Hello all! :D


Hey forum! :) BZ here. I'm new here, and after finding this place on the web, I'm really impressed by it. I'm currently a high school Junior in Southern California. While I'm not necessarily new to RP, I'm no expert, so bear with me.

I normally do modern and sci-fi settings (most of the time based off of video games), but would be very interested in doing an original roleplay in a similar category. Maybe fantasy if I can be convinced.

Feel free to PM me at any time to converse, potentially joint a concept, or for any reason other than spam. :D
Hey there, BZ, welcome to RPdom!

We're a pretty lively and interesting (if not slightly unhinged) community here and we don't encourage spam:


Unless it's good quality British spam.

Anyway, on to something completely different...

We have a great variety of games in the modern and sci-fi genres, the best place to find these is in the 'Our Roleplays' forum. There, you'll find a brief description of the games, along with any requirements the ST expects and what the players can expect in return. There's also a handy prefix system that shows what the recruitment status of a game currently is.

Additionally, you could also check the 'Interest Checks' and 'Roleplay Submissions' forums. In the former, ST pitch ideas for games to see how many players would be interested before they go through the process of designing settings, NPCs and so forth. The latter is where the actual recruiting for the game goes ahead. At both of these stages, it 's vital for players to lodge an interest and maintain it so that games can take off!

To get involved in a game couldn't be simpler. You can either post in the game's thread in 'Our Roleplays', in the OOC (Out-of-Character) thread in the game forum, or by PMing the ST directly (though you'll only be able to send PMs after you've made 10 posts on the site).

If forums, aren't your thing, we also have the 'Thread Roleplays' forum where you can join games, or even create your own game without Admin approval. We also have the facility to host chat roleplays, using our own TeamSpeak server. The software is free and available here.

Should you have any further questions, feel free to post them in here or, if it's in regard to the site or a matter which you want to keep private, you can contact the Admin team directly via the confidential 'Admin Contact' forum.

I hope you enjoy your time here and get involved in some of our great games!

Captain Hesperus

There's a lot of rather good fantasy being played here; if you have a look at some of the basic game descriptions, the GM's are always more than helpful when it comes to referring you to, or sending on the source material.

And I'm sure Grey will be along soon enough smelling fresh blood with his armful of original settings ^_^
Noted! Like I said, I'm not exactly opposed to fantasy, but my preference lies with more realistic settings. With the exception of space opera and such. I'll need to take a look in the fantasy section.
Do you prefer realistic for reasons of enjoying personal horror or darker themes? Because that's been a running trend I have found with people I know who prefer more realistic; myself included.
That could be one reason. I actually never really thought of that. Even in fantasy games, I find myself straying from magic. I should think about that, though.
It's something I reaslised about my preference for gaming a couple of years back, so I went looking for low or dark fantasy, where the world is dangerous and kinda shitty in a mundane way, but there's also a certain amount of magic, and dangerous supernaturals.

Then of course I love pulpy action, like Spirit of the Century, when I just want fun :D
I think I'd be most interested in a cybperpunk roleplay above most, which has a similar feel to it, I think. I'll take a looksie, regardless.

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