Chronicles of Pangaea Roleplay

Adara felt herself smile, a welcome deterrence from the pain of yesterday. "Oh no, Ms Raffie. I simply am a lone magician in a world of realists. Oh, and you don't have to keep checking over your shoulder. As long as you're with me, you're safe. The woods do hold dangers, my friend, but they know who not to meddle with." Seizing this opportunity to point it out, she added, "I'm not really all I seem, by the way. See, I'm immortal. A curse of a potion, I'm afraid. And yes, I can tell you're an Angel, but don't worry. I know what to keep to myself, since I've been on this Earth for 300 years. You kind of come to recognize the world around you when you've seen as much of it as I, but," she chuckled, "I suppose you have. Now, that little bit of magic sort of hindered me for a minute. May I rest?" Pulling out a little bit of cheese and bread, she held some out for Raphaella. "Always come prepared for these journeys a little too much," she said jovially, putting a hand on her slight tummy. "Here. Eat. You need to keep up strength."
"I've only just stepped into this realm after staying in my own for a few centuries," Raphaella replied ruefully, "So I have very little experience with Earth's workings in today's age. Thank you- again." Raphaella smiled, taking Addie's offering, and settling down beside Addie, feeling more relaxed around the stranger. In truth, she took the bread and cheese out of courtesy. As Raphaella aged, her appetite had decreased, and eating had become more ritualistic than necessary. However, she took a hearty bite and let the cheese's sharp flavour roll luxuriously around her mouth for a moment before swallowing.

"Ever mind the rule of three, what ye send out comes back to thee," Raphaella mused to her companion, glancing towards the village. "I believe that is one of the tenets of the ethics followed by magicians*.

"I wonder- do you appreciate your immortality? You called it a curse, when many would think it a blessing. Are you truly unable to die, then, if you wished to?" Raphaella asked innocently. The angelic culture of continual reincarnation had relaxed her fear of death, and from years of remaining in Heaven, she had forgotten than humans generally do not share that perception. "If the opportunity arose, would you have the curse removed, even if it meant dying soon after?"

*use in terms of anyone who practices magic, ie: both wizards and sorcerers.
Boyds head jerked from the pillow at the sound of a crash, he still didn't like bed so he used a tree instead, but he didn't rather like the notion of a pillow. Jumping from the tree after gathering his things he landed silently with a semi-wolf transformation, just for his legs and adjusted his eye sight. Sometimes he wondered if he was becoming too tame, if his skills were getting rusty, but with his current reactions he wasn't too terribly sure. They didn't slow any, though this wasn't the time to spend on calculations, he ran with human speed to the other side of the abbey seeing a strange sight. Demons departing, a few humans and an angel, not the the latter two was an odd thing at the abbey. Someone was stuck in the ground, he wasn't quite sure if he should move them or not, getting closer he dug the area around her head with the underside of his hands turned to padding and pulled the girl out "You alrigh'?" He asked looking her in the eyes with normal hands, no one should have seen him transform. He let go quickly and stepped back and smiled with a tooth showing, sometimes they showed sometimes not, he really didn't know how to hold it back it seemed to know when he would smile and find its way to show, either way it wasn't the size it should have been. Neither was its twin, and both sides were curved a bit at the end, pointed back so that the over lapped the lower, and as it only poked out a bit he didn't mind too much.
Once Viola was saved from the confines of the earth, she sputtered and coughed, her face covered in mud and dirt. Blinking, she looked to her hero who had saved her and noticed something was very different. He wasn't just an ordinary Human, but he didn't seem like a Nephilim either. Either way, he had saved her when others were too intimidated to. Standing she held her arm out for a handshake. "Thanks!" She smiled. "My name is Viola, I'm fresh out of training and can't fly very well. So I'm sorry for startling everyone." She gave a bit of a sweat drop at her embarrassment.
Byod blinked "Then walk." He said simply kind of shrugging, "O' course learn along the way, if its not too troubling." He said not smiling any more, kind of in a serious look on his face with his lips to one side wondering it would be like his forestruns he was used to them now. Though it used to be a pain not being able to run too fast in case you might hit a tree, he didn't quite know what would flying be in place of dodging trees, wind perhaps. Though he wouldn't know since he never got high enough into the trees, or the mountains for that matter. "Wher' are mah mannaers? I'm Boyd, nice tah meet yah." He said shaking her hand gently "What wer' ya doing thatwas that important?" He asked quizzically kind of serious but not entirely.
"Oh dear sweet angel, my life is a sore, one I wish could be taken from me." Adara swallowed her last bite of bread with the lump in her throat, for this was the question that she was hoping she wouldn't have to answer. "At first, I adored it. I felt like no one could hurt me, and that I could live my life away from sorrow, and start a new life being whatever I wished. I moved to a different town, since the town I was in was where the wizard that gave me this lived. Coming into that town, I didn't know anybody and didn't really belong, it being full of devout followers, and me being my own kind of pagan follower, no offense." At this, she stood and started towards a tree, calling a little bit of magic to cut down an apple, thus cutting one down also for her friend. Handing Raphaella the apple, Adara continued. "This town despised me like the plague, but I had to start somewhere, so I set up a little booth on the edge of town to sell lotions and herbal remedies, and it had a room in the back where I could live. Of course, this took an awful lot of my magic ability, and it left me weak and hungry. Staggering into the local pub, I sort of collapsed in the nearest corner and slept for 4 hours. I awoke to find many men staring at me, afraid I was dead, since I fell over and didn't move for a long time. One of them, a man named Malcolm, was the one to pick me up and take me to a chair, where he attended to my wounds, since I had cut up feet, from the journey, and cut up hands from working. I assumed this was the town doctor, and I could see so much love and attention in his eyes, so much kindness, that it scared me. He insisted I stay with him and his sister, but I told him I had made a place of my own. It amazed him that I had made my own home, and I could tell he loved me. After months of courting, he asked me to marry him, surprising everyone in the town, because he was a devout Catholic, and I was of Pagan beliefs. A couple of years into marriage, he had started to notice my lack of change in my appearance, commenting that I didn't look a day over 30. After a couple more years, though, the joking turned to demands of knowledge of why I still hadn't aged." Adara got quiet, and bowed her head, hating to relive these memories. "I then told him, on our seventh anniversary, that I had been turned immortal, 10 years prior to meeting him. He didn't believe me until I showed him that simple wounds could heal, if I spent a little magic on them. He was afraid of me then, and ordered people in the town to kill me. I broke his trust, and in return, he broke my heart. I left later that night, spending the night in a tree to get away from the townspeople. Needless to say, I hate my immortality, and everything that it comes with. It makes me hate the world around me, because no matter what, I can't kill myself. I've tried. I tried that night, matter of fact. As soon as the knife gets close to my throat, it folds. When I swallow poison, it disappears when it hits my tongue. And hedge witches can't use their magic for death, so I can't die by my own magic. I simply have to wait until another wizard kills me, but it can't be in response to me asking someone to do it for me. The potion knows that. It has to be pure murder, because the potion was to give me more chances to die by losing a battle with a more powerful wizard, but he didn't realize that I'm not evil. I''m sweet, and I don't try to kill. It's kept me alive for 269 years, and I hate it. I really wish I could die, but unfortunately, I must find a young girl I knew about 20 years ago. Here name is Miread, and she has the potion that can counteract my own. If I find her, I find salvation. I know she's in this area, which is why I made me home here. I hope to run into her, while living my life. I want to have a home to come back to when I become mortal again." She looked up at Raphaella, and blushed. "I'm sorry. God, I rambled. Good lord, how rude. Please, tell me about yourself.

Why is a beautiful Angel like yourself here in this hellish place?"
Raphaella nodded in thanks for the apple, and slipped it into her satchel while listening to the old soul’s story. Addie had the patience of the elderly, who usually slowed down to treasure the last moments in their possession. Yet, Addie had all the time in the world- at least until she found Miread.

The angel helped Addie to her feet, and as they walked towards the village, Raphaella obliged her companion with some of her history. Her voice took on the rhytmic tones of one reciting poetry

“I was born from the gale of a thunderstorm that besieged a mountaintop not too far from here. My birth nature is not as destructive as a tornado, but it is the violent wind that comes with the searing force of electric energy. The element of air, as you know is the representation of what we cannot see, such as our souls, our spirits, out minds, and our hearts. My nature, then, represents the spirit of vitality and destruction. It is a paradoxical nature- one that is quite difficult for a young angel to understand. So, you can imagine that my education may not have come as naturally to me as it does to others, who are blessed with wings while their bodies are still growing.

“I believe my training took about five decades before the elders bequeathed me with wings. Like most spiritual or magical creatures, I was imbued with a unique gift, but this too, was difficult to grasp- it is a subtle skill that requires continual work, and even now, I am not quite sure I have mastered it. All of these aspects increased the difficulty of my training, which was already quite demanding, as I wanted to become a Throne; an angel of wisdom and justice.

“The majority of Thrones have a calm, grounded Earth nature, which grants them natural abilities of patience and steadiness with which to judge creatures wholly and fairly. These were qualities I had to learn through years of meditation. After three years spent as a mute, the elder Thrones decided I was fit to receive my wings,” Raphaella plucked out one of her feathers, and held it out to Addie. “Can you see it? Can you feel it? My feathers are white, mottled with blue and grey, and are brightest during a storm.”

“However, before I graduated, they assigned me an unconventional position they thought best suited my nature: I was to be the Final Recourse of Justice.” At this point, Raphaella pulled out her two-headed morning star and laid held it firmly with one hand, the other tracing the chains of black and silver.

“Once other Thrones have decided the fate of Angels and Demons, the creatures sometimes do not accept the Thrones’ justice. They rebel. I have the ability to send them to a secluded space in Purgatory, or I can send them to Hell. It is not a pleasant journey, I am told. Once they are sent, they cannot escape until I touch them- they are trapped,“ she ended softly, a sad smile lingering on her lips.

“The elder Thrones have received word from the local Principality that the Abbey might be in danger, and so my presence was requested. I was thinking of taking you to the Principality to see if he was able to remove the curse, but it seems you have your own solution. Yet, how do you know if Miread is still here, if you have not seen her for twenty years?”​
Adara sighed. She felt spent, not only for her return to that awful time in her memories, but for her new friend. She sounds so sad. Maybe I will be her godsend as much as she is mine. “Well, Raffie, all of this time I‘ve been in this village, they‘ve accepted my kind, even if the abbey doesn‘t quite. They love being entertained by my magic, and helped by it. I’m treated kindly, but not too kindly. Every time I ask someone about her, they mumble and shuffle off. But I’ve seen her here, sitting, reading, and when I go to her, I can’t quite bring myself to say anything. This will be my third time since I realized she was here four months ago in going to town and hoping I bump into her. Because, she’s not just my salvation. I feel as though I may be falling back in love with her.”

Easing herself beside a tree, she traced the Angel’s feather between her fingers. “She loved me, and I loved her. I had never thought of a woman that way, and frankly, I haven’t since her. Miread made my life beautiful again. She is a powerful witch, and I almost got her to accept my love, and become immortal with me, and be with me. Unfortunately, she left one morning, claiming that she had to think about it. Next thing I knew, she was completely gone, leaving me once again alone and scarred. But, around four months ago, when I came here, she sent me a letter, saying she was stupid for what she did. She didn’t love me, but wanted me to accept her as my apprentice. I replied I would, and went into town. I saw her with a young man, and it broke my heart.

I wanted to hate her, but knew that she had moved on, and that she didn’t want me anymore. I ran away, and it was then I learned from a passing through Wizard that he came to see her. That she was the only one with cures for magical curses. The last one. He was going to see her for a lost limb that got blown off in a magical duel. I need to see her, but I’m afraid of going to her again. I don’t know… But you, being such a powerful Angel? Why come here? What could Earth offer you? Surely it’s not the sights.” Adara smirked, since the sights now included her incessant prodding. But Raphaella’s eyes softened, and her face seemed quieter, more serene. "I'm sorry for the rambling..."
The human notion of romantic love, did not confuse Raphaella, per se, but she had a difficult empathizing with it. It seemed to be a delirious adoration and loyalty towards a single person, with whom one might share little in common. It was not that Raphaella lacked a capacity for love, but the nature of her love was quite different; it was a love for life. It was a steadier, peaceful love that filled her with peace and some inexplicable emotion, which was comprised simultaneously of devastation and joy. It felt like her heart painfully expanded beyond the confines of her body; it was a feeling that made her want to laugh and cry at the same time, or dance in the sky as rain pelted her wings and lightning crackled around her. This, she thought, must have something to do with her birth nature. Perhaps all angels love is influenced by how they are born into the world. Perhaps the same could be said of humans.

“My…sympathies,” Raphaella replied awkwardly, inwardly cursing herself. She was supposed to be a creature of grace and comfort to humans. She was one of their goddamn protectors, after all.
My apologies, she thought, raising her eyes to the heavens. “Hopefully, you will be able to find serenity in establishing a friendship with her, if she will not have you for a lover. Although, I imagine that reaching such a state will require a strong will on your part, in order to accept that your emotions must become part of your past, and must not dominate your present.

“I believe there is a demon, or perhaps several, that are close by,” Raphaella answered haltingly, wondering how much she should disclose. “I have heard that one of them has killed an angel, which is enough to merit my presence, as I should send him to the underworld. However, the Principality believes that the demons may try to destroy him, in effect crippling the blessed protection the Abbey offers the town from being overridden by demons and other creatures. Are you recovered enough for us to make our way into town? It doesn’t seem to be very far from where we stand.”
“Oh! Yes! Of course, kind lady. We shall depart right this second. I apologize. Even though I look like a young lady, I am filled with an elderly lady’s mentality. I find myself rambling on and on.. Oh my, here I go again. Ok, then. Off we go.” Grabbing her satchel, and picking up a couple more apples, she placed them in the bag and extended out her hand to help up Raphaella. “And about the other thing.. I know it’s not really in an Angel’s repertoire of knowledge, romantic love towards another of your species. But you really did help by just listening, and staying with me. So, thank you, kind friend.” Continuing the path, they came upon a worn road, riddled with toadstools and boulders, blood and dead bodies. “What in the Hell? Oh, sorry friend…” She said, turning behind her. “What monster could have done this?” Walking up to a body, she noticed no sign of a struggle, and all of their possessions were on them. “Well, whatever it was, it wasn’t after money. Probably just a crime of passion.” Reaching down, she picked up one of the coin purses. “Waste not, want not,” she muttered, as she circled back and checked the surrounding areas. “No one’s still here. What do you think, Raffie?”
Rosa broke away from her thoughts and therefore also the church. "Come on boy, we aren't wanted here. We never will," she whispered spinning Thorn around and heading deeper into town. She pushed her ebony hair behind her ears and once again focused all of her attention on the stallion. As they got deeper into the village there were less and less curious wild animals but more and more intrusive domestic animals and they wanted her help. One of the curses that came along with being a Nephilim was her ability to feel and understand like a human but the need for blood from a demon. She was a meat eater and so as these cows and other animals begged her to release them from their chains she is hungering for them. Thorn whickers softly to his owner, Rosa has never eaten a horse so he had no problem with her. The black Friesian had no compassion for the bellowing creatures thinking them too stupid to even understand or fathom life.

The market square was lively and boisterous with people. Rosa never removed her gloves despite the heat and she knew it made her a bit conspicuous however revealing a brand on her hand would get her kicked out of town. Instead of just having a "D" on each palm and on the back of her neck she bore a "N" to represent her half blooded confusion. Many a person tried to sell her something but she always politely refused. Right now she needed to find work as a wench and maybe for a while she could have a job and live an easy life.
Adeline whisked into the dark sky, flapping her long brown wings in a slow pattern. Her icy gaze studied the things below her, almost as if looking for something. But she wasn't.

Her eyes drifted forward as she began slowly descending onto the ground, flapping her wings slower and slower until her feet lightly touched the ground. She folded her wings behind her and walked forward.

She hummed a little tune, watching in a satisfied look as her wings gently rubbed against trees and leaves, cutting them deeply even the slightest of touches.

She quietly walked into town, turning invisible immediately so the humans wouldn't sense her presence. She continued to hum, looking around in amusement as not one single person noticed her. It seemed to make her feel happy for some reason. She chuckled slightly, alarming a couple next to her that looked around in caution to see who laughed. But of course, they didn't know who.
Strategos was standing alone on one side of an open field. Their was a slight breeze and the leaves were blowing threw. On the other side of the field is a small group of minor demons that are screaming and clashing there weapons together. He stood their irritated at their false pride thinking they could defeat him with such a small number. Slowly he took out his deck of playing cards and exclaimed "You will all be sent back to the depths of which you have risen from but how will you get there! I am going to ask one of you to pick a card!" Six of the cards rise out of the deck with their backs to the demons as they grew in size to about the same size as Strategos. He waited for one of the demons to point at a card and said "Oh thank you im so glad, you have picked one of my favorites!" All of the cards expand in size again to the size of a full grown maple. The cards start to surround the demons with the blade facing them and they slam into the ground. All at once the cards meet in the middle sending all the demons back from whence they came.

After this he proceeded to fly above for he had noticed a mass of commotion coming from a near by city. He proceeded toward the city and sat upon one of the roofs spotting a petty demon with a mockery of angel wings on her back terrorizing the villagers. He shouted at her "You Demon ,Im going to have to ask that you leave here and go back home now"
Adeline stopped in her tracks and giggled.

"Well, well, well. Looks like an Angel finally came to ruin all my fun." She teased, spreading her razor sharp wings and shooting into the air, turning visible again. She grinned slightly when she noticed a few humans glancing up at her in fear, immediately dispersing back to there home.

"It's just a little harmless mischief. I never hurt anybody." She said mischievously with a grin on her face, circling him in midair slowly.

Her eyes suddenly became extremely bright and she giggled again.
"I dont find it amusing an neither do they so again i will ask you to go back home" He sits on the roof laying his head on his knee as he watches the people run into their homes. "You may not be physically hurting them but you are ruining their peace of mind" He stands and spreads his wings and does some stretches "but if not im more than willing to help you."
The Poltergeist giggled teasingly again and than tilted her head an adorable way.

"An Angel helping a Demon? Isn't that against your rules?" She said, her grin getting wider as she flapped her wings and smoothly in front of him. She was almost a little bit too close to him, but she didn't really mind.

She carefully slid her pointer finger under his chin and pulled him towards her.

"Angels aren't allowed to help Demons. Besides, I don't know what you could possibly help me with." She smirked again and chuckled slightly.
His face is unchanged from earlier

"Your so right i forgot guess ill just send you home then" takes out his deck of cards and shuffles them still looking into her eyes and smiles.

"Well lets see what six are on the top." picks six cards and has them float in the air.

"Now would you like to pick a card or should i" still close to her face.
Adeline glanced at his cards, sliding her pointer finger away from his face. She looked back up at his gaze with a mischievous glint in her eyes, but her facial expression was serious.

"You can pick the card. But I'm letting you know I can fly off by myself." She said quietly, her mischief and teasing personality seeming to vanish. She spread her razor sharp wings and backed up until she was on the very edge of the rooftop.

"Well? Go ahead and pick it."
"As you wish" scrambles the cards in the air quickly he plucks one from the group.

"well it seems the cards are on your side today. I wont have to kill you."

He shuffles the cards by squeezing them as they fly back together then spread apart growing in size and the blades growing sharper.

He flies close to her and puts his face up to her ear getting close enough that his lips are a centimeter away from her ear as he wispers "Run"
The Poltergeist watched him get closer and closer until he finally whispered in her ear. Her eyes widened slightly and she gave him a final look before spreading her wings and flying quickly off in another direction. She glanced back, and than vanished from sight as she disappeared over the horizon.

'His technique of card dealing was interesting.. I wonder why he let a Demon like me live..' She thought before flying off towards the sun.
"Foolish child she actually thinks she can escape me. The card told me i cant kill her but i am suppose to capture her and send her back" he does a few stretches and takes of the giant card following close behind. "Now i think ill play a little game of cat and mouse with her."

He opens up another deck making them grow to the size "I guess ill see if she can escape the maze"
((The abbey is now in the middle of the town, it makes better sense anyway.))

Viola gave a nervous laugh. "Nice to meet you Boyd." When he asked what she was doing that was so important, she rubbed the back of her head. "Practicing my flight..." Suddenly, the ring on Viola's right hand began to glow. "Demons..." She murmured, scowling. "You better find a safe place, Boyd..." She warned.
Averery couldn't help but notice the scene just like everybody else in the surrounding area. He sighed to himself seeing what looked like an angel crash into the ground. He was tempted to help but saw another boy coming to help him. He was about to turn the practice but had this nagging feeling to try to help the angel Even more with the presence of demons around. He began making his way ober to the two ready to summon his spell book if needed. "Is everything fine over here" he asked to the angel taking his hood off.
The flurry of activity in the Abbey was not just human related. It seemed that this was a hot spot for angels and demons alike. She had seen at least two angels crash so far and now a poltergeist was fighting with another angel. The demon was reeking havoc on the innocent humans minds but at the same time it was a bit comically. Yes, the frightful memory would label them crazy and stick with them for life it was not the worst of crimes. However, as a nephilim Rosa stayed out of the way not wanting to create or cause any further drama. Thorn was just repeating walk over and over again in his mind. It required no thought but still kept other animals out of her mind
Helil looked down at the girl in the abbey, his face a bit cold. He soften it a bit as he looked down at her. Humans. He knew he should be a bit more active with them, but Helil was always more focused on demons.

"Are you okay?" He wasn't sure why he was asking but he felt it was the right thing to do.

Holly attacked the dummy in front of her, moving fast but with a grace as she spun and slashed, making a dance out of her fighting moves. She was focused on her moves as she moved from dummy to dummy. She could feel her muscles respond to what she asked them to do. All her thoughts faded away as she practice and she felt her worry and all else fade away until she just was.

Holly loved the feeling she got when she fought, whether it was against an opponent or just practicing. The stillness of her mind. It wasn't an empty feeling. It was something else. She felt complete when she had a sword in her hands and was using it. When she fought, she knew what she was.

But she made a misstep and cried out as her ankle was twisted, stumbling and falling to the ground.


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