[Apocalypse Roulette] Apocalypse Roulette OOC

I have heard the players, and the players' will be done. Eventually. >.>

As a side-note, I googled 'ford trucks' looking for a good one in case I needed it for later, and could not let the opportunity to put someone in that ridiculous pink truck go by. I would apologize, but I regret nothing.
I figured that these Day Zero threads were meant to allow for an introduction for each character, but also ultimately bring everyone together. After that point it'd be up to individuals to stick together or break apart. But that's just what I came to expect naturally.

Also. I do believe Grey said he'd play so there's still hope for that racist character. Grey's terribly busy though, so I don't expect he'll make an appearance.
I've been thinking. What are we gonna call the zombies? just zombies or maybe walkers or something like that?

It shouldn't be walkers or lurkers, because that's too Walking Dead style, but I think we should name them something original for, well, originality's sake.

Btw, It'd be awesome if Grey joined. For what few I've seen, he's one of RPDom badasses. xD . No, really, I love his writting style.
I think my character will start calling them Romeros, due to his film influence, but I'll go with whatever the group decides.
I'll leave the naming discussion up to you guys, but I'll get to work on Grey. I know he's having connectivity issues, but I think he'll make good on his promise to play if I remind him nicely.

I have a friend that I believe will be posting a character sheet sometime in the next few days. I wouldn't be surprised if he played a racist character, not when he knows you guys are rooting for one. xD .
This is 2012. Our characters have seen so many living dead movies and/or computer games that it's just a matter of time before names start raining down.

The best thing about Grey is his witty writing style, but the worst that he's always so terribly busy. Inevitable when you're hosting half a dozen games and trying to play a dozen more. Comes with the territory.

And what's the sitrep on the RP banner?
The official stance on the banner is that I'll get it when I get it. That's fine by me; I'm not terribly concerned about getting one right away.
That is usually the default stance, yes, but I'm asking because in 90% the RP gets a banner at the time of going live or within several days. No rush of course, it's just a banner.
I think there were a lot of RPs that went live all at once, and that's the delay here.
I reckon we got ourselves some redneck tension!

If I read Thunk again, I'm gonna start calling them Thunkers. lol!
I'm still alive, guys, just slow on the update due to increased workload. Replies to all threads coming within 24hrs.
I wonder how long it would take if Claude would just wait until the thing killed itself. 50 headbangs? 100? :D
Fayth whe's dem u'dateables :/

Thanks to your name, I managed to spell every single word in that sentence wrong <3

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