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  1. BlueBiscuit

    [Emerald City Knights: DC Universe] Lounge Room

    Stealthfox hasn't even read my PM yet, and Red Shadow still has personal business, so I'm gonna wait a day or two to see if he picks up.
  2. BlueBiscuit

    [Emerald City Knights: DC Universe] Lounge Room

    Yes, it will, probably monday or tuesday. I'm busy with college exams right now, but once that's done I'll be able to resume this game, at a better updating pace even. Of course, that's if you're all still interested.
  3. BlueBiscuit

    [Emerald City Knights: DC Universe] Lounge Room

    Take your time, your dad is more important.
  4. BlueBiscuit

    [Emerald City Knights: DC Universe] Chapter O: The Silver Storm

    As you dig through the rubble, you quickly realize it's too big a task for you alone. You notice that guy who run towards the collasped building as started to dig through it, and lifting things that should be too heavy for him. Come on guys, do something!
  5. BlueBiscuit

    [Emerald City Knights: DC Universe] Chapter O: The Silver Storm

    I apologise for the delay, I could swear I had posted a response already but apparently I didn't, and the draft wasn't saved either. Again, I'm sorry. Anyway, what are Cain and Jack up to? Come one, let's get this back on track. You remember that there's the Royal Hill Hospital a couple of...
  6. BlueBiscuit

    [Emerald City Knights: DC Universe] Chapter O: The Silver Storm

    You are still close to Yellow Brick Row, being just a few streets away from the park where you were resting earlier. ((OOC: You can roll intelligence to see if you know where a hospital could be.)) While you you stand around thinking, you notice a man running towards you. You were...
  7. BlueBiscuit

    [Emerald City Knights: DC Universe] Chapter O: The Silver Storm

    You hear a great thundering 'boom' echoing from a short distance from you both, and smoke and dust fill air as a building shatters and crashes upon itself. Jack, with your remote seeing, you are able to see both Ash and Drake hit the street and clear away from the building, a woman held in...
  8. BlueBiscuit

    [Emerald City Knights: DC Universe] Chapter O: The Silver Storm

    This time your power works properly, though you can tell it was at it's limit. You successfully 'ported your family in front of the "DEMO" gaming shop.
  9. BlueBiscuit

    [Emerald City Knights: DC Universe] Chapter O: The Silver Storm

    [tabs] In the room you've reached,you see the dragon-like creature make his way through the flames that are eating away at the building's wall, completely unharmed, towards a corner, where you see a woman cowering. [tab=Cain]"Thank you, thank you so much." the woman answers you with...
  10. BlueBiscuit

    [Emerald City Knights: DC Universe] Lounge Room

    Moving on, new update.
  11. BlueBiscuit

    [Emerald City Knights: DC Universe] Chapter O: The Silver Storm

    You feel your power straining to it's limit, trying to "move" all your family, but then you feel something 'break' within you, and you are forced to end to teleport. It seems trying move all of them is a bit too much for you. "Son what did you just try to do? Are you all right?" Your father...
  12. BlueBiscuit

    [Emerald City Knights: DC Universe] Lounge Room

    Apologies, it's my fault. My internet has been working badly because of a storm last week, and it's just now getting back on it's feet. Again, I'm sorry for making you wait, truly sorry.
  13. BlueBiscuit

    [Emerald City Knights: DC Universe] Chapter O: The Silver Storm

    [tabs] Still unfamiliar with your new limbs, your awkward balance causes you to lose control in your descend, and so you crash thorugh the exterior wall of the building. Thankfully, you apparantly even tougher than you look now, and though you certainly felt the impact, you aren't particularly...
  14. BlueBiscuit

    [Emerald City Knights: DC Universe] Chapter O: The Silver Storm

    [tabs] [tab=Jack]It takes you a few minutes, bu thanks to your help, many that wouldn't have gotten out or would have left behind. However you still hear commotion from where the blast came from.
  15. BlueBiscuit

    [Emerald City Knights: DC Universe] Chapter O: The Silver Storm

    From the high point of your vision you take the poor state of things around you. Overturned cars, people fleeing in a wild panic, hurting each other and risking to stomp over those that were still on the ground. Through a broken window, you see that inside the broken and overturned van are a...
  16. BlueBiscuit

    [Emerald City Knights: DC Universe] Chapter O: The Silver Storm

    The loud, heart-stopping sounds of an explosion and shattering glass along with the accompanying shock strike you all without warning. Within moments, a strange cloud of silvery mist blankets the surrounding area. Just as panic and flight are about to take hold, the cloud begins to swirl without...
  17. BlueBiscuit

    Emerald City Knights: DCU is a go! Come, my players, I command you!

    Emerald City Knights: DCU is a go! Come, my players, I command you!
  18. BlueBiscuit

    [Emerald City Knights: DC Universe] Lounge Room

    Well then, Chapter 0: The Silver Storm is a go!
  19. BlueBiscuit

    [Emerald City Knights: DC Universe] Chapter O: The Silver Storm

    It' a pleasant day in Emerald City. There’s enough sunshine to make most anyone glad to be alive, and seemingly all of Emerald City has ventured outside to take advantage of it. Every downtown street is lined with people out roller-blading, walking their dogs, peoplewatching at sidewalk cafes...