Chronicles of Pangaea Roleplay

It was the crack of dawn over the land of Pangaea, and the crack of dawn usually meant morning chores for those at the abbey. Mana sat up from her modest bed in her modest room, after all, the sisters of the abbey did not believe in worldly possessions. And so the women of the abbey only kept what was necessary to survive. Mana threw open the curtains and allowed the sun to shine through. She smiled as she stared out the window. She was thankful that she was able to be given a room right next to the gardens. She loved to spend time with the many plants and animals that lived there. But unfortunately, it wasn't her week to tend to the gardens. No, this week her chores would be to clean the contents within the abbey.

Mana changed from her nightgown into her cleaning outfit. While the women in the abbey had strict regards for modesty, however, cleaning outfits were a little shorter so that it was easier to clean with. After brushing her teeth and washing her face, Mana grabbed a scrub brush and a bucket. She filled the bucket with hot water and soap and strolled into the hallways. She greeted those who passed her before arriving in the office room of the head of the abbey. She gave a formal curtsy. "Good morning Reverend Mother." She greeted happily. "Where would you like me to start?"

The aging woman also curtsied and smiled a bit. "Ah, Sister Mana... Here is your chore list." The woman then handed Mana a piece of paper. On it, listed her morning chores. Mana curtsied again before scurrying off to finish the chores. She only had a few hours before afternoon prayer. If she was late again, she would surely be punished.


Observing the abbey from afar, a Demon watched the women in the garden who were tending to it. He sighed with boredom, but unfortunately his boss told him to wait and watch. He had coal black hair with pale skin. He was very tall with black angel-like wings, and his right glowed red, while his left eye was an icy blue. He groaned to a fellow demon beside him. "They put a spiritual barrier up, what's the point of waiting and watching if we can't even get through?" The demon beside him shrugged. "What a drag..." The black-haired Demon murmured.
Rosa stood on the outskirts of town, beside her Thorn waited patiently for her to make a decision. The black stallion knew to cherish a moment like this because it anytime his Mistress made have them running again. Villagers didn’t appreciate demons and Rosa had been branded as one. A large was burned into her hands and if she ever took off her gloves they kicked her out. She never put up a fight knowing, humans were fragile creatures who had every right to fear her kind. It didn’t matter to them that she was half human the same way it didn’t matter to angels that she wanted to side with them, she was still a demon.

“Come on boy, lets give it a shot,” she whispered. Before mounting she pulled the green skirts and cream petticoats from her bag and laced them on over her riding pants. She needed to blend in as much as possible. She also tugged on a pair of brown riding gloves to hide the ugly brand upon her hand. Then she and Thorn set off towards the village. Every passing animal tried to push its thoughts into her mind but Rosa resisted with the help of Thorn. The stallion and her kept up a silent dialogue while they moved so her mind was not so vulnerable.

The town was alive with activity, humans, demons and angels all moved about but it was hard to tell one from the other. You could just sense their presence but to pick one out from the group was difficult.
Holly stretched as she got out of her bed. She lived by herself, though close to her family. It was when she began an "offical" warrior that she decided she wanted to live on her own. If she could fight then she could take care of her own self.

The house was small, with few rooms. A bedroom, a kitchen, a bathroom and a small living room type of room. Nothing else. Holly put on some clothes, a lilac color, something Holly had taken to wear a lot. She strapped on her sword as well. She was never without it now-a-days. She felt naked without it and only removed it when necessary. It was always by her bed as well or nearby so if she needed it, she could use it.

After a quick breakfast of fruit and cider, Holly exited her small home and headed into town.
After morning chores had been finished, and after her afternoon prayers were done, Mana decided it was time to head out to the village, but not before preforming a solemn prayer to create a barrier around her that would protect her from malicious spirits. Running out of the abbey and towards the town below the hill, Mana looked behind her, getting the feeling something was following her.


"WATCH OUT!" A voice suddenly called out. "Ahhhh!" The next thing anyone knew, something had crashed into poor Rosa. "Oof!" Groaning and sitting up, a figure rubbed her head in pain. "That hurt..." She then stood up and realized the mess she caused and began to pick up anything dropped from the ground. "S-sorry!" A young Angel apologized, holding out a hand to the Nephilim, while holding her things in the other arm. "I'm still getting used to my new wings." The girl had pinkish wavy hair with purple hues and blue eyes. She wore a short green dress with a hat to match. "Oh, you're a Nephilim... I have yet to meet one!" She gave an excited smile.
Bret had awoken early, he knew that Holly trained early and he needed to get out of the house in time to meet her. He tried not to crowd but just stayed in her general vicinity in case she needed him. With a grunt he stretched his wings out behind him before he tucked them away and pulled a shirt on. It was a creamy white and the pants were a rich brown. Next came the brown boots that came up to his knees.

He moved on into his kitchen and grabbed an apple and his sword before heading out the door. Bret began to get into the mindset of a Guardian Angel thinking of all the ways he can watch out for Holly without getting too far into her business. She needed to be able to make her own mistakes without him correcting or protecting her every move.

Rosa and Thorn were both broken from their inner dialogue by the sudden crash landing of a peppy angel. Her stallion skittered to the side in shock but regained his footing while Rosa cooed to him. He slowly walked over to the angel whose bright clothing spooked him even further his nose close to the ground. Rosa watched the angel right herself and waited patiently to see if she needed any help. “It is fine; I understand that wings can be a bit troublesome. Yes I am in fact a Nephilim, I am really not all that exciting,” she replied surprised by the angel’s warm smile. She ran a hand down her Friesian’s long neck twisting her fingers into his mane. Was this girl going to blow her cover before she even entered the town.
"Sorry about your horse. I didn't mean to spook him." Viola rubbed the back of her neck and gave an embarrassed giggle. "Listen, are you heading into town? Other Demons and Angels could probably spot you a mile away. Humans would be oblivious, though. If I go with you, they'd think the spiritual presence was me, and not you." She patted off her clothes before crossing her arms. She was eager to help anyone out in any way she could, even of that person was a Nephilim. Her first duty as an Angel in the field, well she still didn't exactly know what to do. But she figured this was a start.
As Holly made her way to her practice field she felt a familiar presence. It had not always been there, not until she fully declared herself a warrior. But she liked it. It made her From what she knew it was most likely a Guardian Angel, her own persumably. She liked that idea and wondered what they were like. She had yet to meet her own, if it was true. Still she was sure she'd find out eventually.

She finally got there and drew her sword from it's sheath. She always felt complete when she drew her sword. It felt like it was apart of her own being now. She took a deep breath and then she drew it across in a slash slowly. She went through various forms, breathing slowly and moving slowly, getting her muscles ready to do more swordplay. It was her form of stretching and it had worked.
Rosa shook her head, “Its fine and thanks for the offer but I can deal with the angels and demons. My main goal is to blend in with the humans; as long as they don’t know me they accept me. Angels and demons on the other hand, well let’s just say I don’t trouble myself with them,” she said bluntly before realizing her words were a bit harsh. “I didn’t mean to say that all angels and demons are rude and exclusive, you are a perfect example of how false that idea is but you are the exception to the rule,” sighing she gathered the reins in her hand. She was a brutally honest…person? That was not technically the correct word for it but Nephilim was a mouth full.
Viola gave a bit of an awkward smile. "Don't worry about it... I know some Angels are a little more strict about that sort of thing..." The angel then kicked the dirt a bit with her heel. "I'll see ya around sometime. I gotta keep practicing." With a wave, she jumped into the air and began flying in circles.
Helil moved around the rooftops, looking down at the humans below. He could see a few of his other Angel brethen, but he paid them no attention. He let himself extend outward, reaching to see if any demons had made it into town. He felt an area of their presence but it seemed away and not in town. Helil drew back in, frowning. Were demons nearby? That was not a good thing. Yes they had not come in, but who knew it they may try.

He jumped off the roof, landing in a garden near an abbey. One of the sisters there made a little scream but calmed down.

Rosa watched the angel flit away in a swirl of a dust that she had kicked up, “Good luck,” she whispered enviously. She longed for such an opportunity to be a part of something, to have an opportunity to work toward something you were destined to do but knew she would never have it since she was a ‘tweener. She was between worlds and accepted by none.

Thorn padded into the village with ease, his magnificent aura drawing the attention of some. They stopped before the church, Rosa surprisingly could enter and she actually enjoyed attending a chapel service or two but more quickly noticed her as different. She always omitted this weird vibe that she could not control in a church. It pushed humans away and they feared her. Soon after that they tended to discover her lineage.
Inside there was a crash, and poor Talia would be sitting on the ground where she fell one of the larger vases in pieces around her. The child in her innocent curiosity had stood on tippy toes and tilted the large vase to look inside. Of course not realizing how heavy it actually was, fell back vase and all crashing to the ground. Now she looked around confused and worried. She had done it again; this wasn’t the first thing she broke. In fact it was along a long line of many.

Scratching her head as she glanced around the floor, only shattered pieces of glass and she laid there. So . . . they kept big vases around to hold nothing? That made no sense and seemed like a big waste of space in her eyes. It was getting to where she was becoming more trouble to the abbey than help though . . . her curiosity always getting her into some bind. The others would gladly keep her if it wasn’t for all the questions she asked about their beliefs, or how she seemed to seek answer to such weird things like this on her own.

Placing her hands down to help push herself up she would wince and instead lift her left hand to her face. Foolishly she didn’t think to look where she placed her bare palms and had cut one on the glass. Now what was she to do? She couldn’t just sit there a mess till someone else found and helped her could she? Allowing worry to set in she placed her bleeding palm to her lips to suck on it slightly not liking the taste of the blood persay just figuring it would help keep her from bleeding all over the place. That and it also helped with the pain a bit.
Tsukiyomi moved almost silently among the humans. He gave off a very mixed aura to them. Some looked at him others just move along as they were. He looked up and saw angels flying over head. 'Do they know I am here?' he thought to himself. He continued to walk. He looked up and saw Helil on a roof. 'damn' he thought.
The demon behind the bushes of the abbey, Benjamin, scowl. "Crap, we gotta go..." he said to his partner, about to sneak away. The last thing he would want is to mess with a powerful Angel. Of course, he wanted to prevent being in the presence of any angel. They were the true evil ones, in the eyes of a demon at least.
Averery woke up from his bed sighing as he rubbed his across his face in an attempt to wake up. He was still slightly sore from yesterdays attempt at a higher lightning spell and wished he could just lay in for the day. He got up from his bed yawning as he made his way to the bathroom that was provided performing at least his daily rituals of cleaning himself and managing his hair for his trip out. He out the last of his clothes on as he walked outside temporary blinded by the sun before putting his hood on. He half glared, half glanced over to the abbey wondering what life would have been like if he never realized how fun and powerful it was to be a warlock.
After fetching a few much needed groceries, Mana began her trek back to the abbey. The prayer shield she had conjured up worked, and the demons fleed when she came near. However, prayer shields were unpredictable. They could dissipate at any point in time, and most of the time they wouldn't protect against possessed Humans, and some demons were able to get by her. But today Mana was lucky enough to go to and from town safely. She looked at the humble abbey and smiled, glad she was back to her safe haven. However, she noticed an angel landing in the garden, and two demons sneaking away. Well, if an angel was around, she wouldn't have to worry about those demons, right?
Helil looked towards where the demons were sneaking off, but the presence of a human stopped him from following like he should. She seem to be young, but to Helil all humans were young. He only appeared to be young to them, but he wasn't really.

She was pretty too and she must be one of the people living at the abbey.

"Human girl." He nodded in her direction and looked to where he could sense the presence of demons, beginning to fade as they moved. He had to go if he wished to do anything, but he looked back at Mana. "You best go. If demons were here, you might be in danger." He waited, wanting her to do as he said.
Marella watched as two demons scuttled out of the alley way surrounding the church, they were obviously disgruntled by something however she was unsure of what. She steadied Thorn with soothing thoughts as he flattened his ears at the full blooded demons. Despite the demon blood in her the stallion still trusted Marella, it was most likely because of her gift and ability to speak with him but she also was part human which seemed to override his fear. She ran a hand down his neck still inspecting the beautiful sanctuary before her. She urged him a few steps forward to the building so she could get a better look, as she got closer her she felt herself become invisible. By entering the sanctuary of a church she really became meaningless and thus humans could see her but they never really noticed her, it was a defense mechanism to keep them pure.
"Raphaella, is our world really going to split apart?" The child-angel wandered up to Raphaella, who was kneeling beneath a tree, reading some scrolls sent to her from the council. The girl frowned, sat down, and rested her head on Raphaella's arm. "That's what Mia said today."

Raphaella smiled, amused that the child had not a clue that she had interrupted the elder's work. "It's just a legend, sweet thing, so don't worry your pretty little head about it."

"Oh, okay," the child said. She thought about it for a moment. "The demons wouldn't ever be able to split the world, would they?"

"Perhaps, I suppose a great many of them could, over many lifetimes. The same could be said of angels. But why would anyone do that?"

"I don't know," replied the child.

"Exactly. So, why put in all that effort?" Raphaella asked rhetorically. The child hmm'ed at that, and sat beside Raphaella a few minutes more, telling the elder what she's learned in class. This little one was going to be a Seraphim when she finished school. Then, seeing her friend pass by, she hopped up and scampered away.

"That one likes you," a voice behind Raphaella commented.

"Yes," she replied calmly, rolling up the last scroll. "It's a nice change. Usually the young ones are terrified I'm going to send them to Hell for being naughty. Yet I adore them so because they so easy to understand, I never have to feel for whether they are lying or telling the truth."

The other angel chuckled, still standing behind Raphaella, "Yes, I'm sure that many do not envy your position."

"And it seems that they will have even less to covet, now that I'm to be a Watcher," Raphaella replied frostily as she put the scrolls in her satchel and slung the bag over her shoulder before standing up, and turning towards the other angel.

"You disagree with your purpose?" The angel asked, his eyebrows raised in surprise, questioning Raphaella's countenance rather than her opinion.

"No," Raphaella replied evenly. "I understand that I am qualified in all aspects, except that I have not been to Earth for centuries."

"Then, this is a good opportunity for you to remember whom angels protect," the other replied rather sharply, lightly chastising Raphaella for her conduct. Then, he softened, bringing his hand to Raphaella's cheek in a show of rare tenderness. "I know you will do well."

Raphaella bowed her head in thanks, his hand still upon her cheek. "I wlll pack my things, and go directly."

The other angel lightly kissed her forehead in blessing, and began to walk away, he was about to take wing when he turned about, and added, "Raphaella? Don't forget to bring your weapon."


Her satchel contained an ample coin purse, and a few long, grecian dresses, and some black leather gloves. On her person, she donned a white cape, which slid down her spine, but was large enough to cover her wings in its folds should it rain, a blue-green dress in the same style as the others, a belt made of a lengthy rope, metal plates that encircled her forearms. She slid the two-headed morning star into her belt, ensuring that the spiked spheres where tightly encased in their leather pouches.

Then, she walked out of town towards the meadow in which she had been studying the scrolls, and felt for a rift between the two worlds.The rift felt like a space without gravity, without air. But it lasted for less than a second, and then she was on Earth.

She looked around. The sky seemed less bright, the grass less green, and the village more crude, but these were small differences compared to Heaven and Hell.

Taking a deep breath of air that felt less crisp, she walked towards the Abbey.
A loud yell, a girlish scream streaked across the sky as something flying through the air whipped over the abbey. It landed harshly within the garden, ruining some perfectly good flowerbeds. The poor angel's head and shoulders were burried in dirt, while her bum was high into the air. She struggled to remove herself from the earth.

Mana watched as the angel flew and crash-landed. At first, she was so stunned at the event, she completely forgot about the demons she saw, and Helil, the angel before her. She slowly walked near, but kept her distance, fearing it could be a powerful demon of some sort.
Adara began her day, like everyday, with the resuscitation of her energy. Technically, as a hedge wizard, she wasn’t supposed to know how to heal herself. It was this kind of power she’d grown to know, over 300 years of being alive, that she knew she’d have to answer for one day. Pulling on her favorite sheer tunic and her torn but reliable stockings, she decided to stare at herself in the mirror to examine the damage. Last night, there had been three large bears that had come to the conclusion that her house, her poor little shack in the middle of the woods, were perfect for them to sleep in. She, on the other hand, politely disagreed, causing the oldest of the three to put up a fight for the house. The results of the victory on Adara’s side included one broken arm, a broken rib, and too many scars to count. “Stupid ‘never use magic against animals’ law..” she muttered. “They aren’t dumb.. They know exactly what they’re doing.” Creating a gooey spell between her hands, she rubbed her ribs and arm, creating a perfect heal. The scars will disappear in time, she thought. Because of her immortality, superficial wounds heal themselves, but broken limbs? That’s a magic problem.

After she was healed, she stared at herself again, but this time in a different manner. A more, malicious, manner. “I wish it would have killed me. At least then, I’d finally be dead.” Running her hands over her perpetually thirty year old body, she knew death would be her only reprieve. To die? It’s the only thing that matters anymore. With no one coming by in the last three months, she’d started to feel the rub of no food, or any new books. “Alright. It’s time.” She put all of her belongings in a satchel, and pulled on her hiking boots. “Where’s my-- oh, there it is!” Knocking over a stack of books, she hauled out her hiking jacket, a long, purple, velvet robe, with a fire resistant underside, in case she needed it. “Well, here we go. God, I hate going to town.” Walking out the door, she twirled her hands around each other three times, thus making her home invisible. “Good.” She then turned, and headed into town for food and maybe, just maybe, a couple of intriguing young men.
Raphaella was starting to get nicks and scratches on her bare feet. In the Heaven, everyone walked around in bare feet, since the grass and dirt roads were soft and well maintained. In this world, there were so many twigs and sharps pebbles underfoot that her feet were starting to bleed- another phenomenon she had not experienced in a while. She grimaced, and surveyed her surroundings, and, there! In a few hundred yards in the distance, she could just make out someone emerging from the forest.

Her curiosity was peaked, and clenching her teeth, she broke into a run and jumped into the air, flapping her wings to gain altitude and distance. In a minute, she had caught up to the creature. Spiraling high over head, though far enough behind that the creature wouldn't see her shadow, Raphaella observed the woman in a purple robe and sturdy jacket. She seemed to be walking a little stiffly, though she clearly intended on going to the village. She must be a local, for she had no horse or wings, thus, presumably no way to travel great distances with ease. Additionally, her appearance was tidy and clean, not disheveled as people often are over long journeys. Determining that the woman was probably not a demon, Raphaella dove head first, breaking about ten feet above the ground before floating gently onto the grass, a few feet behind the woman.

She smoothed out her dress and wrapped the chains of the morning stars around the staff and slid her weapon to behind her back. Then, puling up her dress with her hands to keep her bloody feet from tripping, she ran the rest of the way to meet with the stranger.

"Excuse me," Raphaella spoke when she had caught up, trying to maintain an air of calm, even though the day was not ending as she had expected, "Do you know the fastest way to get to the abbey? Or the nearest shoe maker?"
Adara stared. Obviously this was an Angel, no doubt about it. It's the face. They think we humans that CAN see them, see the wings. But her face was just too perfect, too fragile, and such a beautiful thing to look upon. Shaking her head slightly, she smiled at the girl. "Well, see, I have lived off the land for.. quite awhile now. I am actually in need of bear repellant and to actually stock up on provisions, since food is becoming scarce now. Young lady, you can certainly accompany me to town, though. I could benefit from a friendly companion on my journey." Laying her bag down and wiping her hand on her jacket, she extended the same hand towards the traveler. "Hi, I'm Addie. I live in these woods, and I know all of their secrets. I am also obliged to tell you I'm a Priestess, in case you may not appreciate the magic that will also be our guest on this endeavor. So, if that's fine for you, let's be on our way." Turning, she quietly cursed under her breath and turned with a look of kindness on her face. "Also, I'm sure you wouldn't mind this..." She quickly bent down and twisted her hands around her head, slammed them down to the earth, and took some grass in her hand. She then proceeded to sprinkle them on her companion's feet. They instantly healed, leaving no mess or scars. She then swiftly pulled out from her bag an extra pair of leather moccasins. Mumbling a few words, she made the shoes the girl's size, and slipped them on. "Now, I'm sure that feels much better. Oh, how rude and terribly rambling of me. What's your name, my dear?"
In the moment that the woman stared at Raphaella, the angel knew she’d taken a small misstep. She took a quick glance over her shoulder- yes, her wings were still there…yet…

The uncertainty of her situation heightened her truthsense, and Raphaella attuned herself to the woman as she spoke, observing the priestess with dark blue eyes that betrayed very little. The priestess did not lie, only spoke in the near-truths in which strangers often speak, so that did not arouse Raphaella’s suspicion. But there was something strange in the way that she addressed Raphaella...
What do you think I am, Addie? Can you not see my wings? Raphaella wondered. I do not look much younger than you, do I? Yet, for what reason should Addie disguise her thoughts, when there was no one but themselves nearby? There was also something in the cheerfulness of Addie’s address…

The angel blinked in shock at Addie's display of power. Shel knelt down to examine her feet, which were now warm and comfortable inside the moccasins. “You’re very talented,” the angel remarked quietly, more to herself than the other woman. Although she was grateful to have her feet healed and to be given footwear, she couldn’t help but feel that Addie had intended to demonstrate her capabilities to Raphaella. To whip up two effective spells in mere seconds spoke to a high magical ability and skill. Then, looking the priestess in the eye, Raphaella continued, “Thank you. I’ll return these moccasins to you once I have found shoes of my own.”

As she helped Addie to her feet, Raphaella realized belatedly that Addie had hardly seemed surprised to find herself beset by a shoeless woman looking for directions. So, either Addie was used to the unexpected, or had realized what kind of creature pops out of nowhere looking for shoes. Perhaps a bit of both.

“My name is-“ Addie. Addie was likely a shortened version of a name. Was that the style, now? Should she adopt it? “Raffie.” Dear Heaven, it sounded so ridiculous coming from her lips. “Or, Raphaella, if you like.”
I am an angel. Raphaella followed Addie's lead and did not remark upon her species. Perhaps it was better not to mention the differences between them just yet.

She took her first steps in the moccasins, in the direction of the village, surprised at how soft the ground seemed now that her feet were protected. She “You are clearly a highly adept priestess,” Raphaella remarked. “Are you affiliated with the Abbey in this village?”

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