Chronicles of Pangaea Roleplay

Helil felt a little bit stupid for not knowing that, but then again he didn't pay much attention to humans and where they lived. He nodded, taking in what she told him. He wondered if this was the reason for how she was. That she never grew up under parents, but he could not be sure. He was an angel and he lived differently from humans.

"Will you go then?" Helil wanted to know if Talia actually wanted to leave the abbey. He was sure that eventually she might be forced out, but he wasn't sure if that was the case now. "Where will you go if you leave?"

Helil smiled a little at her offer and he shook his head. "We can eat and drink, but we do not need it. But I am fine Talia. Thank you."

Holly was right away embarrassed by Bret's offer to carry her. She had never been carried before and she didn't like the idea of being carried either, especially by a stranger. How could she be sure she could trust him? But it was like he had read his mind and Holly licked her lips, knowing she had to say yes. She had to get her ankle checked out and he did offer her a way to feel safe. She nodded, deciding to go with it. She just hoped she didn't hurt him by accident.

"Oh...okay," Holly said, preparing herself to be lifted, knowing it was going to be embarrassing.

Talia glanced to him surprised when he asked if she would leave, smiling softly at the thought alone. “I want too, I want to learn about the world, see it all for myself. I’m just . . . afraid. I haven’t known anything but the walls and garden’s here, at most the village surrounding.” She laughed when he asked where she would go when she left. “Anywhere, and everywhere.”

She tried to look him in the eyes and without even thinking take his hands within hers if she could. “How does one live on their own? Traveling? Having nothing for a roof but the stars?” She was a dreamer, not able to see the real dangers outside of maybe some of the unknown. When he turned down the snacks and drink she merely smiled and nodded. “Maybe next time, who know, maybe next time if you visit I’d have fixed something nice just for you.”

Helil was startled by the physical contact but he made no move to pull his hand away nor move away from the human girl. He found himself fascinated by her personality. By her dreamer-like wonder. Her naivety. It was so rare he came across someone like her. Old enough to have known better, yet so unknowable about the world. He thought about it wondering if this was something like a test.

"I could show you Talia," he told her, his voice both friendly but stern. "But only if you promise to do as I say. You deserve to see your world and to know it first hand. It is my job now to protect you. I assure you I may not be the best travelling companion but I will keep you safe - even when you will not want me to."

Helil smiled a little at her. "What do you say?"
Bret could still feel her unease but at least she had consented to his help. "Just do me a favor and put your arm around me and I will lift you. One hand will go under your knees the other around your back. Then you will have to point me in the direction of the medical tent for I am lost," he said with an apologetic smile. He took a step towards Holly and opened his arms allowing her to make the first move and thus was not forceful with her.

Talia’s eyes widen with surprise and excitement when the angel spoke of showing her the world. It made her heart skip a bit even. Were they always this wonderful; always so kind and willing? At a thought she bit her lower lip and pulled back and away. He probably had so much he needed to do, and here . . . here she would be . . . “I don’t want to be a burden.” She spoke her thoughts as soon as they came to mind. “I want to go, I’ll do anything, give anything to you to go. I’ll promise and do whatever you wish just . . . promise me you won’t let me become a burden alright? That . . . somehow you will find a way for me to repay you for this overly generous gift.”

She couldn’t help but smile though, so much it even hurt her. She had never felt so happy before. “I want to go!” She said excitedly stepping towards him again. “Is this what they call a pilgrimage? Going places with an angel? I mean I know it’s usually going to holy places but . . .” a small laugh left her lips and her thoughts ran wild on her. “We’re going to do some good in this world aren’t we? You always do good, and if I’m with you, that means I . . . I get to do good as well. To help better everyone and everything and just make them more happy right?”

There was a warm wetness to her cheek, and slowly her hand reached up to touch it only to laugh a bit. She was crying . . . she had no need to cry. How could one cry and be so happy at the same time? She glanced back and around the abbey some. Was it because she was going to miss this place? That made no sense; she knew she always had a home here in ways. Ignoring her tears of happiness she merely turned to look back at Helil. “I guess . . . I should go pack then, and say good bye to everyone. Oh they will never believe me that I’m going to go travel with an angel.”


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