† Sathel Veil †
† Shadowed Rouge †
Health: 13/13
Sin: 0/0
Virtue: 25/25
Damage: 4 (3 + 1)
Sathel hadn't really been looking for anything while she heard the other fighting. She simply shook her head at their snapping and when she heard the brushes rustle she looked over at them...
† Sathel Veil †
† Shadowed Rouge †
Health: 13/13
Sin: 0/0
Virtue: 25/25
Damage: 4 (3 + 1)
So much for that plan. Looks like they'd be walking for a while. She continued to pick at the gem as she listened to the steamed up Ebon. He had a point. They couldn't just wonder around...
† Sathel Veil †
† Shadowed Rouge †
Health: 13/13
Sin: 0/0
Virtue: 25/25
Damage: 4 (3 + 1)
Sathel didn't want to go to the festival when she got up that morning. She took care of her aunt when she woke up in the morning the women recently becoming sick. Later that day when Emma...
okay, sense my character use to have a thing for tricking people when she was younger maybe he could have been the one to teach her a few things... or maybe they spent some time messing around while her father and brothers were out hunting or when she moved in with her aunt- just suggestions :)...
Well... I have a few different ideas due to how drama filled my last rps was... Maybe they could be old friends, sweethearts, enemies or maybe they could have trained together for some time... I have quite a few ideas starting from pledges to death threats :tongue: but what concept do you want...
Okay :) I'll start making my character after school as soon as I can- sorry I'm a little late... my holiday weekend dragged on a little too long :tongue:
Grey~ I've actually been looking in to that xD It looks really cool from my POV
Alexandra~ kay xP I'm really just afraid of jumping in to an rp right now because I'm use to rpg's like WoW so I don't know how different the act will be apart from that- I don't want to look stupid.... :tongue:
Alexandra~ Like I told Grey I'm more in to fantacy and sc-fi story lines... I'll try horror. from time to time but I can't promise I'm any good at it :tongue:
Wolf~ I like to talk in third person when I'm role playing xD but I haven't really been on a lot lately to get in to any groups or...
My favorite genres would have to be fantasy and sci-fi- something that doesn't really pertain to real life drama... I'm not very funny so I gave up on the comedy and I tried horror but I'm apparently not very scary either :tongue: I actually found the website because I was looking for a sort of...
Hey guys, I'm new and a little lost... I've been looking for a new RP website for a while and now that I've found one I've been trying to figure out how to get around and learn the tweaks in the system.... could take a while on my own so I was hoping for a little help...