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  1. Ian Hanrahan

    A Question of Lore

    Exactly what I was thinking, it's a really clean device for advancing plots but at the GMs' discretion as not everyone wants/needs this.
  2. Ian Hanrahan

    A Question of Lore

    I like this idea, you could even push the limits by adding bias based on the characters background. Character A with 2 dots in Lore knows paragraph 1-3 however it's flavored with some misinformation or down right falsehoods taken as fact.
  3. Ian Hanrahan

    Lord of The Rings RP??

    Thought seed for you, run it concurrent with the Hobbit release. Perhaps from the perspective of the bad guys?
  4. Ian Hanrahan

    Characters you've made (or want to) that are just too crazy to work...

    I think my most unfortunate (read hilarious) character was a level 14 Human Bard murdered on stage by a successive string of critical Perform skill failures. This characters shame was further compounded by his party's druid Reincarnating him as a Troglodyte... I played him to level 16 as a...
  5. Ian Hanrahan

    A Shameless Plug

    Interesting stuff, making me rethink my current rules structures in a homebrew Dark Sun campaign
  6. Ian Hanrahan

    GM techniques; brief asides

    Great idea for world immersion. Often players are so character focused they can lose track of the larger plots or story lines you are offering them.
  7. Ian Hanrahan

    A Poll!

  8. Ian Hanrahan

    Hello RPdom

    New member investigating for a possible regular group, I have DM'd on a similar site in the past. I am familiar with 3.5, pathfinder and 4e D&D and look forward hosting some games in the future.