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  1. B

    [The Human Element] From the Office of Director Samantha Clive

    He nodded in agreement, "I should hope so, unless you guys have uniforms." He smirked over at her, and pondered potential 'costume' ideas. "It can wait...but if I need this to get in the field, I'd like to do this ASAP." He looked down at the contract she seemed so eager for him to sign, picking...
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    [The Human Element] From the Office of Director Samantha Clive

    He nodded at the Director, "I'm aware. They normally don't focus on abilities, but rather the operation at hand and one's role in it. Sometimes referencing mythology, but it's all up to the head of said operation. I'll think on the name." He sipped at his water while the Director spoke, nearly...
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    [The Human Element] From the Office of Director Samantha Clive

    He nodded to her response, "That's reassuring. I wasn't looking forward to seeing any, either." He inhaled the scent subtly, almost basking in it. Having been around diplomats, tea was an often occurrence. The scent grew on a man after a while. "My callsign? Normally those are assigned by...
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    [The Human Element] From the Office of Director Samantha Clive

    James waved a dismissive hand, "I'm aware of the powers of sunglasses, Miss Clive. Believe me." He paused for a moment, as if mulling over whether or not to wear the literal and metaphorical tights, "I'll wear a mask...but you're not getting me into any spandex." He looked up as he was handed...
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    [The Human Element] Radio Chatter

    Oh, it doesn't end in Petersburg? Interesting. Yeah, I'm not staying in meetings. I have enough of them now.
  6. B

    [The Human Element] From the Office of Director Samantha Clive

    James' eyes darted down to the stack of papers, picking it up and fanning through it. He didn't look up to address her this time, however, ensuring he understood what he was reading, "I'm not sure how well I can hide anymore, Miss Clive. With the sloppy stunt I pulled, not to mention the job...
  7. B

    [The Human Element] Radio Chatter

    You can tell me. ;) I'm not a part of it.
  8. B

    [The Human Element] From the Office of Director Samantha Clive

    James' eyes went to the assistant as he rose, as if assessing the action he was about to take, "Of course." He clarified, without further arguement. Upon entering Sam's office, his eyes scoped out the shelves, smirking when his eyes ran over books such as 'Art of War'. Though he did not let...
  9. B

    [The Human Element] Radio Chatter

    Sorry, I was at work for the majority of the day. His rank in the Corps was Gunnery Sergeant, and that is the correct way to address someone as such. But like Solyrflair pointed out, I'd assume Delta would have their own chain-of-command established..but I dunno where he'd be on there. That's...
  10. B

    [The Human Element] From the Office of Director Samantha Clive

    James made his way towards Samantha's 'guard' , if one could refer to him as such. He understood the man's purpose but unless he were a meta, he could do no good in stopping a determined soul from getting past him, though he could very well be under-estimating the man. He wore a tight white...
  11. B

    [The Human Element] Radio Chatter

    Profile's essentially finished. Just waiting for you guys to get back from the current mission to introduce him.
  12. B

    [The Human Element] J.C. Greenwell

    ((Still a WIP! Please PM me any criticisms/suggestions before I submit this profile.)) James Christopher Greenwell Full Name: James Christopher Greenwell Known Aliases: J.C. Greenwell, Christopher Fields, Sergei Mikhailov Callsign: Age: 33 Date of Birth: August 27th, 2035 Place of...
  13. B

    Hello all! :D

    I think I'd be most interested in a cybperpunk roleplay above most, which has a similar feel to it, I think. I'll take a looksie, regardless.
  14. B

    Hello all! :D

    That could be one reason. I actually never really thought of that. Even in fantasy games, I find myself straying from magic. I should think about that, though.
  15. B

    Hello all! :D

    Noted! Like I said, I'm not exactly opposed to fantasy, but my preference lies with more realistic settings. With the exception of space opera and such. I'll need to take a look in the fantasy section.
  16. B

    Hello all! :D

    I appreciate the welcomes, guys, as odd as they may be. :3
  17. B

    Hello there.

    I believe it's Greenhorn, though I could very well be mistaken.
  18. B

    Hello there.

    Welcome! :D We can be new together.
  19. B

    The Human Element [M&M 2e]

    I actually can't PM you just yet. If you have an alternative form of contact, lemme know.
  20. B

    The Human Element [M&M 2e]

    Would love to get in on this, if it's not too late to do so. Though I've never done such a RP with the statistics and whatnot. I can adapt, regardless.