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  1. DZerpic

    [Apocalypse Roulette] Dante Rosas: Nine-Tenths of the Law

    Dante rushes right behind the bulky brit. The adrenaline blinds him. He kicks the man's head the instant his body slams against the concrete.
  2. DZerpic

    [Apocalypse Roulette] Dante Rosas: Nine-Tenths of the Law

    Dante jumps in place a couple of times. His way of releasing some of the stress. "Nope." Joking around "But we've got no choice. Fatso, up there-" pointing upstairs, "- is probably on its way here." He pauses, shuts his eyes for a second and takes a deep breath. "Let's do it"
  3. DZerpic

    [Apocalypse Roulette] Dante Rosas: Nine-Tenths of the Law

    "He's right next to my apartment. In the middle of the corridor. He was . . . eating another man, my neighbor." Dante has a worried look on his face, his eyebrows pushing upwards. "It's just one though. We can probably take him down, right?"
  4. DZerpic

    [Apocalypse Roulette] Dante Rosas: Nine-Tenths of the Law

    As they run down the stairs Dante recalls the cannibal next to his door. "Wait! There's another one down here!" he whispers alarmed.
  5. DZerpic

    [Apocalypse Roulette] Apocalypse Roulette OOC

    I reckon we got ourselves some redneck tension! If I read Thunk again, I'm gonna start calling them Thunkers. lol!
  6. DZerpic

    [Apocalypse Roulette] Dante Rosas: Nine-Tenths of the Law

    "But what the hell's wrong with him?!" Dante responds, following the brit down the corridor. "He some kind of psycho?!" Between the two of them, you'd think they would've knocked the fat man out. But no, he was just getting up, as if nothing ever happened. He didn't shout, scream, moan or even...
  7. DZerpic

    [Apocalypse Roulette] Dante Rosas: Nine-Tenths of the Law

    Dante didn't know much about his neighbors as he was used to keeping a low profile. No one in that building was of the friendly type, anyways. Somehow the british accent reassured him a little. Maybe he felt some sympathy, since they were both far from home or maybe it was because he had found...
  8. DZerpic

    [Apocalypse Roulette] Dante Rosas: Nine-Tenths of the Law

    Dante felt something was very odd with, what he assumed, was the thunker. He looked just like the cannibal. His head and body's moments reminded him of animals. He had no other words to describe him with, animal seemed the most addecuate, although it wasn't the correct word. This guys just moved...
  9. DZerpic

    [Apocalypse Roulette] Apocalypse Roulette OOC

    I've been thinking. What are we gonna call the zombies? just zombies or maybe walkers or something like that? It shouldn't be walkers or lurkers, because that's too Walking Dead style, but I think we should name them something original for, well, originality's sake. Btw, It'd be awesome if...
  10. DZerpic

    [Apocalypse Roulette] Dante Rosas: Nine-Tenths of the Law

    Dante stopped for a moment. He never saw anything like this. A cannibal. Not only that, but he's "feeding" in the middle of the corridor, it's like he doesn't care if he's seen. He must be some kind of psycho, must have some kind of mental illness. But it was in the way he moved Dante felt...
  11. DZerpic

    [Apocalypse Roulette] Apocalypse Roulette OOC

    I think it'd be more entertaining if we band toghether at one point and have as much interaction as possible between each other and the enviroment.
  12. DZerpic

    [Apocalypse Roulette] Dante Rosas: Nine-Tenths of the Law

    Dante steps back, left hand silencing his gasp; body petrified, hard as the concrete wall he's pushing against. Two things are clear: First, the man lying on the ground is dead, and Second, the man crouching has lost his mind. He won't even try to talk him out of whatever it is he's doing. A...
  13. DZerpic

    [Apocalypse Roulette] Apocalypse Roulette OOC

    Yay! I found a zombie! *Zelda's item found chime* It's looking pretty good. Looking forward to forming the party and trying to survive in zombie-infested Chicago! There should be a racist character to add tension between the PCs, since they're all foreigners.
  14. DZerpic

    [Apocalypse Roulette] Dante Rosas: Nine-Tenths of the Law

    "What the Fuck?!" Dante's eye is like glued to the peephole. He's frozen, while the liquid's slowly moving across the hall. He's got a hunch it's blood. He tries to convince himself otherwise, but he knows his instincts are always right. He searches nervously his pockets, still looking through...
  15. DZerpic

    [Apocalypse Roulette] Dante Rosas: Nine-Tenths of the Law

    Thunk. Dante feels as if his heart stops beating. He looks to the roof, as if expecting something will come crashing down. At least, it feels like it could. He takes a deep breath. Thunk. Thunk. Thunk. Thunk. Thunk. Exhales, he feels better. Distant, he hears "I said shut the fuck up!". Thunk...
  16. DZerpic

    [Apocalypse Roulette] Dante Rosas: Nine-Tenths of the Law

    Dante couldn't sleep that night. Worst thing is, he can't figure which of all his problems, troubles him the most. He leave the young and gorgeous lady in the paper limbless, as he drops the pencil on the desk. He gets up and turns the radio off, "Tired of it anyways" he thinks to himself...
  17. DZerpic

    [Apocalypse Roulette] Apocalypse Roulette OOC

    I thought so, but I wasn't sure. Skills edited!
  18. DZerpic

    [Apocalypse Roulette] Apocalypse Roulette OOC

    I've been checking RPDom the whole week, waiting for Apocalypse Roulette. I didn't check the last two days and I found thanks to the Group PM. The system works! I got my character uploaded. Tell me if the contents of his backpack are not approved (he's got a tonn of random stuff but so do I!)...
  19. DZerpic

    [Apocalypse Roulette] Dante Rosas

    Name: Dante Rosas Day Zero Profession: Unemployed. Background: Dante is a bohemian with self-confidence issues. Born in January 1st 1992, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He's a vegetarian since, at age 14, he started growing a part from his authoritarian father. Fathered by a policeman and a...
  20. DZerpic

    Apocalypse Roulette

    I like the setting, specially because I'm currently reading the walking dead comics. So, I'm also in!