[Emerald City Knights: DC Universe] Chapter O: The Silver Storm

  • As you dig through the rubble, you quickly realize it's too big a task for you alone.
Jack didn't know what to do for a few seconds, but seeing as the creatures were not out to kill and destroy, for now, he decided to try and help more people, while keeping an occasional far look at them, to make sure they are not up to any wrongdoing, and are just faking it, like the sneaky deathknight his D&D group encountered last session. Except now it was his time to be a real time hero.
Sorry, was trying to let others go so I didn't spam the thread.

Actually, now that I think about it, Royal Hill hospital is a couple blocks that way. He nods towards the building. Let's get moving!
Ash Cradled the woman in his lap using his left arm to stabilize her then spurred the gas pedal and with a deep rumbled and a spurt of fire the Motorcycle came to life Lead The Way Friend. He said as the Cycle lurched forward.
Cain turns to see if there's any help at hand, just in time to see a motorcycle and dragon move away from the collapsed building.
Jack was about to follow the strange draconic creature and the weird guy on motorcycle, when he heard a kid screaming, and turned in time to see him about to be trampled by a car gone out of control. In an instinct, he used his newfound powers to teleport both kid, and the person in the front seat, to a safe place nearby.

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