Chronicles of Pangaea Roleplay

(Who is Helil talking to?)

Bret had sensed the injury days before but he had decided not to change it. He felt that Holly needed a rest from her training and a minor injury would save him the trouble of finding her a convenient random dinner or trip. However that was not going to stop him from helping her get up and to a nurse. He moved from his place in the pub and into the training field.

He sent a gust of cool wind towards Holly to help her cool off before her approached knowing that she was most likely hot from her training sessions. The angel watched for a moment and right on time she heard the sound of tendon stretching unnaturally, a sound inaudible to humans but screeching to higher beings, and her gasp of pain. He waited a moment then moved into field. “Excuse me miss but I could not help but notice your fall, are you okay?” he asked. His voice was that of a kind stranger showing cautious concern for someone they did not know.
Seeing all the collected bodies located in the abbey was a clear sign that his presence was not needed to ensure her safety, He gave a quick sigh before putting the hood back on and quickly turned walking towards the end of town searching for the training facility once again. "He could easily go out in the woods but was feeling too lazy to put the effort of the long walk in. "As soon as he walked in he noticed a girl on the ground with what appeared to be an injury. "He sighed having done this for the 2nd time today walked over beside the man not paying him that much attention as he removed his hood "Are you okay miss" he asked looking down.
Holly looked up from where she had fallen. She shivered a bit from a breeze but it felt good. Now that she was no longer moving she realized she had worked a lot and the wind felt nice against her hot body. Speaking of hot bodies, the person nearby seemed to be quite good looking, but Holly didn't pay too much attention after looking at him a bit.

"Heard me cry out?" She felt a little disappointed in herself for falling and hurting herself and a bit of shame for someone finding her. "I misstepped a move. I think my ankle is twisted," she explained. For a moment she said nothing, then she looked up at him again. "I...I might need help standing," she admitted, not wanting to. She hated how weak it sounded.

If the man next to him was going to ignore him then Helil was open to do the same. He looked down at the girl, feeling that she was stupid for harming herself, but he moved down and took her injured hands.

"Foolish girl," he muttered and gave her a stern look. "Are you okay," he repeated. "Do answer me."

Talia was almost spellbound by the man who came before her. He was one of those higher beings was he not? She gave the cutest squeak as she was brought around due to him. Only to glance to the other guy as he approached as well, wondering how much trouble she was in this time. At being called foolish she would wince and nod her name at the angel agreeing at once that she was so.

Her green eyes trailed to the angel then to the human given a light laugh. “I’m getting more chores for this aren’t I?” She gasps as the angel had her hand, looking away a touch ashamed. “I . . . I was just curious of what the vase held.” She said softly wondering what type of punishments her curiosity may get her this time. Angels had different things than just chores right? Maybe she would have to say a prayer a thousand times. “Did I break something important this time?” She slowly looked back to the angel as if they would be summoned for something as silly as someone breaking a vase.

Helil looked at the girl, both curious and irritated. This was why he rarely spoke to them. She seemed to expect some kind of punishment. Well he was not going to punish her. That would be the responsibility of someone in the abbey.

He looked down at her cut and then to her face, studying it a bit and then let go of her. He did not stand yet though. "I am not here to punish you girl," he told her. "I do not know what the other may want, but I only heard the sound of breaking and saw you." He didn't know what else to say or exactly why he went over to help her out. Sure he was an angel, but he surely had more important things to do.

"And did you satisfy your curiosity of what the vase held?"
After looking for the demon for a good two hours. He started to go back to the city. He noticed their were many angels in the area this he found strange and he put all of his cards back in the box. Once he got back to the city he landed gently on the ground surveying the area. He came upon one of the angels standing with a fallen girl.
Averery wasn't that sure she was talking to him but decided it wouldn't help to still go for his good dead for the day, "I'm not sure if you would want it but I could transport you into the nearest nurse" he offered looking back at the man studying him a little closer from his posture to his facial features. "I don't know what goes on in this town but it sure isn't normal" he thought before smiling to himself" It's actually more interesting than anything" he thought next turning his attention back to the girl.

Talia glanced to him when he said he wasn’t there to punish her, leading her only into deeper confusion. “Then why are you here? I mean at the abbey, not here here, you said why you were here to check on me.” She tilted her head slightly only to smile gently, he was worried about her? Angels were kind like that after all!

Wanting to get up personally but afraid of getting more hurt trying she merely started to fiddle with parts of the glass laying on the ground. Only for the angel to ask her about her curiosity being satisfied and her eyes to light up greatly. No one really cared about that before. “No.” She answered honestly and to the point. “Now I wonder why someone would keep something around so big, yet keep nothing in it. It seems odd, and a silly thing to do.” She nodded firmly at her thoughts.

At that her eyes filtered back to him once more before a huge smile came across her face. “Are you . . . are you really an angel?” She had to make sure now, after all to assume such things was wrong and she never seen one up close before. Well more like one never took to talking to her. “What’s it like being an angel? Why do you hate demons so?”

As he stood in the presence of the other angel he noticed another being starring at him "Haven't your parents told you its rude to stare child." He turned his attention back to the angel "May I ask yur buissness here" he probably looked foolish because the humans couldn't see or hear the angel."
((Sorry for not replying for a while, I wanted to get Zion involved in this before posting. Also, I don't really know how many hands Thorn is (don't know much about horses), but I'm guessing he's probably smaller than a clydesdale, but larger than an arabian))

Zion smiled to himself as he watched an angel and a human from the underbrush of the forest. He could almost feel them tense up as they took stock of the scene, wondering what had happened. He wondered if they would bother to roll the body over, to discover that he had taken both of the man's kidneys. Not quite as good as the liver, but certainly much better than the heart. The heart was such a tough old stringy thing. The demon licked off the rivulet of blood creeping down his forearm, and then his longsword before sheathing it, feeling quite sated after his bloody meal. Then, he sped off into the woods, laughing to himself. No doubt that the angel had felt his presence, but what could she do about it without abandoning her companion?


"No, someone is still here," Raphaella frowned, looking around, before staring at Addie, her youthful face set in a serious expression, even by her standards. "Well, perhaps something would be more accurate. Demons and angels can sense eachother presence, and I believe there is one or more demons nearby. Be wary," she added, taking the morning star heads out of their leather protectors, and winding the ball with the silver chain around the flail's staff, so that if she swung the flail, only the ball on the black chain would be set loose on the target.. "And do not come too close to me. I don't want to hit you by mistake."

The air was so charged with dread it seemed to buzz.
But, then that malevolent feeling left, almost in waves, and then, nothing could be heard but the faint rustle of the wind in the trees. There were no birds chirping. "It has left," Raphaella said after a minute. She spun around in a circle, seeming too light on her feet for her movements to make physical sense. But, then, after all, she was an angel. "I do not know if scouting our the nearby area would make any difference. The feeling vanished so quickly, Addie. Even fallen angels with their wings would not be able to move so fast. I suppose the Principality of the Abbey has reason to believe there might be something afoot."

"What are the common funeral rights around this area, Addie? Should we burn the body? Or bring it back to the village to identify?" Raphaella asked her companion as she knelt beside the corpse, intending to wrap in up in the cloak it donned. She turned the body over just enough to see blood stains on the grass, and parts of the human's lower back gouged out. She cringed in revulsion, swallowing the bile that was building in her throat. "I'm going to send that demon back to Hell when I find him, Addie."


Zion, at his impressive height of 7'5", towered over humans, and most angels. Thus, when he entered the town, his beautiful legs wrapped in layers of black cloth to conceal the fur and hooves, he was still remarkable. Furthermore, his facial features were just too angular to really be human, and he tended to fill commoners who had never encountered spiritual creatures with a sense of alarm. So, even though the market place was full of people milling about, completing transactions for livestock, food, information, services, Zion was given quite a wide berth to walk through.

He came upon an interesting presence towards the market's edge. A girl with dark skin and a black horse, but apparently, they were more than they seemed. He walked up to them, as casually as he could. It was difficult to be casual when he was just a little taller than the horse. At least he tried to appear non-threatening as he could, despite that his hands were still sticky from his lunch a little earlier.

"Fantastic display," Zion observed to the woman who was not a woman. "I'm not used to seeing angels so playful. But it provides a beautiful distraction to the games afoot, don't you think- nephilim?" He added, catching the scar on her hand. "My advice to you would be to leave the square quite quickly, or that angel will be putting on a magic show for you, next. Or, perhaps you'd like to join in the plot. How do the humans treat nephilims like you, nowadays?"
Helil ignored the man still for now and he saw that the girl had not either noticed the other person's presence or was too ignoring him. It did not matter though. He would deal with him in time. He nodded at the girl's words, glad for her honesty.

"Well if you wonder you could always ask. Now I believe this man has offered to help you. Do you require assistant or medical attention?" Helili knew he was avoiding the first question and sighed a little. It was better to answer it.

"As for my being here I came to the abbey because I felt a demonic presence. I only came to check on you because I heard the noise. I may not the the kindest angel, but I do not leave hurt people to suffer."

Talia glanced over her hand when asked about medical attention. It was a deep cut, but nothing serious, a clean cloth and she should be as good as new right? Why should she fuss over the little things when there was much more impressive and curious things around. “I could use some help getting up maybe?” She knew she still had one good hand but with the glass around there was a risk of cutting that as well if she wasn’t careful. Instead she would hesitate before holding it firmly out to the angel Hoping that asking such a thing from him wasn’t degrading.

Talia couldn’t help laugh some as he seemed to avoid some of her questions like most at the Abbey did. “Demon, I always wanted to meet one of those.” She smiled softly at him “I always wanted to meet an Angel as well, like this. Well not LIKE this but willing to talk to me.” At that she would fiddle with her dress ripping off a piece of it to wrap her hand. Waiting for his help, of course willing to be stubborn and get up on her own if she had too. “I guess I’m not one to take heed too usually.”

Boyd smiled wolfishly at the thought of running "Why?" He asked his voice growing gravely as he shifted into his were-form "When I can crush them?" He continued slightly telepathic, it was more of a feeling that made sense passed to another person through body language and forced empathy. An animalistic trait made so that humans could comprehend it, it was so strong that he might have been shouting, his curiosity was throbbing with excitement wondering what his body, soul, and mind would learn this round around. He stretched one claw out and pulled the little angel behind him gently and winked "I'll show you that ningen, humans, are not all push overs." The chuckle was clear in his posture but the growl made it sound terrifying. Of course not every person would understand him, only those that he let in on it, when his body wasn't screaming, like it was at that moment wanting the thrill of a decent fight. Not that he wanted to kill anything, unless it scurried and smelled delicious, chicken farmers hated him to say the least...
As he stands there he starts to shuffle his cards. Shuffling them in the air by making the float around his body then come back together and a double rainbow as he follows them with his eyes. After getting board of shuffling he flared out his wings shaking them them folding them back together but not hiding them.
Helil looked at Talia, wanting to tell her just to stand on her own. It shouldn't be too hard even with one hand. But he helped her up. After she was up he kpet on holding onto her hand, looking at her, studying her more. Something about her just... It was odd. She was a curious human, both that she was a curious person and that Helil hadn't seen a lot of humans like her. She seemed so calm about his presence and she didn't lash out when he called her a fool.

Helil thought about the angels (and demons) who watched over humand and he let go.

"Trust me, you do not wish to meet a demon. At least not personally." He didn't smile a little at her words, but he felt a bit amused by her. "I don't normally go among humans. I prefer my own company. But I am sure there are other angels more willing to interact with humans. If you found a guardian angel." He thought that would be good for her. She looked like she needed someone to look out for her.

Talia was grateful for the help, her eyes roaming at the floor around her and the mess she made. Not sure how much more hurt she may get if she tried on her own. She did tend to be a klutz at times in her own ways. She didn’t even notice that he still had hold of her until he started to speak again. Her eyes going to his out of politeness, learning that keeping the other’s eyes was more of a sign of respect and that you were listening. In truth, she couldn’t help wonder what the angel himself may teach her.

“But if I never met one, I would never learn. That doesn’t seem very fair to them either, merely going off the words of others and never given them a fair chance.” She frowned some, looking a bit sad at that thought alone. “If you were a demon . . . wouldn’t you be hurt as well if no one gave you a chance? If because of something minor you fell as well?” Sure she knew he might start to yell and who knows what towards her at her words. It was how she felt though, and to hide it would be more like lying right?

When he spoke of not going among humans and preferring his own company Talia couldn’t help but tilt her head as her curiosity filled her more. “Why? Why do you not go among us and prefer them?” Some reason this hurt her a bit, it was bad enough they seem to all overlook her, now this one stated even their kind at times preferred not being around her kind.

Then he spoke of a guardian angel and her face light up a bit at the thought. “That’s kind of like being a best friend with an angel right?” She smiled, before it grew into a slight smirk. “Will you be my guardian angel then?” She knew she shouldn’t have asked such a thing, that it may put him in an awkward position. Then again, when would another angel ever take notice of her? She had managed to hurt herself many times before and none had. In fact it was why she took into healing magic more, not that she could use it on herself, just that she saw it used on herself so much. “You could teach me of your kind that way, and who knows, I might actually be useful.”

“Well, for the most part, these people are already gone. I’m not sure about the rights here, I’ve never been to a funeral, but I suppose burn them. Nothing can be helped for them now.” She proceeded to create a kind of yellow flame from her arms, almost like wings. She folded the “wings” on top of the bodies, and they glowed an eerie aura of flame for a minute or so, and then melted into the earth. “Now, they will become mana for the land. They will serve the Mother more than they probably ever did in life.”

Addie stood in quiet response to this ritual, and restoring her energy to travel on. “May the Mother greet their paths with wisdom and peace,” she chanted, while taking a weary stance. “Raffie, were you sure they were gone? If so, we probably need to get to town and tell someone about these deaths. If not, I will protect us all long as I can. I will protect you, especially. That’s just my nature.”

===Sorry, also, for my absence. I was out of state, with no internet.===
Bret nodded and offered his hand to her, if Holly struggled he would offer to carry her but at his moment he wanted to see how much she could do. All the while he kept the breeze coming, it was not necessarily a chilly breeze but it still helped to cool a person off. Despite the fact that he knew full and well where the medical personnel was he wanted to play coy. Bret needed to like a visitor so that if she asked questions about family he could easily say he was from a distant village and that he was new here. “Is there a medic around?” he asked shading his eyes and looking about the extensive training grounds.

Rosa had been swept away by the beautiful display put on by the angels by the playful angels but also the fight between the poltergeist and the guardian. They swooped far above the chaos of the Abbey silently fight in what could be a different for the right to return to the human one. The nephilim like many other spirits was unsure of what drew her to humans but she could not deny the pull. She desired the company of humans; however company was a bad word for it. The human race was almost like a treasured piece of furniture or family heirloom. She did not need to interact with them but Rosa wanted to know at all times that they were there.

And although smitten with the ‘feats in the sky she was not completely oblivious to the goings in the Abbey. She had felt a shift the moment the towering demon had entered the vicinity and watched how the crowd moved and sway to accommodate the beast. He was now making his way towards her, his shrouded legs carrying him at an odd swaying gait. Something was hidden under that clothe but she respected a being’s right to privacy and knew she would never question him. As he approached Rosa kept her eyes facing forward, searching for nothing but nonetheless searching until he mentioned her ancestors, “Would you keep it down,” she hissed her eyes narrowing. Rosa was just about to tell him to leave and mind his own business when the rest of his sentence sunk in. “Listen I don’t know what you are getting at but right now I am just trying to get by. I don’t want trouble and therefore a plot is none of my business,” she whispered her eyes darting about nervously.
Helil wasn't sure if the girl was being serious or not. He felt like he wanted to smack her, knock some sense into that head of her's. Why meet a demon? It would only give them the chance to corrupt you or harm you in some manner, at least for humans it would. Helil could not see the benefit in meeting a demon, though he would admit if she meet one and survived it would be a good life lesson not to do something so stupid again.

"It depends I guess if they did fall. But not all demons were good beings. Some have always been evil and they would not hesitate to harm a young girl like yourself," Helil said. He was being good at being patience with the human girl. He would normally not really give her much of a glance and if one of them spoke of wanting to meet a demon for any reason? Well Helil would call them stupid and leave, not wanting to be around such folk.

But he could not just go with her. When she asked him to be her guardian angel, Helil thought about it. She would surely be safer with his presence since he didn't think she'd stop being foolish any time soon, but could be stand it?

"Humans are a strange species to me. It is hard for me to understand them and I tend to be harsh with my approach. I doubt you'd find my company enjoyable because of this. But if you wish it, then I will give it a try. Don't expect me to be easy with you though." Helil looked at her, wanting for a response.

Holly took Bret's hand and stood. She almost feel back down once she placed pressure on her ankle, biting her lip to keep from crying out in pain. She steadied herself, still clutching onto Bret's hand and tried to find a comfortable position where she could stand by herself. It was not easy and she hissed in pain as she did so. Holly looked at Bret and went a little red, releasing the hand she had just been squeezing.

"Sorry bout that," she said, putting her sword in it's sheath. She almost feel again as she tried to move forward and fell into Bret. She didn't knock them over, thankfully, but it was still all kinds of embarrassing for her. She moved backwards, hissing in pain again at her ankle.

"I think I'll just stand here for a bit."

When Helil spoke of the demons not hesitating to hurt her Talia slowly lowered her head a bit. This was done not so much in sorrow but at the mere sadness of what such thoughts could bring. “Why do others wish harm? I never could understand that. The only reasoning I could give is, that they’re in so much pain it’s the only way in which they could release such agony.” Why couldn’t he understand what she was trying to say? Was it how angels were built? Or was it that she was different from others in the way she saw things? “I don’t like it when anyone is in pain. Maybe one day . . . no one will have a reason to hurt another.”

A musical laughter left her lips when she heard of how strange a species humans were to him. She couldn’t help answer in her own way. “They are to me as well” a charming yet honest smile filtering across her face. She liked this angel, he seemed careful and at least trying to understand that he might hurt others with how he handled them. Yet . . . to the point of not wanting too when he did, just not being able to help himself at times perhaps. Another laugh would leave her lips when he spoke of not enjoying his company, had he not realized she already was starting to like it.

She was too busy giggling at the end to even answer, as he tried to put down the strictness of the situation and maybe even scare her away a bit. “Everyone gets harsh with me after awhile.” She nodded just stating this so that he knew she was used to it. “I’m too curious for my own good they say, and ask questions that no one should ask at times.” She paused wondering what he meant by not being easy on her? Did that mean she was going to learn a lot in ways? “I’ll do my best to grow and learn under you! I really will.” This was more than she could ever ask for, an angel . . . an angel so regal as him was willing to be her best friends. That was what guardian angel meant right? It was a type of friend and teacher?

Adeline flew and flew, not stopping until she was so tired that she dropped down. Her wings gave out and her eyes fluttered shut as cold beads of sweat ran down her forehead. Falling and unconscious, there was really nothing she could do, and instead of waking up, she fell until she hit the ground with a loud THUD.

Black blood seeped out of her wounds and her wings were bent in an awkward direction from the hard fall. Her breathing was shallow, and blood was beginning to flow out of her ears and mouth.

Her eyes suddenly shot open and she coughed, splattering the black liquid everywhere in the grass. She was dizzy, and soon fainted once again. But before she did, there was one tiny thought still floating inside her head.

"Who would ever help a Demon like me?..." And than she blacked out.
Bret silently watched her attempts to steady herself. He so wanted to help her but knew that she may not take kindly to a stranger sweeping her into his arms and carrying her away. He knew that if he played his cards right that this whole guardian thing could be easy, he would be an ever present but distant aspect of her life, or at least that was his goal. The angel could practically feel the pain radiating from her ankle; it was almost shifting the temperature of the air in its vicinity.

When she apologized the angel just shook his head as if to say, ‘it fine don’t worry about it’. Again he just waited for her to get situated in hopes of easing her embarrassment, “I do not know about you, and the choice is yours, but I do not believe you can make it to a medical tent without my help,” Bret stated calmly.
Holly looked at Bret, unsure of what he meant by that. She didn't like help all that much, having taken an independent streak when she first held a sword. But Holly also knew he had a point and if she resisted or tried by herself, there was the possibility of her just making it worse. She thought over this, not sure which one she preferred, but in the end she'd rather have help then damage her ankle to the point she couldn't walk.

"I...Thank you. I think I may need it."

Helil wasn't sure what may be going on in the girl's head. He could not understand why she felt this way or thought this way, but he had a feeling that by becoming her guardian angel, he was helping her out. He may also be protecting someone from falling into a demon's grasp and that felt very important to the angel.

He nodded at Talia, a little unsure of this, but knowing he would not go back on his word now that he had made his choice in the matter.

"Well know that is all out of the way, I believe you should go home."

Talia glanced to Helil a bit sad when he spoke of her going home. “But I am home.” She said softly glancing down to her feet, wondering if that would make a difference in things or not. “I was dropped off at the Abbey when I was little; it’s the only place I really know.” She shuffled her feet a touch hoping that the fact others didn’t want her made the angel suddenly not find her worthy.

“If it helps, I’m being told I should leave.” She glanced up to him with a bright smile at that “That I should go answer my own questions.” She of course took this as a good sign where anyone with half a brain might realize she was starting to become too much for the others to handle. She paused realizing she probably was rude this whole time. “Um . . . I’m supposed to offer you something to drink, or a snack wasn’t I? Do angels even drink or eat?”

“Can I pick you up?” Bret leaning forwards a bit as if he were about to it. He anticipated her hesitation so he added, “Oh come I don’t bite and if it makes you feel any better you can hold my sword and yours at my throat while we walk. You just gotta promise to move them if I start to fall because I kinda like my head,” he teased. In his mind the angel was laughing because he knew for one he wasn’t going to trip because “A” he had wings for balance and “B” he was a freaking angel with awesome reflexes and secondly even if he did fall and get decapitated he wouldn’t die!

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