[Emerald City Knights: DC Universe] Chapter O: The Silver Storm

Ash moved threw the fire and flames towards the screams looking about the room for any stairwells that might serve as exits, fire dancing off his horse and his body in hues of blue and orange, and red, and yellow.
Cain reaches in and undoes the seatbelt of the man before gently lifting him out and depositing him on the ground. He then leans in and retrieves the woman, being careful not to jostle her leg as he sets her down.

"I think you'll be fine for a little while, your son should wake up soon. I'll go and see if I can find someone who knows more than me about this sort of injury." He says, looking the woman in the eye.
"I'm trying to take us all to the nearest hospital dad. Let me try something else!" That said, He concentrates his power, hoping he's not reaching for too much again, and tried to 'send' his parents and brother to the nearest hospital, or at least to a close spot.
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Well, I've been through one firestorm... Taking a deep breath, Drake strides through the fire quickly, hoping not to get burned.
  • In the room you've reached,you see the dragon-like creature make his way through the flames that are eating away at the building's wall, completely unharmed, towards a corner, where you see a woman cowering.
  • This time your power works properly, though you can tell it was at it's limit. You successfully 'ported your family in front of the "DEMO" gaming shop.
Ashs eyebrow raised, or rather it would if he had eyebrows, mostly his head just cocked to the side. What should I do? he thought. My job was to kill not save Then he just moved to action not thinking of what he was doing, spurring his horse on as fast as he could attempting to get to the woman as quickly as possible.

"If you are here to help make an exit for the rest of these people to get out." Ashs voice rasped like the hiss of burning air, as he hoped this creature was just a product of the storm.
Cain grins at her.

"I'm happy to help." He says before breaking into a jog away from them, angling towards any nearby screams.
Drake looked at the undead looking man. Huh, well now I've seen everything. I have a plan, don't... Worry, if that's possible. Uh... yeah... Drake then turned to the woman.

Hey Hey, calm down, I'm here to help.
Drake crouches down, extending a hand. No worries, hey?

Roll persuasion?
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No need, just roleplay it.

While you two talked however the woman you were trying to save just passed out, overwhelmed by the appearence of another monster-like creature.

You also both feel the building shake, and actually start to sway a little. Not helped by the Drake's crash landing, it seems the building isn't gonna last much longer.
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Wiping a small tear from his eyes, Jack looks around. He had to trust that his family was safe enough for now. Time to help others. And so he casts his new ability to see and hear from a distance out, and see what problems he can find, and where there are people in trouble to try and save.
Well, time to fly! Scooping up the woman in his arms, Drake willed his wings to come out. Turning to the hole in the wall, he wrapped his wings around himself, sheltering the woman from the flames as he sped through them. Barreling past the lich, Drake leaped out the hole, wings swiftly catching the air and smoothing his decent to the ground, nix the mach 1 speed this time.
Ash yanked on the rains pulling the nightmare towards the hole in the building and spurred it into movement, the creature bucked at first then kicked into full speed galloping to the hole, as it leaped out its form burned away transforming into its motorcycle form, the nightmare burst threw the fire and began to fall, ash leaned forward causing the hole thing to tip into a nose dive, then the wheals touched the glass and with a crunching noise the bike gabbed hold of the building, kicking up fire and glass behind him as he tried to make the Nightmare go as quickly as possible.
  • You hear a great thundering 'boom' echoing from a short distance from you both, and smoke and dust fill air as a building shatters and crashes upon itself.

    Jack, with your remote seeing, you are able to see both Ash and Drake hit the street and clear away from the building, a woman held in Drakes arms.

    Cain, the only thing that you see from where you are is the a winged humanoid shape glide away from the burning building as it collapses behind it.
Any plans there wings? Ash asked looking towards the winged creature.
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Save as many people as possible, have fun doing so, and when everything calms down, probably get a cold one. This day has been weird. Fun, but weird. First though, she likely needs a doctor. He looked around to get his bearings, trying to figure out where the closest hospital is.
Who are these creatures? are they enemies attacking under cover of the storm? And what do they plan to do with this woman? Jack wanted to help her, but had no idea if these were friends or enemies, and he didn't want to make them enemies, so he cringed, and continued watching them, for now, to see what they are doing, and was ready to act to teleport this woman away from them if they tried to do something untoward to her.
  • You are still close to Yellow Brick Row, being just a few streets away from the park where you were resting earlier.

    ((OOC: You can roll intelligence to see if you know where a hospital could be.))

    While you you stand around thinking, you notice a man running towards you.
Well hows about you fly up and get an aerial view of where the nearest hospital is, and Ill carry her while following you, just in case you manage to stick another landing like the one that put you in that building. Ash suggested eyeing the odd draconic creature.
Drake watches the man run past, shrugs, then turns to the lich. Eying him up and down, he considers it's proposal. Well, I suppose if you were going to try and drain her soul or whatever, you'd have made a move already....

Ash mentally blinked trying to give an are you stupid look, then realized he had no eyebrows, or skin... Just bones.. and fire... I send those who need to die to the afterlife, soul collecting is a different department. And if I was in the business of collecting Souls, Id start with yours, Dragons gotta be worth a higher payout then a screaming woman at the top of a sky scraper. He tried to make himself look as serious as possible while being sarcastic, then realized once again he still possessed no skin, he always looked serious in this form.
  • I apologise for the delay, I could swear I had posted a response already but apparently I didn't, and the draft wasn't saved either. Again, I'm sorry.

    Anyway, what are Cain and Jack up to? Come one, let's get this back on track.

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