimes being chased by a bear. Knowing how dangerous the outside world is, he tried to study Wind Magic even harder to prepare himself for the future.

Additional Personality and Traits: Rika tends to be cheerful around many people if he knows them and is serious when he is alone. He only opens up to people he knows he could trust and that is why he doesn't have much friends. Curiosity always fills this person which drives him to be adventurous. Trying not to be a hinder for everyone, he analyzes the situation and acts according to it to avoid bad things to happen. Whoever you might be, if this guy does not see you as a friend, he will not try to warm up with you. He is also lazy at times but will work if he is in the mood.

Key of Hope #0, Rika Styfr is in!
Name: Caddy Bowes

Age: 19

Place of Birth or Origin: Manatus Region

Race: Mechanic


Gender: Female

Mana Core type: No mana core (locked)

Mana Core element(s): None

Weapon: Dagger or any one of her trinkets

A Background on your Character: Born into a long line of famous mechanics, Caddy knew from the start she wasn't like her family. She was different. She didn't care about making her inventions to earn money or sell. She invented things because she loved it and she could always find a purpose for old scraps. Her idea of the world was that new and shiny wasn't necessary to make something amazing. Caddy was sure that this world would survive longer if she taught people her perspective. She ran away from home when she was 6 and became a reclusive mechanic in Machina Haven.

Additional Personality and Traits: Crafty and imaginative, Caddy can never carry on a conversation. She is always thinking of things that could be made better. She is passive and often lost in her own thoughts. Caddy's quirks and strange behaviour make her seem a little weird at first, but once you get to know her she's a great ally to have. Smart and quick-witted, born with the knowledge she uses now, Caddy's passion for her work makes her enthusiastic and overexcited at times.

Ardghal Fionne

Age: 27

Place of Birth or Origin: Gale Region

Race: Human


Beneath the hood is



Gender: Male

Mana Core type: Multi Core

Mana Core element(s): Plasma( Lightning + Fire + Pure Mana)

Notes: Ardghal can ONLY use plasma, although his multi core may have three different elements attuned to it, they are all synced in harmony with each other, leading Ardghal to basically have a single mana core. Ardghal's usage of Plasma also requires a conduit to channel it, and this is usually his weapon.


Berac Cathal


A specially forged rapier made of incredibly durable and precious rare metals. The rapier has no handguard and instead has seven rings circling around where a guard should be. This is because the rapier was built to completely harmonize with Ardghal's plasma mana core powers. The metal it is made of is incredibly conductive to electrical currents. Ardghal utilizes his plasma powers through Berac, and without Berac Ardghal cannot effectively channel his magic. Berac is essentially what a staff or wand is to a regular magic user. Ardghal can envelop Berac's blade and seven ring handguard in layers of chaotic, intensely hot plasma. For every layer of plasma, Berac's length increases by three inches, with the seven rings emanating the layers of plasma as a hand guard. A maximum of three layers is what Ardghal can currently achieve. The plasma basically does not weigh anything, so the blade remains incredibly lightweight while extending its reach and thickness. Ardghall can cause the plasma to become chaotic and travel around the blade of Berac at incredibly high speeds to create an incredibly refined and deadly cutting edge capable of slicing through nearly any metal. The blade will also emit dangerously high heat capable of melting away flesh in direct contact with the plasma.

Although Berac can channel Plasma and project it, Ardghal has not been taught the necessary ways to control his plasma in a refind way to be able to use his plasma as a projectile; Ardghal only knows how to release his plasma and then control its flow. Ardghal can control the direction of the plasma's flow, meaning that he can also cause the plasma to swirl around the blade rapidly, forming a drilling blade of sorts.

Appearance of Berac enveloped in plasma


A Background on your Character:

Ardghal was born into a small village on the outskirts of one of the main cities of the Wind Kingdom. Ardghal led a normal life that one would expect from a placid village resting on a fruitful and verdant patch of nature. However, Ardghal always dreamed of joining the expeditionary force of the Wind Kingdom's military, and to that end he sought to better himself in combat. Luckily for Ardghal, there was a retired military instructor that lived in his village. The instructor, though quite old, taught Ardghal how to wield a rapier, and indeed Ardghal showed exceptional talent. The instructor saw Ardghal's high sense of conviction, his lofty ideals and ambitions, and his desire to explore, so the instructor avidly encouraged Ardghal to travel out of the village and enlist for the expeditionary force when he came of age.

Ardghal first managed to use his Multicore ability when he was fourteen, but the strain of using such a powerful and destructive element like Plasma, composed of three other elements no less, was too great a strain on Ardghal's body and knocked him out for a few days. After this event, Ardghal's instructor, who believed that Ardghal had no talen in magic, began to train Ardghal in focusing and channeling his mana core properly and efficiently. However, Ardghal's instructor was no exceptional mana user, so he could only teach Ardghal how to bring out his mana and how to properly direct and control its flow. For the next five years, Ardghal trained with all his might. When the time came for him to leave the village when Ardghal was eighteen, his village bade him farewell and granted him his specialized rapier, Berac Cathal, which was forged by the concerted effort of the village's best blacksmiths and rare metals that village had found many years prior.

Ardghal enlisted in the expeditionary force and went on many explorations over the next four years, improving his knowledge of the world and creating close bonds with his fellow soldiers. However, when Ardghal was twenty four, a momentous even occured in his life that would significantly change him.

During an expedition out to the large deserts outside of the Grove, Ardghal and his fellow soldiers were ambushed by a nomadic tribe. This tribe was incredibly skilled at using their fire magic from their mana cores, and the combined surprise of this attack led to the utter decimation of Ardghal's friends.

Ardghal fled out into the desert with just two others, the most powerful of the group, and set up a defensive position. They waited for the nomads to come and kill them all, but they were determined to die with as great a fight as they could muster. The nomads saw this act of bravery and admired it. The chief of the nomads gave Ardghal a proposal. He would duel Ardghal, as they were both rapier users, and if Ardghal won, he would let the remaining three go.

The tribe, of course, was also incredibly proficient at fending off the native fauna that included supersized versions of venomous pests. Due to this, the tribe developed a style of swordsmanship based off of quick, lethal strikes and fast dodging accompanied by necessary counterattacks.

In summary, the duel ended after two hours with the Nomad Chief's decapitated head rolling on the sand. Ardghal lost the use of his right arm and had most of his face burnt off.

Ardghal took the battle mask that the Nomad Chief wore and wore it himself as a grim reminder of his successful duel that cost the lives of almost all of his friends.

When Ardghal returned from the expedition, he quit the expeditionary force as he had nothing there to say for; his lofty ideals of the life of a soldier had been shattered by the slaughter of his closest friends.

Quite ironically, Ardghal became a nomadic existence himself, travelling around the Gale Region because of one wish that drives him forward.

Additional Personality and Traits:

Ardghal rarely talks and never takes off his battle mask. He also constantly wears his coat with its oversized hoodie to hide his mask.

RhetoricalWriter said:
Name: Caddy Bowes
Age: 19

Place of Birth or Origin: Manatus Region

Race: Mechanic


Gender: Female

Mana Core type: No mana core (locked)

Mana Core element(s): None

Weapon: Dagger or any one of her trinkets

A Background on your Character: Born into a long line of famous mechanics, Caddy knew from the start she wasn't like her family. She was different. She didn't care about making her inventions to earn money or sell. She invented things because she loved it and she could always find a purpose for old scraps. Her idea of the world was that new and shiny wasn't necessary to make something amazing. Caddy was sure that this world would survive longer if she taught people her perspective. She ran away from home when she was 6 and became a reclusive mechanic in Machina Haven.

Additional Personality and Traits: Crafty and imaginative, Caddy can never carry on a conversation. She is always thinking of things that could be made better. She is passive and often lost in her own thoughts. Caddy's quirks and strange behaviour make her seem a little weird at first, but once you get to know her she's a great ally to have. Smart and quick-witted, born with the knowledge she uses now, Caddy's passion for her work makes her enthusiastic and overexcited at times.
Key of hope #3 is in! Now, get ready for one of Myria's legendary historical events! 

Elegy said:

Ardghal Fionne

Age: 27

Place of Birth or Origin: Gale Region

Race: Human


Beneath the hood is



Gender: Male

Mana Core type: Multi Core

Mana Core element(s): Plasma( Lightning + Fire + Pure Mana)

Notes: Ardghal can ONLY use plasma, although his multi core may have three different elements attuned to it, they are all synced in harmony with each other, leading Ardghal to basically have a single mana core. Ardghal's usage of Plasma also requires a conduit to channel it, and this is usually his weapon.


Berac Cathal


A specially forged rapier made of incredibly durable and precious rare metals. The rapier has no handguard and instead has seven rings circling around where a guard should be. This is because the rapier was built to completely harmonize with Ardghal's plasma mana core powers. The metal it is made of is incredibly conductive to electrical currents. Ardghal utilizes his plasma powers through Berac, and without Berac Ardghal cannot effectively channel his magic. Berac is essentially what a staff or wand is to a regular magic user. Ardghal can envelop Berac's blade and seven ring handguard in layers of chaotic, intensely hot plasma. For every layer of plasma, Berac's length increases by three inches, with the seven rings emanating the layers of plasma as a hand guard. A maximum of three layers is what Ardghal can currently achieve. The plasma basically does not weigh anything, so the blade remains incredibly lightweight while extending its reach and thickness. Ardghall can cause the plasma to become chaotic and travel around the blade of Berac at incredibly high speeds to create an incredibly refined and deadly cutting edge capable of slicing through nearly any metal. The blade will also emit dangerously high heat capable of melting away flesh in direct contact with the plasma.

Although Berac can channel Plasma and project it, Ardghal has not been taught the necessary ways to control his plasma in a refind way to be able to use his plasma as a projectile; Ardghal only knows how to release his plasma and then control its flow. Ardghal can control the direction of the plasma's flow, meaning that he can also cause the plasma to swirl around the blade rapidly, forming a drilling blade of sorts.

Appearance of Berac enveloped in plasma


A Background on your Character:

Ardghal was born into a small village on the outskirts of one of the main cities of the Wind Kingdom. Ardghal led a normal life that one would expect from a placid village resting on a fruitful and verdant patch of nature. However, Ardghal always dreamed of joining the expeditionary force of the Wind Kingdom's military, and to that end he sought to better himself in combat. Luckily for Ardghal, there was a retired military instructor that lived in his village. The instructor, though quite old, taught Ardghal how to wield a rapier, and indeed Ardghal showed exceptional talent. The instructor saw Ardghal's high sense of conviction, his lofty ideals and ambitions, and his desire to explore, so the instructor avidly encouraged Ardghal to travel out of the village and enlist for the expeditionary force when he came of age.

Ardghal first managed to use his Multicore ability when he was fourteen, but the strain of using such a powerful and destructive element like Plasma, composed of three other elements no less, was too great a strain on Ardghal's body and knocked him out for a few days. After this event, Ardghal's instructor, who believed that Ardghal had no talen in magic, began to train Ardghal in focusing and channeling his mana core properly and efficiently. However, Ardghal's instructor was no exceptional mana user, so he could only teach Ardghal how to bring out his mana and how to properly direct and control its flow. For the next five years, Ardghal trained with all his might. When the time came for him to leave the village when Ardghal was eighteen, his village bade him farewell and granted him his specialized rapier, Berac Cathal, which was forged by the concerted effort of the village's best blacksmiths and rare metals that village had found many years prior.

Ardghal enlisted in the expeditionary force and went on many explorations over the next four years, improving his knowledge of the world and creating close bonds with his fellow soldiers. However, when Ardghal was twenty four, a momentous even occured in his life that would significantly change him.

During an expedition out to the large deserts outside of the Grove, Ardghal and his fellow soldiers were ambushed by a nomadic tribe. This tribe was incredibly skilled at using their fire magic from their mana cores, and the combined surprise of this attack led to the utter decimation of Ardghal's friends.

Ardghal fled out into the desert with just two others, the most powerful of the group, and set up a defensive position. They waited for the nomads to come and kill them all, but they were determined to die with as great a fight as they could muster. The nomads saw this act of bravery and admired it. The chief of the nomads gave Ardghal a proposal. He would duel Ardghal, as they were both rapier users, and if Ardghal won, he would let the remaining three go.

The tribe, of course, was also incredibly proficient at fending off the native fauna that included supersized versions of venomous pests. Due to this, the tribe developed a style of swordsmanship based off of quick, lethal strikes and fast dodging accompanied by necessary counterattacks.

In summary, the duel ended after two hours with the Nomad Chief's decapitated head rolling on the sand. Ardghal lost the use of his right arm and had most of his face burnt off.

Ardghal took the battle mask that the Nomad Chief wore and wore it himself as a grim reminder of his successful duel that cost the lives of almost all of his friends.

When Ardghal returned from the expedition, he quit the expeditionary force as he had nothing there to say for; his lofty ideals of the life of a soldier had been shattered by the slaughter of his closest friends.

Quite ironically, Ardghal became a nomadic existence himself, travelling around the Gale Region because of one wish that drives him forward.

Additional Personality and Traits:

Ardghal rarely talks and never takes off his battle mask. He also constantly wears his coat with its oversized hoodie to hide his mask.

Key of hope #4 is in! Now, get ready for one of Myria's legendary historical events!
Name: Elija D. Blood

Age: 19

Place of bi

rth or origin: Manatus Region

Race: Human, Magi



Gender: Male

Mana Core: Yellow Core

Mana Element: (Yellow Core does not have one?)

Weapon: He carries an Egyptian stylised Backsword with him at all times, concealing it in his cloak. However he does not use that as his primary weapon, he focuses on utilising his Yellow Core, shattering barriers and forming the shards into dozens of small blades, firing in volleys.

Character Background: Elija was abandoned at birth, left in a cheap orphanage, the whole area was a place far beyond repair. Crime was a common occurrence, violence and murder were simply a daily sight, he lived in that hell hole for thirteen years; then he ran. He left his past behind and went rogue, becoming a nomad who travelled the continent, looking for people in need of his aid. Most of which involved violence of course. On his travels, he just so happened to be in the Stargazer Arc when that tragedy happened.

Personality and Traits: he refuses to show his face, even to those that he is always close to; he refuses to open up to others. Because of his attitude to others, secluding himself emotionally; it is rare that others open up to him or even talk to him. In reality he hates the sort of person he is, but is far too used to it to change anytime soon if he moves at his own pace.
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Just to provide info, Yes Yellow Cores do not have elements. Every applicant from now on will wait after 3-6 applicants have submited forms and we will begin choosing from those who will go in. So, wait for the Key of Hope confirmations!
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Name: Shem Rockwell


Place of origin: Naturos Region

Race: Beastborn

Appearance :


Mana Core Type: Mana core

Mana Core Elements: Earth

Weapon: He has 2 axes, one bigger and one smaller. The smaller one is more of a throwing axe and the bigger one is more of a great axe used for melee close range battles

Background on character: Shem was raised happily by both of his parents whom specialized on healing magic , he grew always seeing how their parents would treat all whom seek their aid on a very kind way so he admired them and wanted to be like them to help others the same way so he looked up to the day he could create such magic and spread their kindness threw the world. Which was an excuse to leave because he didn't want to stay at the Naturos Region his entire life he wanted to leave and see the world of Myra not just one of it's main regions .So the day came he realized of his Mana core which made him real happy and his fear of not having a Mana core which seemed to only happen to the beastborne, not everyone can have it so he was lucky his came out just fine, and like that he started his route for learing healing magic.

The first thing he need was to discover his element.After some time his parents discovered it was earth magic so he could do lesser healing magic but that wasn't a big deal to him as long that his parents tried to teach him the basics and some other healing methods, he just wanted to set sail on his quest of exploring the entire planet and beyond. But , the problems started here and everything seemed to go downhill from this point on, Shem's parents tried teaching him from basics to more advanced healing magic and it wasn't working he followed every instruction and nothing would occur , not even a glimpse . So he was quite depressed about it because he one thing that lead to start his dream was something he couldn't do.

After the town heard this some boys decided to pick on Shem, because they had nature element Mana cores and they could do healing magic with ease even the advanced types , so they would bother him all the time calling names on him and pushing him around, but these events started to steer something inside him his mana core was bursting with energy.He could sense it so when he decide to release it but what happened wasn't exactly the result he expected. He created a fist of earth half his size and punched the other kid on his chest and face at the same time( the fist covered that entire area). Shem had done it out of instinct to defend himself but he killed the other kid like he was nothing, this wasn't what he wanted , he just wanted to heal others while travelling the idea of things like this made him scared even sick it was entirely the opposite of his family's ideals he ran home but somehow the news had already reached his house so his parents as precaution decided to seal his mana core for the safety of others.

Shem thought this was for the best but he hadn't stopped and thought about this idea, Shem felt he was going to regret this and decided to protest about the idea, but his parents insisted on this they didn't want him with offensive type of magic that he couldn't control .Shem judging by the look of his parents decided to run but some of the authorities of the region had been summoned by the representative of his town they wanted to apprehend him for the murder he committed by accident .He felt his entire world crumbled before him so he decided to try and escape town in fact this way of life that was going to be taken from him. In the rush of the moment he ended feeling the same way he did before but tried to control it a bit he imagined and managed a diversion for him to run his nearest exit led to the wild they wanted to follow him but they ended up arresting his parents and this was the last he saw of them as ran and ran as far as he could to see if he could start his adventure at the age of 15 but instead he found something that he couldn't believe.

after running without stop for 10 days he felt a presence on the land ,he could sense it was old much older that anything he had ever sensed on his life , it was calling out to him so followed the presence call for 1 day and found it was an elder ent , it said it was a caretaker of the earth and of the last of his order. Which it did not made sense for Shem because he had read that the ents tend the forest, not the earth.But,this elder ent explained him that the earth gave life to the forest and all other living things on Myra, with this the ent explained him that he felt Shem's earth magic and sought to look for him, to the ents surprise it was a beastborne, something that hadn't happened in a long time on this region hence the ents attraction to this earth magician. So he offered Shem to give him knowledge of the ancient ways of earth casting for as long as he lived, which happened to be 5 years max, Shem delighted could see a course here learn from the ent then set out after his dream and explore the land.

And so 5 years passed and at the grave of his master ent, or at least Shem called him like that, he said farewell to the being that saved him on his most desperate time and brought peace to his life.With this he would start his chase after his dream by going to Naturos region Capital and try to leave the land to see what awaited him on Myra.

Additional personality trait: Shem is a very peaceful person and calm person. Always trying to see the right from wrong in people, he's quite perceptive and is quite smart. His wild instincts allow him to be able to sense danger around him, even so he's still very cautious due to the fact that he killed someone by accident 5 years ago and he can't get over that so easily. He always tries to be very helpful to those in need.
And so 5 years passed and at the grave of his master ent, or at least Shem called him like that, he said farewell to the being that saved him on his most desperate time and brought peace to his life.But even if 5 years was alot for Shem for his master ent was like nothing, so Shem could only master the basics ande managed some info on the ancient earth magics his master ent so eagerly spoke about, the one thing his master ent magnaged to le him know well was that those cannot be used feeling an emotional outburst because of the consequences this magics brought can be very severe .With the mastery on basics and the little knowledge he had on some of the ancient erath magics he would start his chase after his dream by going to Naturos region Capital and try to leave the land to see what awaited him on Myra.

(Changed the last parragraph on the background story please reply D:)

Naula Lave



Birth place:

Naturos Region






Mana Core Type:

Mana core




Carries two large wooden spears on her back. Both about three and a half feet long, and wrapped in vines.


Naula was raised by two happy parents, both with the will of making sure she felt as comfortable as she could in a world where she wasn't like the other. Surrounded by humans and other things she always felt to different from everyone else, hence her shy in nature kind of thing. She was taught to fight and kill her own food, as well as how to survive by herself if anything were to happen.







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So guys! here's my form (please don't slap me >.<)

Name: Ferena Skai

Age: 17

Place of Birth or Origin: Naturos Region

Race: Elf

Appearance: (ignore the my melody)


Gender: Female

Mana Core type: Multi Core

Mana Core element(s): Nature and a little bit of Lightning

Weapon: (ignore the words there <.<) weapon name "Roen"


A Background on your Character:

---> Ferena a very skilled Elf. Mastering swordsmanship and a little bit of archery. She's a spoiled brat and can be annoying, But when in battle she looks magnificent and slips through attacks with her flexibility. As an Elf, being surrounded by humans and huge monsters doesn't scare her in fact she builds up confidence when near them. Most of the Elves in Naturos like her(and some humans), though she doesn't really care ( xD ). Lastly she is bad with maps and scared from centipedes...

---> She was once abandoned by her real parents...but a Kind Human adopted her and taught her skills that

she can use when she grows up, that's why she likes humans...Many years pass and she bids farewell to her Guardian. Ferena received a ticket for Stargazer Arc from him and was told to enjoy before going to Naturos Region. (but there's more :3)

Additional Personality and Traits:

---> Again...Childish, Annoying, and airhead<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/photo.JPG.aba5eff2824b5b881381ccac1b29db14.JPG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26020" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/photo.JPG.aba5eff2824b5b881381ccac1b29db14.JPG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/blade.JPG.d75576d9c0d01809e961a025cf774449.JPG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26021" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/blade.JPG.d75576d9c0d01809e961a025cf774449.JPG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Magnus Samule Bleackrain

Age: 19

Place of Birth or Origin: Manatus reagion

Race: Magi

(If Possible)Apperance:


Gender: Male

Mana Core type: Multi Core

Mana Core element(s): Light, Dark, Pure Mana

Weapon: A single Short Steel sword

A Background on your Character: Magnus didn't know he was a Magi at first. He started off as a peasant in Manatus He worked at his farther's baker of course they were both Magi but they decided to live human lives instead of become Mages. Magnus could always feel he was special his mother always told him that. So one day when he was 6 he begun to go up towards the citadel. . This is where he met one of the sages Claria. He did admire the sage but the sage told him he was only a young magi and didn't awaken his power's yet one day he will join the ages and be powerful then anyone can imagine. Soon the years gone by and when he was 11 he released he had mana task's suddenly got more easier and easier but he would need more then magic to survive the world. So he got himself a nice single handed sword and practiced with it everyday. On his 13th birthday his parent's gave him something that will change his life forever A multi core. It was originally his mother's but decided to leave it since she wanted a normal life with his farther. Now Magnus was set he walked up towards the citadel and of course he met Sage Claria. The sage was happy to see him and wondered what he was capable off so he trained with a Arch Magus the first magic he was tought Was Pure Mana. The training wasn't easy long gulling training was required holding his Multi core even though he wasn't accepted. He kept the ball for 5 month's until it was the size of a ball. He continued to train until he was able to cast tear one spell's that used pure mana. Next since he had a muti core. He was allowed to learn two other element's. He begun to know Light and dark magic.and by the time he was 15 he learnt tear one light and dark magic. By the time he was 19 he was on the brink of tear two mana. But thanks to the portal his training was put to a halt because of the magi researching the portal. Now it's Magnus's turn to have a adventure of a life time and use his magic for good or maybe his dark magic could be more useful on the other side.

Additional Personality and Traits: Magnus dose consider himself proud full since he was one of the magi that can learn Holy and Dark magic. Sometimes his pride get's in the way from his other quality's. He can be a nice person once you get to know him he dose help people in need even help's them with there magic if thay simply ask. He always ask's if he can do something as his farther always told him if you want to do something ask first. Other then that he is just your general nice guy who has a stick a bit to fare in his own pride.

A Myrian Academy Life
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