A Shameless Plug


Dialectical Hermeticist
The dead rise to dance with the lifeless living and the Inquisition weighs on the people like the footfall of a god. Rapacious monsters stalk the night, from Vampires to more nightmarish fiends, and foolhardy mortals make deals with devils to save the world. In the face of encroaching darkness stand mere men and women struggling to survive. Dare you join them, and brave the Crucible?

Hello folks.

Some of you may have heard me referencing an RPG I'm working on - Crucible - and I thought, hey, people here like games. Might as well actually link them and maybe do a little pitching, eh?

In case you decided to save that link for later, Crucible is a low-fantasy RPG with a fluid, lethal combat system, freeform magic, and plenty of options. You want to run a Game of Thrones-style political game? We've got room for that. Tense horror game of villagers trapped in their now-haunted town? Rough and tumble monster slayers hunting for a local legend? Gang of teenagers on the hard city streets?

Or, alternatively, a band of rebellious Magi seeking to rebuild the sorceror-kingdoms of old?

Foolish men and women who thought they got the better end of a deal with devils?

It's all there. Or will be. Right now, we have the quickstart .pdf which doesn't have everything, but should help decide if you like what you see.

Feedback is much appreciated, but don't feel beholden to. I just like to share the fun.
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Cheers. It came to me with remarkable ease; I had expected to spend a long time deciding on what to call it. Titles are hard.
Apologies for the threadcromancy, but I was just curious if anyone would mind volunteering a little feedback?

To help improve things.
I'll take a look when I get the chance.

I normally don't prefer rules and regulations, but this looks like unbridled creativity at it's best, so how can I refuse?
The only thing I notice is that the line between Perform and Craft is ill-defined when it comes to music. I understand now that Perform is for the act and Craft is for composing, but a little clarification would go a long way.

As for the rest of the system, I'll have to play some more of it before I have a good handle on what needs tweaking. (I rather specialize in finding gameplay balance issues. Call it a hobby.)
I've been liking it so far.

One thing that might be handy would be a chart summarizing the differences between magi/diabolists/witches/dreamchasers. (Or are they that different? *dundun dun!*) Also one for wild gods/demons/etc. If they get their own separate books in the future, that'd certainly clear things up, but at the moment it's hard to skim and immediately pick up on the differences.
Cirno said:
I've been liking it so far.
One thing that might be handy would be a chart summarizing the differences between magi/diabolists/witches/dreamchasers. (Or are they that different? *dundun dun!*) Also one for wild gods/demons/etc. If they get their own separate books in the future, that'd certainly clear things up, but at the moment it's hard to skim and immediately pick up on the differences.
Wait, there's a difference between magi and diabolists/witches? No sarcasm, I really thought magic was something you got from being either a diabolist or a witch. And I thought Dreamchasers were just magi.
Fayth said:
The only thing I notice is that the line between Perform and Craft is ill-defined when it comes to music. I understand now that Perform is for the act and Craft is for composing, but a little clarification would go a long way.
As for the rest of the system, I'll have to play some more of it before I have a good handle on what needs tweaking. (I rather specialize in finding gameplay balance issues. Call it a hobby.)
I shall do just that. The game is purposefully imbalanced in certain respects, but I expect you can tell where and why, so I look forward to feedback. As an example, Fallen are straight-up more powerful than standard humans, no question. But even the most powerful Fallen is only equivalent to the weakest of Demons or Fae. That said, I've strived to attain what I call 'The Mount & Blade Effect:" Any high-level character can be killed by a lucky peasant with a good throwing arm, a rock, and the element of surprise.

Cirno said:
I've been liking it so far.
One thing that might be handy would be a chart summarizing the differences between magi/diabolists/witches/dreamchasers. (Or are they that different? *dundun dun!*) Also one for wild gods/demons/etc. If they get their own separate books in the future, that'd certainly clear things up, but at the moment it's hard to skim and immediately pick up on the differences.
Hm, okay, yes I really must clarify that. There are huge differences between them. There will be dedicated books in future, but it's hardly fair to make people wait for those to find the distinction.

Fayth said:
Wait, there's a difference between magi and diabolists/witches? No sarcasm, I really thought magic was something you got from being either a diabolist or a witch. And I thought Dreamchasers were just magi.
Well, fuck. Hang on, wall of text incoming.

Magi are humans born with a mystical Pattern suffusing their soul. By effort of will, they are able to attract raw ambient magic and fashion it into effects according to their Pattern. They draw on the natural magic of the world, but in so doing may earn the ire of the Fiends (a fact they keep to themselves), suggesting that their brute-force approach may not be ideal. Magic (capital M) has the most broad powers, the most wide applications. It can be subtle, it can work on the caster, or it can affect the world in direct or indirect ways.

Diabolists are humans who have either been exposed to Demonic Taint and allowed it to grow, or who have actively traded their soul for Demonic Power. Demonic powers are direct and personal - increasing Attributes, creating natural weaponry, regeneration. There are some near-exceptions. Demons do not draw on Magic, but on a more primal essence.

Witches are humans who have willingly given a part of themselves to the Fae. Their magic is most indirect and external, and often quite broadly applicable. They are fueled by Gossamer, an energy granted to them by their Patrons. Gossamer is interesting because you don't spend it, but commit it.

Dreamchasers are a Slayer template; a kind of meta-human monster-slayer (they have their own .pdf awaiting a rewrite, and include Inquisitors, Alchemists, Bloodhunters, Spiritseers, Eotran Monks, and Freelancers). Their powers are very different again, and will not be detailed here - suffice to say, they believe the world is a dream, and they strive to attain lucidity.

You can sort them by their kind of magic, too, I guess. Magi use Magic, Diabolists use Taint, Witches use Gossamer, Dreamchasers use Oneiromancy, Spiritseers use The Bond, Vampires use Sorcery. These are all metaphysically and mechanically distinct. Mostly.
Fayth said:
Huh, well. That definitely cleared up things.
Good! I hope it doesn't adversely affect your plans for character or anything.

I can see I'll need to re-read the document and make things clearer.

Though from an in-universe perspective, most characters can't tell the difference between different kinds of magic and will normally believe them to function according to their religious upbringing.
Grey said:
Good! I hope it doesn't adversely affect your plans for character or anything.
Not at all. Dagny would work equally well as a Mage, Witch, or Diabolist, with some minor background tweaking.

And now I'm curious about Oneiromancy and how it works in-game.
Fayth said:
Not at all. Dagny would work equally well as a Mage, Witch, or Diabolist, with some minor background tweaking.
And now I'm curious about Oneiromancy and how it works in-game.
Well, conceptually I think a Witch suits her best. She'd be a Magus from birth - and Cryolyte would also fit - but then there is no fall.

Oneiromancy, at time of writing, is a pretty narrow suite of abilities. Fun, useful, maybe not the most imaginative. I plan to rework all the Slayers to some extent when I'm happy with the core.
Grey said:
Oneiromancy, at time of writing, is a pretty narrow suite of abilities. Fun, useful, maybe not the most imaginative. I plan to rework all the Slayers to some extent when I'm happy with the core.
I'm envious of your ability to marry system and flavor. I write fiction compulsively, but the one system I came up with is a very general, very flexible one. Great for throwing together a game on very little notice, but it doesn't have the depth that yours does.
Oh, thank you. I wish I could commit to a full narrative as easily, all my manuscripts hibernate until the words come back to me and I wake one up for a few thousand words.

I'm not sure the system/setting interrelationship is as sophisticated as, say, Exalted, but I do think that the mechanics should support the world.

Take D&D for example. If you rebuilt Forgotten Realms according to how the system works, it'd get pretty weird.
Grey said:
I'm not sure the system/setting interrelationship is as sophisticated as, say, Exalted, but I do think that the mechanics should support the world.
Take D&D for example. If you rebuilt Forgotten Realms according to how the system works, it'd get pretty weird.
Haha, oh gosh, that would be terrible. Especially since Wizards loves loves loves to do terrible things to FR for which there are no established rules. (And just imagine if FR had been built using the original 1E rules!)
Gives new meaning to the thought killing things and taking their stuff. Now it could also be bedding things and taking their abilities!
Linked the new blog, kindly provided by our friendly Admins, and will post here when it updates for those who may be interested.

Today, for example.
I've been playin' double games of this, and so far, I must say I really do love it a lot. I was confused at first by how the rolls and thresholds worked, but once I sorted that out, well... Fairly easy sailing from there.
Interesting.... an interesting setting- I note some measure of inspiration that propably came from the World of Darkness Medieval settings? Regardless- your world is interesting, as is the System. I like how it points out- Yes, a Human Being is Patheticaly Weak and fragile... also- am I incorect to say that this is the system used in "To Reighn in Hell" RP - just, in that RP adjusted because the charachters are blatantly /not/ human? Because the basics of the rule system, seems similar. Regardless- definitly something I have a good measure of respect for, and interest.
[QUOTE="Inquisitor Muhaha]I've been playin' double games of this, and so far, I must say I really do love it a lot. I was confused at first by how the rolls and thresholds worked, but once I sorted that out, well... Fairly easy sailing from there.

Glad to hear it. It can take adjusting to, but so far it seems people find it straightforward once it has been explained.

SephirothSage said:
Interesting.... an interesting setting- I note some measure of inspiration that propably came from the World of Darkness Medieval settings? Regardless- your world is interesting, as is the System. I like how it points out- Yes, a Human Being is Patheticaly Weak and fragile... also- am I incorect to say that this is the system used in "To Reighn in Hell" RP - just, in that RP adjusted because the charachters are blatantly /not/ human? Because the basics of the rule system, seems similar. Regardless- definitly something I have a good measure of respect for, and interest.
Actually, the WoD Dark Ages books had no impact at all, I just tried to do a lot of research on the time period with some appropriate adjustments.

And yes, it is the same system used in Reign with very few modifications; the system as a whole is meant to be robust enough to cover both without needing radically different rules. Glad to hear it piques your interest.

I would like to know what folks think of the revised rules and spin-off ideas.

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