Characters you've made (or want to) that are just too crazy to work...

Chained Divinity

Junior Member
Now, in this case, "crazy" can mean anything...too overpowered, too underpowered, too ridiculous, too actually crazy...all four, what have you.

All I know is that I've thought up a whole lot of these. And they're hilarious.

For example: I wanted to design, at one point, a Green Sun Prince with Past Life 5. This would normally be all well and good, but I also wanted to give him Throwback 5. As if this weren't enough, my plan was to then, last but not least, slap on the derangement flaw and give him the multiple personalities derangement, giving him, all together, four separate, conflicting identities, all with their own motivations and intimacies.

Which is a little ridiculous, as you can all surmise.

Anyone want to top that?
I wanted to make a fiend who was trying to resist coruption used his caste power to get charms from other exaltations but refused to buy and actual Infernal charms.
[QUOTE="Chained Divinity]Now, in this case, "crazy" can mean anything...too overpowered, too underpowered, too ridiculous, too actually crazy...all four, what have you.
All I know is that I've thought up a whole lot of these. And they're hilarious.

For example: I wanted to design, at one point, a Green Sun Prince with Past Life 5. This would normally be all well and good, but I also wanted to give him Throwback 5. As if this weren't enough, my plan was to then, last but not least, slap on the derangement flaw and give him the multiple personalities derangement, giving him, all together, four separate, conflicting identities, all with their own motivations and intimacies.

Which is a little ridiculous, as you can all surmise.

Anyone want to top that?

Had a player have a similar derangement. A Lunar No Moon, who had four separate identities based on each Virtue. Compassion personality was a fragment of one of her First Age incarnations, a healer and all-round good girl (who coincidentally had a hand in bringing Necromancy into Creation as one of the Black Nadir Concordat), her Temperance personality was her own repressed carnal nature (her usual self was a chaste high priestess), her Conviction was another memory fragment of another previous incarnation (in actuality the Lunar who created the cult she lead) and her Valor was the scared little girl she'd always been since she'd been taken from her family when she had been found to be bearing the mark of the priests that her cult look for. Each time she botched a Virtue roll, or whenever she failed a Virtue check and her temp Willpower was lower than the rolled Virtue, that personality would come out...

Fun times, fun times.

Captain Hesperus
Had a player who made a joke character on me once....named Brawn...ridiculous strength, thrown, Increasing Strength Exercise, and...followers 5. His thrown weapon of choice was people. He also had Compassion 5, and Heart of Tears, so, would occasionally break down crying from throwing people.
That is impressive. In my signature you can find Little Brother (I'm still deciding on the rest of his name, as he's an Abyssal, so it's surely longer than that - that's the short version), a 9-year-old thrown specialist with Headstones Flung Like Pebbles and Frozen Prayer Entombment - he can create three-story-tall balls of ice for a few motes and then fling them at enemies, possibly creating a new three-story-tall ball of ice around the targeted enemy. I have an idea for a possible three-die stunt I'm sitting on that would involve the enemy being trapped inside a nine-story snowman by the time I was done ^_^

In the same game, we have a Dusk Caste in full Soulsteel Superheavy complete with spikes. Little Brother can throw him <3 He's not as out there as the thread is really looking for, but I thought he deserved to be mentioned in response to Thorn's hilarious joke character above.
Well, I can't say if it's too crazy to work honestly...but I do still want to make my Full Moon Lunar character that wields a Beamklaive. And has a Squirrel for his/her totem.

I usually more have an issue of having characters I WANT to play...but no game to play them in. Sadface.
I once felt like picking on my game master and made a ninja-pirate-sorcerer named "Yarr's in Shadows" with a legit backstory and everything. It ended up with him leaving the room because he lost the faith in the world and another player starting to make a cowboy-samurai so we could make an epic battle of the terrible characters.
My most ridiculous character was Hyojin The Invincible, a Water Aspect Outcaste who was convinced of his own glorious heroism.

Very concerned about overthrowing tyrants and casting down the oppressors - without ever stopping to consider that, hey, maybe these people like their monarchy. Maybe they have a good king? HYOJIN KNOWS BETTER AND WILL FREE YOU FROM YOURSELVES.

And then he'd enter White Reaper Form and it'd end with him and his circlemates fleeing the country in the Air Aspect Necromancer's mobile manse.
ThatSmellyGoblin said:
I once felt like picking on my game master and made a ninja-pirate-sorcerer named "Yarr's in Shadows" with a legit backstory and everything. It ended up with him leaving the room because he lost the faith in the world and another player starting to make a cowboy-samurai so we could make an epic battle of the terrible characters.
Oh god...the "make the GM cry" approach.

Reminds me of a Totally OriginalTM backstory a friend of mine devised. He called his character The Invincible Jade Dragon; an air aspected Dragonblood, and master craftsman.

We were set on the Jade Coast at the time and our GM wanted us to include in our backstory where we got our names from. His stemmed from a time in his youth when his character was kidnapped by "unnamed terrorists" and brought to a cave right on the coast. Here, these "unnamed terrorists" gave him tools and supplies for the purpose of building them a weapon they were planning to turn on the Imperial City. For some reason. Instead of building them a weapon, he managed to delay and distract them long enough to formulate a plan; he crafted himself a suit of artifact armour which he used to fight off these "unnamed terrorists" and fly back home.
Alexandra said:
Oh god...the "make the GM cry" approach.
Reminds me of a Totally OriginalTM backstory a friend of mine devised. He called his character The Invincible Jade Dragon; an air aspected Dragonblood, and master craftsman.

We were set on the Jade Coast at the time and our GM wanted us to include in our backstory where we got our names from. His stemmed from a time in his youth when his character was kidnapped by "unnamed terrorists" and brought to a cave right on the coast. Here, these "unnamed terrorists" gave him tools and supplies for the purpose of building them a weapon they were planning to turn on the Imperial City. For some reason. Instead of building them a weapon, he managed to delay and distract them long enough to formulate a plan; he crafted himself a suit of artifact armour which he used to fight off these "unnamed terrorists" and fly back home.
Hahaha! Pure brilliance!
I remember a special character we had in a game some years ago, in this game we had 3 high essence solars of special note, a melee specialist dawn caste, a ninja-dragon fire stylist martial artist night caste, and an archer-acupuncturist-sorcerer twilight, this last one was my character, but each character on it's own wasn't particularly crazy in any way, at least no more than most exalts.

At this point in the game we have pretty much taken control of Nexus, and I think we have all reached Ess 6, naturally, our little fame spread and lots of bad guys took sudden interest on us. Can't remember who we were dealing with at the time, but this one guy tried to start shit up with us, but there was still chance for diplomacy, he also had one young solar babe on his side as spoke person.

One day, my character learned the spell Unity of the Closed Fist. We decided to give it a shot and have fun with it, we created a new identity and personality of this new being made from our three solars. Much like the fusion technique in Dragon Ball Z, the guy created was a bit of an egocentric jackass, with a natural big ego multiplied by three, each character with very high virtues giving this guy a rollercoaster of emotions and attitudes, unbelievably strong, capable of leveling armies on it's own or via powerful solar circle sorcery.

This game was a chat game, so we created a little chat for the three players in the spell, and we all agreed on the action of the character before one of us would post in the main chat, also, every time this guy spoke, we all three posted the same thing as his voice was supposed to sound like our three characters talking at once.

Needless to say, we had a blast playing this guy, on his first appearance he flew to the enemy's camp, seduced the enemy solar, kidnapped her back to our camp, swatted away a powerful spell from one bad guy like a fly and spent precious sexy time with the younger solar. They spent the night together, and the spell ended while they were asleep, so all three character woke up on the same bed with this new girl amongst them. Talk about awkward, but that was one of the greatest sessions he had in the whole campaign, very very fun and entertaining, we didn't have much chance to use the spell and this guy again, but it became a very fond memory for all the players involved.
I think my most unfortunate (read hilarious) character was a level 14 Human Bard murdered on stage by a successive string of critical Perform skill failures. This characters shame was further compounded by his party's druid Reincarnating him as a Troglodyte...

I played him to level 16 as a Troglodyte Bard before being allowed to slip off a ledge in what can only really be seen as an act of mercy.
That sounds like D&D, not Exalted, but whatever. One of my players took Allies for their Lunar mate to be a relevant NPC. Made him a polar bear warrior (should sound familiar if you've read/seen The Golden Compass) with martial arts and sorcery. He entered the game when there was a fight they were losing, and he had been spying as hawk. He flew up high, shifted to war form, cast Incomparable Body Arsenal, and they only noticed him as he roared, comboing the damage he would have taken from falling into an attack that broke a suit of Armor of the Immaculate Dragons, and killed the Wyld Hunt DB inside.

He became the party's favorite NPC from then on.
Heh, this thread would belong better in a general category anyway - I think it only ended up in Exalted discussion because it was on Patternspider prior to the merge.

I don't think I have any more ridiculously broken characters to add to the thread at the moment... hmm... in one of Wizard's games, we used Unity of the Closed Fist to combine a Solar Warlord, a Lunar martial artist (with a Charm that said "don't halve your Dex+Melee to determine your Parry DV", so basically doubled defense value), a Solar Circle Sorcerer/crafter, a Siddie, and the Princess Magnificent. Yes, the Deathlord. She'd never been more powerful than the Mask of Winters before, but this time, he didn't really stand a chance...

we calculated our DV (which doesn't fall due to multiple attacks and can be used to block anything, thanks to the Lunar's "array of lasers around you that deflect attacks" Charm), and it was high enough the Unconquered Sun's default 50 successes on everything he tries wasn't enough to hit us. We considered challenging him to a contest just to see if we could his attention focused back on Creation that way, but, you know... the spell has to end, and we didn't want ALL the Siddies waiting to end us miserably as soon as it did for bringing a Deathlord into the Jade Pleasure Dome.
Now the original theme of this thread is anything that’s unplayable for whatever reason, in this case it’s simply too overpowered:

I’ve never actually used this build before, since I immediately began to fear it as the utterly invincible Lunar of DOOM (it’s even scarier to me since I’m always stuck GMing,and this thing would remove all challenges from whatever player would attempt to use it, or be about an equivalent to “rock falls, everybody dies” should I use it)! What makes this build so Absurd is that you can do it with a starting character and ONLY the God-spear of the five-metal shrike can kill it and even that will take a while possibly enough for the Lunar to kill the Shrike’s pilot first. Also note that apart for the essence prerequisite for Luna’s fortitude (the lynchpin of this charm “Comboless combo”) every charm here can be taken with only essence 2 and 3 for Luna’s fortitude itself, so that leaves you free to set abilities and attributes (except Stamina that need to be at 5) however you like, and this is just the as a starting character imagine what can be added afterwards! The only drawback is the occasional Willpower cost to keep Relentless Lunar fury going, or extra essence (later on) and 2 dot Stunts and/or a solar “Battery” with Will-Bolstering Method

- First stamina Excellency (simply because it’s a prerequisite for everything else)

- Steadfast yeddim meditation (Fury-OK, Plus no penalty when in negative Health)

- Luna’s fortitude (Fury-OK, Never ever Die, EVER, just keep reflexively using Fury every time it ends)

- Might-Bolstering Blow (Fury-OK never run out of essence so long as you have something to hit)(I know this one was removed with the Scroll of Errata, but it was replaced by something so absurdly useless that I choose to Ignore it!)

- Relentless Lunar Fury (7m,1wp/6 or more actions, Reflexive, keep the previous 3 active for a while longer for a lesser cost)

- Deadly beast-man Transformation, (Mutate em deaf so he can’t get talked down with social charms, plus more points for the form! Extra Soaking mutations might help too)

- Bruise Relief Method (used as a Gift for Regen(2m))

- Healing the scarlet flow (used as a Gift for Regen (2m), once the fight is over keep the fury going and use this to recover till you’re not “Dead” anymore)

Options include:

- Ox-body technique with as many 4X -2 Boxes and 2 Dieing and/or and Scene long Soak charms to maybe survive afterwards

- Any dexterity Excellency to help hit better, harder, dodge/parry and recover essence with Might bolstering Blow

- Durable Battle-mind for extra duration on the fury

- Give em Death at the Root Just for kicks, not so much because the build needs it but just so that no-one else can have it (seeing as it's UNIQUE) and use it to cancel the lasting effect of the Fury…

And this is why the Description of Relentless Lunar Fury says “This short-lived Charm is the exemplar of Lunar – Indeed some say EXALTED – Combat”
I've used that build before, both as a player and a GM, and it is rather nice. As long as you warn your team to flee when you activate it and you have enough living targets around to keep drawing Essence from until you heal back above Dead. Of course, it fails miserably to anyone with a movement speed higher than yours or anyone with a "shut down defenses" ability, or maybe a "hold them still" power. Another Lunar or a Warstrider-sized opponent could just clinch you and keep you until you couldn't maintain the rage (Strength Charms would help there, of course). Yeah... none of that is to say it's a bad combo, of course. But there are ways to defeat it. It's amazing for facing armies of mortals solo, though - especially if they're not well organized and you can make the case to your GM to not shift it into mass combat, but rather say "here's how the combo works to mow through limitless mortals" and let him just narrate it away ^_^ it also works extra well for very durable opponents, since the more hits they take the longer you can maintain it, and it's generally all-around good against enemies without specific counters to it. The other "general" counter is the coup de grace rules, allowing a -1 success on the attack roll to amputate limbs if the attack would otherwise reduce the Lunar to Dying...

As an ST, though, if a player ever told me he was taking a level-5 artifact specifically so that no one could else have it, I would probably (secretly) decide that that particular artifact had been studied and replicated by the First Age master crafters often enough that there's a store of them somewhere, enough to equip a circle/brotherhood/coterie with, and whoever the main antagonists of that story were managed to find it. Time to watch your super-munchkin metagamer ragequit when all five Warlocks all draw their green-tainted acid-dripping copies of your "unique" artifact... and one of theirs is the real original ^_^
Well if we're talking about overpowered build there is always the "Ninja with a goremaul", we all know that one. I have devised a more power build for that one though that will be able to inflict damage even on The Herder of Mountains if lucky. The idea came from when i was looking around in the Wonders of the Lost Age book and came to take a look at the ••• artifact called an Essence Lens. It doubles the damage coming from a dragon-bloods anima and other elemental powers and i looked at it's footnotes where it said that it was also made in some quantities in Orichalcum and Soulsteel for the Solars and Abyssals. Now this idea formed in my head, if someone took the charm Glorious Solar Saber and bought it to be a Glorious Solar Grand Goremaul, and then used the errata charms that boosted it's stats while wearing this lens then the damage might escalate to extreme amounts. The damage of the goremaul alone would be around 36-38 dice and with enough minmaxing on the stats and perhaps an Armor of the Unseen Assassin for stealthy unexpected attacks could one come up to have around 10-15 dice for accuracy against a DV of 0 and a damage of more than 40 without using any charms to boost it! This is a ridiculous combo that can be done if you start as Essence •••. I wouldn't do something as sadistic as this towards my GM ever.
I ran a Moonshadow Caste with no combat skills. I mean, she had Dodge, but nothing that could be used overtly for attacking, which is pretty much insane for any Exalt, but especially an Abyssal.

Then she'd bust out her Soulsteel Guitar and Performance and Presence charms, and turn all the bystanders into her loyal heavy metal groupies, to attack for her, get killed, get raised as zombies, get killed again, get raised as just skeletons now, get killed again, but by now their ghosts (Hungry and otherwise) were starting to congeal around the point of death and were just as susceptible to all that mental influence. Usually by the end, her enemies were fighting the animated corpse, hungry ghost and maddened specter of each individual, all at the same time.

Of course, her opponents being other Exalted, all this was just a delaying tactic while her drummer, a giant Dusk Caste with a Chainsaw Daiklave, moved into position to actually finish them off.
[QUOTE="The Hanged man]I ran a Moonshadow Caste with no combat skills. I mean, she had Dodge, but nothing that could be used overtly for attacking, which is pretty much insane for any Exalt, but especially an Abyssal.
Then she'd bust out her Soulsteel Guitar and Performance and Presence charms, and turn all the bystanders into her loyal heavy metal groupies, to attack for her, get killed, get raised as zombies, get killed again, get raised as just skeletons now, get killed again, but by now their ghosts (Hungry and otherwise) were starting to congeal around the point of death and were just as susceptible to all that mental influence. Usually by the end, her enemies were fighting the animated corpse, hungry ghost and maddened specter of each individual, all at the same time.

Of course, her opponents being other Exalted, all this was just a delaying tactic while her drummer, a giant Dusk Caste with a Chainsaw Daiklave, moved into position to actually finish them off.

[/QUOTE] your name's Ben? xD
I don't really try to be ridiculous in Character Creation. I prefer to get up to that sort of nonsense in game.

My only vice in this case, is Luchadores.

[QUOTE="The Hanged man]I ran a Moonshadow Caste with no combat skills. I mean, she had Dodge, but nothing that could be used overtly for attacking, which is pretty much insane for any Exalt, but especially an Abyssal.

HA! Did something similar with one of my players "Abyssal Mate" nothing but Presence, Performance, Dreaming Pearl Courtesan Form (with the Prerequisites unfortunately) and a perfect dodge... all he wanted was to be left alone with his floozies, including his Lunar mate, and not have any living men in his close to his table in HIS bar... he asked the men of the group to just leave (none too politely, what do you expect from an abyssal?) One of them chose to sit at the bar and get served by the Zombie Barman... the Dawn in full celestial battle armor on the other hand did not like being ordered around or leaving the captain of the ship he traveled on in some womanizer's care, so he tried to get all intimidating with him... the solar was now ORDERED to leave, he soon discovered that refusing this guy's orders hurt, the sudden burst of blood from inside his armor pissed him off so he attempted to blast the smug bastard with Sandstorm-Wind Attack (destroying the booth and a good chunk of the wall) only to discover that trying to hit this guy was both futile and painful... the Solar then decided to leave more pissed than ever and let the pale semi-dead guy with his mate... She returned to her ship 3 hours later completely unharmed and with a fondness of that overly smug barfly...

Funny thing with that story: the Abyssal held back, he only made it cost 1 Lhl to refuse his orders... What else was I supposed to do after naming this guy "Magnificent Bastard Clad in Suffering's Embrace"?... okay, fine, that was just his cover ID name he was actually Son of Crows! I couldn't well make him too nice or weak could I?... okay no guitar but he danced pretty well so kinda similar...
Crazy is generally the order of the day for my characters. My first Exalted character ever was a mortal who acted as a triple-agent for the Guild, the Nexus Mercenary Company which the party led, and (unbeknownst to him) the Sidereal who was the Mercenary Captain's arch-nemesis. The company had a standing death sentence on its head issued by the Guild. The character (a Guild spy) was the company quartermaster. He used his Guild connections to acquire materials at prices that would otherwise be impossible for them to get. In exchange, the Guild got precise numbers for strength, provisions, and armaments.

My second character was an ex-Immaculate Monk, who Exalted as a Zenith. His motivation was to fix the Immaculate Order. In the attempts at proselytization he made, he got the circle's manse kicked out of the city of Nexus.

Then you get to the various incarnations of Tya Serendipitous Pearl. The first version of her was on a chat environment. She was a Cecelynian Fiend in an Infernal Circle which contained roughly one third of all extant Infernals of that Caste. Over the course of that game, she (among other things) portrayed an 0utcaste terrestrial so convincingly that a Dynastic family attempted to adopt her and apparently had so many disguises that even the STs started to forget which were her and which weren't.

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