Apocalypse Roulette


Junior Member

Story Teaser

It was one of those game-changing events, the ones that everyone remembers where they were when it happened.

You know the ones: Americans all know how they found out the Twin Towers went down, there's a generation of Japanese people who know exactly what they were doing when the bombs fell. Those ones. The ones that, once they happen, change everything.

Some people said it was all our fault, that some scientist somewhere was responsible and now we were paying the price for arms research. Some said it was the End Times, that God had finally come to punish us. Others, that it was natural.

I don't know what I believe. It's too late for that now.

I was nobody when it happened. Just another paper-pusher working at another high-rise building in a city that nobody recognizes anymore. I was running late when it happened, and that's what saved me. My workplace was close to one of the epicenters, one of the first places to get hit. I avoided being in the first wave by the skin of my teeth. It was sheer luck.

Just like everyone else, I ran. I was one of those few that actually owned a car, not that it helped me past the first few blocks. Getting those first few blocks away, though, away from the ones that lurched and moaned and ate, that put me ahead of the game. I went on foot once I couldn't get any farther in my car, grabbing the tire iron out of my trunk, my backpack, and running as fast as I could toward the city limits.

I didn't make it far. Went the wrong way, I guess. I thought there was just one place it had started, just one hot zone, and I was wrong. I came across a horde of them on Main, and had to run into an apartment building.

Another thing I didn't know was that if they're close enough, they can sense you, no matter how well you hide. I guess everyone knows that now, but I didn't know then, and because of that, I'm going to die here. The horde from Main followed me in, and now I'm trapped in one of the apartments.

The good news is, I can still help you. I can hear the door creaking under their weight, but I have enough time to finish this. In the cupboards of this room are all my notes; I was stuck here for a week with nothing to do but listen to radio reports on the situation. I've written down everything I could, from every radio station I could, about what's happening.

I only ask for one thing in return. If you find my daughter, tell her I love her, and share this information with her. Her name is Rose Shelley Williams. She's 23 as of August 8th 2012, long black hair, brown eyes, dark skin. If there's anything left of my body, she looks just like me, only a little shorter. Last time we talked, she was at her house in the southwest suburbs.

And if you only remember one thing from my notes, remember

-Journal found in an apartment building on Main, next to the shredded body of the former owner


Wide-open sandbox: Global and local events will play out regardless, but the choice as to where you go and what you do are ultimately up to you. Will you try to save the city from the infection, hunker down and wait for it all to pass, or flee into the relative safety of the suburbs?

Easy-to-learn, lightweight system: With a simple homebrew skill system, the mechanical side of Apocalypse Roulette characters are able to be built in minutes instead of hours.


The ability to handle mature content is a must. Blood, gore, and the breakdown of social order are everywhere, and characters will be called upon to make hard choices. Character death is also a very real possibility. Other than that, all that's required is the desire to get your apocalypse on. There's no required amount of posting (daily, weekly, etc.), but XP will be awarded based on participation, so those who play often will see their characters grow faster than those who don't.

I need two players to start, but will accept as many as are interested. I will also be accepting players after the game starts; due to the nature of the setting, new players are easy to introduce.
I'm not at all sure as to what kind of a system this specifically is, but if it's just what is says, and there are no requirements such as rulebooks or familiarity of existing systems, or whatnot, I suppose Wolf should be counted among the interested parties. Can't say for certain yet as I have no clear feel of what this might involve.

I have been on the lookout for homebrew systems for a while now, in preparation for a great new RP for my own, so I'm gathering intel. Haven't got much experience with stuff outside freeform RPs. Even Nivirres, a futuristic game that I once hosted with a homebrew skill system of my own was actually entirely freeform besides that.

We'll see :P
Ilhisaur said:
I'm not at all sure as to what kind of a system this specifically is, but if it's just what is says, and there are no requirements such as rulebooks or familiarity of existing systems, or whatnot, I suppose Wolf should be counted among the interested parties. Can't say for certain yet as I have no clear feel of what this might involve.
I have been on the lookout for homebrew systems for a while now, in preparation for a great new RP for my own, so I'm gathering intel. Haven't got much experience with stuff outside freeform RPs. Even Nivirres, a futuristic game that I once hosted with a homebrew skill system of my own was actually entirely freeform besides that.

We'll see :P
This is the system. Boiled down, you roll as many d8s as you have points in a skill. 7 is a success, 8 is a success and a re-roll. The more successes you have, the better your attempt went!
I was initially gonna type in a few words here, but after brief consideration I wrote out a full review in the system's thread :)

And... I'm in. Now go and find more people :3

I'm interested. I think I'm running or playing just few enough games right now to probably join...
Ilhisaur said:
I was initially gonna type in a few words here, but after brief consideration I wrote out a full review in the system's thread :)
And... I'm in. Now go and find more people :3

Working on it already. :)

Grey said:
I'm interested. I think I'm running or playing just few enough games right now to probably join...
Wow, Grey, that's only a few for you? I am in awe of your ability to multitask.
Some of them appear to be dead on the vine, so it's less than you think.
Grey said:
Some of them appear to be dead on the vine, so it's less than you think.
Ahhh. That makes a bit more sense.

Now we wait for approval, and possibly one more player. I'll check the thread after I wake; see if anyone's popped out of the wood.
I am in no rush, by the way. If you want time to gather more players just go ahead. I will also note that I am perfectly content playing with Grey only, in the event that there are no other interested parties. Though generally, I prefer roleplays of 3-6 players. I dislike crowds.

[QUOTE="Lord-Leafar]This sounds interesting, count me in.

Awesome! Welcome aboard.
This game has been approved and set to awaiting players.

Please let us know when you feel that you have enough so we can move you onto the next part of creation.
Thanks, Wizard.

Just posting here to let people know I haven't lost interest or disappeared. I'll be starting this after the holidays.
I like the setting, specially because I'm currently reading the walking dead comics. So, I'm also in!
DZerpic said:
I like the setting, specially because I'm currently reading the walking dead comics. So, I'm also in!
Very cool! We'll be starting shortly after the holidays, so stay tuned. :)
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]This game has been approved and set to awaiting players.
Please let us know when you feel that you have enough so we can move you onto the next part of creation.

Ready when you are!

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