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  1. Jessie Byrd

    Chronicles of Pangaea Roleplay

    “Well, for the most part, these people are already gone. I’m not sure about the rights here, I’ve never been to a funeral, but I suppose burn them. Nothing can be helped for them now.” She proceeded to create a kind of yellow flame from her arms, almost like wings. She folded the “wings” on top...
  2. Jessie Byrd

    Chronicles of Pangaea Roleplay

    “Oh! Yes! Of course, kind lady. We shall depart right this second. I apologize. Even though I look like a young lady, I am filled with an elderly lady’s mentality. I find myself rambling on and on.. Oh my, here I go again. Ok, then. Off we go.” Grabbing her satchel, and picking up a couple more...
  3. Jessie Byrd

    Chronicles of Pangaea Roleplay

    Adara sighed. She felt spent, not only for her return to that awful time in her memories, but for her new friend. She sounds so sad. Maybe I will be her godsend as much as she is mine. “Well, Raffie, all of this time I‘ve been in this village, they‘ve accepted my kind, even if the abbey doesn‘t...
  4. Jessie Byrd

    Chronicles of Pangaea Roleplay

    "Oh dear sweet angel, my life is a sore, one I wish could be taken from me." Adara swallowed her last bite of bread with the lump in her throat, for this was the question that she was hoping she wouldn't have to answer. "At first, I adored it. I felt like no one could hurt me, and that I...
  5. Jessie Byrd

    Chronicles of Pangaea Roleplay

    Adara felt herself smile, a welcome deterrence from the pain of yesterday. "Oh no, Ms Raffie. I simply am a lone magician in a world of realists. Oh, and you don't have to keep checking over your shoulder. As long as you're with me, you're safe. The woods do hold dangers, my friend, but they...
  6. Jessie Byrd

    The New Dark Ages: A future RP

    SIGN UPS!! GO HERE!!!)?p=102660#post102660 The only rules are::::: No God moding, except if you're god moding a cannibal. At least a paragraph, if you can't, we'll understand. Just don't do it...
  7. Jessie Byrd

    The New Dark Ages: A future RP (OOC and sign ups!!)

    Setting: The year is 5020, and the world has reverted to early, primitive civilizations. Most people live in complex treehouses, while others will live in villages. Everyone has the same race, now called Kins, and the Kin people live in a world of turmoil. Hardly no food, hardly no water, and...
  8. Jessie Byrd

    Chronicles of Pangaea Roleplay

    Adara stared. Obviously this was an Angel, no doubt about it. It's the face. They think we humans that CAN see them, see the wings. But her face was just too perfect, too fragile, and such a beautiful thing to look upon. Shaking her head slightly, she smiled at the girl. "Well, see, I have lived...
  9. Jessie Byrd

    Chronicles of Pangaea Roleplay

    Adara began her day, like everyday, with the resuscitation of her energy. Technically, as a hedge wizard, she wasn’t supposed to know how to heal herself. It was this kind of power she’d grown to know, over 300 years of being alive, that she knew she’d have to answer for one day. Pulling on her...
  10. Jessie Byrd

    Chronicles of Pangaea

    Human character form - Name: Adara McGriffin (Addie) Age: 301 Gender: Female Occupation: Wizard (Priestess) Weapon of choice: Books Power of Choice: Healing/Hedge magic (simple potions) Personality: Wise when serious, sarcastic every other opportunity. Training under a highly...
  11. Jessie Byrd

    What are your favorite types of roleplays?

    Basically anything that's interesting, fantasy, but has a human element to it. If it's too much into a back story, it gets boring. I want something in the now.